Republicans: Remove "food stamps" from Farm Bill, but add "dog fighting"?

Steve King, a Republican, wants the federal government to pre-empt state laws.

Think real hard about that. Perhaps some of you will finally begin to comprehend why I say conservatism has been hijacked by hypocrites, idiots, liars, and maniacs.


Unfortunately, a bloated bill passed, and if it becomes law, it would send billions of taxpayer dollars to huge, profitable agribusinesses — and to make matters worse, it would subsidize junk food ingredients and encourage our country's obesity epidemic.

This is not how things were supposed to be: Current agricultural subsidy policy is now a bloated relic of its original purpose as a safety net for small farms. Since 1995, taxpayers have shelled out $277 billion in agricultural subsidies. Of that, 74 percent has gone to just 4 percent of farms. That means billion-dollar companies like Cargill and Monsanto slurp up most of the dollars, while small farms that could actually use the help get almost nothing. In fact, only 38 percent of farms collect any subsidy payments at all.

Farm bill should end subsidies for agribusiness giants - The Denver Post

I repeat, Steve King's sixth biggest campaign donor is Cargill.

Hypocritical asshole in extremis.
Farm subsidies add up to about $35 billion a year.

So let's hear that shit about "bread and circuses" again from Steve "Cargill" King.
The Romans learned first hand that the worst thing a government can do to its people is try to feed them. Not that I'd expect you to understand.

pre-industrial communities all over the world feed their people and some countries still do it today, since you can't rely on religious organizations to do it.

But you can rely on all charitable organizations (religious or otherwise), voluntary community-based programs and neighbors helping each other out, as was the case for more than the first half of our country's existence...until the central planners claimed to know better. Getting citizens accustomed to being provided the most basic of necessities by forcibly taking from others is the worst thing a government can do to its people. It completely removes the impetus to thrive and creates dependency of the worst sort. Voluntary help never comes with that kind of assurance, which forces people to work for their livelihood...which is the best thing anyone can do for themselves.

First, tell me what you know about your own community. How many homeless do you have? How many of them are disabled? What are their disabilities? Where are they located? Do they have an income or not? What are their needs? ie. blankets, coats, shoes, shirts, pants, food, medicine, counseling, etc. I have a feeling you cannot answer one of those questions and it appears the majority of Americans are so wrapped into their own things to do, to even care. That is why we have government do it, and have you taxed for it to see it gets done. Maybe you should start an indpendent business to care for them. This isn't the log cabin days, there are millions of people living in citys. Have you a clue who is on welfare, and who can wok or cannot work? You are all hot to stop abortions and morning after pills and sex education, etc. to get women overrun with rug rats, then complain because your feeding them!!! LMAO!!

And if you are so concerned with thriving, cut the military by 90%, bring the troops home, eliminate corporate aid, eliminate foreign aid, and make the stock market illegal. Then thrive.
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So what do we have?

We have an alleged right winger who wants the federal government to pre-empt state laws. Check.

We have an alleged fiscal conservative whinging about people on food stamps, with faithful lapdogs serving as the backup bread-and-circuses chorus. Check.

In the meantime, our hero is collecting cash from a large agribusiness and in return he is throwing billions of farm subsidies AT OUR EXPENSE to those agribusinesses. Check.

Conservatism has been hijacked and destroyed by assholes just like this guy. He is laughing up his sleeve at you. You totally fell for his act. Wake up. Take this piece of shit trash out.
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The Romans learned first hand that the worst thing a government can do to its people is try to feed them. Not that I'd expect you to understand.

pre-industrial communities all over the world feed their people and some countries still do it today, since you can't rely on religious organizations to do it.

But you can rely on all charitable organizations (religious or otherwise), voluntary community-based programs and neighbors helping each other out, as was the case for more than the first half of our country's existence...until the central planners claimed to know better. Getting citizens accustomed to being provided the most basic of necessities by forcibly taking from others is the worst thing a government can do to its people. It completely removes the impetus to thrive and creates dependency of the worst sort. Voluntary help never comes with that kind of assurance, which forces people to work for their livelihood...which is the best thing anyone can do for themselves.

Catholic Charities get about 70% of their money from the government. I suspect its about the same for other charities. A lot of that happened under Bush with his "faith based" charities policies. He felt they were better at passing out government money than the government. This idea that they are somehow separate from the government is more Republican head burying. Like an ostrich.
well Kathleen Parker has become another paid shill for the DNC using that oh so UNBIASED WashingtonCompost as her venue..

how lovely

Kathleen Parker a "paid shill" for the DNC?????? Kathleen Parker?????

You guys really do eat your own.
rdeans life consists of scouring the Internet to find anything TO POST for people to hate on republicans

what a life
Steve King, a Republican, wants the federal government to pre-empt state laws.

Think real hard about that. Perhaps some of you will finally begin to comprehend why I say conservatism has been hijacked by hypocrites, idiots, liars, and maniacs.

sounds like both parties to me.....especially the farther right and left you go....just sayin....
pre-industrial communities all over the world feed their people and some countries still do it today, since you can't rely on religious organizations to do it.

But you can rely on all charitable organizations (religious or otherwise), voluntary community-based programs and neighbors helping each other out, as was the case for more than the first half of our country's existence...until the central planners claimed to know better. Getting citizens accustomed to being provided the most basic of necessities by forcibly taking from others is the worst thing a government can do to its people. It completely removes the impetus to thrive and creates dependency of the worst sort. Voluntary help never comes with that kind of assurance, which forces people to work for their livelihood...which is the best thing anyone can do for themselves.

No it wasn't.

The military was generally tasked with helping people in trouble. They built roads, bridges, forts and even gave out goods when necessary.

But even with that, this country was a pretty miserable place to live in, up until the 1950s if you didn't have money.

Once again you've shown your ignorance. This country, in comparison to all other countries, was by far the best place to live from it's founding until the progressive era. More poor became middle class and more middle class became rich than at any time in history. And you're wrong about the military being used for charity. You pulled that one out of your ass, as usual.

But hey, this is nothing new for you. Why don't you tell us again how the national debt has been falling under Obama. :eek:
The Romans learned first hand that the worst thing a government can do to its people is try to feed them. Not that I'd expect you to understand.

What the Romans found was pillaging other countrys with a massive army is unsustainable. Not that I would expect you to understand.

Yes, that is true...which in no way contradicts my point. Try to focus.
pre-industrial communities all over the world feed their people and some countries still do it today, since you can't rely on religious organizations to do it.

But you can rely on all charitable organizations (religious or otherwise), voluntary community-based programs and neighbors helping each other out, as was the case for more than the first half of our country's existence...until the central planners claimed to know better. Getting citizens accustomed to being provided the most basic of necessities by forcibly taking from others is the worst thing a government can do to its people. It completely removes the impetus to thrive and creates dependency of the worst sort. Voluntary help never comes with that kind of assurance, which forces people to work for their livelihood...which is the best thing anyone can do for themselves.

First, tell me what you know about your own community. How many homeless do you have? How many of them are disabled? What are their disabilities? Where are they located? Do they have an income or not? What are their needs? ie. blankets, coats, shoes, shirts, pants, food, medicine, counseling, etc. I have a feeling you cannot answer one of those questions and it appears the majority of Americans are so wrapped into their own things to do, to even care. That is why we have government do it, and have you taxed for it to see it gets done. Maybe you should start an indpendent business to care for them. This isn't the log cabin days, there are millions of people living in citys. Have you a clue who is on welfare, and who can wok or cannot work? You are all hot to stop abortions and morning after pills and sex education, etc. to get women overrun with rug rats, then complain because your feeding them!!! LMAO!!

Ah yes, the 'modern times' argument. America thrived like no nation in history before the progressive era, but now, central planners must control us all. What a fucking sheeple you are.

And if you are so concerned with thriving, cut the military by 90%, bring the troops home, eliminate corporate aid, eliminate foreign aid,

All of those things I, and most libertarians, agree with (though 90% is obviously extreme).

and make the stock market illegal.

Now you're just being a dumbass. Exactly how do you expect new business ventures to raise capital, creating new jobs in the process? You sound like an occupy asshole that has no clue about real life economics.

More importantly, none of those comments have a damn thing to do with the evils of addicting a people to government provided food.

rdeans life consists of scouring the Internet to find anything TO POST for people to hate on republicans

what a life

Believe me Staf, with such a wealth of material, it's not that it's difficult to find, it's "what to choose". There is so much I haven't even bothered with......yet.
I think we'd faint if rdean EVER posted anything BAD about a Democrat...

the world might just end...must be why he doesn't, he's saving the

When you guys post something good about Obama, I might consider posting something bad about Democrats beyond the traitorous Blue Dogs. I have complained about them.

it's good that Obama goes on vacation and plays golf. That way he takes a break from fucking up the country.

happy now?
I think we'd faint if rdean EVER posted anything BAD about a Democrat...

the world might just end...must be why he doesn't, he's saving the

When you guys post something good about Obama, I might consider posting something bad about Democrats beyond the traitorous Blue Dogs. I have complained about them.

it's good that Obama goes on vacation and plays golf. That way he takes a break from fucking up the country.

happy now?

Yea, because killing terrorists and wanting education and health care for the average American is so damaging.

The Republican plan of "let him die" works much, much better.
When you guys post something good about Obama, I might consider posting something bad about Democrats beyond the traitorous Blue Dogs. I have complained about them.

it's good that Obama goes on vacation and plays golf. That way he takes a break from fucking up the country.

happy now?

Yea, because killing terrorists and wanting education and health care for the average American is so damaging.

The Republican plan of "let him die" works much, much better.

so what has Obama done with education except create mandates that favor black people only?

his health care plan is to raise premiums on workers so non-workers can pay less or not at all.

His anti-terror program is blaming internet videos as appeasement while our people die

what a success :cuckoo:
When jobs moved the China under Bush .....

Who signed NAFTA?

What does NAFTA have to do with jobs moving to China?

Upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure had much more to do with moving jobs to China..than NAFTA.


The Senate passed the China trade bill in September after supporters won a bruising battle in the House of Representatives in May. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle joined Clinton on the South Lawn of the White House to watch him sign the measure, dubbed the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000.

Today we take a major step toward China's entry into the World Trade Organization and a major step toward answering some of the central challenges of this new century," Clinton said in a bipartisan White House ceremony Tuesday afternoon.

Trade with China will not only extend our nation's unprecedented economic growth, it offers us a chance to help shape the future of the world's most prosperous nation and to reaffirm our own global leadership for peace and prosperity."

The measure is considered the most important U.S. trade legislation since passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993. But it faced a long campaign of opposition from labor, human rights and conservative groups who wanted to retain the annual review of trade relations with China.

Clinton signs China trade bill, - October 10, 2000
it's good that Obama goes on vacation and plays golf. That way he takes a break from fucking up the country.

happy now?

Yea, because killing terrorists and wanting education and health care for the average American is so damaging.

The Republican plan of "let him die" works much, much better.

so what has Obama done with education except create mandates that favor black people only?

his health care plan is to raise premiums on workers so non-workers can pay less or not at all.

His anti-terror program is blaming internet videos as appeasement while our people die

what a success :cuckoo:

Just the fact that he took the student loan program from banks freeing up 60 billion over 10 years for more grants and loans. It was one of the issues from the last campaign. How can you not know that? Romney promised to give the program back to the banks.

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