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Republicans Say the Dumbest Things!

I find it interesting... that liberals like jillian, Howey, Esmeralda, Vandal and others try to put on a good face in the political arena, but have their stupidity revealed for all to see.

Yes, you support people like that, my liberal friends. And yes, Republicans do some equally stupid stuff too. But right now, I just came along to bring order to the liberal hypocritical chaos.
You are a loser. You may be informed in some ways, but you are ignorant in the extreme about real life. You are a fat, ugly, 30 something virgin who metaphorically lives in a basement and spends his entire life on the internet. You are too lazy and full of entitlement to go out and get a job and stop mooching off your relatives (and indirectly off the government). Your life is all about being on these forums and playing computer games. You are a completely immature pathetic loser and in no position to lecture anyone about anything.

Hah! Whine less. Go back to bed. Get up on the right side of the bed. And you are free to post gaffes by republicans too, if you so choose to get your undergarments out of a bunch.

Oh, and you are the last person to lecture me on entitlements. Remember now, you advocate Obamacare, Welfare and Foodstamps. You want people to get more for doing less, you think people should be paid 15 bucks an hour for flipping burgers at McDonalds. Seriously, get that garbage outta here.

I think that thou dost protesteth too much, milady.

-I don't advocate paying people $15/hr to work at MacDonalds. Like anyone incapable of critical thinking skills, you lump together all people whom you perceive to be liberals and assume they march in lockstep on every issue. Go back to school and get some critical thinking skills before you pontificate about reality.
-I don't use any entitlements, but I do believe those in need should be able to avail themselves of such. If you don't, you are the hypocrite because that is just what you are doing. You don't work. Who supports you? Obviously you don't support yourself.
-I do believe in universal health care. I have lived in a country that has it. It works very, very well. You have no life experience of virtually anything, so you are not in a position to comment on it.
-BTW, you would be what, too good? to work at MDs for $15 an hour? Better to mooch off elderly relatives? Uh huh.

Knight Templar: What a profusely ridiculous joke. So very, very childish.

I don't advocate paying people $15/hr to work at MacDonalds. Like anyone incapable of critical thinking skills, you lump together all people whom you perceive to be liberals and assume they march in lockstep on every issue. Go back to school and get some critical thinking skills before you pontificate about reality.

Funny, this thread didn't require critical thinking skills. Apparently, you showed your lack thereof in this very thread. You actually did march in lockstep with the liberals here in fact; and moreover, when you remain silent on issues, I see that as complicity, submission, and agreement. You are your own worst enemy. When you advocate raising the minimum wage, that's what you're asking for.

I don't use any entitlements, but I do believe those in need should be able to avail themselves of such. If you don't, you are the hypocrite because that is just what you are doing. You don't work. Who supports you? Obviously you don't support yourself.

Tell me, define "those in need," then compare them to those who actually ARE in need. Moreover, I provide for myself. I'm quite frugal with money. This PC I bought? My money. It was nice not to have to build them for a change. My TV? My money. I paid off my grandmother's car so we could have a decent Christmas. I've bought my own food and clothing. I've lived on my own, so I actually know what it's like. You have no idea.

I do believe in universal health care. I have lived in a country that has it. It works very, very well. You have no life experience of virtually anything, so you are not in a position to comment on it.

Actually, I have a lot of experience, being an American and all. Here, nobody likes the idea. I have polls that prove it. I don't need "life experience" to know how bad of a law Obamacare is.

BTW, you would be what, too good? to work at MDs for $15 an hour? Better to mooch off elderly relatives? Uh huh.

Like I said before, I am as self sufficient as I can be. I work for my room and board. I even earn money from my elderly grandmother. She has enough mercy on me to actually pay me for some of the things I do at home. I browse 250,000 sq ft grocery stores per her whims getting her groceries. Yeah, you know nothing about me. When she falls, I'm the one who picks her up off the floor. Begone, wench.
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Temple of Karmac, a legend in his own mind.

You sure told em temple. Telling people that have lives, jobs and success just how accomplished you are, with no job, no home or no success, is just about the dumbest thing I read on here.

Get em Tiger. I know you are changing minds and your efforts alone will probably cause 40 undecided people who might have voted Repub to vote for a Democrat. Again.

You proud of yourself now?
Temple of Karmac, a legend in his own mind.

You sure told em temple. Telling people that have lives, jobs and success just how accomplished you are, with no job, no home or no success, is just about the dumbest thing I read on here.

Get em Tiger. I know you are changing minds and your efforts alone will probably cause 40 undecided people who might have voted Repub to vote for a Democrat. Again.

You proud of yourself now?

Are you simply mad that I wrecked this hit piece you call a thread?

Telling people that have lives, jobs and success just how accomplished you are, with no job, no home or no success, is just about the dumbest thing I read on here.

Um, I have a life too... or else I'd be dead. So, I get it completely. It's better to have a life than not have one. You realize what you're saying right? And what would you know of success? You abhor those who attain it. You think government subsidized housing is "owning a home."

Yes, I'm proud of myself. At least I'm not an overly zealous liberal telling others not to be. "You didn't build that, the government did!"

Oh, and add this vid to the dumbest things liberals say list:

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"The best thing about the Earth is if you poke holes in it oil and gas come out."


"The Great Flood is an example of climate change."


"They're coming after your donuts!"


"We know Al Qaeda has camps on the Mexican border. We have people that are trained to act Hispanic when they are radical Islamists."


Corporations are people, my friend.
Temple of Karmac, a legend in his own mind.

You sure told em temple. Telling people that have lives, jobs and success just how accomplished you are, with no job, no home or no success, is just about the dumbest thing I read on here.

Get em Tiger. I know you are changing minds and your efforts alone will probably cause 40 undecided people who might have voted Repub to vote for a Democrat. Again.

You proud of yourself now?

He's the reason I try to fly into Charlotte instead of Atlanta when I head back east....
Cons say enough stupid things to fill a library. Here's a few from this forum....
Today dblack said..."Tell me this much, if someone wants to work for less than the minimum wage, why shouldn't they be allowed to?" Like cons really believe people WANT work for less than minimum wage.

kwc57 said..."I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto."...How does someone succeed on $2.13 an hour?

norwegen said...."I hope my state is next to ban a living wage. More people here need to die." The true con ideology.

I could go on, but it would take a month of time just to look up the moron shit cons have said on this forum in the last week.
Neither party can claim to be entirely free of stupid statements, but in all fairness, the statement that is by far the stupidest was uttered by Republican President, George W. Bush, when he said: "Is lam is a religion of peace".
Neither party can claim to be entirely free of stupid statements, but in all fairness, the statement that is by far the stupidest was uttered by Republican President, George W. Bush, when he said: "Is lam is a religion of peace".

I think his "Iraq has yellow cake" was worse. And "I'm the decider", Sheesh!

And cons can't remember Raygun saying, "deficits are unimportant."
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Hah! Whine less. Go back to bed. Get up on the right side of the bed. And you are free to post gaffes by republicans too, if you so choose to get your undergarments out of a bunch.

Oh, and you are the last person to lecture me on entitlements. Remember now, you advocate Obamacare, Welfare and Foodstamps. You want people to get more for doing less, you think people should be paid 15 bucks an hour for flipping burgers at McDonalds. Seriously, get that garbage outta here.

I think that thou dost protesteth too much, milady.

-I don't advocate paying people $15/hr to work at MacDonalds. Like anyone incapable of critical thinking skills, you lump together all people whom you perceive to be liberals and assume they march in lockstep on every issue. Go back to school and get some critical thinking skills before you pontificate about reality.
-I don't use any entitlements, but I do believe those in need should be able to avail themselves of such. If you don't, you are the hypocrite because that is just what you are doing. You don't work. Who supports you? Obviously you don't support yourself.
-I do believe in universal health care. I have lived in a country that has it. It works very, very well. You have no life experience of virtually anything, so you are not in a position to comment on it.
-BTW, you would be what, too good? to work at MDs for $15 an hour? Better to mooch off elderly relatives? Uh huh.

Knight Templar: What a profusely ridiculous joke. So very, very childish.

Funny, this thread didn't require critical thinking skills. Apparently, you showed your lack thereof in this very thread. You actually did march in lockstep with the liberals here in fact; and moreover, when you remain silent on issues, I see that as complicity, submission, and agreement. You are your own worst enemy. When you advocate raising the minimum wage, that's what you're asking for.

Tell me, define "those in need," then compare them to those who actually ARE in need. Moreover, I provide for myself. I'm quite frugal with money. This PC I bought? My money. It was nice not to have to build them for a change. My TV? My money. I paid off my grandmother's car so we could have a decent Christmas. I've bought my own food and clothing. I've lived on my own, so I actually know what it's like. You have no idea.

I do believe in universal health care. I have lived in a country that has it. It works very, very well. You have no life experience of virtually anything, so you are not in a position to comment on it.

Actually, I have a lot of experience, being an American and all. Here, nobody likes the idea. I have polls that prove it. I don't need "life experience" to know how bad of a law Obamacare is.

BTW, you would be what, too good? to work at MDs for $15 an hour? Better to mooch off elderly relatives? Uh huh.

Like I said before, I am as self sufficient as I can be. I work for my room and board. I even earn money from my elderly grandmother. She has enough mercy on me to actually pay me for some of the things I do at home. I browse 250,000 sq ft grocery stores per her whims getting her groceries. Yeah, you know nothing about me. When she falls, I'm the one who picks her up off the floor. Begone, wench.

You are such a complete idiot. First, you say this thread doesn't require critical thinking skills. Fool. You obviously don't even know what critical thinking skill are. EVERYTHING requires critical thinking skills. It is how one perceives reality, all aspects of reality.

Second, you are assessing me by things I've neither done nor said on this thread. You are accusing me of marching lockstep with other liberals in this thread. Give examples of where in this thread I have done that. Back up what your are saying and thinking. And I've remained silent on other issues? What the fk do you mean? I am supposed to comment on each and ever idea or point that is being made in this thread? Seriously? Did you do that? Did anyone do that? And if I don't do that, you assess "that as complicity, submission, and agreement." What a total jackass you are. How completely stupid. And you say to me "You are your own worst enemy." In what way? This is truly a stupid comment. And where have I advocated raising the minimum wage? Again and again and again you display a complete lack of critical thinking skills.

Third, you go on to say how you have paid for a computer and other personal items. Where did you get the funds to do that? You have no job. That you work for your room and board by shopping and picking someone up when she falls. How often is that, that she falls? Everyday, one a week, once a month, once a year? She mercifully pays you to work around the house. Don't you realize that all adults work around the house w/o pay (it's really an allowance you get)? We do it because we are adults and that is what adults do: take care of their living environment: cleaning, laundry, cooking, shopping, yard work, etc.

And then you say this: "I've lived on my own, so I actually know what it's like. You have no idea." I have no idea? I've been independent since the age of 17. No one has supported me since I was 17. I moved out. I worked and supported myself. I put myself through 6 years of university. I have a career. I've traveled all over the world. I have every knowledge of the difference between cowering in the basement and living life out of a computer and actually living and making it on my own in the big bad world. You have no idea what reality is like, which is why I have no respect for you. Intellectually, as another poster said, your assessment of your intellectual skills is all in your own mind; they are no better, and often worse, than many others'.

Anyway, I'm done. You're back on ignore simply because you are such a raging bore. In fact, I'm rather annoyed with myself for even having bothered with you, you're such a pile of no 'count shit.
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How out of touch are dimocraps?

They're not even on the same planet as the rest of us. (no such thing as mexican al Qaeda :dunno:

Just In:

Muslim Man Arrested For Random Shooting Attacks On Highway Motorists Near Kansas City…


His name is Mohammed Pedro Whitaker, so it’s safe to assume he’s a Muslim convert.

GRANDVIEW, Mo. — Police arrested a suspect Thursday in a string of random vehicle shootings on Kansas City-area highways over the past few weeks that have wounded three motorists and frightened many more.

Police Chief Darryl Forte said at a news conference that the suspect is male and lives in Grandview, a suburb south of the city that is home to the Grandview Triangle, where several highways intersect and where at least six of the reported shootings happened.

“We’re here now to basically let people know someone has been apprehended,” an upbeat Forte told reporters at an impromptu news conference about 50 yards from a house where the suspect was taken into custody earlier in the day. “I wanted to make sure the residents and those who travel through Kansas City know they’re safe. They’ve been safe the whole time.”

Investigators could be seen searching the single-story four-plex Thursday night, and a tow truck hauled away a green Dodge Neon that was parked behind house, which is about two blocks from U.S. 49 and south of the Grandview Triangle.

Forte said the Jackson County prosecutor’s office would determine if there is enough evidence to warrant pressing formal charges.

Detectives and analysts started noticing a pattern two weeks ago after reports of random shootings started coming in. Earlier this week, investigators were looking into about 20 reports of shootings, but that number has fluctuated as some reports were cleared and others came in.

Late last week, police said they had connected a dozen shootings to the same person. Forte has said little to this point about how the shootings were linked or what kind of vehicle the suspect drove.


Mohammed Pedro Whitaker has been identified as the alleged Kansas City highway shooter and has been charged with 18 felonies from 9 separate incidents around the city metro region.

Officials gave an update in a press conference on Friday afternoon.

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