Republicans shut 'er down, boys!


Fascism isn't socialism unless you are holding that all forms of government have socialist elements. And in that case you would be correct. And that would include our government from it's very beginning. Which would be somewhat true. Both the military and the mail are early forms of socialism in this country.

Nazis, by the way..killed Socialists.

Yaw. Fascism is referred to as socialism light and is one step removed from socialism. It's when industry is technically in private hands, but every major decision must be approved by government. They are both central, government planning. The distinction is little.

Socialists often go to fascism when they can't get full socialism. Obama is a socialist, but he's settling for fascism as the closest he can get. Obamacare is pure fascism, centrally planned healthcare which is only technically in private hands. Banking, energy and other industries headed that way under Obama as well.

Again..that's only if you hold that all governments are socialist. To some extent they are..

And by what criteria are you holding that Obama is a Socialist?

This ought to be good.
They are not "hostage takers" you drama queen (or should I say drag queen?). In any case, the House is exercising their Constitutional authority. Everything here is legal and proper.

The problem is, liberals don't like Democracy (as illustrated by Obama acting like a dictator over and over). They hate the fact that they don't get their way 5% of the time and can't fast-track this nation to their communist utopia.

The government ran up $17 trillion in debt thanks to a dumbocrats. We the people said "enough" and shut it down. Get over it already...


You remain indubitability retarded, Dildo. The House has no such constitutional authority as one party holding the other hostage is actually tyrannical, not democratic. Perhaps you could quote the Constitution where it says the House has such authority? Though I seriously doubt it.

And who knows how you blame Democrats for $17t in debt when Republicans contributed to about half of that.

Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.
You remain indubitability retarded, Dildo. The House has no such constitutional authority as one party holding the other hostage is actually tyrannical, not democratic. Perhaps you could quote the Constitution where it says the House has such authority? Though I seriously doubt it.

And who knows how you blame Democrats for $17t in debt when Republicans contributed to about half of that.

Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

yet when they offered to fund everything for one month in exchange for talks they were also turned down. And Reid (Obama) demands that they pass everything that he wants and then they can talk. I'm sorry but that's not the way a Democratic Republic is supposed to work. It's not that difficult to understand that they are supposed to talk....
You remain indubitability retarded, Dildo. The House has no such constitutional authority as one party holding the other hostage is actually tyrannical, not democratic. Perhaps you could quote the Constitution where it says the House has such authority? Though I seriously doubt it.

And who knows how you blame Democrats for $17t in debt when Republicans contributed to about half of that.

Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

ROFL... democrats insist republicans pay for Obama care and if they don't cave into the democrat demand that they fork over the money they are taking the democrats hostage. ROFL
Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

yet when they offered to fund everything for one month in exchange for talks they were also turned down. And Reid (Obama) demands that they pass everything that he wants and then they can talk. I'm sorry but that's not the way a Democratic Republic is supposed to work. It's not that difficult to understand that they are supposed to talk....
You are mistaken ... Democrats were demanding a clean CR.
Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

ROFL... democrats insist republicans pay for Obama care and if they don't cave into the democrat demand that they fork over the money they are taking the democrats hostage. ROFL
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

ROFL... democrats insist republicans pay for Obama care and if they don't cave into the democrat demand that they fork over the money they are taking the democrats hostage. ROFL
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

You think the Senate democrats run the peoples house too? What are you talking about? Last I checked the Republicans run the House of Representatives who are responsible for writing the spending bills. Last I checked it was the Senate that was refusing to let the House voice be heard by refusing to put up for vote the version of the bill that does not fund Obama Care. If you know different please link.

Seems to me the Senate and President are throwing a hissy fit because their demands for Obama Care are not being met. More specifically their demands that they get to pick and choose who gets punished with Obama care and who gets the benefits of Obama care. IOW the president exempts democrats, and punishes republicans... that does not sound American to me at all. If you are gonna exempt congress, and unions, and big corporations, exempt everyone. Universal exemption was what the republicans asked for. The democrats refused.
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ROFL... democrats insist republicans pay for Obama care and if they don't cave into the democrat demand that they fork over the money they are taking the democrats hostage. ROFL
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

You think the Senate democrats run the peoples house too? What are you talking about? Last I checked the Republicans run the House of Representatives who are responsible for writing the spending bills. Last I checked it was the Senate that was refusing to let the House voice be heard by refusing to put up for vote the version of the bill that does not fund Obama Care. If you know different please link.

Seems to me the Senate and President are throwing a hissy fit because their demands for Obama Care are not being met. More specifically their demands that they get to pick and choose who gets punished with Obama care and who gets the benefits of Obama care. IOW the president exempts democrats, and punishes republicans... that does not sound American to me at all. If you are gonna exempt congress, and unions, and big corporations, exempt everyone. Universal exemption was what the republicans asked for. The democrats refused.
You really should pay better attention to what you debate about. Here's the link you asked for. Note where it points out the Senate voted down the House bill, 54–46...

Government shutdown: Mitch McConnell weighs one-week CR -
No mistake. The right is willing to talk and the left is not.

Deny it......And if you do you lie..........
There is no negotiating with hostage takers.

Who exactly is being held hostage? 85% of the govt is still up and running, barry calls the other 15% nonessential. If they are nonessential why do we need them at all, leave them shut down permantly.

the hostages here are the american people, being held hostage because obama and reid are determined to ram the terrible ACA bill up the asses of average americans, while they give exemptions to big business cronies and subsidize the impact on congress--with our tax money.

democrats = corruption and lies.
No mistake. The right is willing to talk and the left is not.

Deny it......And if you do you lie..........
There is no negotiating with hostage takers.

Who exactly is being held hostage? 85% of the govt is still up and running, barry calls the other 15% nonessential. If they are nonessential why do we need them at all, leave them shut down permantly.

the hostages here are the american people, being held hostage because obama and reid are determined to ram the terrible ACA bill up the asses of average americans, while they give exemptions to big business cronies and subsidize the impact on congress--with our tax money.

democrats = corruption and lies.
again, the hostage takers are the ones making the demands. That would be the right demanding to neutralize ObamaCare and refusing to consider the left's counter proposal.
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

You think the Senate democrats run the peoples house too? What are you talking about? Last I checked the Republicans run the House of Representatives who are responsible for writing the spending bills. Last I checked it was the Senate that was refusing to let the House voice be heard by refusing to put up for vote the version of the bill that does not fund Obama Care. If you know different please link.

Seems to me the Senate and President are throwing a hissy fit because their demands for Obama Care are not being met. More specifically their demands that they get to pick and choose who gets punished with Obama care and who gets the benefits of Obama care. IOW the president exempts democrats, and punishes republicans... that does not sound American to me at all. If you are gonna exempt congress, and unions, and big corporations, exempt everyone. Universal exemption was what the republicans asked for. The democrats refused.
You really should pay better attention to what you debate about. Here's the link you asked for. Note where it points out the Senate voted down the House bill, 54–46...

Government shutdown: Mitch McConnell weighs one-week CR -

Glad to see they "finally" put that to a vote. If they had done that the week before it might have avoided the shut down. Good to see the Senate is now on the hook for shutting down government because of their refusal to delay funding for Obama Care for 1y given the problems and the 1year delay Obama had already given everyone else you would have thought they would buy into making this fair for everyone else as well. But glad to see partisan politics are still at play the the democrats are 100% behind full implementation of Obama's signature legislation eff up.
You think the Senate democrats run the peoples house too? What are you talking about? Last I checked the Republicans run the House of Representatives who are responsible for writing the spending bills. Last I checked it was the Senate that was refusing to let the House voice be heard by refusing to put up for vote the version of the bill that does not fund Obama Care. If you know different please link.

Seems to me the Senate and President are throwing a hissy fit because their demands for Obama Care are not being met. More specifically their demands that they get to pick and choose who gets punished with Obama care and who gets the benefits of Obama care. IOW the president exempts democrats, and punishes republicans... that does not sound American to me at all. If you are gonna exempt congress, and unions, and big corporations, exempt everyone. Universal exemption was what the republicans asked for. The democrats refused.
You really should pay better attention to what you debate about. Here's the link you asked for. Note where it points out the Senate voted down the House bill, 54–46...

Government shutdown: Mitch McConnell weighs one-week CR -

Glad to see they "finally" put that to a vote. If they had done that the week before it might have avoided the shut down. Good to see the Senate is now on the hook for shutting down government because of their refusal to delay funding for Obama Care for 1y given the problems and the 1year delay Obama had already given everyone else you would have thought they would buy into making this fair for everyone else as well. But glad to see partisan politics are still at play the the democrats are 100% behind full implementation of Obama's signature legislation eff up.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Can't you follow along? What "finally?" it was voted on, on Monday. The day after the House approved it, sending it to the Senate and before the shut down.

It's not bad enough you were already wrong about them not voting on the House bill at all; that now you have to double down on stupid and wrongly complain they took too long to vote on a bill they received 1 day earlier??

And again, the Democrats voted Democratically on the bill, whereas Republicans have taken tyrannical control of the House and refused to allow the Senate bill be put to a vote by the Entire House. The only way Republicans can get what they want is to drive the heel of their boot into the necks of House Democrats so they can't be heard.
You really should pay better attention to what you debate about. Here's the link you asked for. Note where it points out the Senate voted down the House bill, 54–46...

Government shutdown: Mitch McConnell weighs one-week CR -

Glad to see they "finally" put that to a vote. If they had done that the week before it might have avoided the shut down. Good to see the Senate is now on the hook for shutting down government because of their refusal to delay funding for Obama Care for 1y given the problems and the 1year delay Obama had already given everyone else you would have thought they would buy into making this fair for everyone else as well. But glad to see partisan politics are still at play the the democrats are 100% behind full implementation of Obama's signature legislation eff up.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Can't you follow along? What "finally?" it was voted on, on Monday. The day after the House approved it, sending it to the Senate and before the shut down.

It's not bad enough you were already wrong about them not voting on the House bill at all; that now you have to double down on stupid and wrongly complain they took too long to vote on a bill they received 1 day earlier??

And again, the Democrats voted Democratically on the bill, whereas Republicans have taken tyrannical control of the House and refused to allow the Senate bill be put to a vote by the Entire House. The only way Republicans can get what they want is to drive the heel of their boot into the necks of House Democrats so they can't be heard.
Are you retarded?

The senate took obama care de-funding out with an amendment before they voted on the spending bill the first time through last week.
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Glad to see they "finally" put that to a vote. If they had done that the week before it might have avoided the shut down. Good to see the Senate is now on the hook for shutting down government because of their refusal to delay funding for Obama Care for 1y given the problems and the 1year delay Obama had already given everyone else you would have thought they would buy into making this fair for everyone else as well. But glad to see partisan politics are still at play the the democrats are 100% behind full implementation of Obama's signature legislation eff up.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Can't you follow along? What "finally?" it was voted on, on Monday. The day after the House approved it, sending it to the Senate and before the shut down.

It's not bad enough you were already wrong about them not voting on the House bill at all; that now you have to double down on stupid and wrongly complain they took too long to vote on a bill they received 1 day earlier??

And again, the Democrats voted Democratically on the bill, whereas Republicans have taken tyrannical control of the House and refused to allow the Senate bill be put to a vote by the Entire House. The only way Republicans can get what they want is to drive the heel of their boot into the necks of House Democrats so they can't be heard.
Are you retarded?

The senate took obama care de-funding out with an amendment without voting on it the first time through.

It's cute how you call me retarded when you're the one who has no clue to what's going on.

The vote I just showed you where the Senate voted on a House bill was the second bill. The first House bill the Senate voted on was the one days earlier which defunded ObamaCare. It was after the Senate voted down the House bill that they voted on, and passed, their own bill which was sent back to the House -- which the House has still not voted on.

G'head, this is where you call others a retard with the wasted hope that no one will notice you're the retard. :lol:
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You can always tell the people who aren't approaching this budget crisis in a rational manner...they are the ones who use terms like "hostage takers" and "domestic terrorists" to describe an opposition that simply doesn't have the same belief as them that BIG Government is the answer to all our problems and that we don't have a spending problem.

Watch any press conference with Barack, Nancy or Harry and you'll be treated to a LOT of those kinds of outrageous remarks. How do you compromise with people that refuse to negotiate on anything...who defame you in the process?
You remain indubitability retarded, Dildo. The House has no such constitutional authority as one party holding the other hostage is actually tyrannical, not democratic. Perhaps you could quote the Constitution where it says the House has such authority? Though I seriously doubt it.

And who knows how you blame Democrats for $17t in debt when Republicans contributed to about half of that.

Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

The House is PART of our governmental makeup for a reason. They control the purse strings for a reason. People sent conservatives to the House in the 2010 mid-terms to counter the progressive agenda of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Those voters didn't send them there to bow down to Barack Obama...they sent them there to fight against what they view as a fatally flawed health care "reform" that doesn't lower the cost of health care (which was what the voters WANTED!) but simply shifts the burden of who will pay for health care while taking us one step closer to government controlled health care.

What liberals can't seem to admit is that a majority of the people don't want ObamaCare. They are intelligent enough to have figured out that progressives lied to them when they quoted costs and how you would be able to keep your doctor. They are intelligent enough to know that having Government take over something seldom if ever makes it more efficient or cost less. If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the government do it!
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You can always tell the people who aren't approaching this budget crisis in a rational manner...they are the ones who use terms like "hostage takers" and "domestic terrorists" to describe an opposition that simply doesn't have the same belief as them that BIG Government is the answer to all our problems and that we don't have a spending problem.

Watch any press conference with Barack, Nancy or Harry and you'll be treated to a LOT of those kinds of outrageous remarks. How do you compromise with people that refuse to negotiate on anything...who defame you in the process?

The reason you don't understand why those terms are appropriate to describe the GOP in this case is because you are ignoring the fact that while both sides often disagree with each other, those differences are settled by the legislative process of voting on bills. And since the House leadership refuses to put the Senate bill to a vote, they are acting like hostage takers. I wouldn't go as far as to call them terrorists since that would entail the use violence, which they are not resorting to. But they are behaving tyrannical.

As it stands, some peoples' representative in the House gets a voice on this in the House if their representative happens to be one be of the House leaders who is squashing the vote. I, and millions like me, are not in that position. My representative is being silenced by the House leadership.

That is tyranny.
Or you could see it as since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate that they are the ones holding hostages. As far as the debt, I blame congress...All of them....
In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

The House is PART of our governmental makeup for a reason. They control the purse strings for a reason. People sent conservatives to the House in the 2010 mid-terms to counter the progressive agenda of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Those voters didn't send them there to bow down to Barack Obama...they sent them there to fight against what they view as a fatally flawed health care "reform" that doesn't lower the cost of health care (which was what the voters WANTED!) but simply shifts the burden of who will pay for health care while taking us one step closer to government controlled health care.

What liberals can't seem to admit is that a majority of the people don't want ObamaCare. They are intelligent enough to have figured out that progressives lied to them when they quoted costs and how you would be able to keep your doctor. They are intelligent enough to know that having Government take over something seldom if ever makes it more efficient or cost less. If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the government do it!

You too need a lesson in civics. The House does not control the purse strings -- the Congress does. The House's role is to initiate spending and revenue bills.

And if America didn't want ObamaCare, they would have elected the guy running for president who said his first action would be to work on ending it. Instead, America elected the guy dedicated to fighting to keep it.

America spoke to the matter on November 6th, 2012.

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