Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Glad to see they "finally" put that to a vote. If they had done that the week before it might have avoided the shut down. Good to see the Senate is now on the hook for shutting down government because of their refusal to delay funding for Obama Care for 1y given the problems and the 1year delay Obama had already given everyone else you would have thought they would buy into making this fair for everyone else as well. But glad to see partisan politics are still at play the the democrats are 100% behind full implementation of Obama's signature legislation eff up.
Hey dumbass, that was the bill Cruz filibustered!!!! It would have been voted on sooner if the asshole Cruz kept his piehole shut!

No it would not have been voted on sooner, it was voted on at the scheduled time, and no what Cruz did was not a filibuster. Any other stupid comments you want to pull out of your ass?
Both Cruz and your MessiahRushie called it a filibuster. Look at the headline he gave it when Cruz came on his show!

Senator Cruz Continues the Filibuster on EIB
September 25, 2013

CRUZ: Well, look, Rush, I understand that frustration. It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution.
Hey dumbass, that was the bill Cruz filibustered!!!! It would have been voted on sooner if the asshole Cruz kept his piehole shut!

No it would not have been voted on sooner, it was voted on at the scheduled time, and no what Cruz did was not a filibuster. Any other stupid comments you want to pull out of your ass?
Both Cruz and your MessiahRushie called it a filibuster. Look at the headline he gave it when Cruz came on his show!

Senator Cruz Continues the Filibuster on EIB
September 25, 2013

CRUZ: Well, look, Rush, I understand that frustration. It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution.

Cruz wanted the republicans to filibuster, the senate minority leader refused. What Cruz did was not a filibuster. When Cruz talked about focusing on a filibuster he was talking about what he wanted to have happen, that the republicans said no to.
No mistake. The right is willing to talk and the left is not.

Deny it......And if you do you lie..........

If the Speaker of the House put the clean CR up for a full vote, it would pass. You really want to keep with "it's the Democrats fault" bullshit?

Clean? The democrats increased government spending by 30% +8% per year Obama's first year in... then they pass this abortion...

If by clean you meant filthy vile disgusting FAT pig of a continuing resolution, that borrows trillions at the expense of future generations... well ok. LOL but yeah if the republicans bend over and give Obama leave to "know" them in the religious sense, then yeah I guess that would pass as a good idea by the rich fat cat democrats in congress.
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No it would not have been voted on sooner, it was voted on at the scheduled time, and no what Cruz did was not a filibuster. Any other stupid comments you want to pull out of your ass?
Both Cruz and your MessiahRushie called it a filibuster. Look at the headline he gave it when Cruz came on his show!

Senator Cruz Continues the Filibuster on EIB
September 25, 2013

CRUZ: Well, look, Rush, I understand that frustration. It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution.

Cruz wanted the republicans to filibuster, the senate minority leader refused. What Cruz did was not a filibuster. When Cruz talked about focusing on a filibuster he was talking about what he wanted to have happen, that the republicans said no to.
Notice how the Right ALWAYS changes the words of a direct quote to create the Straw Man they want to argue against. Cruz was clearly talking about the filibuster he had just made.
No mistake. The right is willing to talk and the left is not.

Deny it......And if you do you lie..........

If the Speaker of the House put the clean CR up for a full vote, it would pass. You really want to keep with "it's the Democrats fault" bullshit?

Clean? The democrats increased government spending by 30% +8% per year Obama's first year in... then they pass this abortion...

If by clean you meant filthy vile disgusting FAT pig of a continuing resolution, that borrows trillions at the expense of future generations... well ok. LOL but yeah if the republicans bend over and give Obama leave to "know" them in the religious sense, then yeah I guess that would pass as a good idea by the rich fat cat democrats in congress.

You don't believe deficits have gone down do you?

Why won't the Boehner let the full house vote?
Are you retarded?

The senate took obama care de-funding out with an amendment without voting on it the first time through.

It's cute how you call me retarded when you're the one who has no clue to what's going on.

The vote I just showed you where the Senate voted on a House bill was the second bill. The first House bill the Senate voted on was the one days earlier which defunded ObamaCare. It was after the Senate voted down the House bill that they voted on, and passed, their own bill which was sent back to the House -- which the House has still not voted on.

G'head, this is where you call others a retard with the wasted hope that no one will notice you're the retard. :lol:

As I stated you fucking retard, the senate did not vote on the bill de-funding Obuma Care the first time around last fucking week, they fucking amended it removing the defunding before the final vote the first time around the merry go round you stupid fool. Further they did the amendment after cloture tso they could avoid debate on obuma care in the senate. The senate refused to negotiate, as they have for two years, on dimocare.
Not quite!

As Cruz made clear in his filibuster, the actual vote on the House bill defunding Obamacare would be the cloture vote, because once cloture passes the House bill can be amended with only 51 votes and funding would be added back. So Cruz made it clear that a vote for cloture was a vote against the House bill. Cloture passed 79 to 19 with 25 Republicans voting against the House bill and for cloture. More Senate Republicans voted against the House bill that for it!!!
No mistake. The right is willing to talk and the left is not.

Deny it......And if you do you lie..........

If the Speaker of the House put the clean CR up for a full vote, it would pass. You really want to keep with "it's the Democrats fault" bullshit?

Clean? The democrats increased government spending by 30% +8% per year Obama's first year in... then they pass this abortion...

If by clean you meant filthy vile disgusting FAT pig of a continuing resolution, that borrows trillions at the expense of future generations... well ok. LOL but yeah if the republicans bend over and give Obama leave to "know" them in the religious sense, then yeah I guess that would pass as a good idea by the rich fat cat democrats in congress.

the affordable care act is going to tie up one sixth of our GDP when it is fully up and running. how can anyone stand for this insanity? nothing is fixed at all. this is not healthcare reform. it is amassive entitlement program. and it is using tax payer and borrowed dollars to pay for a flawed and way overpriced product.
That's a nice talking point just to avoid answering the question, so I'll ask it again. Perhaps I'll have better luck this time ...

Perhaps you can explain how Republicans entered hundreds of amendments while act was in conference; and had 161 amendments accepted into the bill -- if they never had the opportunity to read the bill until it was signed??
The fact that they may have offered amendments to parts of the bill does not mean they were able to read the entire bill. You may recall that Republicans were LOCKED OUT of some of the writing dear old Nancy Pelosi. She knew that they could be successful in hiding some of the bill's contents prior to voting.

..and I do recall Obama once saying that every bill would be posted for the American public to read ...for five days I think...before being voted upon. That didn't happen either.
Don't be ridiculous. Of course they had access to the entire bill. :eusa_doh: The majority party cannot hide portions of a bill that is being voted on in committee.

because neither party are totally or were totally up on or understood, what the bill, in toto actually was, as to how one thing may affect the other, they all took hacks at it and I don't consider any of them on any side 'educated' as to what the bill was when it was voted on, we've had several admit as much.

Take the grassley amendment, I doubt half of them realized what it really meant, or would mean when the rubber meets the road, and, in that the dems fully expected to have the numbers after the election to keep massaging it the way they wanted to, via ping ponging it back and forth between house & senate till the dems in each chamber had or saw what they wanted or pulled out what they didn't....which they could no longer do with Brown elected.

They could only make changes ( which they did) that would effect the budgetary portions, higher subsidy levels etc. , which would allow the senate to by pass a cloture vote using the Reconciliation rule (whose benchmark is only 50 votes), all of those other amendments or ones they didn't understand well enough, or read, had to stand.
Both Cruz and your MessiahRushie called it a filibuster. Look at the headline he gave it when Cruz came on his show!

Senator Cruz Continues the Filibuster on EIB
September 25, 2013

CRUZ: Well, look, Rush, I understand that frustration. It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution.

Cruz wanted the republicans to filibuster, the senate minority leader refused. What Cruz did was not a filibuster. When Cruz talked about focusing on a filibuster he was talking about what he wanted to have happen, that the republicans said no to.
Notice how the Right ALWAYS changes the words of a direct quote to create the Straw Man they want to argue against. Cruz was clearly talking about the filibuster he had just made.

It's ok I didn't expect you to understand English or context.

The statement is "It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution."

We in this case is not Cruz talking about himself in the plural. The we is a group of republicans that agreed to filibuster. However, what Cruz did was not a filibuster. You can scream till you are blue in the face that people called it a filibuster but it wasn't. Do you require a link for proof? As to the rest of the sentence, the phrase "in the filibuster" is missing commas. Why did the writer you cut and pasted from make that error? I don't know. The sentence should read:

"It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on, in the filibuster, was not the continuing resolution." You'll have to note that this particular sentence does not define which or what filibuster he's talking about. However, it is a matter of history now that he wanted the republican party to filibuster. It is also a matter of history now that the republican party refused to join him in filibustering the bill when they had the chance to in the senate. It is further a matter of history that Cruz got up to a podium and talked for about one day. However that lengthy stay was not a filibuster. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and understanding of the events would know these facts.
Cruz wanted the republicans to filibuster, the senate minority leader refused. What Cruz did was not a filibuster. When Cruz talked about focusing on a filibuster he was talking about what he wanted to have happen, that the republicans said no to.
Notice how the Right ALWAYS changes the words of a direct quote to create the Straw Man they want to argue against. Cruz was clearly talking about the filibuster he had just made.

It's ok I didn't expect you to understand English or context.

The statement is "It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution."

We in this case is not Cruz talking about himself in the plural. The we is a group of republicans that agreed to filibuster. However, what Cruz did was not a filibuster. You can scream till you are blue in the face that people called it a filibuster but it wasn't. Do you require a link for proof? As to the rest of the sentence, the phrase "in the filibuster" is missing commas. Why did the writer you cut and pasted from make that error? I don't know. The sentence should read:

"It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on, in the filibuster, was not the continuing resolution
." You'll have to note that this particular sentence does not define which or what filibuster he's talking about. However, it is a matter of history now that he wanted the republican party to filibuster. It is also a matter of history now that the republican party refused to join him in filibustering the bill when they had the chance to in the senate. It is further a matter of history that Cruz got up to a podium and talked for about one day. However that lengthy stay was not a filibuster. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and understanding of the events would know these facts.

LMAO. Re writing sentences the correct way. You really are to fucking funny. I like that comma. You should stick with that every time you get your ass kicked on a point, just add a comma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Changes the meaning of EVERYTHING. Just add puff the magic comma.

I mean fucking hilarious.

You didn't study English composition in school. Did ya?
because neither party are totally or were totally up on or understood, what the bill, in toto actually was, as to how one thing may affect the other,.

Firstly, From Social Security to civil rights to Medicaid to Medicare, never in the modern history of the country has major social legislation been enacted on a straight party-line vote.

Secondly, the SCOTUS UNconstitutionally redrafted the Obama Hellcare bill. The statute was NOT adopted as a revenue --tax--increasing measure.

In the filibuster? SO what filibuster was Cruz referring to in his mis written comment?

Or how do you get "in" a filibuster? What does that mean? Wait take the comma out after filibuster. Then it reads; in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution.

Add a question mark here or there. See if that makes more sense.

Or, go back to the magic comma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but not a magic period........................
because neither party are totally or were totally up on or understood, what the bill, in toto actually was, as to how one thing may affect the other,.

Firstly, From Social Security to civil rights to Medicaid to Medicare, never in the modern history of the country has major social legislation been enacted on a straight party-line vote.

Secondly, the SCOTUS UNconstitutionally redrafted the Obama Hellcare bill. The statute was NOT adopted as a revenue --tax--increasing measure.


How many Dems voted in the dead of night for the prescription drug giv, I mean benefit.
And now you are mad at the Supreme court to? Join the club. Ever since those SOBs made corporations people, I've been mad at them.
Notice how the Right ALWAYS changes the words of a direct quote to create the Straw Man they want to argue against. Cruz was clearly talking about the filibuster he had just made.

It's ok I didn't expect you to understand English or context.

The statement is "It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on in the filibuster was not the continuing resolution."

We in this case is not Cruz talking about himself in the plural. The we is a group of republicans that agreed to filibuster. However, what Cruz did was not a filibuster. You can scream till you are blue in the face that people called it a filibuster but it wasn't. Do you require a link for proof? As to the rest of the sentence, the phrase "in the filibuster" is missing commas. Why did the writer you cut and pasted from make that error? I don't know. The sentence should read:

"It's why I think in many ways the central issue that we were trying to focus on, in the filibuster, was not the continuing resolution
." You'll have to note that this particular sentence does not define which or what filibuster he's talking about. However, it is a matter of history now that he wanted the republican party to filibuster. It is also a matter of history now that the republican party refused to join him in filibustering the bill when they had the chance to in the senate. It is further a matter of history that Cruz got up to a podium and talked for about one day. However that lengthy stay was not a filibuster. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and understanding of the events would know these facts.

LMAO. Re writing sentences the correct way. You really are to fucking funny. I like that comma. You should stick with that every time you get your ass kicked on a point, just add a comma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Changes the meaning of EVERYTHING. Just add puff the magic comma.

I mean fucking hilarious.

You didn't study English composition in school. Did ya?

Are you retarded, stupid, or just plain ignorant? The comma that I added did not change the meaning of the sentence at all. Or perhaps you can explain what "on in the" means sans my inclusion of the missing commas from the poorly written transcription of what Cruz said on the radio. I'm an Engineer, not an English major. What are you a store clerk? HS drop out? Illegal immigrant? Perhaps you have a link to the "filibuster?" I say there was never a filibuster. But you appear to have puked a gut at that statement, so maybe you can show everyone.
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because neither party are totally or were totally up on or understood, what the bill, in toto actually was, as to how one thing may affect the other,.

Firstly, From Social Security to civil rights to Medicaid to Medicare, never in the modern history of the country has major social legislation been enacted on a straight party-line vote.

Secondly, the SCOTUS UNconstitutionally redrafted the Obama Hellcare bill. The statute was NOT adopted as a revenue --tax--increasing measure.


Wrong. The SCOTUS ruled that it is constitutional under the taxing clause to mandate that people must buy insurance. Sucks but there it is. If the republicans had juevos they would demand a revote based on the ruling that the mandated fee was a tax. Maybe refuse to support CRs sans a negotiation on said ACT. Oh yeah, that's where we are.
because neither party are totally or were totally up on or understood, what the bill, in toto actually was, as to how one thing may affect the other,.

Firstly, From Social Security to civil rights to Medicaid to Medicare, never in the modern history of the country has major social legislation been enacted on a straight party-line vote.

Secondly, the SCOTUS UNconstitutionally redrafted the Obama Hellcare bill. The statute was NOT adopted as a revenue --tax--increasing measure.


I agree, I read robert caros LB J bio., volumes 3 and 4, LBJ had the majorities to do anything he pleased a 2/3rds at one point, he would not have and did not go this route....:doubt:
If the Speaker of the House put the clean CR up for a full vote, it would pass. You really want to keep with "it's the Democrats fault" bullshit?

Clean? The democrats increased government spending by 30% +8% per year Obama's first year in... then they pass this abortion...

If by clean you meant filthy vile disgusting FAT pig of a continuing resolution, that borrows trillions at the expense of future generations... well ok. LOL but yeah if the republicans bend over and give Obama leave to "know" them in the religious sense, then yeah I guess that would pass as a good idea by the rich fat cat democrats in congress.

You don't believe deficits have gone down do you?

Why won't the Boehner let the full house vote?

The house is probably why the deficit has gone down. But it's still a deficit. Which means we are still going deeper into debt...When will we have borrowed enough to satisfy you? Is 20 Trillion too much? Maybe 25 trillion?
If the Speaker of the House put the clean CR up for a full vote, it would pass. You really want to keep with "it's the Democrats fault" bullshit?

Clean? The democrats increased government spending by 30% +8% per year Obama's first year in... then they pass this abortion...

If by clean you meant filthy vile disgusting FAT pig of a continuing resolution, that borrows trillions at the expense of future generations... well ok. LOL but yeah if the republicans bend over and give Obama leave to "know" them in the religious sense, then yeah I guess that would pass as a good idea by the rich fat cat democrats in congress.

You don't believe deficits have gone down do you?

Why won't the Boehner let the full house vote?

>> You don't believe deficits have gone down do you?
No. I know they have not gone down. Obama is raiding federal pensions. If he were a republican he would have been hung in the press for it.

>> Why won't the Boehner let the full house vote?
How does he let only a portion of the full house vote? Is that some new kind of procedure that I'm not aware of?
Clean? The democrats increased government spending by 30% +8% per year Obama's first year in... then they pass this abortion...

If by clean you meant filthy vile disgusting FAT pig of a continuing resolution, that borrows trillions at the expense of future generations... well ok. LOL but yeah if the republicans bend over and give Obama leave to "know" them in the religious sense, then yeah I guess that would pass as a good idea by the rich fat cat democrats in congress.

You don't believe deficits have gone down do you?

Why won't the Boehner let the full house vote?

>> You don't believe deficits have gone down do you?
No. I know they have not gone down. Obama is raiding federal pensions. If he were a republican he would have been hung in the press for it.

>> Why won't the Boehner let the full house vote?
How does he let only a portion of the full house vote? Is that some new kind of procedure that I'm not aware of?

It's called the Hastert rule, look it up. (By the way, Hastert thinks it's stupid to do it now)

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