Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Look ma.

The Republicans just made the government smaller, by gumption.

By Shutting it down!


Do you honestly think the Federal Government ISN'T too large, Sallow? Do you honestly think they DON'T waste millions of our tax dollars every year on some of the most ridiculous things imaginable?

So at what point to do we address the problem?

I listen to Barack Obama and Harry Reid describe the GOP as "blackmailers" and "holding a gun to the head of America" simply because they won't agree to rubber stamp yet another debt ceiling increase. What that tells me is that neither man is willing to make the tough cuts that need to be made. Instead they will pass along an Everest of debt to the next generation that is going to be crippling.

Barack Obama will talk to the President of Iran and make concessions until the cows come home but he won't make concessions to moderates and conservatives on spending. Why?

Until Swallow's party of Dumbocrats are wearing the Nazi swastika on their uniforms, confiscating Bill Gates assets, and turning them directly over to him, he will NEVER believe that the government is "too big" or that it has ANY "waste".

He's a greedy, lazy fuck who wants government to reward his greed and laziness and punish your hard work and selflessness.
As I posted earlier there was a Pew poll that showed 39 percent blamed Republicans for the shutdown 36 percent the Democrats and 17 percent equally you can get any kind of result you want from a poll depending on who you poll and how you phrase the questions.
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The shut down belongs to obama and reid. The GOP led house put several funding bills on the table, reid and barry refused to even discuss one of them.

delaying the implementation of obamacare for one year for the PEOPLE, is no different that the delay that obama gave to big business--------you know, those evil corporations that you dems pretend to hate, but really love.

its a terrible bill, a year would give the country and the govt time to fix whats wrong with it and improve whats right with it------it makes a lot of sense.

But no, with obama and reid its "my way or no way".

the shutdown belongs solely to the dems.

and I don't give a shit about any polls or what europe thinks, the house did what was right. Right will win in the end.

The ACA isn't a "bill". It's the law.

Do you understand the difference?

It made it's way through both houses of congress, the President signed it and it survived a challenge in the Supreme Court.

It's a part of government.

Defunding defunding the government.

This is a radical and unprecedented move.

No one should have to deal with radicals.

I agree 100% - which is why you and every Dumbocrat out there should go away. You're the one's who refuse do adhere to the highest law in the land. You are the radicals.

You said it - now back up your words and go away.

Somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.

Go home to your village.

It misses you.
Harry Reid and Barack Obama will negotiate with Russia and Iran, but they won't negotiate with the Republicans.

They decided to stand uncompromising in their radical marxist agenda. Ok. Fine. If that's what you so strongly believe, then why don't you have the balls to stand up and say "We shut down the government because we refuse to negotiate with Republicans. We know we are right in our radical marxism and we are confident the American people will agree with us"?

Because they know they will never win another election again if they are honest. It's the same reason that Obama got caught whispering on mic to Dimitri Medvedev that he had "one election left and would have more leeway after the election".

I'm sorry Barack - I didn't know a candidate for president was supposed to keep their agenda for the administration a secret until after the election. Silly me, I thought that a candidate was supposed to announce their plans and let the American people decide if that was the direction they wanted to go in. :eek:
The ACA isn't a "bill". It's the law.

Do you understand the difference?

It made it's way through both houses of congress, the President signed it and it survived a challenge in the Supreme Court.

It's a part of government.

Defunding defunding the government.

This is a radical and unprecedented move.

No one should have to deal with radicals.

I agree 100% - which is why you and every Dumbocrat out there should go away. You're the one's who refuse do adhere to the highest law in the land. You are the radicals.

You said it - now back up your words and go away.

Somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.

Go home to your village.

It misses you.

Which is a HELL of a lot more than could ever be said for you. If you disappeared tomorrow, there isn't a person on this planet that would miss you (and you know it too....)

Look ma.

The Republicans just made the government smaller, by gumption.

By Shutting it down!


Do you honestly think the Federal Government ISN'T too large, Sallow? Do you honestly think they DON'T waste millions of our tax dollars every year on some of the most ridiculous things imaginable?

So at what point to do we address the problem?

I listen to Barack Obama and Harry Reid describe the GOP as "blackmailers" and "holding a gun to the head of America" simply because they won't agree to rubber stamp yet another debt ceiling increase. What that tells me is that neither man is willing to make the tough cuts that need to be made. Instead they will pass along an Everest of debt to the next generation that is going to be crippling.

Barack Obama will talk to the President of Iran and make concessions until the cows come home but he won't make concessions to moderates and conservatives on spending. Why?

The government is sized for the population and land mass.

What part of either of those do you wish to jettison?

This is nothing new to me. I lived through Katrina, and saw virtually no sign of our federal government for months....

well? where was YOU STATE government? Weren't YOU suppose to be LOOKING FOR THEM? or they are OFF THE HOOK because they were DEMOCRATS?

this thinking is what is sinking this country
I agree 100% - which is why you and every Dumbocrat out there should go away. You're the one's who refuse do adhere to the highest law in the land. You are the radicals.

You said it - now back up your words and go away.

Somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.

Go home to your village.

It misses you.

Which is a HELL of a lot more than could ever be said for you. If you disappeared tomorrow, there isn't a person on this planet that would miss you (and you know it too....)


Now now Rotty.

You're going to burst a blood vessel.
The ACA isn't a "bill". It's the law.

Do you understand the difference?

It made it's way through both houses of congress, the President signed it and it survived a challenge in the Supreme Court.

It's a part of government.

Defunding defunding the government.

This is a radical and unprecedented move.

No one should have to deal with radicals.

I agree 100% - which is why you and every Dumbocrat out there should go away. You're the one's who refuse do adhere to the highest law in the land. You are the radicals.

You said it - now back up your words and go away.

Somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.

Go home to your village.

It misses you.

Why no comment [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]?

Swallow gets bent over AGAIN and made Rotts personal prison bitch
Look ma.

The Republicans just made the government smaller, by gumption.

By Shutting it down!


Do you honestly think the Federal Government ISN'T too large, Sallow? Do you honestly think they DON'T waste millions of our tax dollars every year on some of the most ridiculous things imaginable?

So at what point to do we address the problem?

I listen to Barack Obama and Harry Reid describe the GOP as "blackmailers" and "holding a gun to the head of America" simply because they won't agree to rubber stamp yet another debt ceiling increase. What that tells me is that neither man is willing to make the tough cuts that need to be made. Instead they will pass along an Everest of debt to the next generation that is going to be crippling.

Barack Obama will talk to the President of Iran and make concessions until the cows come home but he won't make concessions to moderates and conservatives on spending. Why?

The government is sized for the population and land mass.

What part of either of those do you wish to jettison?


No - it's not. At all. If it were "sized for the population" it would need to be roughly 75% - 80% smaller than it actually is.... :eusa_whistle:
The House passed several bills. The Senate rejected all of them. Looks like the Democrats own this shut down.

Well no.

The Bills were partially shutting down the government.

Democrats want to keep it open.

Come on up.

This is Grover Norquist stuff in action.

This baby's going to the bathtub! :lol:

The Democrats and Obama have been salivating over this, remembering how the public blamed the GOP back in 95. This isn't '95 though and the Dems will find themselves getting reamed.

We shall see. I do imagine voters will blame somebody for this.
Look ma.

The Republicans just made the government smaller, by gumption.

By Shutting it down!


Do you honestly think the Federal Government ISN'T too large, Sallow? Do you honestly think they DON'T waste millions of our tax dollars every year on some of the most ridiculous things imaginable?

So at what point to do we address the problem?

I listen to Barack Obama and Harry Reid describe the GOP as "blackmailers" and "holding a gun to the head of America" simply because they won't agree to rubber stamp yet another debt ceiling increase. What that tells me is that neither man is willing to make the tough cuts that need to be made. Instead they will pass along an Everest of debt to the next generation that is going to be crippling.

Barack Obama will talk to the President of Iran and make concessions until the cows come home but he won't make concessions to moderates and conservatives on spending. Why?

The government is sized for the population and land mass.

What part of either of those do you wish to jettison?


Tell us Swallow, how is the federal government "sized for the population" when it has a "Department of Education"? What does that have to do with being "sized for the population"? Did we not need education when we had 300 million people? We get that extra 30 million and suddenly Jimmy Carter needs a "Department of Education"? :lmao:

Do you see what an ignorant asshat you are? You just make shit up because you are completely uninformed on EVERY issue :bang3:

Like I said the only polls they like either agree with them or are in the Pants of Repubs

Absolutely. They are idiots that love to be spoonfed bullshit and lap up every drop.
The Quinnipiac poll out today has Americans opposing the GOP shutdown strategy by 3 to 1.

And to anyone caring about the rightwing inmates around here denying the validity of the polls?

Remember it was a year ago that those same fools were telling us that the polls showing Obama winning the election were all skewed...

How about the poll where 51% of Americans favor a Federal shutdown until Congress cuts Obamacare funding??

This helps explain why 53% would rather have a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans can agree on what spending to cut. Thirty-seven percent (37%) would prefer instead that Congress avoid a shutdown by authorizing spending at existing levels as the president has proposed.

Some conservative Republicans in both the House and Senate are refusing to approve a budget unless it slows or stops funding for the health care law, but the president and most congressional Democrats are adamantly opposed to any such cuts. However, 51% of voters favor having a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans agree on what spending for the health care law to cut. Forty percent (40%) would rather avoid a government shutdown by authorizing spending for the health care law at existing levels.

51% Favor Government Shutdown Until Congress Cuts Health Care Funding - Rasmussen Reports?

That would be the same Rasmussen that told us Romney was going to win the 2012 election? yeah, how about that...

I don't think Rasmussen said that.... I know they said Obama would win in 08...
The right's beloved "unskewed polls" put Willard with +11 :lol::lol::lol:

You didn't follow the 2004 election, did you Skippy?

Did you not follow the 2012 election? The right wingers were trolling this forum non-stop with ultra-right wing bullshit claiming it was going to be an across the board landslide for the GOP, Willard was going to easily win,..Not to mention claiming all the polls were BS because they had Obama in the lead, and the only pollster that was accurate was unskewed because there was a lib conspiracy with all the other ones.

In the end, the GOP got their clocks cleaned and those that support freedom and liberty were having a good laugh at their expense :up:
In the end, the GOP got their clocks cleaned and those that support freedom and liberty were having a good laugh at their expense :up:

I know you don't get much air with your head buried in obama's crotch, so I'll explain the difference to you.

In 2012, the polls were based on historical voting patterns. Had they held, they would have been accurate. Obama did better with young and blacks than was expected. How that would play out was an art.

In 2004, the Democratic media were wrong.
If the Democrats "budge" it would set a horrible precedent no matter what you think of the law.

This has never been the way our government works.

Oh... well, I thought the claim was that the Republicans weren't willing to compromise. I guess as long as we're clear. Democrats don't want to accept any 'fixes' to the bill. It might set a bad precedent.

It's NOT a bill.

It's the LAW.

. :doubt:

Slavery, prohibition, and not allowing women to vote were also THE LAW. Bad law must be changed, ACA is bad law.

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