Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

I agree 100% - which is why you and every Dumbocrat out there should go away. You're the one's who refuse do adhere to the highest law in the land. You are the radicals.

You said it - now back up your words and go away.

Somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.

Go home to your village.

It misses you.

Why no comment [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]?

Swallow gets bent over AGAIN and made Rotts personal prison bitch

Comment on what?

Your faggot fantasies?


That's something you deal with.
People who act like children pointing fingers. What a shocker.

ok, people here should just sit back and be dumped on...thread after thread no problem
threads like this lovely one

ConJobs/RePpugs/NeoNuts/TeaHadists Love Veterans So Damn Much......

Oh... well, I thought the claim was that the Republicans weren't willing to compromise. I guess as long as we're clear. Democrats don't want to accept any 'fixes' to the bill. It might set a bad precedent.

It's NOT a bill.

It's the LAW.

. :doubt:

Slavery, prohibition, and not allowing women to vote were also THE LAW. Bad law must be changed, ACA is bad law.
Well no..the ACA is nothing like Slavery or prohibiting anyone the vote.

It's more like SSI or Medicare.

And the usual suspects were opposed to them as well.
People who act like children pointing fingers. What a shocker.

ok, people here should just sit back and be dumped on...thread after thread no problem
threads like this lovely one

ConJobs/RePpugs/NeoNuts/TeaHadists Love Veterans So Damn Much......


Now you are just making shit up. I've never seen anyone use those words, but radical right wing idiots like you troll up every thread with childish remarks. (though teahadists is a good one :up:)

Those that aren't on the radical right don't need to stoop to 2nd grade name calling and their inability to debate anything from their brainwashing and remedial brains.
Do you honestly think the Federal Government ISN'T too large, Sallow? Do you honestly think they DON'T waste millions of our tax dollars every year on some of the most ridiculous things imaginable?

So at what point to do we address the problem?

I listen to Barack Obama and Harry Reid describe the GOP as "blackmailers" and "holding a gun to the head of America" simply because they won't agree to rubber stamp yet another debt ceiling increase. What that tells me is that neither man is willing to make the tough cuts that need to be made. Instead they will pass along an Everest of debt to the next generation that is going to be crippling.

Barack Obama will talk to the President of Iran and make concessions until the cows come home but he won't make concessions to moderates and conservatives on spending. Why?

The government is sized for the population and land mass.

What part of either of those do you wish to jettison?


No - it's not. At all. If it were "sized for the population" it would need to be roughly 75% - 80% smaller than it actually is.... :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to point out a country like that.

I can.


Your turn.
People who act like children pointing fingers. What a shocker.

ok, people here should just sit back and be dumped on...thread after thread no problem
threads like this lovely one

ConJobs/RePpugs/NeoNuts/TeaHadists Love Veterans So Damn Much......


Now you are just making shit up. I've never seen anyone use those words, but radical right wing idiots like you troll up every thread with childish remarks. (though teahadists is a good one :up:)

Those that aren't on the radical right don't need to stoop to 2nd grade name calling and their inability to debate anything from their brainwashing and remedial brains.

Um ... what's word for that. I know, hypocrisy! :slap:
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

When 3/4 of the 'msm' is no more than a extension of the Obama White House its not surprising.......until the price tag for Obama care comes do then the public will have a different opinion.
Statists poll statists, find that shutting down any portion of the state is bad.

News at 11.
I don't understand howthe libtards can point the finger at the Republican led house when it has been 7, count them, 7 years since the Libtard led senate has passed a budget proposal. The Libtard led senate is the body responsible for this. They can't accomplish the single most important thing they were voted into office to do.

The Libtards were too busy voting in the ACA when they controlled the congress and the presidency. Then forgot to fund it, OOOPS. The ACA I believe will die in a few years anyway because it does nothing to address what it was intended to, which is reduce health care costs.
yes, it is law. Congress is not obligated to fund every law. Its a terribly written law and will bankrupt the country if ever fully implemented. Even the dems who wrote it are now admitting that it has a lot of problems that need fixing.

A one year delay would give time to fix the bad things and improve the good things. It makes a lot of sense.

Its not about winning or losing, its about doing what is right for the country.

you dem/libs need to grow up and get over the "we won" bullshit, because next time you won't be the winners and the winners will remember.

This has never been done before in this country. That makes it a pretty radical thing to do.

And if you want to fix something, you first have to implemented, look for the defects and provide fixes.

The republicans have no interest, whatsoever, in fixing the ACA. They said so last election and lost.

Sure they do. Or at least that's what they're saying.

Listen, the Republicans are full of shit - I get that. But on this, it's really the Democrats who are refusing to budge. Drop the individual mandate. That's what the public wants. And that's one of the things the Republicans are 'saying' they want. Why not give it to them?

Here's why: because it would betray the sweetheart deal the Democrats cut with the insurance industry. They're the one's whoring it up.

You nailed it.

What's funny, is that the democrat supporters claim to be anti-money in politics. Yet, this law is just another corporatist measure done by Democrats and supporters cheer.

They are just as log jammed as republicans. Democrats stand for nothing in the end...except "free" shit.
well you all are wrong AGAIN


this should be a WAKE UP CALL about YOUR GOVERNMENT FOLKS?

of course the Democrat sheep will NEVER blame their party, so chalk it UP as they care more about PARTY than COUNTRY I guess
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I don't understand howthe libtards can point the finger at the Republican led house when it has been 7, count them, 7 years since the Libtard led senate has passed a budget proposal. The Libtard led senate is the body responsible for this. They can't accomplish the single most important thing they were voted into office to do.

The Libtards were too busy voting in the ACA when they controlled the congress and the presidency. Then forgot to fund it, OOOPS. The ACA I believe will die in a few years anyway because it does nothing to address what it was intended to, which is reduce health care costs.

This is your brain on the right wing propaganda machine ladies and gentleman,...
I don't understand howthe libtards can point the finger at the Republican led house when it has been 7, count them, 7 years since the Libtard led senate has passed a budget proposal. The Libtard led senate is the body responsible for this. They can't accomplish the single most important thing they were voted into office to do.

The Libtards were too busy voting in the ACA when they controlled the congress and the presidency. Then forgot to fund it, OOOPS. The ACA I believe will die in a few years anyway because it does nothing to address what it was intended to, which is reduce health care costs.

This is your brain on the right wing propaganda machine ladies and gentleman,...

Dam, you nailed that with a 'this isn't liberal' right way...
It's NOT a bill.

It's the LAW.

. :doubt:

Slavery, prohibition, and not allowing women to vote were also THE LAW. Bad law must be changed, ACA is bad law.
Well no..the ACA is nothing like Slavery or prohibiting anyone the vote.

It's more like SSI or Medicare.

And the usual suspects were opposed to them as well.

which of those included a tax on real estate sales? Which of those was passed by one party only, using legislative trickery that was never intended for something of this magnitude?

Which president changed the SSI and medicare laws on his own by delaying the implementation for some, waiving it for others, or subsidizing it for congress?

face it sallow, this is bad law, even the dems admit it when pressed.

The GOP is doing the only thing in its power to force obama and the senate to do what a majority of americans want------fix the law before ramming it up our butts.
I don't understand howthe libtards can point the finger at the Republican led house when it has been 7, count them, 7 years since the Libtard led senate has passed a budget proposal. The Libtard led senate is the body responsible for this. They can't accomplish the single most important thing they were voted into office to do.

The Libtards were too busy voting in the ACA when they controlled the congress and the presidency. Then forgot to fund it, OOOPS. The ACA I believe will die in a few years anyway because it does nothing to address what it was intended to, which is reduce health care costs.

This is your brain on the right wing propaganda machine ladies and gentleman,...

So you think the Senate has passed a budget proposal in the last 7 years?
I don't understand howthe libtards can point the finger at the Republican led house when it has been 7, count them, 7 years since the Libtard led senate has passed a budget proposal. The Libtard led senate is the body responsible for this. They can't accomplish the single most important thing they were voted into office to do.

The Libtards were too busy voting in the ACA when they controlled the congress and the presidency. Then forgot to fund it, OOOPS. The ACA I believe will die in a few years anyway because it does nothing to address what it was intended to, which is reduce health care costs.

This is your brain on the right wing propaganda machine ladies and gentleman,...

So you think the Senate has passed a budget proposal in the last 7 years?

I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:
People who act like children pointing fingers. What a shocker.

ok, people here should just sit back and be dumped on...thread after thread no problem
threads like this lovely one

ConJobs/RePpugs/NeoNuts/TeaHadists Love Veterans So Damn Much......


Now you are just making shit up. I've never seen anyone use those words, but radical right wing idiots like you troll up every thread with childish remarks. (though teahadists is a good one :up:)

Those that aren't on the radical right don't need to stoop to 2nd grade name calling and their inability to debate anything from their brainwashing and remedial brains.
This is your brain on the right wing propaganda machine ladies and gentleman,...

So you think the Senate has passed a budget proposal in the last 7 years?

I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:

When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.

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