Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

feel free to point out a country like that.

I can.


Your turn.

so you have to falsely claim that a nation in a civil war is the same thing as having a constitutional, law abiding government? Doesn't the fact that you have to lie tell you that you're on the wrong side of the facts?

By the way, feel free to point out a country which is $17 trillion in debt, has a government which does not abide by the law, and which tramples on citizens rights.

I can.

United states (that's right, #1 in the world in debt - great job libtards)

i asked you something very simple.

Name a country with a small government.

Anywhere around the world.

And of course, like fail, you little faggot.

You've been bitch slapped, yet again, by the big bad wolf.

But like the little needy homo you are you keep coming back for more.


you're clueless, they have not defected, they have been trying since last week to gather MORE support but could not

fail thread
So why won't they name them?

It is still only King and the other from Pa who are being named.

What are they afraid of? :D
Considering how the Left Wing Press has been claiming it's the Republican's fault from the beginning... I only surprised it's not higher.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?

they are doing it right now by refusing to even have meetings with the gop.

to blame one party is rather stupid, but we do know that at least the gop is negotiating, the dems are not. no, no, no, all we hear, they only want their agenda, nothing else.

Why won't Boner even call a vote for the funding of the government without the teabagger BS like they are calling for?

i've answered you at least twice now. stfu.
so you have to falsely claim that a nation in a civil war is the same thing as having a constitutional, law abiding government? Doesn't the fact that you have to lie tell you that you're on the wrong side of the facts?

By the way, feel free to point out a country which is $17 trillion in debt, has a government which does not abide by the law, and which tramples on citizens rights.

I can.

United states (that's right, #1 in the world in debt - great job libtards)

i asked you something very simple.

Name a country with a small government.

Anywhere around the world.

And of course, like fail, you little faggot.

You've been bitch slapped, yet again, by the big bad wolf.

But like the little needy homo you are you keep coming back for more.




You're repeating me.

But do you really wanna live there? :eusa_shifty:
i asked you something very simple.

Name a country with a small government.

Anywhere around the world.

And of course, like fail, you little faggot.

You've been bitch slapped, yet again, by the big bad wolf.

But like the little needy homo you are you keep coming back for more.




You're repeating me.

But do you really wanna live there? :eusa_shifty:

Hehe. I dunno. I just get a kick out of your goofy fixation.
The ACA isn't a "bill". It's the law.

Do you understand the difference?

It made it's way through both houses of congress, the President signed it and it survived a challenge in the Supreme Court.

It's a part of government.

Defunding defunding the government.

This is a radical and unprecedented move.

No one should have to deal with radicals.

yes, it is law. Congress is not obligated to fund every law. Its a terribly written law and will bankrupt the country if ever fully implemented. Even the dems who wrote it are now admitting that it has a lot of problems that need fixing.

A one year delay would give time to fix the bad things and improve the good things. It makes a lot of sense.

Its not about winning or losing, its about doing what is right for the country.

you dem/libs need to grow up and get over the "we won" bullshit, because next time you won't be the winners and the winners will remember.

"A one year delay would give time to fix the bad things and improve the good things. It makes a lot of sense." It would make sense if the Republicans had any interest at all in fixing or improving the ACA. Most of the amendments made were from the Republicans, but they didn't vote for it after all the crap they added to it. They don't want it to exist at all, but if it is to exist, they want it to be dysfunctional.

STOP THE LIES. The ACA bill that was passed by dems only had ZERO republican amendments included in it-----NONE, ZERO, NADA, ZILCH.

No amendments were allowed by pelosi or reid, no floor debate was allowed. it passed the senate on a legislative trick that should never have been allowed for something this important. The ACA bill was written solely be dem staffers and voted into law by dems only.

The republicans have offered to sit down in a conference committee and find a compromise------reid and the dems refused to participate. The shut down was caused by reid and obama----they own it.
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:lol: Crazy Republicans...

And word from the lowest-information poster on this site. Thanks!
Looks liek the Republicans wanted a compromise and the Dems refused.

The "compromise" was shutting down the ACA.

Which is now a part of government.

And they got what they should have got.

They were told to pound sand.

no, only the portions obama hasn't submarined yet is part of the 'gov.' .....

so, you're bombing the gop for not compromising, but Reid and Obama won't many ways do you want to slice that schizophrenic BS?
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.
When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?

they are doing it right now by refusing to even have meetings with the gop.

to blame one party is rather stupid, but we do know that at least the gop is negotiating, the dems are not. no, no, no, all we hear, they only want their agenda, nothing else.
They are not doing it now. They are not the ones holding the government hostage by trying to force their agenda into the budget. They are not the ones refusing to consider the other party's bill. They are not the ones seeking to change the law by using the budget and not the vote.

When have Democrats done that?
As you may know, a bill that makes major changes to the country's health care system became law
in 2010. Based on what you have
read or heard about that legislation, do you generally favor or
generally oppose it?


No opinion



If the federal government shuts down, do you think that Barack Obama or the Republicans in Congress would be more responsible for that?


Republicans in Congress

Both (vol.)

Neither (vol.)

No opinion

these numbers are right from the base poll in the OP..

What I find interesting is that the percentage of people who blame Obama ------36%
And the number that blame Obama and the Republicans----------------------------13%
------is more--------------------------------------------------------------------------------49%
than what blame the Republicans alone-------------------------------------------------------46%

So one could say that 49% blame Obama, at least in part....

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How many more of the same freaking threads do we need? I think Kidrocks AND Black Label had threads going on this same bullshit.

Don't you check JimH52?

We're hitting flooding levels now in Politics.
So why won't they name them?

It is still only King and the other from Pa who are being named.

What are they afraid of? :D

Dent and King and they can't pull off the 17 needed. The revolt prematurely came and went.

The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

let's see...the pubs passed a spending bill to fund the government, offered to even have a temp bill for up to 30 days if only the dems would negotiate...they refuse and it somehow is the pubs fault???

that doesn't even make sense. why can't the dems negotiate?
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Pelosi and company defunded the fence which was part of the law and....just didn't hear the uproar. Now, all the false outrage. Lol.

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