Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

STOP THE LIES. The ACA bill that was passed by dems only had ZERO republican amendments included in it-----NONE, ZERO, NADA, ZILCH.

No amendments were allowed by pelosi or reid, no floor debate was allowed. it passed the senate on a legislative trick that should never have been allowed for something this important. The ACA bill was written solely be dem staffers and voted into law by dems only.

The republicans have offered to sit down in a conference committee and find a compromise------reid and the dems refused to participate. The shut down was caused by reid and obama----they own it.
The ACA is not a bill anymore. It's a law. A law ruled Constitutional by SCOTUS. As far as that law is concerned, there's nothing to negotiate, nothing to compromise. It should be completely removed from the conversation.

But it's not. Because of you! That was your choice. Your decision. All the blame falls on you.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?

they are doing it right now by refusing to even have meetings with the gop.

to blame one party is rather stupid, but we do know that at least the gop is negotiating, the dems are not. no, no, no, all we hear, they only want their agenda, nothing else.
They are not doing it now. They are not the ones holding the government hostage by trying to force their agenda into the budget. They are not the ones refusing to consider the other party's bill. They are not the ones seeking to change the law by using the budget and not the vote.

When have Democrats done that?

cruz said yesterday he is for a temporary spending bill up to 30 days if only the dems would sit down for serious discussions about their differences.

the dems rejected that and said no negotiations. all they had to do was agree to sit down and discuss their differences, but reid said no, thus the fault lays more with the dems than the pubs.
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Democrats aren’t going to ‘negotiate’ because one doesn’t ‘negotiate’ Federal law in existence for three years.

If republicans in the House want to amend existing Federal law, they need to do so via conference committee, having nothing to do with the president or whether the government is funded or not.
STOP THE LIES. The ACA bill that was passed by dems only had ZERO republican amendments included in it-----NONE, ZERO, NADA, ZILCH.

No amendments were allowed by pelosi or reid, no floor debate was allowed. it passed the senate on a legislative trick that should never have been allowed for something this important. The ACA bill was written solely be dem staffers and voted into law by dems only.

The republicans have offered to sit down in a conference committee and find a compromise------reid and the dems refused to participate. The shut down was caused by reid and obama----they own it.
The ACA is not a bill anymore. It's a law. A law ruled Constitutional by SCOTUS. As far as that law is concerned, there's nothing to negotiate, nothing to compromise. It should be completely removed from the conversation.

But it's not. Because of you! That was your choice. Your decision. All the blame falls on you.

who suspended the employer mandate? :eusa_eh: or the verification law? Or the congressional obamacare law?
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Democrats aren’t going to ‘negotiate’ because one doesn’t ‘negotiate’ Federal law in existence for three years.

If republicans in the House want to amend existing Federal law, they need to do so via conference committee, having nothing to do with the president or whether the government is funded or not.

funding funding funding

and obama has already negotiated one year waivers and exemptions for the lie....
STOP THE LIES. The ACA bill that was passed by dems only had ZERO republican amendments included in it-----NONE, ZERO, NADA, ZILCH.

No amendments were allowed by pelosi or reid, no floor debate was allowed. it passed the senate on a legislative trick that should never have been allowed for something this important. The ACA bill was written solely be dem staffers and voted into law by dems only.

The republicans have offered to sit down in a conference committee and find a compromise------reid and the dems refused to participate. The shut down was caused by reid and obama----they own it.
The ACA is not a bill anymore. It's a law. A law ruled Constitutional by SCOTUS. As far as that law is concerned, there's nothing to negotiate, nothing to compromise. It should be completely removed from the conversation.

But it's not. Because of you! That was your choice. Your decision. All the blame falls on you.

Yes, we get that, every dem talking head on TV the last couple days has used that same talking point. Are you demlibs all on some email list where the talking points for the day are passed out? Is any one of you capable of independent thinking?

Congress has no obligation to fund every law. they are charged with managing the fiscal affairs of the country.

they have not done a very good job of it, but there is no constitutional mandate that they fund every law.
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

let's see...the pubs passed a spending bill to fund the government, offered to even have a temp bill for up to 30 days if only the dems would negotiate...they refuse and it somehow is the pubs fault???

that doesn't even make sense. why can't the dems negotiate?

They believe they do not need to. No matter what happens, the media, who never stop gushing and fawning over them, will spin it to be the Republicans' fault.

And they're right; the facts no longer matter. We're boned. There is no possible positive outcome.
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The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Democrats aren’t going to ‘negotiate’ because one doesn’t ‘negotiate’ Federal law in existence for three years.

If republicans in the House want to amend existing Federal law, they need to do so via conference committee, having nothing to do with the president or whether the government is funded or not.

O amended it without congress approval through waivers and exemptions.
5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.

What is to negotiate? A law?

Republicans are attempting to negotiate on how much Obamacare they can kill. That is not negotiating.....that is extortion
BTW Billo, Obama stole billions from medicare-----which has been a law for many years. Please cite the constitutional language that gives him that authority.
Yes, we get that, every dem talking head on TV the last couple days has used that same talking point. Are you demlibs all on some email list where the talking points for the day are passed out? Is any one of you capable of independent thinking?

Congress has no obligation to fund every law. they are charged with managing the fiscal affairs of the country.

they have not done a very good job of it, but there is no constitutional mandate that they fund every law.
This may sound a little weird, but I agree with you.
Yes, we get that, every dem talking head on TV the last couple days has used that same talking point. Are you demlibs all on some email list where the talking points for the day are passed out? Is any one of you capable of independent thinking?

Congress has no obligation to fund every law. they are charged with managing the fiscal affairs of the country.

they have not done a very good job of it, but there is no constitutional mandate that they fund every law.
This may sound a little weird, but I agree with you.

which part?
I have never seen one political party go to such extremes to shut down an on-going program down. It is flipping amazing! But they will get what they are asking for. That is a one way ticket back to their district.

Sadly, we may be looking at the final days of the GOP.
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

And 58 percent say the Democrats are acting like spoiled children, your point?

By the way only 46 percent blame the Republicans not a majority of people.
BTW Billo, Obama stole billions from medicare-----which has been a law for many years. Please cite the constitutional language that gives him that authority.
There isn't any. He's got 10 years to pay that back.

Because that's approximately when I will start collecting.
5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

At least Republicans agree on their talking points

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

2. Republicans have already compromised
The essence of compromise is when each party gives up something. Republicans aren't proposing to give up anything. They're just demanding a little bit less than before. Meanwhile, Democrats aren't asking for any trophies. Keeping the government open and raising the debt limit aren't ideological prizes, but basic housekeeping.

3. Republicans are just demanding what the people want
Even if you take the threat of shutdown out of the question, the Republican position still polls poorly. Only 38 percent support the view that "funding for the 2010 health care law must be cut off as part of any budget agreement," with 50 percent opposed. Furthermore, the notion of widespread opposition to ObamaCare on conservative grounds is also misplaced. As CNN's polling has long showed, while support for ObamaCare is below 50 percent, about 10 to 15 percent of that opposition says the program is "not liberal enough.

4. Harry Reid is the one who shut down the government
Sen. Reid's position is programs that Congress has already established by law should be properly funded. Reid is not the one who brought these issues together. House Republicans are the ones who made the decision to repeatedly link the suffocation of ObamaCare to legislation that would keep the government open; that was the threat, a threat on which Republicans have now followed through.

5. Since Obama is delaying ObamaCare for his friends, he should for everyone else

The real story is that the delay for the mandate on employers with 50 or more workers was to give extra time to resolve a specific issue that arose: a concern that the paperwork was going to be unnecessarily burdensome on the vast majority of businesses that already provide insurance. So a delay was issued to provide the time to resolve that specific matter. Soon after, certain unions tried to use the employer mandate delay, not to get a similar temporary delay, but to permanently change a rule that denies ObamaCare subsidies to a particular kind of employer-based insurance utilized by union members. Obama told his union friends, no, there's no legal basis for giving you those subsidies. The president is not doling out special favors. Nor does he consider the need for a few delays to resolve discrete issues to be cause for junking the entire law.

Facts conservatives will of course ignore.
I have never seen one political party go to such extremes to shut down an on-going program down. It is flipping amazing! But they will get what they are asking for. That is a one way ticket back to their district.

Sadly, we may be looking at the final days of the GOP.

it is not ongoing, it hasn't even started and obama has given extensions and waivers to thousands
5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.

What is to negotiate? A law?

Republicans are attempting to negotiate on how much Obamacare they can kill. That is not negotiating.....that is extortion


so arguing about funding something is now extortion

can you get any more hysterical?

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