Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

The Democrats and Obama have been salivating over this, remembering how the public blamed the GOP back in 95. This isn't '95 though and the Dems will find themselves getting reamed.

Are you saying that the GOP fell right into their trap?

N, dumbshit. They fell into their own trap. The Dums think the GOP will suffer a big PR loss in this. But they didnt count on a bad economy and a public that already thinks the gov't is too big.

I'm sure you can back up that assertion, right?
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Democrats aren’t going to ‘negotiate’ because one doesn’t ‘negotiate’ Federal law in existence for three years.

If republicans in the House want to amend existing Federal law, they need to do so via conference committee, having nothing to do with the president or whether the government is funded or not.

O amended it without congress approval through waivers and exemptions.

The House passed several bills. The Senate rejected all of them. Looks like the Democrats own this shut down.

If anyone wants to know who "owns" this shutdown, all they have to do is tune into talk radio and listen to just about any conservative talk radio program. What you'll hear is a giddiness in the voices of the conservative hosts and their conservative callers who are just flat out overjoyed that the gov't has shut down.
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

And 58 percent say the Democrats are acting like spoiled children, your point?

By the way only 46 percent blame the Republicans not a majority of people.

Is this your pathetic attempt to make up for the nation siding with sanity against the far right nutjobs? :cuckoo:
Remember back when they were complaining about White House tours!

Shutdown clock runs out, no winner

After stealthy rounds of ping pong over tying the budget to Obamacare, the government is officially shut down. FULL STORY

No deal, no U.S. parks

Never mind that visit to the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Forget visiting Independence Hall in Philadelphia. That hike at Yellowstone National Park? Not happening. Why? Ask Congress. FULL STORY - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

They are really putting their Grover Norquist Mission Statement to the test!

My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size... - Grover Norquist at BrainyQuote

Awe, look at the wittle cry baby. Mean old republicans refuse to fund socialist based health care programs for the loosers.

Need a tissue Sally? Why don't you grow a pair and get a job you pansy.
They are really putting their Grover Norquist Mission Statement to the test!


Let Us Be Clear: Obama Deserves Chief Responsibility for Gov't Shutdown.

The one thing that shouldn't be slighted, though, is that it is ultimately Barack Obama's fault. He's the deciderer, right, the top dog?

Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

And 58 percent say the Democrats are acting like spoiled children, your point?

By the way only 46 percent blame the Republicans not a majority of people.

Americans by 72% Oppose Shutdown Tied to Health Care Cuts

In a rejection of congressional Republicans’ strategy, Americans overwhelmingly oppose undermining President Barack Obama’s health-care law by shutting down the federal government or resisting an increase in the nation’s debt limit, according to a poll released today.

By 72 percent to 22 percent, Americans oppose Congress “shutting down major activities of the federal government” as a way to stop the Affordable Care Act from going into effect, the national survey from Quinnipiac University found.

By 64 percent to 27 percent, voters don’t want Congress to block an increase in the nation’s $16.7 trillion federal borrowing limit as a way to thwart implementation of the health-care law, which Obama signed into law in 2010 with a goal of insuring millions of Americans, known as “Obamacare.”

A majority of the public, 58 percent, is opposed to cutting off funding for the insurance program that begins enrollment today. Thirty-four percent support defunding it.

Americans by 72% Oppose Shutdown Tied to Health Care Cuts - Bloomberg
They are really putting their Grover Norquist Mission Statement to the test!


Let Us Be Clear: Obama Deserves Chief Responsibility for Gov't Shutdown.

The one thing that shouldn't be slighted, though, is that it is ultimately Barack Obama's fault. He's the deciderer, right, the top dog?


Obama is a bi-polar shit head. He'll blame the pubs in one report, then take credit for it in the next, then blame the pubs, then take credit for it, then ... well you get the idea. It does not matter what he says the media and democraps have their lips attached to his ass and will continue sucking right up to the end of his term.
5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.

Clearly ignorance of basic civics is a prerequisite for being conservative.

The Executive Branch doesn’t ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law, it enforces it. Period.

The Legislative Branch passes legislation which the president signs into law.

Any changes to existing Federal law are made by Congress alone, having nothing to do with the Executive, until such time as the president either signs the legislation into law or vetoes it.

With regard to the ACA, there is nothing compelling the Senate to ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law it believes in good faith to be enacted lawfully and at the behest of the American people.

If the people wanted the ACA changed or repealed they should have given control of the Senate to republicans and elected Romney president.

They did not.

Consequently the Senate and president are obeying the will of the people.
Democrats aren’t going to ‘negotiate’ because one doesn’t ‘negotiate’ Federal law in existence for three years.

If republicans in the House want to amend existing Federal law, they need to do so via conference committee, having nothing to do with the president or whether the government is funded or not.

O amended it without congress approval through waivers and exemptions.


We're not supposed to remember that......
Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.

What is to negotiate? A law?

Republicans are attempting to negotiate on how much Obamacare they can kill. That is not negotiating.....that is extortion


so arguing about funding something is now extortion

can you get any more hysterical?

That's exactly what it is.
they are doing it right now by refusing to even have meetings with the gop.

to blame one party is rather stupid, but we do know that at least the gop is negotiating, the dems are not. no, no, no, all we hear, they only want their agenda, nothing else.
They are not doing it now. They are not the ones holding the government hostage by trying to force their agenda into the budget. They are not the ones refusing to consider the other party's bill. They are not the ones seeking to change the law by using the budget and not the vote.

When have Democrats done that?

cruz said yesterday he is for a temporary spending bill up to 30 days if only the dems would sit down for serious discussions about their differences.

the dems rejected that and said no negotiations. all they had to do was agree to sit down and discuss their differences, but reid said no, thus the fault lays more with the dems than the pubs.

Cruz said ... ???


Who the fuck is Cruz? A junior Senator who's been in office a whopping 9 months and who like to read Dr. Seuss to his seniors?

Cruz is in no position to offer anything. The desperation from the right is deafening.
They are not doing it now. They are not the ones holding the government hostage by trying to force their agenda into the budget. They are not the ones refusing to consider the other party's bill. They are not the ones seeking to change the law by using the budget and not the vote.

When have Democrats done that?

cruz said yesterday he is for a temporary spending bill up to 30 days if only the dems would sit down for serious discussions about their differences.

the dems rejected that and said no negotiations. all they had to do was agree to sit down and discuss their differences, but reid said no, thus the fault lays more with the dems than the pubs.

Cruz said ... ???


Who the fuck is Cruz? A junior Senator who's been in office a whopping 9 months and who like to read Dr. Seuss to his seniors?

Cruz is in no position to offer anything. The desperation from the right is deafening.

Not to mention, a right wingnut who apparently has no idea that Dr. Seuss was a raging lefty.

5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.

Clearly ignorance of basic civics is a prerequisite for being conservative.

The Executive Branch doesn’t ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law, it enforces it. Period.

The Legislative Branch passes legislation which the president signs into law.

Any changes to existing Federal law are made by Congress alone, having nothing to do with the Executive, until such time as the president either signs the legislation into law or vetoes it.

With regard to the ACA, there is nothing compelling the Senate to ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law it believes in good faith to be enacted lawfully and at the behest of the American people.

If the people wanted the ACA changed or repealed they should have given control of the Senate to republicans and elected Romney president.

They did not.

Consequently the Senate and president are obeying the will of the people.

How did Obama change it then? Did he break the law? He gave businesses mandate a one year extension without going through congress yet refuses to even talk about doing the same thing for the individual mandate.
They are not doing it now. They are not the ones holding the government hostage by trying to force their agenda into the budget. They are not the ones refusing to consider the other party's bill. They are not the ones seeking to change the law by using the budget and not the vote.

When have Democrats done that?

cruz said yesterday he is for a temporary spending bill up to 30 days if only the dems would sit down for serious discussions about their differences.

the dems rejected that and said no negotiations. all they had to do was agree to sit down and discuss their differences, but reid said no, thus the fault lays more with the dems than the pubs.

Cruz said ... ???


Who the fuck is Cruz? A junior Senator who's been in office a whopping 9 months and who like to read Dr. Seuss to his seniors?

Cruz is in no position to offer anything. The desperation from the right is deafening.

Hey with those quals he could be president!
Remember back when they were complaining about White House tours!

Shutdown clock runs out, no winner

After stealthy rounds of ping pong over tying the budget to Obamacare, the government is officially shut down. FULL STORY

No deal, no U.S. parks

Never mind that visit to the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Forget visiting Independence Hall in Philadelphia. That hike at Yellowstone National Park? Not happening. Why? Ask Congress. FULL STORY - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

They are really putting their Grover Norquist Mission Statement to the test!

My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size... - Grover Norquist at BrainyQuote

Awe, look at the wittle cry baby. Mean old republicans refuse to fund socialist based health care programs for the loosers.

Need a tissue Sally? Why don't you grow a pair and get a job you pansy.


You wouldn't survive a day in either of the professions I've worked don't have the brawn to be on a moving truck or the brain to be in the middle of a massive IT infrastructure, little girl.

Rather, you'd better keep collecting the welfare checks you get provided with my taxes.

You should be on your kneepads thanking people like me for your daily bread, maggot.

In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists.

That's fine, people with balls are dealing with them. And they will eventually melt.

Like all you little girls.
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

And 58 percent say the Democrats are acting like spoiled children, your point?

By the way only 46 percent blame the Republicans not a majority of people.

Americans by 72% Oppose Shutdown Tied to Health Care Cuts

In a rejection of congressional Republicans’ strategy, Americans overwhelmingly oppose undermining President Barack Obama’s health-care law by shutting down the federal government or resisting an increase in the nation’s debt limit, according to a poll released today.

By 72 percent to 22 percent, Americans oppose Congress “shutting down major activities of the federal government” as a way to stop the Affordable Care Act from going into effect, the national survey from Quinnipiac University found.

By 64 percent to 27 percent, voters don’t want Congress to block an increase in the nation’s $16.7 trillion federal borrowing limit as a way to thwart implementation of the health-care law, which Obama signed into law in 2010 with a goal of insuring millions of Americans, known as “Obamacare.”

A majority of the public, 58 percent, is opposed to cutting off funding for the insurance program that begins enrollment today. Thirty-four percent support defunding it.

Americans by 72% Oppose Shutdown Tied to Health Care Cuts - Bloomberg
Seems like this might be an opportune moment for the GOP to whip out "The Cat in the Hat."

No - it's not. At all. If it were "sized for the population" it would need to be roughly 75% - 80% smaller than it actually is.... :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to point out a country like that.

I can.


Your turn.

So you have to falsely claim that a nation in a CIVIL WAR is the same thing as having a Constitutional, law abiding government? Doesn't the fact that you have to lie tell you that you're on the wrong side of the facts?

By the way, feel free to point out a country which is $17 trillion in debt, has a government which does not abide by the law, and which tramples on citizens rights.

I can.

United States (that's right, #1 in the world in debt - great job libtards)
You must be a righttard since you don't realize that roughly half that debt came from Republicans.

And that's with nominal figures. Factor in inflation and it's even higher.

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