Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

cruz said yesterday he is for a temporary spending bill up to 30 days if only the dems would sit down for serious discussions about their differences.

the dems rejected that and said no negotiations. all they had to do was agree to sit down and discuss their differences, but reid said no, thus the fault lays more with the dems than the pubs.

Cruz said ... ???


Who the fuck is Cruz? A junior Senator who's been in office a whopping 9 months and who like to read Dr. Seuss to his seniors?

Cruz is in no position to offer anything. The desperation from the right is deafening.

Hey with those quals he could be president!

The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..
Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..
Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

It has begun..........
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.
Ok, OK, Ok, the republicans won. I'll admit it. They have been demanding a smaller government for years, and we just gave it to them.

So what the hell are they whining about?
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

yep. I wanted single-payer but the Repubs would've brayed had the President proposed that. 10 impeachment threads too ;) :rolleyes:
The Dems are not going to negotiate. They don't have to. This could go on for along time and even some of the old line Republican are gonna star getting pissed. ACA is here and it is growing in popularity. That is what the GOP really fears.

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.
Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..

By who's standard? There are people reportedly getting insurance they couldn't have gotten otherwise.
Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.

Won't happen. Sometimes things have to be mandated and sometimes the MINORITY who didn't approve of it have to go along.
Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..


Reagan won an election, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Bush won an election, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Clinton won an election, got into power, had an agenda, the conservatives blocked his policies (like healthcare), shut down government and impeached him.

Bush lost an election, was appointed by the Supreme court, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Obama won an election, got into power, had an agenda, the conservatives blocked his policies (like healthcare) and shut down government.

See a pattern here?
You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..


Reagan won an election, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Bush won an election, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Clinton won an election, got into power, had an agenda, the conservatives blocked his policies (like healthcare), shut down government and impeached him.

Bush lost an election, was appointed by the Supreme court, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Obama won an election, got into power, had an agenda, the conservatives blocked his policies (like healthcare) and shut down government.

See a pattern here?

Wow... you're right. How did I not see it before? We just keep bouncing back and forth between lying Republican jackasses and lying Democrat jackasses.

Stop the insanity!!!
Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

yep. I wanted single-payer but the Repubs would've brayed had the President proposed that. 10 impeachment threads too ;) :rolleyes:

Now that's just silly. Their braying would have made no difference at all. The reason you didn't get single-payer, or the public option, was the blue-dog Democrats. Republicans were sitting on the sidelines for that one.
Last edited:
Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..


Reagan won an election, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Bush won an election, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Clinton won an election, got into power, had an agenda, the conservatives blocked his policies (like healthcare), shut down government and impeached him.

Bush lost an election, was appointed by the Supreme court, got into power, had an agenda, got his policies through congress, no one shut it down.

Obama won an election, got into power, had an agenda, the conservatives blocked his policies (like healthcare) and shut down government.

See a pattern here?

Wow... you're right. How did I not see it before? We just keep bouncing back and forth between lying Republican jackasses and lying Democrat jackasses.

Stop the insanity!!!

Ah so if only Ross Perot or John Anderson had won, eh?

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..

By who's standard? There are people reportedly getting insurance they couldn't have gotten otherwise.
And they are getting what for their money?
The failure to understand the difference between price and value is monumental
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You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.

Won't happen. Sometimes things have to be mandated and sometimes the MINORITY who didn't approve of it have to go along.
"Go along"....Or what?..
Liberal policies are so good, they have to be made mandatory, right chief?
The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.

Won't happen. Sometimes things have to be mandated and sometimes the MINORITY who didn't approve of it have to go along.
"Go along"....Or what?..
Liberal policies are so good, they have to be made mandatory, right chief?


Like paying 400 Billion for a spiffy new super sonic jet fighter.

Oh wait..that's not liberal.
Actually the original Idea was to find a way to make healthcare more affordable. Obamcare fails so far..

By who's standard? There are people reportedly getting insurance they couldn't have gotten otherwise.
And they are getting what for their money?
The failure to understand the difference between price and value is monumental

Exactly. for the money proposed one can go to the doctor every week and pay CASH - is going to be cheaper.
I love it! The Republicans have now gone to "Plan E". which is to pass individuals bills in the house to fund government functions that are popular with their base, one at a time, like opening D.C tourist sites, etc:

Republicans Have Moved On To 'Plan E' In The Government Shutdown Fight - Yahoo Finance

They are desperately posturing to try to convince the people that they are the reasonable guys in this dogfight. The president, to his credit, says, "forgetaboutit! I'm not playing that game with you. We are not going to cherrypick and fund those functions of government that the republican party deems worthy of funding, and not those that the republican party determines is not worthy". (paraphrased)

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