Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Growing in popularity? First, where did you hear that garbage? Some left wing blog site?
Second, how could something no one has and few know how it works, be "popular"?
And I thank you for displaying another example of lib hypocrisy.
You said so yourself. "Democrats don't have to negotiate"...
This flies in the face of Obama's oft used quote " no one is going to get 100% of what they want"..Or are you going to claim Obama never said that.
Heck, I hope the dems refuse to negotiate. That will make clear to Americans jjust who is responsible for shutting down the government and who is at fault for ramming a very bad law down our throats.
one possibility is after all the bullshit in DC settles, the people will have the last word. Civil disobedience. Yep. There will be Americans who will simply give Washington the finger and refuse to participate.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.
Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?
You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.
Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?

I don't like it because it's a sellout to the insurance industry. It does far more to regulate insurance customers than insurance companies. It tells us what kind of insurance we can buy and forces us to do so. Whether this is properly described as 'conservative' or not, is a debate that doesn't really interest me. But, this time around, no Republicans voted for it. And Democrats only compromised with their own 'vested interests'. I can't blame anyone but them.

Like paying 400 Billion for a spiffy new super sonic jet fighter.

Oh wait..that's not liberal.

And now the non-sequiturs will commence.

What non-sequitur?

The military is suddenly on a special magical pot of gold that doesn't cost the tax payer?

This is what you folks are squawking about, ain't it? The cost?

Well, we just spent 400 billion on a plane that won't stop terrorism, won't help defend the country or won't be used at all in any of the types of wars we've been fighting.

But's damn impressive, no?

[ame=]F35 AIR SHOW - YouTube[/ame]

Only 400 billion.

Mere bag of shells... :eusa_shifty:
The F-16 and F/A 18 MUST be replaced. Most of these aircraft are over 20 years old. Plus, the F-16 is not designed for night sorties.
The F-35 will also replace the A-6, A-10 the AH8A harrier and a couple other models.
Depending upon the airframe, the F-35 will be used as a fighter/bomber replacing the F-111. There is another version which will be used for carrier based operations.
All three Branches which use Aircraft will use the F-35. Where as the F/A 18 is a naval craft. The F-16 Falcon primarily used by the Air Force.
This new aircraft will actually save money in the long run for many reasons. Most importantly, the Air Force, Navy and Marines will all have trained techs and parts for the craft. All will have to be cross trained on the three F-35 models.
Of course it is better to spend $2.6 trillion on a feel good program..Feeling good is good..Right. Even if the program does not fulfill its intent.
That's ok though. You go one thinking its more important to broaden the menu of social programs and safety nets.
Ahh...What do you care. You're a rich New Yorker. You can afford it.

National defense is an essential function of government.
Case closed.
You seem to forget the whole process of how this got put in place.

ORIGINALLY, it was supposed to be single payer..then it went to a government option, then it went to this version which was the one used by Romney and initially put up as an "alternative" to HillaryCare by Bob Dole.

This has been compromised to death.

The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.
Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
The presence of a government individual mandate eliminates the possibility of ACA being an "option"..
If there was option, the choice to 'opt out' with no repercussions should be available.
Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:
Remember back when they were complaining about White House tours!

They are really putting their Grover Norquist Mission Statement to the test!

My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size... - Grover Norquist at BrainyQuote

Awe, look at the wittle cry baby. Mean old republicans refuse to fund socialist based health care programs for the loosers.

Need a tissue Sally? Why don't you grow a pair and get a job you pansy.


You wouldn't survive a day in either of the professions I've worked don't have the brawn to be on a moving truck or the brain to be in the middle of a massive IT infrastructure, little girl.

Rather, you'd better keep collecting the welfare checks you get provided with my taxes.

You should be on your kneepads thanking people like me for your daily bread, maggot.

In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists.

That's fine, people with balls are dealing with them. And they will eventually melt.

Like all you little girls.

You're funny for a prissy little coward that needs my redistributions. I've never received, and never will receive, welfare. Brawn? You couldn't stick with me for two hours on my ranch. Brains for IT? I've been the lead architect for operating systems, jvms, browsers, app servers, led IT infrastructure installations at the state of tx, Boeing, Bank of America, ran my own software company... Face it you are a democrat because you are inferior in every way.
Last edited:
And now the non-sequiturs will commence.

What non-sequitur?

The military is suddenly on a special magical pot of gold that doesn't cost the tax payer?

This is what you folks are squawking about, ain't it? The cost?

Well, we just spent 400 billion on a plane that won't stop terrorism, won't help defend the country or won't be used at all in any of the types of wars we've been fighting.

But's damn impressive, no?

[ame=]F35 AIR SHOW - YouTube[/ame]

Only 400 billion.

Mere bag of shells... :eusa_shifty:
The F-16 and F/A 18 MUST be replaced. Most of these aircraft are over 20 years old. Plus, the F-16 is not designed for night sorties.
The F-35 will also replace the A-6, A-10 the AH8A harrier and a couple other models.
Depending upon the airframe, the F-35 will be used as a fighter/bomber replacing the F-111. There is another version which will be used for carrier based operations.
All three Branches which use Aircraft will use the F-35. Where as the F/A 18 is a naval craft. The F-16 Falcon primarily used by the Air Force.
This new aircraft will actually save money in the long run for many reasons. Most importantly, the Air Force, Navy and Marines will all have trained techs and parts for the craft. All will have to be cross trained on the three F-35 models.
Of course it is better to spend $2.6 trillion on a feel good program..Feeling good is good..Right. Even if the program does not fulfill its intent.
That's ok though. You go one thinking its more important to broaden the menu of social programs and safety nets.
Ahh...What do you care. You're a rich New Yorker. You can afford it.

National defense is an essential function of government.
Case closed.

Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best. And a strict reading of the Constitution assures permanent funding of the navy to prevent sea based invasions..which again, will never happen because of our nukes.

That posted, we already know how to build the planes you mention in your post and didn't need to go to the drawing board to redesign and entirely new plane with completely new tech to fight other planes which don't exist and aren't used in the sorts of wars we have been fighting over the last several decades.

This was a huge gift to the "defense" industry.
Awe, look at the wittle cry baby. Mean old republicans refuse to fund socialist based health care programs for the loosers.

Need a tissue Sally? Why don't you grow a pair and get a job you pansy.


You wouldn't survive a day in either of the professions I've worked don't have the brawn to be on a moving truck or the brain to be in the middle of a massive IT infrastructure, little girl.

Rather, you'd better keep collecting the welfare checks you get provided with my taxes.

You should be on your kneepads thanking people like me for your daily bread, maggot.

In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists.

That's fine, people with balls are dealing with them. And they will eventually melt.

Like all you little girls.

You're funny for a prissy little coward that needs my redistributions. I've never received, and never will receive, welfare. Brawn? You couldn't stick with me for two hours on my ranch. Brains for IT? I've been the lead architect for operating systems, jvms, browsers, app servers, led IT infrastructure installations at the state of tx, Boeing, Bank of America, ran my own software company... Face it you are a democrat because you are inferior in every way.

Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:

It's actually Amazing.

But in "reality" the plan they prefer is no plan at all.

Anything that benefits the public at large conservatives fight tooth and nail.

And there's a deliberate reason for it. Same as the reason for fighting SSI and Medicare.

It makes the workforce much more secure and much less desperate. That's entirely what their rich overlords do not want. Which is part of the reason, during the Bush administration, many went overseas. There was a wealth of people clamoring to take any job they offered for any pay they offered. Companies were literally paying pennies on the dollar for highly skilled IT techs. There were people in the Bush administration that actually defended this nonsense and said Americans make to much money.

Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:

No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....
Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Really [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? Our "mess of nuclear missiles guarantees we will never ever be attacked"?!? So 9/11 was NOT an attack in your warped and twisted mind?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Swallow continues to prove he is the MOST IGNORANT asshat who does exactly what his name implies - swallows the loads of his Dumbocrat masters. Good little cock-sucker....
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:

No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....

Rut ro. rotty's having ANOTHER breakdown. Take a Xanax dude. Your hearts gonna blow.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:

No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....

Rut ro. rotty's having ANOTHER breakdown. Take a Xanax dude. Your hearts gonna blow.

In other words - I'm right and that REALLY bothers you. Since you can't dispute that, you have to change the subject? :eusa_whistle:
Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Ladies & Gentlemen - we're dealing with a fuck'n child here. This is one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has EVER seen :bang3:


  • $image.jpg
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In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists. lil swallow crying because he's not going to get his government cheese and welfare check for gay porn this week? :crybaby:

It SHUTDOWN bitch! The American people sent the Tea Party to Washington to stop people like you and Obama from collapsing this nation. We the people have spoken!

Odd that nobody else that thinks they are "right" has to use large fonts and @ notifications...


Not true at all sweetheart. Are you going to claim 9/11 wasn't an attack? Oh please say it's so! :lol:

Swallow humiliates himself every second. I just want to make sure that humiliation as highlighted sweetie. That's all... :)
Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Really [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? Our "mess of nuclear missiles guarantees we will never ever be attacked"?!? So 9/11 was NOT an attack in your warped and twisted mind?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Swallow continues to prove he is the MOST IGNORANT asshat who does exactly what his name implies - swallows the loads of his Dumbocrat masters. Good little cock-sucker....

You really should learn to read things before you post you little faggot.

Obviously, english isn't your first language.

What is it? Russian?


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