Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....

Rut ro. rotty's having ANOTHER breakdown. Take a Xanax dude. Your hearts gonna blow.

In other words - I'm right and that REALLY bothers you. Since you can't dispute that, you have to change the subject? :eusa_whistle:

No dude, I have just given up on the idea that you have enough intelligence to continue further conversations with. I mean why bother communicating with an idiot that says the same thing over and over and over......then thinks their point will MAYBE BE VALID IF


LMAO. Take two Xanax and 4 Vicodin. Maybe you'll feel better.
Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Ladies & Gentlemen - we're dealing with a fuck'n child here. This is one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has EVER seen :bang3:


You are truly a brain dead moron without an inkling of brain matter between your ears.

You wouldn't survive a day in either of the professions I've worked don't have the brawn to be on a moving truck or the brain to be in the middle of a massive IT infrastructure, little girl.

Rather, you'd better keep collecting the welfare checks you get provided with my taxes.

You should be on your kneepads thanking people like me for your daily bread, maggot.

In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists.

That's fine, people with balls are dealing with them. And they will eventually melt.

Like all you little girls.

You're funny for a prissy little coward that needs my redistributions. I've never received, and never will receive, welfare. Brawn? You couldn't stick with me for two hours on my ranch. Brains for IT? I've been the lead architect for operating systems, jvms, browsers, app servers, led IT infrastructure installations at the state of tx, Boeing, Bank of America, ran my own software company... Face it you are a democrat because you are inferior in every way.

Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?
In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists. lil swallow crying because he's not going to get his government cheese and welfare check for gay porn this week? :crybaby:

It SHUTDOWN bitch! The American people sent the Tea Party to Washington to stop people like you and Obama from collapsing this nation. We the people have spoken!


It's always you faggots that introduce gay shit into threads.

You can't make this stuff up.
Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Really [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? Our "mess of nuclear missiles guarantees we will never ever be attacked"?!? So 9/11 was NOT an attack in your warped and twisted mind?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Swallow continues to prove he is the MOST IGNORANT asshat who does exactly what his name implies - swallows the loads of his Dumbocrat masters. Good little cock-sucker....

Fuk me. Rotty thinks (I use that term loosely) that 9/11 was done by Iraq. (rotty see the big letter part where it was said "attacked by a foreign nation".)

Don't you, you stupid muttafukker?

And why is it that a dog can type on the internet and not read and comprehend what was written?
You're funny for a prissy little coward that needs my redistributions. I've never received, and never will receive, welfare. Brawn? You couldn't stick with me for two hours on my ranch. Brains for IT? I've been the lead architect for operating systems, jvms, browsers, app servers, led IT infrastructure installations at the state of tx, Boeing, Bank of America, ran my own software company... Face it you are a democrat because you are inferior in every way.

Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

Ah so you worked at either Bell Labs or DARPA.

Or maybe you're the ghost of Dennis Ritchie or Alan Turing.

Or maybe you are just a fucking script kiddie with delusions of Grandeur sitting in your mom's basement on the dirt farm you call a "ranch".

You're funny for a prissy little coward that needs my redistributions. I've never received, and never will receive, welfare. Brawn? You couldn't stick with me for two hours on my ranch. Brains for IT? I've been the lead architect for operating systems, jvms, browsers, app servers, led IT infrastructure installations at the state of tx, Boeing, Bank of America, ran my own software company... Face it you are a democrat because you are inferior in every way.

Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

One of the great things about the internet (invented by Al Gore and RKM Brown) is the feature of allowing yourself to be whatever you want to be. It's like you can just make shit up and present it as fact. I love the Internet.
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:

No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....
You dildo, I already have health insurance through my job. Which I've been getting for many years without ObamaCare. You're such a rightard. Can't you get anything right?
President Obama’s budget even proposes to cancel the sequester cuts, because he can’t bear to cut even 1% of federal spending from the growth in spending. His budget proposes to spend $46.5 trillion overall over the next 10 years, even more than the Senate Democrat budget, the highest government spending in world history.

ZERO compromise from the filthy pig known as Barack Hussein Obama

FACT: Over the last 3 years government spending is down the most & for the first time in 70 years!


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Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Ladies & Gentlemen - we're dealing with a fuck'n child here. This is one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has EVER seen :bang3:

Why do you call yourself a child, posting one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has ever seen? Don't you have any self-esteem? It appears not.

Oh, and by the way .... I highlighted the salient qualifier of that post that you're just too fucking rightarded to comprehend.
Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

One of the great things about the internet (invented by Al Gore and RKM Brown) is the feature of allowing yourself to be whatever you want to be. It's like you can just make shit up and present it as fact. I love the Internet.

And here's the problemo with our resident interweb inventor...he's dealing with someone that's been around the block a few times in the IT game. I've worked with Military coders that actually wrote their own languages, compilers and all. I've also worked with the real live engineers from most of the big shops. I know how they act and how they think.

Mr. Asshat Brown acts more like the fast talking sales dudes I've run into as well.

And he's even got his own hat!
Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

Ah so you worked at either Bell Labs or DARPA.

Or maybe you're the ghost of Dennis Ritchie or Alan Turing.

Or maybe you are just a fucking script kiddie with delusions of Grandeur sitting in your mom's basement on the dirt farm you call a "ranch".


I wrote the systems that execute script based programs. I've written millions of lines of code and debugged tens of millions of lines of code. I'm the guy that converted all of the assembler code of windows to C. I'm the guy they used to call in for the really heavy code lifting. I'm the guy bell labs and darpa used to call when they had problems with their systems. Note, used to. I gave up that life around the time Obama took over the country. I don't need the money, been there done that. I'm semi retired from that life now, so to speak.
No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

Ah so you worked at either Bell Labs or DARPA.

Or maybe you're the ghost of Dennis Ritchie or Alan Turing.

Or maybe you are just a fucking script kiddie with delusions of Grandeur sitting in your mom's basement on the dirt farm you call a "ranch".


I wrote the systems that execute script based programs. I've written millions of lines of code and debugged tens of millions of lines of code. I'm the guy that converted all of the assembler code of windows to C. I'm the guy they used to call in for the really heavy code lifting. I'm the guy bell labs and darpa used to call when they had problems with their systems. Note, used to. I gave up that life around the time Obama took over the country. I don't need the money, been there done that. I'm semi retired from that life now, so to speak.

So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

And DARPA and Bell labs called you.

And now you have so much money that all you do is post on an internet chat board that has no relevance to the life that you formerly lived..


You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?

Ah so you worked at either Bell Labs or DARPA.

Or maybe you're the ghost of Dennis Ritchie or Alan Turing.

Or maybe you are just a fucking script kiddie with delusions of Grandeur sitting in your mom's basement on the dirt farm you call a "ranch".


I wrote the systems that execute script based programs. I've written millions of lines of code and debugged tens of millions of lines of code. I'm the guy that converted all of the assembler code of windows to C. I'm the guy they used to call in for the really heavy code lifting. I'm the guy bell labs and darpa used to call when they had problems with their systems. Note, used to. I gave up that life around the time Obama took over the country. I don't need the money, been there done that. I'm semi retired from that life now, so to speak.

So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

And DARPA and Bell labs called you.

And now you have so much money that all you do is post on an internet chat board that has no relevance to the life that you formerly lived..


You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?


>> So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

Yes, I've written many script language execution environments, including those on Unix variant systems. I used to own the core components of windows, dos, jvms, browsers, application servers,.... Used to sit across the table from Bill in the war room (engineering) sessions.

>> And now you have so much money
I might be rich in comparison to you maybe, but no I'm not rich, not even close.

>> You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?


FYI: I find it amusing when people like you declare that no one "better" than them should be wasting their time around places like this. Funny. My dad was director of engineering at Allied Signal, he retired at 53 to build houses for habitat for humanity, you can find him at the bars in Okeechobee shooting pool drinking beer and talking about the good ole days, fishing, and swapping vietnam stories. You never know, never really know who the guy you are talking to is, till you actually talk to them.
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President Obama’s budget even proposes to cancel the sequester cuts, because he can’t bear to cut even 1% of federal spending from the growth in spending. His budget proposes to spend $46.5 trillion overall over the next 10 years, even more than the Senate Democrat budget, the highest government spending in world history.

ZERO compromise from the filthy pig known as Barack Hussein Obama

FACT: Over the last 3 years government spending is down the most & for the first time in 70 years!



Another lib who can't read a graph.

If I go one month and blow out thebudget, buying cars, jewels, vacations etc etc, and then the next month buy only half that am I entitled to crow my spending has dropped by the most ever?
President Obama’s budget even proposes to cancel the sequester cuts, because he can’t bear to cut even 1% of federal spending from the growth in spending. His budget proposes to spend $46.5 trillion overall over the next 10 years, even more than the Senate Democrat budget, the highest government spending in world history.

ZERO compromise from the filthy pig known as Barack Hussein Obama

FACT: Over the last 3 years government spending is down the most & for the first time in 70 years!



Another lib who can't read a graph.

If I go one month and blow out thebudget, buying cars, jewels, vacations etc etc, and then the next month buy only half that am I entitled to crow my spending has dropped by the most ever?

Ayup. Even if the only reason your spending actually curbed is due to the other party forcing you to curb spending with you crying and screaming the whole time. Funny, how they scream for more money then take credit for spending less when we don't let them do what they wanted.
I wrote the systems that execute script based programs. I've written millions of lines of code and debugged tens of millions of lines of code. I'm the guy that converted all of the assembler code of windows to C. I'm the guy they used to call in for the really heavy code lifting. I'm the guy bell labs and darpa used to call when they had problems with their systems. Note, used to. I gave up that life around the time Obama took over the country. I don't need the money, been there done that. I'm semi retired from that life now, so to speak.

So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

And DARPA and Bell labs called you.

And now you have so much money that all you do is post on an internet chat board that has no relevance to the life that you formerly lived..


You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?


>> So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

Yes, I've written many script language execution environments, including those on Unix variant systems. I used to own the core components of windows, dos, jvms, browsers, application servers,.... Used to sit across the table from Bill in the war room (engineering) sessions.

>> And now you have so much money
I might be rich in comparison to you maybe, but no I'm not rich, not even close.

>> You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?


FYI: I find it amusing when people like you declare that no one "better" than them should be wasting their time around places like this. Funny. My dad was director of engineering at Allied Signal, he retired at 53 to build houses for habitat for humanity, you can find him at the bars in Okeechobee shooting pool drinking beer and talking about the good ole days, fishing, and swapping vietnam stories. You never know, never really know who the guy you are talking to is, till you actually talk to them.


Now you are acting all wounded and set upon.

You should remember you entered this thread by insulting the OP and posting nothing but nonsense.

You're not the victim, you're the one that started shit, which is another reason that leads me to believe you are nothing more than a slick salesman familiar with some tech jargon. I've met plenty of those folks and they are a dime a dozen.

I've also done work for Habitat for Humanity working shoulder to shoulder with old Duncan.

And many other charities.

If you are telling the truth about your might wanna follow in his footsteps instead of bashing a program directly set up to help the very people Habitat helps.

Just sayin..
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So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

And DARPA and Bell labs called you.

And now you have so much money that all you do is post on an internet chat board that has no relevance to the life that you formerly lived..


You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?


>> So you wrote UNIX interpreter eh? And backward engineered Microsoft windows, did ya?

Yes, I've written many script language execution environments, including those on Unix variant systems. I used to own the core components of windows, dos, jvms, browsers, application servers,.... Used to sit across the table from Bill in the war room (engineering) sessions.

>> And now you have so much money
I might be rich in comparison to you maybe, but no I'm not rich, not even close.

>> You selling bridges in Brooklyn as well?


FYI: I find it amusing when people like you declare that no one "better" than them should be wasting their time around places like this. Funny. My dad was director of engineering at Allied Signal, he retired at 53 to build houses for habitat for humanity, you can find him at the bars in Okeechobee shooting pool drinking beer and talking about the good ole days, fishing, and swapping vietnam stories. You never know, never really know who the guy you are talking to is, till you actually talk to them.


Now you are acting all wounded and set upon.

You should remember you entered this thread by insulting the OP and posting nothing but nonsense.

You're not the victim, you're the one that started shit, which is another reason that leads me to believe you are nothing more than a slick salesman familiar with some tech jargon. I've met plenty of those folks and they are a dime a dozen.

I've also done work for Habitat for Humanity working shoulder to shoulder with old Duncan.

And many other charities.

If you are telling the truth about your might wanna follow in his footsteps instead of bashing a program directly set up to help the very people Habitat helps.

Just sayin..
Wounded.. set upon? ROFL

Yes, slick salesmen are a dime a dozen, agreed. I've used no tech jargon to this point.

Narry a mention of my experience with ice machines, kernel debuggers, real time satellite up-link software, multi threaded kernel software, I was writing bbs software when I was in high school. I wrote a C++ compiler in a 36hour coding session, brought it into class monday morning as I found out everyone else was given an Incomplete and allowed the entire summer to complete their assignment. Coding was my joy, my hobby for 32years.

Habitat is a hand up, not a hand out. Huge difference between what I do with habitat, my church, and other hand up programs and what this government is doing at the point of a gun.
Whassamatter? You don't like the Conservative plan we ended up with?
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:
You still have not responded to my question. Which was, "if this is a GOP plan, why then are ONLY democrats in support of it"?..THAT is a question. And you evaded it.
This ACA is WORSE than no plan at all. It is government paving the way to hell with good intentions.
All you are looking for here is another fucking handout.

FACT: Over the last 3 years government spending is down the most & for the first time in 70 years!



Another lib who can't read a graph.

If I go one month and blow out thebudget, buying cars, jewels, vacations etc etc, and then the next month buy only half that am I entitled to crow my spending has dropped by the most ever?

Ayup. Even if the only reason your spending actually curbed is due to the other party forcing you to curb spending with you crying and screaming the whole time. Funny, how they scream for more money then take credit for spending less when we don't let them do what they wanted.

It's a riot watching brainwashed idealog idiots post. When their leaders piss on their heads & tell them it is raining, they open their mouth & drink it in. :lol: Then when it really does rain & a free clear thinking person tells them it's raining, they run crying and screaming you are pissing on my head! :lol: :lol:

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