Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Worship is a religious word..I am not religious.

The ACA was not a whim, it was a law passed using every government procedure, properly. The President played fair and square, by all the rules.

It's the Tea Party Conservatives that are making a mockery of our system.

Tyranny, by definition, is rule by the minority over the majority.

And that's what is going on here.

Fair and square? Interesting concept. What actually took place was progressives in the Democratic Party used their Super Majorities in the House and Senate to pass legislation that totally excluded the GOP and ignored the wishes of the American people. The electorate so disliked the agenda of those progressives that they then voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms in record numbers. That vote forced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to rush through the Affordable Care Act that we're now stuck with before Republicans could take their seats in the House and Senate to stop it. Now THAT is what "is going on here". Somehow you take all of THAT and bluster about the "tyranny" of the minority. It's rather amusing to watch. One would think that the 2010 mid-terms never took place and the American people never elected those Republicans who RAN on fighting ObamaCare.

Progressives rightly pointed out in 2008 that "elections have consequences" only to turn around a scant two years later and declare that those consequences didn't matter any more because what they were doing was "right" despite the wishes of the electorate.

That seems to be your notion of "fair".
It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?

It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".
Fair and square? Interesting concept. What actually took place was progressives in the Democratic Party used their Super Majorities in the House and Senate to pass legislation that totally excluded the GOP and ignored the wishes of the American people. The electorate so disliked the agenda of those progressives that they then voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms in record numbers. That vote forced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to rush through the Affordable Care Act that we're now stuck with before Republicans could take their seats in the House and Senate to stop it. Now THAT is what "is going on here". Somehow you take all of THAT and bluster about the "tyranny" of the minority. It's rather amusing to watch. One would think that the 2010 mid-terms never took place and the American people never elected those Republicans who RAN on fighting ObamaCare.

Progressives rightly pointed out in 2008 that "elections have consequences" only to turn around a scant two years later and declare that those consequences didn't matter any more because what they were doing was "right" despite the wishes of the electorate.

That seems to be your notion of "fair".
It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?

It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".

First off..that's the way the government works. You legislate, negotiate and vote. You don't wait on the next election.

Secondly..if it's so bad..then why did it get through the Supreme Court?

Thirdly..if it's so bad..then no one should be blocking it. Let it fail..then repeal. You should be able to get the representatives to do that.
Secondly..if it's so bad..then why did it get through the Supreme Court?

I'd like to get an honest answer from Roberts on that one.

Thirdly..if it's so bad..then no one should be blocking it. Let it fail..then repeal. You should be able to get the representatives to do that.

I've seen this argument a lot, and it makes no sense to me. Many of us who oppose ACA feel it will do irreparable harm to our nation and our society. Why should we stand by and let that happen?
In one word, why have other Presidents with a mixed congress been able to get things done?



Because unlike Conservatives, Liberals actually like the government and are willing to compromise.

It's only conservatives that shut things done to enforce minority rule.

That's real live Tyranny.

Bull fucking shit. The house sent how many bills trying to compromise that Reid wiould not allow to even be read in the senate?

Just today I was listening to POTUS on Serius/xm radio and it was covering a letter that the Democrat leadership was sending to the Speaker. They were calling on him to end the closing of the Government and then they would talk.

Yet they refuse to allow the offer of lets pass a bill good for one month and we'll talk things over during that month.

You see that is called working together. Reid will not allow the Dems to do it.

Contrary to what some believe, even Clinton worked with the Republicans to get things done. This administration is my way or the high way. And it's wrong.
It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?

It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".

First off..that's the way the government works. You legislate, negotiate and vote. You don't wait on the next election.

Secondly..if it's so bad..then why did it get through the Supreme Court?

Thirdly..if it's so bad..then no one should be blocking it. Let it fail..then repeal. You should be able to get the representatives to do that.

There was no negotiation with Republicans as far as ObamaCare went. It was passed without a single Republican voting for it. That was legislation that was totally written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors with ZERO Republican input. The only negotiation that took place was with moderate Democrats like Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana who extorted sweetheart deals for themselves from the Democratic leadership to vote for something that they KNEW was bad legislation.

Why shouldn't it have gone through the Supreme Court? Just because legislation is constitutional doesn't make it well written or able to fix problems with our health care system.

So we should implement sweeping legislation that will affect a huge portion of our economy knowing that it's badly written and is doomed to fail...just so we can repeal it later on? That right there, Sallow is what ObamaCare is REALLY all about! You progressives know it sucks in the worst way but you won't allow it to be repealed because what you REALLY want is health care that is government controlled and this is the first step to achieving that goal.

And in case you haven't been paying attention, Sparky...Barack Obama...the President of the United States has promised that he will veto all attempts to repeal ObamaCare. That means a 2/3's margin in the House and Senate would be needed to override that veto. There isn't a chance in hell of that taking place which is why ObamaCare was rushed through in the lame duck session of 2010.
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What non-sequitur?

The military is suddenly on a special magical pot of gold that doesn't cost the tax payer?

This is what you folks are squawking about, ain't it? The cost?

Well, we just spent 400 billion on a plane that won't stop terrorism, won't help defend the country or won't be used at all in any of the types of wars we've been fighting.

But's damn impressive, no?

F35 AIR SHOW - YouTube

Only 400 billion.

Mere bag of shells... :eusa_shifty:
The defense budget shows just how full of shit the right are on government spending.

How can you critisize the US defense budget? The US NEEDS over 1,000 military bases around the worrld!!!!!!!!

Military mystery: How many bases does the US have around the world, anyway? | Occasional Planet

Not including Iraq and Afganastan, of course....

Define Base. There are posts with less than 50 troops stationed at them. Is that a base?

I once saw a count that counted every place there were any troops. Which included Embassies and some consulates, Are those bases?

I don't have a count but all four places that I was once stationed at in Germany are now closed. We've cut troops strength there by about 90% since the 80's....

Yes we can cut the military budget. But with a scalpel not a broad sword.
Secondly..if it's so bad..then why did it get through the Supreme Court?

I'd like to get an honest answer from Roberts on that one.

Thirdly..if it's so bad..then no one should be blocking it. Let it fail..then repeal. You should be able to get the representatives to do that.

I've seen this argument a lot, and it makes no sense to me. Many of us who oppose ACA feel it will do irreparable harm to our nation and our society. Why should we stand by and let that happen?

What progressives like Obama, Pelosi and Reid understand only too well is that once people are given a government handout it's almost impossible to take it away from them. They want as many people on ObamaCare as possible as soon as possible because they know that doing so makes it politically harder for the opposition to repeal the law. It's like giving candy to an infant and then making someone else take it away.
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It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?

It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".

First off..that's the way the government works. You legislate, negotiate and vote. You don't wait on the next election.

Secondly..if it's so bad..then why did it get through the Supreme Court?

Thirdly..if it's so bad..then no one should be blocking it. Let it fail..then repeal. You should be able to get the representatives to do that.

pssssssssssst....the scotus didn't say whether the law good or bad, they upheld the law as constitutional under the TAXING power, which obama claimed it was not. so obama, the alleged constitutional scholar, lied to us about the law. the law should have been immediately scrapped by obama and the dems following that ruling.

the law is a lie and it sucks.
ObamaCare is "bridge legislation". It's something that you pass because you want to get your foot in the door with a government run health care system. It "sucks" because the Democrats that wrote it could care less about solving problems with health care. The impetus behind the ACA wasn't fixing our health care system...the impetus was getting us one step closer to what they REALLY want...and that's government run health care. All you have to do is look at the message that Obama, Reid and Pelosi have given to their far left constituents all along...they've been quite forthcoming that this is just a first step in getting to an ultimate goal.
The defense budget shows just how full of shit the right are on government spending.

How can you critisize the US defense budget? The US NEEDS over 1,000 military bases around the worrld!!!!!!!!

Military mystery: How many bases does the US have around the world, anyway? | Occasional Planet

Not including Iraq and Afganastan, of course....

Define Base. There are posts with less than 50 troops stationed at them. Is that a base?

I once saw a count that counted every place there were any troops. Which included Embassies and some consulates, Are those bases?

I don't have a count but all four places that I was once stationed at in Germany are now closed. We've cut troops strength there by about 90% since the 80's....

Yes we can cut the military budget. But with a scalpel not a broad sword.

Oh, but the list of bases that I referred to is very restricted! It does not list a single one in Iraq or Afganastan, for example!

The inspiration for the republican anti-ACA stratagy
ObamaCare is "bridge legislation". It's something that you pass because you want to get your foot in the door with a government run health care system. It "sucks" because the Democrats that wrote it could care less about solving problems with health care. The impetus behind the ACA wasn't fixing our health care system...the impetus was getting us one step closer to what they REALLY want...and that's government run health care. All you have to do is look at the message that Obama, Reid and Pelosi have given to their far left constituents all along...they've been quite forthcoming that this is just a first step in getting to an ultimate goal.

Ayup... Rules for Radicals.

They know we already have health care for the needy. This is about burning the greatest health care system on the planet down to the ground to pave way for socialist based single payer (progressive) health care. Clinton's free hospital care, including for all illegals, was round one to start bleeding the system. The states have been doing rounds two, three, and four adding free maternity, and other expensive elective procedures as mandatory covered items. Now we get pre-existing and subsidies to burn it the rest of the way down.
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Rut ro. rotty's having ANOTHER breakdown. Take a Xanax dude. Your hearts gonna blow.

In other words - I'm right and that REALLY bothers you. Since you can't dispute that, you have to change the subject? :eusa_whistle:

No dude, I have just given up on the idea that you have enough intelligence to continue further conversations with. I mean why bother communicating with an idiot that says the same thing over and over and over......then thinks their point will MAYBE BE VALID IF THEY JUST SAY THE SAME THING, ONLY LOUDER.

LMAO. Take two Xanax and 4 Vicodin. Maybe you'll feel better.

A liberals answer is to get high on drugs - shocking! :eusa_whistle:
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at all. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:

No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....
You dildo, I already have health insurance through my job. Which I've been getting for many years without ObamaCare. You're such a rightard. Can't you get anything right?

Then you have ZERO reason to crave government involvement in healthcare (unless of course you are lying or you are a communist). Which is it?
Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Ladies & Gentlemen - we're dealing with a fuck'n child here. This is one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has EVER seen :bang3:

Why do you call yourself a child, posting one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has ever seen? Don't you have any self-esteem? It appears not.

Oh, and by the way .... I highlighted the salient qualifier of that post that you're just too fucking rightarded to comprehend.

Hey [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION] - your "salient qualifier" should have been Swallows juvenile fuck'n claim that our fighter jets are a waste because our nukes keep us "free from attack" :bang3:. We haven't dropped one nuke in Afghanistan but we sure as hell have used a fuck-load of fighter jets.

See what an idiot Swallow is and you are for defending him? The only waste is the government handouts that you parasites keep abusing.

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