Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

I love it! The Republicans have now gone to "Plan E". which is to pass individuals bills in the house to fund government functions that are popular with their base, one at a time, like opening D.C tourist sites, etc:

Republicans Have Moved On To 'Plan E' In The Government Shutdown Fight - Yahoo Finance

They are desperately posturing to try to convince the people that they are the reasonable guys in this dogfight. The president, to his credit, says, "forgetaboutit! I'm not playing that game with you. We are not going to cherrypick and fund those functions of government that the republican party deems worthy of funding, and not those that the republican party determines is not worthy". (paraphrased)

Obama is simply saying "I will not allow you to avoid shutting down MY government"...
So what's the deal here? Politics.
Obama would rather look like he's the boss than fund the government.
Lib logic here is fascinating.

He is the boss.

2 elections say so.

And Republicans are making things up as they go along.

This is like a football team that loses the game but decides to lock down the stadium until the refs change their mind.

"He's the boss"...See that is where you are wrong.
The Executive branch is but one of three which make up our government.
The job of POTUS is to set the agenda of the federal government and work with the Congress to ensure the proper function of government. Not to insure all of his whims are complied with.
You people worship this guy and with that you believe his word to be the gospel. Not to be questioned or interpreted. An elected King.
The main reason why democrats get elected is because they promise the government will give things to people and ask nothing in return except support in the next election. All on the backs of taxpayers whom the democrats see as bottomless pit bank accounts.
A democrat never saw a tax he or she did not like.
What non-sequitur?

The military is suddenly on a special magical pot of gold that doesn't cost the tax payer?

This is what you folks are squawking about, ain't it? The cost?

Well, we just spent 400 billion on a plane that won't stop terrorism, won't help defend the country or won't be used at all in any of the types of wars we've been fighting.

But's damn impressive, no?

F35 AIR SHOW - YouTube

Only 400 billion.

Mere bag of shells... :eusa_shifty:
The defense budget shows just how full of shit the right are on government spending.

How can you critisize the US defense budget? The US NEEDS over 1,000 military bases around the worrld!!!!!!!!

Military mystery: How many bases does the US have around the world, anyway? | Occasional Planet

Not including Iraq and Afganastan, of course....
Half those people should be HERE. Guarding our sea ports , airports and the borders.
Obama is simply saying "I will not allow you to avoid shutting down MY government"...
So what's the deal here? Politics.
Obama would rather look like he's the boss than fund the government.
Lib logic here is fascinating.

He is the boss.

2 elections say so.

And Republicans are making things up as they go along.

This is like a football team that loses the game but decides to lock down the stadium until the refs change their mind.

"He's the boss"...See that is where you are wrong.
The Executive branch is but one of three which make up our government.
The job of POTUS is to set the agenda of the federal government and work with the Congress to ensure the proper function of government. Not to insure all of his whims are complied with.
You people worship this guy and with that you believe his word to be the gospel. Not to be questioned or interpreted. An elected King.
The main reason why democrats get elected is because they promise the government will give things to people and ask nothing in return except support in the next election. All on the backs of taxpayers whom the democrats see as bottomless pit bank accounts.
A democrat never saw a tax he or she did not like.

Worship is a religious word..I am not religious.

The ACA was not a whim, it was a law passed using every government procedure, properly. The President played fair and square, by all the rules.

It's the Tea Party Conservatives that are making a mockery of our system.

Tyranny, by definition, is rule by the minority over the majority.

And that's what is going on here.
What non-sequitur?

The military is suddenly on a special magical pot of gold that doesn't cost the tax payer?

This is what you folks are squawking about, ain't it? The cost?

Well, we just spent 400 billion on a plane that won't stop terrorism, won't help defend the country or won't be used at all in any of the types of wars we've been fighting.

But's damn impressive, no?

F35 AIR SHOW - YouTube

Only 400 billion.

Mere bag of shells... :eusa_shifty:
The F-16 and F/A 18 MUST be replaced. Most of these aircraft are over 20 years old. Plus, the F-16 is not designed for night sorties.
The F-35 will also replace the A-6, A-10 the AH8A harrier and a couple other models.
Depending upon the airframe, the F-35 will be used as a fighter/bomber replacing the F-111. There is another version which will be used for carrier based operations.
All three Branches which use Aircraft will use the F-35. Where as the F/A 18 is a naval craft. The F-16 Falcon primarily used by the Air Force.
This new aircraft will actually save money in the long run for many reasons. Most importantly, the Air Force, Navy and Marines will all have trained techs and parts for the craft. All will have to be cross trained on the three F-35 models.
Of course it is better to spend $2.6 trillion on a feel good program..Feeling good is good..Right. Even if the program does not fulfill its intent.
That's ok though. You go one thinking its more important to broaden the menu of social programs and safety nets.
Ahh...What do you care. You're a rich New Yorker. You can afford it.

National defense is an essential function of government.
Case closed.

Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best. And a strict reading of the Constitution assures permanent funding of the navy to prevent sea based invasions..which again, will never happen because of our nukes.

That posted, we already know how to build the planes you mention in your post and didn't need to go to the drawing board to redesign and entirely new plane with completely new tech to fight other planes which don't exist and aren't used in the sorts of wars we have been fighting over the last several decades.

This was a huge gift to the "defense" industry.
Right. And so goes another chicken footed lib who thinks national defense is a waste of time.
Yes, our government could best use that money to give to the downtrodden to satisfy the Left's undying need to achieve their utopian dream known as 'equality of outcome".
Interesting how you libs are in such awestruck support of government spending which you believe is the base for the nation's economy. But when it comes to spending you don't like, well then "that's different".
You can't have it both ways, skippy.
In any case, the prissy pants petulant conservatives in Congress can't accept they've lost, so they are being what they are good at, terrorists. lil swallow crying because he's not going to get his government cheese and welfare check for gay porn this week? :crybaby:

It SHUTDOWN bitch! The American people sent the Tea Party to Washington to stop people like you and Obama from collapsing this nation. We the people have spoken!


It's always you faggots that introduce gay shit into threads.

You can't make this stuff up.
Look who's calling who a faggot. You live in New York City.
Get it?
He is the boss.

2 elections say so.

And Republicans are making things up as they go along.

This is like a football team that loses the game but decides to lock down the stadium until the refs change their mind.

"He's the boss"...See that is where you are wrong.
The Executive branch is but one of three which make up our government.
The job of POTUS is to set the agenda of the federal government and work with the Congress to ensure the proper function of government. Not to insure all of his whims are complied with.
You people worship this guy and with that you believe his word to be the gospel. Not to be questioned or interpreted. An elected King.
The main reason why democrats get elected is because they promise the government will give things to people and ask nothing in return except support in the next election. All on the backs of taxpayers whom the democrats see as bottomless pit bank accounts.
A democrat never saw a tax he or she did not like.

Worship is a religious word..I am not religious.

The ACA was not a whim, it was a law passed using every government procedure, properly. The President played fair and square, by all the rules.

It's the Tea Party Conservatives that are making a mockery of our system.

Tyranny, by definition, is rule by the minority over the majority.

And that's what is going on here.

Playing by the rules is not the same thing as good leadership. If Obama and the Democrats had bothered to get even a small minority of Republican support for health care reform we wouldn't be in this pickle. Change this fundamental shouldn't be rammed through on a slim, partisan majority.
Sorry girlie.

I want no part of the backwater you call a ranch and handing out brochures while selling software other people coded may make you think you are an "architect" but in reality just makes you many of the fast talking salesmen who don't know shit from shineola.

Ranch? That's generally what's used on salad isn't it? And most states that have ranches are on the receiving end of the national teet.

In other words..welfare.

No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

Ah so you worked at either Bell Labs or DARPA.

Or maybe you're the ghost of Dennis Ritchie or Alan Turing.

Or maybe you are just a fucking script kiddie with delusions of Grandeur sitting in your mom's basement on the dirt farm you call a "ranch".


RKM really hit a nerve with you..LOL..Loser.
No you don't understand. I'm not a sales side architect. I've been writing code since I was twelve. You are a computer user. I built the systems you use.

What part of no welfare here confused you? Do you have a learning disability?

Ah so you worked at either Bell Labs or DARPA.

Or maybe you're the ghost of Dennis Ritchie or Alan Turing.

Or maybe you are just a fucking script kiddie with delusions of Grandeur sitting in your mom's basement on the dirt farm you call a "ranch".


RKM really hit a nerve with you..LOL..Loser.

To be fair, if he's the worker he says he is, he's not a sit on your ass democrat, he's a I hate people that earn more than me democrat. Which is better than most democrats at least.
He is the boss.

2 elections say so.

And Republicans are making things up as they go along.

This is like a football team that loses the game but decides to lock down the stadium until the refs change their mind.

"He's the boss"...See that is where you are wrong.
The Executive branch is but one of three which make up our government.
The job of POTUS is to set the agenda of the federal government and work with the Congress to ensure the proper function of government. Not to insure all of his whims are complied with.
You people worship this guy and with that you believe his word to be the gospel. Not to be questioned or interpreted. An elected King.
The main reason why democrats get elected is because they promise the government will give things to people and ask nothing in return except support in the next election. All on the backs of taxpayers whom the democrats see as bottomless pit bank accounts.
A democrat never saw a tax he or she did not like.

Worship is a religious word..I am not religious.

The ACA was not a whim, it was a law passed using every government procedure, properly. The President played fair and square, by all the rules.

It's the Tea Party Conservatives that are making a mockery of our system.

Tyranny, by definition, is rule by the minority over the majority.

And that's what is going on here.

Fair and square? Interesting concept. What actually took place was progressives in the Democratic Party used their Super Majorities in the House and Senate to pass legislation that totally excluded the GOP and ignored the wishes of the American people. The electorate so disliked the agenda of those progressives that they then voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms in record numbers. That vote forced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to rush through the Affordable Care Act that we're now stuck with before Republicans could take their seats in the House and Senate to stop it. Now THAT is what "is going on here". Somehow you take all of THAT and bluster about the "tyranny" of the minority. It's rather amusing to watch. One would think that the 2010 mid-terms never took place and the American people never elected those Republicans who RAN on fighting ObamaCare.

Progressives rightly pointed out in 2008 that "elections have consequences" only to turn around a scant two years later and declare that those consequences didn't matter any more because what they were doing was "right" despite the wishes of the electorate.

That seems to be your notion of "fair".
How many times do you have to be told to stay out of things of which you know little or nothing..
I asked you earlier if this was a GOP plan, why is it that only liberal democrats are supporting it....You evaded the question and continued your stupid drive by posts.
You are too stupid and uninformed to have an opinion.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at allo. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:
You still have not responded to my question. Which was, "if this is a GOP plan, why then are ONLY democrats in support of it"?..THAT is a question. And you evaded it.
This ACA is WORSE than no plan at all. It is government paving the way to hell with good intentions.
All you are looking for here is another fucking handout.
You're proving yourself to be a complete fucking retard. Exactly what hand out do you delude yourself into believing I am looking for? I already have health insurance for myself and my family through my job.

As far as it being better than no plan, that couldn't be more idiotic. Healthcare costs were already a huge chunk of the federal budget. Something needed to be done. Sit-on-their-hands Republicans sure as hell had no intentions of accomplishing anything, so Democrats did.

As far as why the GOP is against ObamaCare even though they originated the plan 20 years ago ... Only a rightard would ask that -- the GOP opposes everything Obama promotes. They have since inauguration day, 2009.
Actually, it appears you're too stupid to know of whom you asked that. I evaded nothing as you asked me nothing of the sort. Your limp-wristed name calling aside, there is a history of this plan which dates back to Romney in MA and the Heritage Foundation before him. There is no denial that the Heritage Foundation is Conservative and there is no denial the plan was first proposed by Conservatives. Your hollow invective aside, Democrats settled on this plan after they failed to get the single payer system they preferred. Still, it was a better plan than no plan at allo. It's just hysterical watching brain-dead Conservatives bitch & moan about the plan they came up with. :lol:
You still have not responded to my question. Which was, "if this is a GOP plan, why then are ONLY democrats in support of it"?..THAT is a question. And you evaded it.
This ACA is WORSE than no plan at all. It is government paving the way to hell with good intentions.
All you are looking for here is another fucking handout.
You're proving yourself to be a complete fucking retard. Exactly what hand out do you delude yourself into believing I am looking for? I already have health insurance for myself and my family through my job.

As far as it being better than no plan, that couldn't be more idiotic. Healthcare costs were already a huge chunk of the federal budget. Something needed to be done. Sit-on-their-hands Republicans sure as hell had no intentions of accomplishing anything, so Democrats did.

As far as why the GOP is against ObamaCare even though they originated the plan 20 years ago ... Only a rightard would ask that -- the GOP opposes everything Obama promotes. They have since inauguration day, 2009.

The gop had a number of plans, but they included either or both of the following which are unacceptable to the TP: mandate or using govt tax money to subisidize hc for some citizens. Thus, the gop's position on HC is now "do nothing." Which, as you stated, is not acceptable.
You still have not responded to my question. Which was, "if this is a GOP plan, why then are ONLY democrats in support of it"?..THAT is a question. And you evaded it.
This ACA is WORSE than no plan at all. It is government paving the way to hell with good intentions.
All you are looking for here is another fucking handout.
You're proving yourself to be a complete fucking retard. Exactly what hand out do you delude yourself into believing I am looking for? I already have health insurance for myself and my family through my job.

As far as it being better than no plan, that couldn't be more idiotic. Healthcare costs were already a huge chunk of the federal budget. Something needed to be done. Sit-on-their-hands Republicans sure as hell had no intentions of accomplishing anything, so Democrats did.

As far as why the GOP is against ObamaCare even though they originated the plan 20 years ago ... Only a rightard would ask that -- the GOP opposes everything Obama promotes. They have since inauguration day, 2009.

The gop had a number of plans, but they included either or both of the following which are unacceptable to the TP: mandate or using govt tax money to subisidize hc for some citizens. Thus, the gop's position on HC is now "do nothing." Which, as you stated, is not acceptable.

We are not doing "nothing" we already have medicaid, chips, medicare, free emergency care, charities, and free clinics you moron.
Last edited:
85% of the government is not shut down. All of the important functions are up and running--military, air traffic controllers, medicare, medicaid, social security.

the only things shut down are what obama calls "non essential". Non essential means not needed. So leave them shut down permantently, who cares?
"He's the boss"...See that is where you are wrong.
The Executive branch is but one of three which make up our government.
The job of POTUS is to set the agenda of the federal government and work with the Congress to ensure the proper function of government. Not to insure all of his whims are complied with.
You people worship this guy and with that you believe his word to be the gospel. Not to be questioned or interpreted. An elected King.
The main reason why democrats get elected is because they promise the government will give things to people and ask nothing in return except support in the next election. All on the backs of taxpayers whom the democrats see as bottomless pit bank accounts.
A democrat never saw a tax he or she did not like.

Worship is a religious word..I am not religious.

The ACA was not a whim, it was a law passed using every government procedure, properly. The President played fair and square, by all the rules.

It's the Tea Party Conservatives that are making a mockery of our system.

Tyranny, by definition, is rule by the minority over the majority.

And that's what is going on here.

Fair and square? Interesting concept. What actually took place was progressives in the Democratic Party used their Super Majorities in the House and Senate to pass legislation that totally excluded the GOP and ignored the wishes of the American people. The electorate so disliked the agenda of those progressives that they then voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms in record numbers. That vote forced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to rush through the Affordable Care Act that we're now stuck with before Republicans could take their seats in the House and Senate to stop it. Now THAT is what "is going on here". Somehow you take all of THAT and bluster about the "tyranny" of the minority. It's rather amusing to watch. One would think that the 2010 mid-terms never took place and the American people never elected those Republicans who RAN on fighting ObamaCare.

Progressives rightly pointed out in 2008 that "elections have consequences" only to turn around a scant two years later and declare that those consequences didn't matter any more because what they were doing was "right" despite the wishes of the electorate.

That seems to be your notion of "fair".
It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?
Even the US Patent and Trademark Office is still up. The bed wetters need to find a new thing to cry about.
Obamacare is a perk for those who elected Dear Leader.

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

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