Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Well no..not cased closed.

If national defense was the sole requirement, we have a mess of nuclear missiles that guarantees we will never ever be attacked by a foreign nation. That and multiple geographic realities make an invasion of the United States, foolhardy at best.

Really [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? Our "mess of nuclear missiles guarantees we will never ever be attacked"?!? So 9/11 was NOT an attack in your warped and twisted mind?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Swallow continues to prove he is the MOST IGNORANT asshat who does exactly what his name implies - swallows the loads of his Dumbocrat masters. Good little cock-sucker....

Fuk me. Rotty thinks (I use that term loosely) that 9/11 was done by Iraq. (rotty see the big letter part where it was said "attacked by a foreign nation".)

Don't you, you stupid muttafukker?

And why is it that a dog can type on the internet and not read and comprehend what was written?

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - no amount of your tantrums will change the fact that:

A.) Nukes did not prevent the 9/11 ATTACKS


B.) We haven't used one single nuke which Swallow - in his fairy land of magical unicorns believes make us immune to attacks - but we have used a fuck-load of fighter jets in response to 9/11.

Oops - looks like Zeke gets exposed again for being ignorant of the facts :lmao:
He <Obama> is the boss.

2 elections say so.

And Republicans are making things up as they go along.

This is like a football team that loses the game but decides to lock down the stadium until the refs change their mind.

Swallows ignorance continues to pile up.

President of the United States is not "the boss" you fuck'n moron. He is a servant of the people. He has NO power. He cannot introduce nor alter legislation (legislative). He cannot rule on anything (judicial). He is a servant you fuck'n ignorant moron.

Can you tell Swallow is still in high school? No idea how is own government actually works but full of idealism... :bang3:
Really [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? Our "mess of nuclear missiles guarantees we will never ever be attacked"?!? So 9/11 was NOT an attack in your warped and twisted mind?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Swallow continues to prove he is the MOST IGNORANT asshat who does exactly what his name implies - swallows the loads of his Dumbocrat masters. Good little cock-sucker....

Fuk me. Rotty thinks (I use that term loosely) that 9/11 was done by Iraq. (rotty see the big letter part where it was said "attacked by a foreign nation".)

Don't you, you stupid muttafukker?

And why is it that a dog can type on the internet and not read and comprehend what was written?

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - no amount of your tantrums will change the fact that:

A.) Nukes did not prevent the 9/11 ATTACKS


B.) We haven't used one single nuke which Swallow - in his fairy land of magical unicorns believes make us immune to attacks - but we have used a fuck-load of fighter jets in response to 9/11.

Oops - looks like Zeke gets exposed again for being ignorant of the facts :lmao:

Damn you are dumber than dirt rotty.

The sentence said "attacked by a foreign nation." Can't you read?

What foreign nation attacked us on 9/11 rotty?

And please don't try and tell the Japanese that we have never used our nukes.

You ignorant asshole. Try reading what you write before you hit "submit".
Fuk me. Rotty thinks (I use that term loosely) that 9/11 was done by Iraq. (rotty see the big letter part where it was said "attacked by a foreign nation".)

Don't you, you stupid muttafukker?

And why is it that a dog can type on the internet and not read and comprehend what was written?

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - no amount of your tantrums will change the fact that:

A.) Nukes did not prevent the 9/11 ATTACKS


B.) We haven't used one single nuke which Swallow - in his fairy land of magical unicorns believes make us immune to attacks - but we have used a fuck-load of fighter jets in response to 9/11.

Oops - looks like Zeke gets exposed again for being ignorant of the facts :lmao:

Damn you are dumber than dirt rotty.

The sentence said "attacked by a foreign nation." Can't you read?

What foreign nation attacked us on 9/11 rotty?

And please don't try and tell the Japanese that we have never used our nukes.

You ignorant asshole. Try reading what you write before you hit "submit".

The nation of islam?
5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.

What is to negotiate? A law?

Republicans are attempting to negotiate on how much Obamacare they can kill. That is not negotiating.....that is extortion

as opposed to how much of Obamacare, Obama has killed?:eusa_eh:
And isn't Afghanistan winding down?

Absolutely! So is Germany and Japan...but we should not close those bases too soon. It has only been 68 years since WW2........

We will have certain bases in Germany and Japan forever. Trust me there are reasons for some that I will not discuss in an uncontrolled environment.

If you understand that...

Hmm, interesting. Especially in the Forbes link where it says, "Byron York reports that the GOP will move swiftly to repeal CLASS." It appears it was a good idea to get rid of it and the Republicans were willing to oblige. Goes to show that the law CAN be improved upon if the "loyal opposition" actually puts their mind to it.

IOW, this example doesn't appear to be a such a bad thing for the ACA.
And isn't Afghanistan winding down?

Absolutely! So is Germany and Japan...but we should not close those bases too soon. It has only been 68 years since WW2........

We will have certain bases in Germany and Japan forever. Trust me there are reasons for some that I will not discuss in an uncontrolled environment.

If you understand that...

Bond. James Bond. And I'll have that shaken, not stirred....
How could Republican, Grassely, have proposed and got an amendment passed to the ACA Obamacare when the Right insists that the GOP were BLOCKED out of all negotiations?????

Hmm, interesting. Especially in the Forbes link where it says, "Byron York reports that the GOP will move swiftly to repeal CLASS." It appears it was a good idea to get rid of it and the Republicans were willing to oblige. Goes to show that the law CAN be improved upon if the "loyal opposition" actually puts their mind to it.

IOW, this example doesn't appear to be a such a bad thing for the ACA.

please, don't do that. you cannot argue that the gop is wrong to repeal aca then just let that slide, Sibelius had to admit class act was a bomb, of course the gop wanted it dead, they want all of it dead.....we are not discussing whats bad or good,;) ...this was killed by the admin. as I said, so to was the grassley amendment. If we are speaking seriously, honestly and minus rancor, you must agree that that pass issued to congress was, to be kind, egregious.
How could Republican, Grassely, have proposed and got an amendment passed to the ACA Obamacare when the Right insists that the GOP were BLOCKED out of all negotiations?????

for the same reason this thing is a mess, they thought they could get him on board as hes been a bit of a rino periodically and they may have thought they would have a shot at stripping it out later, but due to Browns election, they couldn't...and frankly I am not even sure they realized what trouble it would cause, hence the trainwreck exposed it for the pill it was..... etc...

Hmm, interesting. Especially in the Forbes link where it says, "Byron York reports that the GOP will move swiftly to repeal CLASS." It appears it was a good idea to get rid of it and the Republicans were willing to oblige. Goes to show that the law CAN be improved upon if the "loyal opposition" actually puts their mind to it.

IOW, this example doesn't appear to be a such a bad thing for the ACA.

please, don't do that. you cannot argue that the gop is wrong to repeal aca then just let that slide, Sibelius had to admit class act was a bomb, of course the gop wanted it dead, they want all of it dead.....we are not discussing whats bad or good,;) ...this was killed by the admin. as I said, so to was the grassley amendment. If we are speaking seriously, honestly and minus rancor, you must agree that that pass issued to congress was, to be kind, egregious.

So? I can admit an action is justifiable and still condemn them for being of assholes overall. As for the administration delaying certain parts of the law....

Let me get Paul Krugman to lay it out for ya: reform is a three-legged stool resting on community rating, individual mandates and subsidies. It requires all three legs.

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.
Hmm, interesting. Especially in the Forbes link where it says, "Byron York reports that the GOP will move swiftly to repeal CLASS." It appears it was a good idea to get rid of it and the Republicans were willing to oblige. Goes to show that the law CAN be improved upon if the "loyal opposition" actually puts their mind to it.

IOW, this example doesn't appear to be a such a bad thing for the ACA.

please, don't do that. you cannot argue that the gop is wrong to repeal aca then just let that slide, Sibelius had to admit class act was a bomb, of course the gop wanted it dead, they want all of it dead.....we are not discussing whats bad or good,;) ...this was killed by the admin. as I said, so to was the grassley amendment. If we are speaking seriously, honestly and minus rancor, you must agree that that pass issued to congress was, to be kind, egregious.

So? I can admit an action is justifiable and still condemn them for being of assholes overall. As for the administration delaying certain parts of the law....

Let me get Paul Krugman to lay it out for ya: reform is a three-legged stool resting on community rating, individual mandates and subsidies. It requires all three legs.

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.

do you know what an argument is mitigation is? hope so, you just made one. It changes nothing. It does not matter who thinks they are right or wrong, that was settled via the passing of the law, opinions don't matter, an action was taken that abrogated statutory law.
which brings up another interesting scenario.

SO the corps don't have to give or set up Healthcare for their employees for another year, but the employees will be taxed (Fined, we all know what it is) if they don't get it on their own, so they are being forced into government healthcare on the exchanges.....

Or am I missing something?

Will these corps that were given a year out end up with a permanent exemption?
No it is NOT "better than no plan at all" as healthcare is none of the federal governments business. You're just too big of a fuck'n moron to be aware of that fact.

If you want healthcare, purchase it yourself you lazy fuck'n worthless piece of shit. Stop being a burden to society you fuck'n parasite....
You dildo, I already have health insurance through my job. Which I've been getting for many years without ObamaCare. You're such a rightard. Can't you get anything right?

Then you have ZERO reason to crave government involvement in healthcare (unless of course you are lying or you are a communist). Which is it?

It's neither, Dildo. It's empathy for my fellow Americans who need it. A concept so foreign to brain-dead righties, y'all can't even fathom it.

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