Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Ladies & Gentlemen - we're dealing with a fuck'n child here. This is one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has EVER seen :bang3:

Why do you call yourself a child, posting one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has ever seen? Don't you have any self-esteem? It appears not.

Oh, and by the way .... I highlighted the salient qualifier of that post that you're just too fucking rightarded to comprehend.

Hey [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION] - your "salient qualifier" should have been Swallows juvenile fuck'n claim that our fighter jets are a waste because our nukes keep us "free from attack" :bang3:. We haven't dropped one nuke in Afghanistan but we sure as hell have used a fuck-load of fighter jets.

See what an idiot Swallow is and you are for defending him? The only waste is the government handouts that you parasites keep abusing.

No, the salient qualifier remains what it was ... "by a foreign country." Who on Earth knows what country you think attacked us on 9.11, but then, who cares? It's not as if more evidence is needed to demonstrate just how fucking insane you really are.
Fair and square? Interesting concept. What actually took place was progressives in the Democratic Party used their Super Majorities in the House and Senate to pass legislation that totally excluded the GOP and ignored the wishes of the American people. The electorate so disliked the agenda of those progressives that they then voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms in record numbers. That vote forced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to rush through the Affordable Care Act that we're now stuck with before Republicans could take their seats in the House and Senate to stop it. Now THAT is what "is going on here". Somehow you take all of THAT and bluster about the "tyranny" of the minority. It's rather amusing to watch. One would think that the 2010 mid-terms never took place and the American people never elected those Republicans who RAN on fighting ObamaCare.

Progressives rightly pointed out in 2008 that "elections have consequences" only to turn around a scant two years later and declare that those consequences didn't matter any more because what they were doing was "right" despite the wishes of the electorate.

That seems to be your notion of "fair".
It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?

It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

It was not rushed. It was passed 9 months before Republicans took over the House and 7 months before the election, when it wasn't even known which party would win the election. So it wasn't rushed and certainly wasn't rushed because the GOP was taking over.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".
Again, it was passed way before the GOP won the election. Your little fantasy about Pelosi and Reid rushing it to avoid the GOP taking over the House didn't actually happen.
There was no negotiation with Republicans as far as ObamaCare went. It was passed without a single Republican voting for it. That was legislation that was totally written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors with ZERO Republican input.
This is as ridiculous as your claim that Pelosi and Reid rushed it to passage after the 2010 election; when in fact, it was passed 7 months before that election.

Here are the contributions by Republicans, despite your nonsense to the contrary that it was passed without "Republican input" ...


Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

  • Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
    • (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")

  • Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
    • (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))

  • Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))

  • Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
    • (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )

  • Mechanisms to improve quality.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

  • Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
    • (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
You dildo, I already have health insurance through my job. Which I've been getting for many years without ObamaCare. You're such a rightard. Can't you get anything right?

Then you have ZERO reason to crave government involvement in healthcare (unless of course you are lying or you are a communist). Which is it?

It's neither, Dildo. It's empathy for my fellow Americans who need it. A concept so foreign to brain-dead righties, y'all can't even fathom it.

Yeah, there is no such thing as empathy in Washington. But you know how to swallow that lie with the best of them. You can't fathom the concept of thinking outside of the box. Or just the simple concept of logical thought for that matter.
Last edited:
Then you have ZERO reason to crave government involvement in healthcare (unless of course you are lying or you are a communist). Which is it?

It's neither, Dildo. It's empathy for my fellow Americans who need it. A concept so foreign to brain-dead righties, y'all can't even fathom it.

Yeah, there is no such thing as empathy in Washington. But you know how to swallow that lie with the best of them. You can't fathom the concept of thinking outside of the box. Or just the simple concept of logical thought for that matter.

Ok, so you fit into the category I mentioned of brain-dead righties who can't fathom empathy for fellow Americans.

I'm shocked! :eek:
Fuk me. Rotty thinks (I use that term loosely) that 9/11 was done by Iraq. (rotty see the big letter part where it was said "attacked by a foreign nation".)

Don't you, you stupid muttafukker?

And why is it that a dog can type on the internet and not read and comprehend what was written?

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - no amount of your tantrums will change the fact that:

A.) Nukes did not prevent the 9/11 ATTACKS


B.) We haven't used one single nuke which Swallow - in his fairy land of magical unicorns believes make us immune to attacks - but we have used a fuck-load of fighter jets in response to 9/11.

Oops - looks like Zeke gets exposed again for being ignorant of the facts :lmao:

Damn you are dumber than dirt rotty.

The sentence said "attacked by a foreign nation." Can't you read?

What foreign nation attacked us on 9/11 rotty?

And please don't try and tell the Japanese that we have never used our nukes.

You ignorant asshole. Try reading what you write before you hit "submit".

He said fighter jets were a waste because we have nukes and we wouldn't be "attacked". We were attacked on 9/11, stupid.

I said in response to that attack, we have not used one single nuke but we've used a fuck-load of fighter jets.

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - please, for the love of God, stop exposing your ignorance. I'm embarrassed for you son. It's a simple fact that for the past decade in the Afghan and Iraq wars we've used every fighter jet in our arsenal and not one single nuke :bang3:

No amount of desperately trying to hide behind the term "foreign nation" now can cover up the fact that you two ignorant assholes don't have a fuck'n clue that were using fighter jets every day and not using nukes.

Watching you two desperately scramble to cover up each others ignorance is like watching two monkeys fucking a football... :lmao:
It's neither, Dildo. It's empathy for my fellow Americans who need it. A concept so foreign to brain-dead righties, y'all can't even fathom it.

Yeah, there is no such thing as empathy in Washington. But you know how to swallow that lie with the best of them. You can't fathom the concept of thinking outside of the box. Or just the simple concept of logical thought for that matter.

Ok, so you fit into the category I mentioned of brain-dead righties who can't fathom empathy for fellow Americans.

I'm shocked! :eek:

You have soooo much "empathy" for your fellow man [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION] that you STEAL from half, while ignore the other half and demand that someone else take care of them... :lmao:

Faun refuses to help ANYONE but accuses others of lacking "empathy" :eusa_whistle:
How could Republican, Grassely, have proposed and got an amendment passed to the ACA Obamacare when the Right insists that the GOP were BLOCKED out of all negotiations?????

for the same reason this thing is a mess, they thought they could get him on board as hes been a bit of a rino periodically and they may have thought they would have a shot at stripping it out later, but due to Browns election, they couldn't...and frankly I am not even sure they realized what trouble it would cause, hence the trainwreck exposed it for the pill it was..... etc...
IOW, there were several Republicans involved in the negotiations who were not blocked out and contributed to the bill, but the GOP still voted against the bill and then lied about being blocked out. Remember the "gang of six?"
Why do you call yourself a child, posting one of the most immature and idiotic posts the world has ever seen? Don't you have any self-esteem? It appears not.

Oh, and by the way .... I highlighted the salient qualifier of that post that you're just too fucking rightarded to comprehend.

Hey [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION] - your "salient qualifier" should have been Swallows juvenile fuck'n claim that our fighter jets are a waste because our nukes keep us "free from attack" :bang3:. We haven't dropped one nuke in Afghanistan but we sure as hell have used a fuck-load of fighter jets.

See what an idiot Swallow is and you are for defending him? The only waste is the government handouts that you parasites keep abusing.

No, the salient qualifier remains what it was ... "by a foreign country." Who on Earth knows what country you think attacked us on 9.11, but then, who cares? It's not as if more evidence is needed to demonstrate just how fucking insane you really are.

The fact that you think we are using nukes in Afghanistan and aren't using fighter jets shows that you're a salient fuck'n moron... :lmao:

Swallow's official position was that our nukes keep us safe from attack and thus we are "wasting" money on fighter jets.

Nukes did not prevent 9/11 (FACT)

We have not used one...single....nuke post 9/11 (FACT)

We have used fighter jets continuously (FACT)

All of which proves that the fighter jets are very much needed and that the term "foreign nation" was completely and totally irrelevant to the point Swallow was attempting to make.

You're desperate to defend your boyfriend. Sorry, he humiliated himself with his own ignorant post. He's my bitch now and you're jealousy is wasted energy.
It took a year to get it passed .... how is that "rushed?"

It's a plan developed by the GOP ... how does that "exclude" them?

It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

It was not rushed. It was passed 9 months before Republicans took over the House and 7 months before the election, when it wasn't even known which party would win the election. So it wasn't rushed and certainly wasn't rushed because the GOP was taking over.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".
Again, it was passed way before the GOP won the election. Your little fantasy about Pelosi and Reid rushing it to avoid the GOP taking over the House didn't actually happen.

It was rushed through. The Democrats lost their Super Majority in the Senate when Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's vacated seat. The Democrats at that point knew they couldn't get a new version of ObamaCare passed in the Senate and were forced to go with the Senate version of the bill that had been previously passed even though Democrats knew it was terribly written legislation. Perhaps you've forgotten the way the political winds were blowing at that time? Moderate Democrats around the country started having second thoughts about voting for ObamaCare following the shocking loss to the GOP in Massachusetts. Pelosi, Reid and President Obama took what they could get and went with the badly written Senate bill. In the process they hung out to dry dozens of moderate Democrats that were brow beaten into voting for legislation that their constituents didn't want. Those moderate Democrats were subsequently SLAUGHTERED in the 2010 mid-terms.
There was no negotiation with Republicans as far as ObamaCare went. It was passed without a single Republican voting for it. That was legislation that was totally written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors with ZERO Republican input.
This is as ridiculous as your claim that Pelosi and Reid rushed it to passage after the 2010 election; when in fact, it was passed 7 months before that election.

Here are the contributions by Republicans, despite your nonsense to the contrary that it was passed without "Republican input" ...


Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

  • Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
    • (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")

  • Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
    • (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))

  • Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))

  • Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
    • (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )

  • Mechanisms to improve quality.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

  • Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
    • (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)

That propaganda put out by the White House that they were somehow crafting a "bi-partisan" bill because they included some ideas floated by Republicans in years past ignores the fact that ObamaCare was written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with zero input from GOP leaders. Tell me the names of the Republicans who worked in concert with either Pelosi or Reid in the writing of the Affordable Care Act.
Yeah, there is no such thing as empathy in Washington. But you know how to swallow that lie with the best of them. You can't fathom the concept of thinking outside of the box. Or just the simple concept of logical thought for that matter.

Ok, so you fit into the category I mentioned of brain-dead righties who can't fathom empathy for fellow Americans.

I'm shocked! :eek:

You have soooo much "empathy" for your fellow man [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION] that you STEAL from half, while ignore the other half and demand that someone else take care of them... :lmao:

Faun refuses to help ANYONE but accuses others of lacking "empathy" :eusa_whistle:
You remain a friggin' rightard ... what am I stealing, dildo?
The fact that you think we are using nukes in Afghanistan and aren't using fighter jets shows that you're a salient fuck'n moron...
Nah, the "fuck'n moron" is the one who thinks I ever said we used nukes in Afghanistan.

Oh, wait ... that you be you since I never said that!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
The House passed several bills. The Senate rejected all of them. Looks like the Democrats own this shut down.

And every single one of them had defunding the ACA in it.

Stay strong Dems. No compromises...its the law, it passed and should be withheld.

Pestilent little shitstain republicans.
It was "rushed" because they needed to get something passed before the GOP representatives elected in the 2010 midterms were seated. They spent the year you mention bribing reluctant Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu with sweetheart deals to get enough Democratic votes to pass ObamaCare.

The reason that the final version of ObamaCare contains so much that is unworkable is that it was never intended to BE the final version but it was the version that was passed by the House before the GOP reps were seated and Pelosi & Reid knew they'd never get another version through the House once those Republicans were in place.

It was not rushed. It was passed 9 months before Republicans took over the House and 7 months before the election, when it wasn't even known which party would win the election. So it wasn't rushed and certainly wasn't rushed because the GOP was taking over.

ObamaCare is bad legislation. It always has been. It's bad because Pelosi and Reid had to take what they could get before the representatives elected by the people arrived to put an end to their little "progressive party".
Again, it was passed way before the GOP won the election. Your little fantasy about Pelosi and Reid rushing it to avoid the GOP taking over the House didn't actually happen.

It was rushed through. The Democrats lost their Super Majority in the Senate when Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's vacated seat. The Democrats at that point knew they couldn't get a new version of ObamaCare passed in the Senate and were forced to go with the Senate version of the bill that had been previously passed even though Democrats knew it was terribly written legislation. Perhaps you've forgotten the way the political winds were blowing at that time? Moderate Democrats around the country started having second thoughts about voting for ObamaCare following the shocking loss to the GOP in Massachusetts. Pelosi, Reid and President Obama took what they could get and went with the badly written Senate bill. In the process they hung out to dry dozens of moderate Democrats that were brow beaten into voting for legislation that their constituents didn't want. Those moderate Democrats were subsequently SLAUGHTERED in the 2010 mid-terms.

What?? Now you're changing your story?? I thought Democrats rushed the bill because Republicans won the 2010 election???

That nonsense is shown to be absurd so now you change your position??

At any rate, who knows what you're talking about now? ACA passed in the House 4 months before Brown became a Senator. The bill then moved on to the Senate where it passed on Christmas Eve, 2009. And that was after a year of debate. There's no way you can call that rushed unless your spouting rightwing talking points.

Perhaps now would be an opportunity for you to change your position again and hunt for yet a third excuse for how Democrats "rushed" to pass a bill they debated for a year?
There was no negotiation with Republicans as far as ObamaCare went. It was passed without a single Republican voting for it. That was legislation that was totally written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors with ZERO Republican input.
This is as ridiculous as your claim that Pelosi and Reid rushed it to passage after the 2010 election; when in fact, it was passed 7 months before that election.

Here are the contributions by Republicans, despite your nonsense to the contrary that it was passed without "Republican input" ...


Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

  • Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
    • (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")

  • Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
    • (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))

  • Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))

  • Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
    • (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )

  • Mechanisms to improve quality.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

  • Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
    • (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)

That propaganda put out by the White House that they were somehow crafting a "bi-partisan" bill because they included some ideas floated by Republicans in years past ignores the fact that ObamaCare was written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with zero input from GOP leaders. Tell me the names of the Republicans who worked in concert with either Pelosi or Reid in the writing of the Affordable Care Act.

Sure, I'd be happy to ...

  • Alexander (R-TN)
  • Burr (R-NC)
  • Coburn (R-OK)
  • Enzi (R-WY)
  • Gregg (R-NH)
  • Hatch (R-UT)
  • Isakson (R-GA)
  • McCain (R-AZ)
  • Murkowski (R-AK)
  • Roberts (R-KS)

... those are among the Republicans who submitted hundreds of amendments, of which, 161 were passed.

So who knows why you think Republicans had "zero input" when they submitted hundreds of amendments??


. . . next rightwing talking point . . . :eusa_whistle:
This is as ridiculous as your claim that Pelosi and Reid rushed it to passage after the 2010 election; when in fact, it was passed 7 months before that election.

Here are the contributions by Republicans, despite your nonsense to the contrary that it was passed without "Republican input" ...


Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

  • Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs

    • (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")

  • Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.

    • (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))

  • Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.

    • (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))

  • Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.

    • (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )

  • Mechanisms to improve quality.

    • (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

  • Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.

    • (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)

That propaganda put out by the White House that they were somehow crafting a "bi-partisan" bill because they included some ideas floated by Republicans in years past ignores the fact that ObamaCare was written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with zero input from GOP leaders. Tell me the names of the Republicans who worked in concert with either Pelosi or Reid in the writing of the Affordable Care Act.

Sure, I'd be happy to ...

  • Alexander (R-TN)

  • Burr (R-NC)

  • Coburn (R-OK)

  • Enzi (R-WY)

  • Gregg (R-NH)

  • Hatch (R-UT)

  • Isakson (R-GA)

  • McCain (R-AZ)

  • Murkowski (R-AK)

  • Roberts (R-KS)

... those are among the Republicans who submitted hundreds of amendments, of which, 161 were passed.

So who knows why you think Republicans had "zero input" when they submitted hundreds of amendments??


. . . next rightwing talking point . . . :eusa_whistle:
You missed Grassely and Snowe, who along with Enzi were part of the "gang of six." The GOP pretended to work with the Dems getting many changes they asked for and they STILL refused to vote for the bill, and then the lying GOP said they didn't vote for the bill because they were shut out of the process.
It was not rushed. It was passed 9 months before Republicans took over the House and 7 months before the election, when it wasn't even known which party would win the election. So it wasn't rushed and certainly wasn't rushed because the GOP was taking over.

Again, it was passed way before the GOP won the election. Your little fantasy about Pelosi and Reid rushing it to avoid the GOP taking over the House didn't actually happen.

It was rushed through. The Democrats lost their Super Majority in the Senate when Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's vacated seat. The Democrats at that point knew they couldn't get a new version of ObamaCare passed in the Senate and were forced to go with the Senate version of the bill that had been previously passed even though Democrats knew it was terribly written legislation. Perhaps you've forgotten the way the political winds were blowing at that time? Moderate Democrats around the country started having second thoughts about voting for ObamaCare following the shocking loss to the GOP in Massachusetts. Pelosi, Reid and President Obama took what they could get and went with the badly written Senate bill. In the process they hung out to dry dozens of moderate Democrats that were brow beaten into voting for legislation that their constituents didn't want. Those moderate Democrats were subsequently SLAUGHTERED in the 2010 mid-terms.

What?? Now you're changing your story?? I thought Democrats rushed the bill because Republicans won the 2010 election???

That nonsense is shown to be absurd so now you change your position??

At any rate, who knows what you're talking about now? ACA passed in the House 4 months before Brown became a Senator. The bill then moved on to the Senate where it passed on Christmas Eve, 2009. And that was after a year of debate. There's no way you can call that rushed unless your spouting rightwing talking points.

Perhaps now would be an opportunity for you to change your position again and hunt for yet a third excuse for how Democrats "rushed" to pass a bill they debated for a year?

Brown was elected on Jan. 19th. The House passed the Senate bill on March 21st. Democrats in the House would have liked to have passed their own version of the ACA but they understood that time was rapidly running out on their ability to do so. That understanding came from the politically shocking election of Scott Brown to Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat. You seem to have forgotten the response to THAT election by moderates in the Democratic Party. There was indeed a "rush" to get something passed before Pelosi, Reid and Obama lost votes on ObamaCare. The writing was already on the wall that voting for ObamaCare was going to be harmful to the chances of Democrats in the 2010 mid-terms. If a Republican could win in Massachusetts...arguably the most liberal State in the nation then it was obvious that moderate Democrats voting for an unpopular health care reform bill was not going to be the ticket to getting reelected. The "rush" was to get something through before support crumbled away.

As for your claim that ObamaCare was "debated" for a year before being passed? It was more like Pelosi and Reid spent a year doing back room deals to buy the votes they needed to keep the magical 60 number in the Senate so the GOP couldn't filibuster the ACA. I suppose if you want to count THAT as "debate" you might be right.
This is as ridiculous as your claim that Pelosi and Reid rushed it to passage after the 2010 election; when in fact, it was passed 7 months before that election.

Here are the contributions by Republicans, despite your nonsense to the contrary that it was passed without "Republican input" ...


Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

  • Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
    • (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")

  • Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
    • (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))

  • Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))

  • Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
    • (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )

  • Mechanisms to improve quality.
    • (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

  • Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
    • (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)

That propaganda put out by the White House that they were somehow crafting a "bi-partisan" bill because they included some ideas floated by Republicans in years past ignores the fact that ObamaCare was written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with zero input from GOP leaders. Tell me the names of the Republicans who worked in concert with either Pelosi or Reid in the writing of the Affordable Care Act.

Sure, I'd be happy to ...

  • Alexander (R-TN)
  • Burr (R-NC)
  • Coburn (R-OK)
  • Enzi (R-WY)
  • Gregg (R-NH)
  • Hatch (R-UT)
  • Isakson (R-GA)
  • McCain (R-AZ)
  • Murkowski (R-AK)
  • Roberts (R-KS)

... those are among the Republicans who submitted hundreds of amendments, of which, 161 were passed.

So who knows why you think Republicans had "zero input" when they submitted hundreds of amendments??


. . . next rightwing talking point . . . :eusa_whistle:

Once again you failed to see the forest for the trees, Faun...

ObamaCare was written solely by Pelosi and Reid behind closed doors without any input from Republicans at all. When their versions of ObamaCare were subsequently brought to the floors of the Senate and the House for debate Republicans attempted to hold up the process by attaching hundreds of amendments to both bills. What you call Republican "input" was in reality a last ditch effort to keep ObamaCare from being implemented at all...a stall tactic to when Brown would take his seat and when the American voters would get a chance to voice their opinions through the 2010 mid-terms. Many of the things you claim to be Republican amendments were nothing more than slight changes to the wording of the bills...changes designed solely to hold up the process. Or don't you remember Harry Reid whining loudly about just that?
It's neither, Dildo. It's empathy for my fellow Americans who need it. A concept so foreign to brain-dead righties, y'all can't even fathom it.

Yeah, there is no such thing as empathy in Washington. But you know how to swallow that lie with the best of them. You can't fathom the concept of thinking outside of the box. Or just the simple concept of logical thought for that matter.

Ok, so you fit into the category I mentioned of brain-dead righties who can't fathom empathy for fellow Americans.

I'm shocked! :eek:

Is there an argument in there somewhere?

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