Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

In the end, the GOP got their clocks cleaned and those that support freedom and liberty were having a good laugh at their expense :up:

I know you don't get much air with your head buried in obama's crotch, so I'll explain the difference to you.

In 2012, the polls were based on historical voting patterns. Had they held, they would have been accurate. Obama did better with young and blacks than was expected. How that would play out was an art.

In 2004, the Democratic media were wrong.

No. You are wrong, twice.

1. The polls did not get it wrong in 2012 or in 2004.

2. The final poll average for 2012 called it for Obama

3. The final poll average for 2004 called it for Bush.
This is your brain on the right wing propaganda machine ladies and gentleman,...

So you think the Senate has passed a budget proposal in the last 7 years?

I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:

So the GOP has taken hostage of what exactly? The GOP led house has passed several budget proposals, some of which the Senate never even acted upon. The Senate is on their ass. Boehner (and I'm no fan of his) has tried to have meetings with Obama and Reid, both of which have told him no.

Governing in a representative democracy is about compromise. The Obamites still think they are running their community outreach programs in Chicago and can get away with the "it's my way or the highway" mentality. They passed ACA without listening to the American public, polls showed near 60% disapproval of it before it was ever even signed.
In the end, the GOP got their clocks cleaned and those that support freedom and liberty were having a good laugh at their expense :up:

I know you don't get much air with your head buried in obama's crotch, so I'll explain the difference to you.

In 2012, the polls were based on historical voting patterns. Had they held, they would have been accurate. Obama did better with young and blacks than was expected. How that would play out was an art.

In 2004, the Democratic media were wrong.

No. You are wrong, twice.

1. The polls did not get it wrong in 2012 or in 2004.

2. The final poll average for 2012 called it for Obama

3. The final poll average for 2004 called it for Bush.

I'm talking about the polling the day of the election. you don't remember that? Seriously?
So you think the Senate has passed a budget proposal in the last 7 years?

I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:

When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.

exactly. the senate has rejected FOUR proposals from the house and won't even negotiate and rejected cruz's proposal for funding the government for another 30 days as long as they had meetings to confer.

the dems are clearly the hostage takers. they could have avoided this by merely agreeing to meetings, but nope, it is their way or the highway. their cronies get a year waiver, but they won't give the american people a year waiver.
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll
No it is you libs who are acting like spoiled brats. You are incensed because as anyone who thinks the world revolves around THEM, you believe you are entitled to 100% of everything you want.
And please. CNN and the HUFFand puffington post? Don't throw that lib biased shit at the USMB door. It won't stick.
The government is sized for the population and land mass.

What part of either of those do you wish to jettison?


No - it's not. At all. If it were "sized for the population" it would need to be roughly 75% - 80% smaller than it actually is.... :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to point out a country like that.

I can.


Your turn.

I was beginning to worry you wouldn't hit your weekly quota.

5 bogus Republican arguments to justify a government shutdown - The Week

1. Obama won't negotiate
They have continually demanded that Democrats scrap President Obama's biggest legislative achievement in exchange for simply keeping the government operating. Of course Obama won't negotiate over that. Otherwise, Obama has proved quite willing to negotiate on all aspects of the budget. It's Republicans who have refused offer to any concession of any sort.

Bullshit. Not only has Obama said he won't negotiate, but Harry Reid has also said he won't negotiate. Basically, it's "My way or nothing" with those 2.
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll
No it is you libs who are acting like spoiled brats. You are incensed because as anyone who thinks the world revolves around THEM, you believe you are entitled to 100% of everything you want.
And please. CNN and the HUFFand puffington post? Don't throw that lib biased shit at the USMB door. It won't stick.

The right wing butthurt "claim every poll is biased" BS has already been debunked (and laughed at) numerous times in this thread, try again.
It's NOT a bill.

It's the LAW.

I'm glad we are clear on this. So naturally you believe - since it is the "LAW" - that Barack Obama should immediately be removed from office and placed in prison since he unconstitutionally altered the AHCA on 4 different occasions now?

And as you know (LMAO! as if he knew anything about his own government) - only Congress can create or alter laws (they are the legislative branch).

Well [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? You've long destroyed your credibility on this board. Here is your golden opportunity to get an ounce of it back. You do agree that Obama should be removed from office and imprisoned for altering the LAW (hey - you're the one putting it in big letters and insisting it is the law).

Man - [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] sure ran for the hills to hide after this post, didn't he? :lmao:
The government is sized for the population and land mass.

What part of either of those do you wish to jettison?


No - it's not. At all. If it were "sized for the population" it would need to be roughly 75% - 80% smaller than it actually is.... :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to point out a country like that.

I can.


Your turn.

So you have to falsely claim that a nation in a CIVIL WAR is the same thing as having a Constitutional, law abiding government? Doesn't the fact that you have to lie tell you that you're on the wrong side of the facts?

By the way, feel free to point out a country which is $17 trillion in debt, has a government which does not abide by the law, and which tramples on citizens rights.

I can.

United States (that's right, #1 in the world in debt - great job libtards)
The shut down belongs to obama and reid. The GOP led house put several funding bills on the table, reid and barry refused to even discuss one of them.

delaying the implementation of obamacare for one year for the PEOPLE, is no different that the delay that obama gave to big business--------you know, those evil corporations that you dems pretend to hate, but really love.

its a terrible bill, a year would give the country and the govt time to fix whats wrong with it and improve whats right with it------it makes a lot of sense.

But no, with obama and reid its "my way or no way".

the shutdown belongs solely to the dems.

and I don't give a shit about any polls or what europe thinks, the house did what was right. Right will win in the end.

The ACA isn't a "bill". It's the law.

Do you understand the difference?

It made it's way through both houses of congress, the President signed it and it survived a challenge in the Supreme Court.

It's a part of government.

Defunding defunding the government.

This is a radical and unprecedented move.

No one should have to deal with radicals.

yes, it is law. Congress is not obligated to fund every law. Its a terribly written law and will bankrupt the country if ever fully implemented. Even the dems who wrote it are now admitting that it has a lot of problems that need fixing.

A one year delay would give time to fix the bad things and improve the good things. It makes a lot of sense.

Its not about winning or losing, its about doing what is right for the country.

you dem/libs need to grow up and get over the "we won" bullshit, because next time you won't be the winners and the winners will remember.

"A one year delay would give time to fix the bad things and improve the good things. It makes a lot of sense." It would make sense if the Republicans had any interest at all in fixing or improving the ACA. Most of the amendments made were from the Republicans, but they didn't vote for it after all the crap they added to it. They don't want it to exist at all, but if it is to exist, they want it to be dysfunctional.
So you think the Senate has passed a budget proposal in the last 7 years?

I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:

When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?
Yet another poll showing that the majority of the american people aren't buying into the far right's attack on the nation over their pissy fit with the ACA.

The poll found 46% of americans blame the GOP for the shutdown with only 36% the president, but the big one is a whopping 69% feel the GOP are acting like "spoiled children" which I completely agree with.

Keep digging that ditch GOP, 2014 is looking better and better by the day for the democrats :up:

Government Shutdown Blame Would Fall On Republicans, GOP Seen As 'Spoiled Children': Poll

Seems about right. You have the 69%, then you have a few undecided, and then the diehard 22% who still think that Bush did a good job and the GOP can do no wrong.
I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:

When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?

Partisanship is something I will never understand. That you can see two sides doing the same thing and actually believe one is good and the other evil.

Getting into the merits of the disagreement I can understand, it's the failure to agree part that's explainable only by your just being on a side.
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I'm just laughing at how dumb you are to think the GOP's current hostage taking has anything to do with a budget :cuckoo:

When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?

they are doing it right now by refusing to even have meetings with the gop.

to blame one party is rather stupid, but we do know that at least the gop is negotiating, the dems are not. no, no, no, all we hear, they only want their agenda, nothing else.
It's NOT a bill.

It's the LAW.

I'm glad we are clear on this. So naturally you believe - since it is the "LAW" - that Barack Obama should immediately be removed from office and placed in prison since he unconstitutionally altered the AHCA on 4 different occasions now?

And as you know (LMAO! as if he knew anything about his own government) - only Congress can create or alter laws (they are the legislative branch).

Well [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? You've long destroyed your credibility on this board. Here is your golden opportunity to get an ounce of it back. You do agree that Obama should be removed from office and imprisoned for altering the LAW (hey - you're the one putting it in big letters and insisting it is the law).

Man - [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] sure ran for the hills to hide after this post, didn't he? :lmao:

You're a legend in your own mind, quiffie.
No - it's not. At all. If it were "sized for the population" it would need to be roughly 75% - 80% smaller than it actually is.... :eusa_whistle:

Feel free to point out a country like that.

I can.


Your turn.

So you have to falsely claim that a nation in a CIVIL WAR is the same thing as having a Constitutional, law abiding government? Doesn't the fact that you have to lie tell you that you're on the wrong side of the facts?

By the way, feel free to point out a country which is $17 trillion in debt, has a government which does not abide by the law, and which tramples on citizens rights.

I can.

United States (that's right, #1 in the world in debt - great job libtards)

I asked you something very simple.

Name a country with a small government.

Anywhere around the world.

And of course, like fail, you little faggot.

You've been bitch slapped, yet again, by the big bad wolf.

But like the little needy homo you are you keep coming back for more.

When Republicans and Democrats don't agree, the Democrats are pure as the driven snow, only concerned with truth, justice and the American way. Republicans are terrorists and hostage takers. When they do the same thing as the Democrats.

Yep, another MS-NBC fan heard from.
Oh? When did Democrats subvert the legislative process to impose their agenda while shutting down the government to until their agenda is accepted by the GOP?

they are doing it right now by refusing to even have meetings with the gop.

to blame one party is rather stupid, but we do know that at least the gop is negotiating, the dems are not. no, no, no, all we hear, they only want their agenda, nothing else.

Why won't Boner even call a vote for the funding of the government without the teabagger BS like they are calling for?
Six GOP defections, but House advances latest spending plan - The Hill's Floor Action

The House on Monday night advanced their latest short-term spending bill, but saw six Republicans vote against it as the hours ticked down to a possible government shutdown.

Members voted 225-204 to approve a rule governing a debate and vote on the continuing resolution. That's a little closer than most rule votes, which usually win the support of every Republican.

The Tea Baggers are losing support. It is a matter of time. This is a Lose-Lose proposition for the GOP.

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