Republicans so worried about the debt, yet they cause most of it.

Bulshit, but thanks for the talking point. Tax them their fair share for 35 years and we will be a hell of a lot better off than we are now, screwing the non-rich and our infrastructure for 35 years. Nobody said it was going to happen overnight, Dupe.

Ok ---- finally, we get something concrete out of you.

What do you consider a "fair share" for the top 1%? We'll take that, and extrapolate it out 35 years, and see how we're doing?

What's a "fair share"?
In order to answer that question, you first need to let it sink in that the top 1 percent in USA own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.
It doesn't matter who owns it ---- what matters is how much you tax it.We are talking about what to do about the national debt.
We just showed you that taking 100% of everything the top 1% makes only pays for 18 days of government spending. You ride that horse til it drops - but it still ain't gonna get you there.

Quit whining and come up with a substantive proposal that will WORK. Don't read bumper stickers to me - think it thru.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
I'm a retired teacher and businessman and you're brainwashed a****** pompous tool. 35 years of GOP pander to the rich policy wrecking the middle class and the country and you blame it on lazy people. Terminal right-wing brainwashed idiocy...
Republicans are deficit/debt hypocrites - only outraged when Democrats are in power. Just imagine the deficit/debt when Trump leaves office.

The deficit is the annual difference between government spending and government revenue.

The debt is the total amount of money the U.S. government owes. It representsthe accumulation of past deficits, minus surpluses.

Debt vs. Deficits: What's the Difference?

We need the Gingrich Congress back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we really need is a Democratic president and Congress to fix the last 40 years of bought off GOP corruption and Pander to the rich taxes and policy.
The best combination we've had recently is a Republican Congress and a democrat president more worried about getting laid than the economy.
Add a .com bubble... The economy's been crap for the middle class for 35 years, all under Pander to the Rich GOP tax rates and policies...
Talk's cheap - even when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Bulshit, but thanks for the talking point. Tax them their fair share for 35 years and we will be a hell of a lot better off than we are now, screwing the non-rich and our infrastructure for 35 years. Nobody said it was going to happen overnight, Dupe.

Ok ---- finally, we get something concrete out of you.

What do you consider a "fair share" for the top 1%? We'll take that, and extrapolate it out 35 years, and see how we're doing?

What's a "fair share"?
In order to answer that question, you first need to let it sink in that the top 1 percent in USA own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.
It doesn't matter who owns it ---- what matters is how much you tax it.We are talking about what to do about the national debt.
We just showed you that taking 100% of everything the top 1% makes only pays for 18 days of government spending. You ride that horse til it drops - but it still ain't gonna get you there.

Quit whining and come up with a substantive proposal that will WORK. Don't read bumper stickers to me - think it thru.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
Yep huge giveaway to the rich and Wrecking the middle class and the country doesn't matter you're right. Idiot
Ok ---- finally, we get something concrete out of you.

What do you consider a "fair share" for the top 1%? We'll take that, and extrapolate it out 35 years, and see how we're doing?

What's a "fair share"?
In order to answer that question, you first need to let it sink in that the top 1 percent in USA own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.
It doesn't matter who owns it ---- what matters is how much you tax it.We are talking about what to do about the national debt.
We just showed you that taking 100% of everything the top 1% makes only pays for 18 days of government spending. You ride that horse til it drops - but it still ain't gonna get you there.

Quit whining and come up with a substantive proposal that will WORK. Don't read bumper stickers to me - think it thru.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
I'm a retired teacher and businessman and you're brainwashed a****** pompous tool. 35 years of GOP pander to the rich policy wrecking the middle class and the country and you blame it on lazy people. Terminal right-wing brainwashed idiocy...
No --- but I got to say you surprised me. A teacher? Then, explain to me the amazing level of ignorance you have demonstrated throughout this thread. You don't seem to be able to put together a coherent sentence, your reading comprehension is sorely lacking, and your understanding of the government is without parallel. Makes me wonder what you supposedly taught.

As for the businessman part ---- a failed businessman, I suspect, based on your demonstrated lack of economic acumen.

If you want to compare resumes, and experience, let me know .... until then, study up because you are surely failing. You keep crying about a problem, but offer no concrete solutions that might even remotely work. The best you've done is "take more of their wealth" without even remotely understanding a) the impact, and b) the futility of trying to solve a spending problem by increasing the revenue. You do nothing more than parrot the most popular liberal junk without even remotely understanding its impact, or its failure to accomplish anything.

$55 trillion national debt in 35 years --- THAT is how good you are.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.

Ok ---- finally, we get something concrete out of you.

What do you consider a "fair share" for the top 1%? We'll take that, and extrapolate it out 35 years, and see how we're doing?

What's a "fair share"?
In order to answer that question, you first need to let it sink in that the top 1 percent in USA own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.
It doesn't matter who owns it ---- what matters is how much you tax it.We are talking about what to do about the national debt.
We just showed you that taking 100% of everything the top 1% makes only pays for 18 days of government spending. You ride that horse til it drops - but it still ain't gonna get you there.

Quit whining and come up with a substantive proposal that will WORK. Don't read bumper stickers to me - think it thru.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
Yep huge giveaway to the rich and Wrecking the middle class and the country doesn't matter you're right. Idiot
I notice you don't recommend a single thing for the middle class to do to improve their position. Are they incapable? When are you going to realize that the simple truth is the middle class is woefully unqualified to increase their worth in today's market? You complain because the buggy whip maker can't get a raise, despite the fact that we have used buggy whips in 75 years. Somehow, you think that an unskilled laborer - and, given the changes in our economy, most people are rapidly becoming unskilled - should somehow be gifted a greater salary despite their decidedly decreasing contribution.

Tell me -- Mr. Teacher - how can not taking money from the rich be considered a "giveaway"?
We need the Gingrich Congress back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we really need is a Democratic president and Congress to fix the last 40 years of bought off GOP corruption and Pander to the rich taxes and policy.
The best combination we've had recently is a Republican Congress and a democrat president more worried about getting laid than the economy.
Add a .com bubble... The economy's been crap for the middle class for 35 years, all under Pander to the Rich GOP tax rates and policies...
Talk's cheap - even when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Your "signature" is a liberal diatribe without a single foundation in reality. I can think of no reason to "memorize" it. I hear enough bullshit every day --- i don't need that much more.
What we really need is a Democratic president and Congress to fix the last 40 years of bought off GOP corruption and Pander to the rich taxes and policy.
The best combination we've had recently is a Republican Congress and a democrat president more worried about getting laid than the economy.
Add a .com bubble... The economy's been crap for the middle class for 35 years, all under Pander to the Rich GOP tax rates and policies...
Talk's cheap - even when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Your "signature" is a liberal diatribe without a single foundation in reality. I can think of no reason to "memorize" it. I hear enough bullshit every day --- i don't need that much more.
As usual you're full of b*******and have no argument. My signature is full of facts what's wrong they're all proven as opposed to your 55 trillion b*******. What A pompous brainwashed ass...
In order to answer that question, you first need to let it sink in that the top 1 percent in USA own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.
It doesn't matter who owns it ---- what matters is how much you tax it.We are talking about what to do about the national debt.
We just showed you that taking 100% of everything the top 1% makes only pays for 18 days of government spending. You ride that horse til it drops - but it still ain't gonna get you there.

Quit whining and come up with a substantive proposal that will WORK. Don't read bumper stickers to me - think it thru.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
Yep huge giveaway to the rich and Wrecking the middle class and the country doesn't matter you're right. Idiot
I notice you don't recommend a single thing for the middle class to do to improve their position. Are they incapable? When are you going to realize that the simple truth is the middle class is woefully unqualified to increase their worth in today's market? You complain because the buggy whip maker can't get a raise, despite the fact that we have used buggy whips in 75 years. Somehow, you think that an unskilled laborer - and, given the changes in our economy, most people are rapidly becoming unskilled - should somehow be gifted a greater salary despite their decidedly decreasing contribution.

Tell me -- Mr. Teacher - how can not taking money from the rich be considered a "giveaway"?
After 35 years of reaganism, college has never been more expensive training programs have never been more expensive taxes on the rich never been lower taxes on the middle class and the poor have never been higher and our infrastructure has never been in worse shape. Great job GOP. And you blame the victims for being lazy what an a******. Not to worry you have plenty of company. The GOP is the stupidest most brainwashed greediest most idiotic party in the world everybody knows it but you.
Bullshit - list them.
Look it up and prove me wrong ... I'm not here to do your research for you. I'm not your mother.

I did look it up. It's bullshit, that's why you won't ever list them.

What now?
Ball's in your court. Prove it wrong.

Here you go:


You take out BUSH'S TAX CUTS Obama extended, which you no doubt 100% support, and Obama actually barely added to the debt.

What now? You got some other way to bullshit us while dodging putting up the evidence?
Funny - I don't see any spending for the wars in the Middle East during Obama's terms. Did I miss something? I also notice that you didn't include the cost of increased regulation. Any particular reason? Not to mention, where is the entry for the increased cost of helping the illegal immigrants who were allowed to stay under Obama's watch? I also notice that you include defense, non-defense discretionary, etc., etc on the Bush side, but not on the Obama side. Let's try comparing apples to apples.

Nice try --- but kinda amateurish. You're drinking too much Kool-Aid.

:rolleyes: Fucking amazing the sort of shameless bullshit and straw grasping you are willing to pump out straight out of your ass while having ZERO support for any assertions or numbers you throw around. Clearly your 3.6T number is made up.

Get lost loser, you got nothing but lazy politico fantasies.
Last edited:
The best combination we've had recently is a Republican Congress and a democrat president more worried about getting laid than the economy.
Add a .com bubble... The economy's been crap for the middle class for 35 years, all under Pander to the Rich GOP tax rates and policies...
Talk's cheap - even when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Your "signature" is a liberal diatribe without a single foundation in reality. I can think of no reason to "memorize" it. I hear enough bullshit every day --- i don't need that much more.
As usual you're full of b*******and have no argument. My signature is full of facts what's wrong they're all proven as opposed to your 55 trillion b*******. What A pompous brainwashed ass...
Hey! It was YOUR proposal that generated the $55 trillion debt, not mine. At least own your ignorance.

Tell me, what did you teach? Since we know it obviously wasn't one of the math disciplines (based on your inability to mount a counter-argument against hard numbers), and it definitely wasn't in the languages (give the quality of your posts), just exactly what did you teach?
It doesn't matter who owns it ---- what matters is how much you tax it.We are talking about what to do about the national debt.
We just showed you that taking 100% of everything the top 1% makes only pays for 18 days of government spending. You ride that horse til it drops - but it still ain't gonna get you there.

Quit whining and come up with a substantive proposal that will WORK. Don't read bumper stickers to me - think it thru.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
Yep huge giveaway to the rich and Wrecking the middle class and the country doesn't matter you're right. Idiot
I notice you don't recommend a single thing for the middle class to do to improve their position. Are they incapable? When are you going to realize that the simple truth is the middle class is woefully unqualified to increase their worth in today's market? You complain because the buggy whip maker can't get a raise, despite the fact that we have used buggy whips in 75 years. Somehow, you think that an unskilled laborer - and, given the changes in our economy, most people are rapidly becoming unskilled - should somehow be gifted a greater salary despite their decidedly decreasing contribution.

Tell me -- Mr. Teacher - how can not taking money from the rich be considered a "giveaway"?
After 35 years of reaganism, college has never been more expensive training programs have never been more expensive taxes on the rich never been lower taxes on the middle class and the poor have never been higher and our infrastructure has never been in worse shape. Great job GOP. And you blame the victims for being lazy what an a******. Not to worry you have plenty of company. The GOP is the stupidest most brainwashed greediest most idiotic party in the world everybody knows it but you.
Let's be clear - I did not claim that the American worker was lazy. I did, however, claim that the American worker, as a class, lacks competitive technical skills that will increase his income and lifestyle in the current and future marketplace. I also claimed that whining about how abused they are only provides some with an easy excuse for not putting forth the effort necessary to make them competitive.

35 years of Reaganism!! Those DAMN Democrats - they sold you out, huh? Fucking liberals are even worse - look what they did to you. Told you all kinds of lies, got themselves elected, and then went over to dark side! At least the Republicans were honest - you knew what you were getting. But those DAMN Democrats ... they fooled you!! The bastards!!
Look it up and prove me wrong ... I'm not here to do your research for you. I'm not your mother.

I did look it up. It's bullshit, that's why you won't ever list them.

What now?
Ball's in your court. Prove it wrong.

Here you go:


You take out BUSH'S TAX CUTS Obama extended, which you no doubt 100% support, and Obama actually barely added to the debt.

What now? You got some other way to bullshit us while dodging putting up the evidence?
Funny - I don't see any spending for the wars in the Middle East during Obama's terms. Did I miss something? I also notice that you didn't include the cost of increased regulation. Any particular reason? Not to mention, where is the entry for the increased cost of helping the illegal immigrants who were allowed to stay under Obama's watch? I also notice that you include defense, non-defense discretionary, etc., etc on the Bush side, but not on the Obama side. Let's try comparing apples to apples.

Nice try --- but kinda amateurish. You're drinking too much Kool-Aid.

:rolleyes: Fucking amazing the sort of shameless bullshit and straw grasping you are willing to pump out straight out of your ass while having ZERO support for any assertions or numbers you throw around. Clearly your 3.6T number is made up.

Get lost loser, you got nothing but politico fantasies.

You're classy --- unfortunately, its kindergarten class. You come around here, make all kinds of accusations, and then when challenged to prove your accusations, you throw up a chart that is obviously biased (and not very well, at that). When someone has the temerity to see those inconsistencies and point them out, you get all childish and pissy. Sorry --- you're just a run of the mill, garden variety liberal loser. Long on talk, short on reason, and complete devoid of integrity.
I did look it up. It's bullshit, that's why you won't ever list them.

What now?
Ball's in your court. Prove it wrong.

Here you go:


You take out BUSH'S TAX CUTS Obama extended, which you no doubt 100% support, and Obama actually barely added to the debt.

What now? You got some other way to bullshit us while dodging putting up the evidence?
Funny - I don't see any spending for the wars in the Middle East during Obama's terms. Did I miss something? I also notice that you didn't include the cost of increased regulation. Any particular reason? Not to mention, where is the entry for the increased cost of helping the illegal immigrants who were allowed to stay under Obama's watch? I also notice that you include defense, non-defense discretionary, etc., etc on the Bush side, but not on the Obama side. Let's try comparing apples to apples.

Nice try --- but kinda amateurish. You're drinking too much Kool-Aid.

:rolleyes: Fucking amazing the sort of shameless bullshit and straw grasping you are willing to pump out straight out of your ass while having ZERO support for any assertions or numbers you throw around. Clearly your 3.6T number is made up.

Get lost loser, you got nothing but politico fantasies.

You're classy --- unfortunately, its kindergarten class. You come around here, make all kinds of accusations, and then when challenged to prove your accusations, you throw up a chart that is obviously biased (and not very well, at that). When someone has the temerity to see those inconsistencies and point them out, you get all childish and pissy. Sorry --- you're just a run of the mill, garden variety liberal loser. Long on talk, short on reason, and complete devoid of integrity.

Hey grown up, time for a little review

You said Obama policies added 3.6T to debt.
I asked for evidence
, you said go fish, prove it wrong.
I then took up the burden and proved it wrong with specific list of Obama policies cost.
You then made up completely un-valued nitpicks at my list with ZERO hint of being able to support your original 3.6T assertion.

Conclusion is fair - you are full of shit.
Add a .com bubble... The economy's been crap for the middle class for 35 years, all under Pander to the Rich GOP tax rates and policies...
Talk's cheap - even when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Your "signature" is a liberal diatribe without a single foundation in reality. I can think of no reason to "memorize" it. I hear enough bullshit every day --- i don't need that much more.
As usual you're full of b*******and have no argument. My signature is full of facts what's wrong they're all proven as opposed to your 55 trillion b*******. What A pompous brainwashed ass...
Hey! It was YOUR proposal that generated the $55 trillion debt, not mine. At least own your ignorance.

Tell me, what did you teach? Since we know it obviously wasn't one of the math disciplines (based on your inability to mount a counter-argument against hard numbers), and it definitely wasn't in the languages (give the quality of your posts), just exactly what did you teach?
Economics is hardly hard numbers, idiot LOL I taught French Spanish and history. My posts aren't so great because I just started using a smartphone amazing thing...
Ball's in your court. Prove it wrong.

Here you go:


You take out BUSH'S TAX CUTS Obama extended, which you no doubt 100% support, and Obama actually barely added to the debt.

What now? You got some other way to bullshit us while dodging putting up the evidence?
Funny - I don't see any spending for the wars in the Middle East during Obama's terms. Did I miss something? I also notice that you didn't include the cost of increased regulation. Any particular reason? Not to mention, where is the entry for the increased cost of helping the illegal immigrants who were allowed to stay under Obama's watch? I also notice that you include defense, non-defense discretionary, etc., etc on the Bush side, but not on the Obama side. Let's try comparing apples to apples.

Nice try --- but kinda amateurish. You're drinking too much Kool-Aid.

:rolleyes: Fucking amazing the sort of shameless bullshit and straw grasping you are willing to pump out straight out of your ass while having ZERO support for any assertions or numbers you throw around. Clearly your 3.6T number is made up.

Get lost loser, you got nothing but politico fantasies.

You're classy --- unfortunately, its kindergarten class. You come around here, make all kinds of accusations, and then when challenged to prove your accusations, you throw up a chart that is obviously biased (and not very well, at that). When someone has the temerity to see those inconsistencies and point them out, you get all childish and pissy. Sorry --- you're just a run of the mill, garden variety liberal loser. Long on talk, short on reason, and complete devoid of integrity.

Hey grown up, time for a little review

You said Obama policies added 3.6T to debt.
I asked for evidence
, you said go fish, prove it wrong.
I then took up the burden and proved it wrong with specific list of Obama policies cost.
You then made up completely un-valued nitpicks at my list with ZERO hint of being able to support your original 3.6T assertion.

Conclusion is fair - you are full of shit.
No, actually what you did was present intentionally flawed data - and outright lie, if you will --- hoping nobody would notice. Now, you're caught - your integrity is shot.

Have a great life.
It doesn't matter? Right-wing idiocy you've been stealing from the middle class and the poor for 35 years now. you're idiots
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
Yep huge giveaway to the rich and Wrecking the middle class and the country doesn't matter you're right. Idiot
I notice you don't recommend a single thing for the middle class to do to improve their position. Are they incapable? When are you going to realize that the simple truth is the middle class is woefully unqualified to increase their worth in today's market? You complain because the buggy whip maker can't get a raise, despite the fact that we have used buggy whips in 75 years. Somehow, you think that an unskilled laborer - and, given the changes in our economy, most people are rapidly becoming unskilled - should somehow be gifted a greater salary despite their decidedly decreasing contribution.

Tell me -- Mr. Teacher - how can not taking money from the rich be considered a "giveaway"?
After 35 years of reaganism, college has never been more expensive training programs have never been more expensive taxes on the rich never been lower taxes on the middle class and the poor have never been higher and our infrastructure has never been in worse shape. Great job GOP. And you blame the victims for being lazy what an a******. Not to worry you have plenty of company. The GOP is the stupidest most brainwashed greediest most idiotic party in the world everybody knows it but you.
Let's be clear - I did not claim that the American worker was lazy. I did, however, claim that the American worker, as a class, lacks competitive technical skills that will increase his income and lifestyle in the current and future marketplace. I also claimed that whining about how abused they are only provides some with an easy excuse for not putting forth the effort necessary to make them competitive.

35 years of Reaganism!! Those DAMN Democrats - they sold you out, huh? Fucking liberals are even worse - look what they did to you. Told you all kinds of lies, got themselves elected, and then went over to dark side! At least the Republicans were honest - you knew what you were getting. But those DAMN Democrats ... they fooled you!! The bastards!!
The Democrats under Reagan where the last time a party did The Honorable thing and gave a president what they were elected for. Republicans have never. They're totally bought off by the rich the greedy rich and the only reason they get elected is because they brainwash the ignorant, like you.
Talk's cheap - even when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Your "signature" is a liberal diatribe without a single foundation in reality. I can think of no reason to "memorize" it. I hear enough bullshit every day --- i don't need that much more.
As usual you're full of b*******and have no argument. My signature is full of facts what's wrong they're all proven as opposed to your 55 trillion b*******. What A pompous brainwashed ass...
Hey! It was YOUR proposal that generated the $55 trillion debt, not mine. At least own your ignorance.

Tell me, what did you teach? Since we know it obviously wasn't one of the math disciplines (based on your inability to mount a counter-argument against hard numbers), and it definitely wasn't in the languages (give the quality of your posts), just exactly what did you teach?
Economics is hardly hard numbers, idiot LOL I taught French Spanish and history. My posts aren't so great because I just started using a smartphone amazing thing...
Stick to the romance languages .... economics and politics are WAY out of your league.
LOL --- I knew you would jump right on that. So typical of the uninformed.

If the income is going to be taxed, it doesn't make any difference who gets the income, they will have to pay the tax.

Frankly, you come off as a sniveling little baby who is upset that you can't have the pacifier the other baby has. You keep whining about what THEY have, rather than trying to figure out how to get more for yourself. Get a job - save your money - get out of debt - get an education.

It ain't rocket science.
Yep huge giveaway to the rich and Wrecking the middle class and the country doesn't matter you're right. Idiot
I notice you don't recommend a single thing for the middle class to do to improve their position. Are they incapable? When are you going to realize that the simple truth is the middle class is woefully unqualified to increase their worth in today's market? You complain because the buggy whip maker can't get a raise, despite the fact that we have used buggy whips in 75 years. Somehow, you think that an unskilled laborer - and, given the changes in our economy, most people are rapidly becoming unskilled - should somehow be gifted a greater salary despite their decidedly decreasing contribution.

Tell me -- Mr. Teacher - how can not taking money from the rich be considered a "giveaway"?
After 35 years of reaganism, college has never been more expensive training programs have never been more expensive taxes on the rich never been lower taxes on the middle class and the poor have never been higher and our infrastructure has never been in worse shape. Great job GOP. And you blame the victims for being lazy what an a******. Not to worry you have plenty of company. The GOP is the stupidest most brainwashed greediest most idiotic party in the world everybody knows it but you.
Let's be clear - I did not claim that the American worker was lazy. I did, however, claim that the American worker, as a class, lacks competitive technical skills that will increase his income and lifestyle in the current and future marketplace. I also claimed that whining about how abused they are only provides some with an easy excuse for not putting forth the effort necessary to make them competitive.

35 years of Reaganism!! Those DAMN Democrats - they sold you out, huh? Fucking liberals are even worse - look what they did to you. Told you all kinds of lies, got themselves elected, and then went over to dark side! At least the Republicans were honest - you knew what you were getting. But those DAMN Democrats ... they fooled you!! The bastards!!
The Democrats under Reagan where the last time a party did The Honorable thing and gave a president what they were elected for. Republicans have never. They're totally bought off by the rich the greedy rich and the only reason they get elected is because they brainwash the ignorant, like you.
See? You REALLY don't understand.

I'm not one of the brainwashed ... I'm one of the rich.
Speak for yourself dupe read my signature memorize it more truth than you get from Fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in 20 years.
Your "signature" is a liberal diatribe without a single foundation in reality. I can think of no reason to "memorize" it. I hear enough bullshit every day --- i don't need that much more.
As usual you're full of b*******and have no argument. My signature is full of facts what's wrong they're all proven as opposed to your 55 trillion b*******. What A pompous brainwashed ass...
Hey! It was YOUR proposal that generated the $55 trillion debt, not mine. At least own your ignorance.

Tell me, what did you teach? Since we know it obviously wasn't one of the math disciplines (based on your inability to mount a counter-argument against hard numbers), and it definitely wasn't in the languages (give the quality of your posts), just exactly what did you teach?
Economics is hardly hard numbers, idiot LOL I taught French Spanish and history. My posts aren't so great because I just started using a smartphone amazing thing...
Stick to the romance languages .... economics and politics are WAY out of your league.
You got nothing but pure b******* boy...

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