Republicans so worried about the debt, yet they cause most of it.

Republicans are deficit/debt hypocrites - only outraged when Democrats are in power. Just imagine the deficit/debt when Trump leaves office.

The deficit is the annual difference between government spending and government revenue.

The debt is the total amount of money the U.S. government owes. It representsthe accumulation of past deficits, minus surpluses.

Debt vs. Deficits: What's the Difference?

We need the Gingrich Congress back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we really need is a Democratic president and Congress to fix the last 40 years of bought off GOP corruption and Pander to the rich taxes and policy.
why can't republicans see that in the last 30 or so years the wealthy have grown tremendously while the middle class stagnate?
Why do you suppose that is?
because the rich make the laws?
Republicans are deficit/debt hypocrites - only outraged when Democrats are in power. Just imagine the deficit/debt when Trump leaves office.

The deficit is the annual difference between government spending and government revenue.

The debt is the total amount of money the U.S. government owes. It representsthe accumulation of past deficits, minus surpluses.

Debt vs. Deficits: What's the Difference?

We need the Gingrich Congress back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we really need is a Democratic president and Congress to fix the last 40 years of bought off GOP corruption and Pander to the rich taxes and policy.
why can't republicans see that in the last 30 or so years the wealthy have grown tremendously while the middle class stagnate?
Why do you suppose that is?
Because of Pander to the rich GOP tax policy duh...
That's a bromide - said a lot, but nothing there.

Explain your position - and prove it.

Put up or shut up.
So for 35 years now the Reaganist GOP has been Wrecking the middle class and the country's infrastructure, all to save the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share. The only way that works is with a giant propaganda Hate Machine, for dupes only... The presidents that have added to the debt have been Reagan and W bush and Obama, but he was only averting another GOP Great Depression and helping the victims... Look it up.
Make you a deal .... you pay 10% of your income, and I'll pay 10% of mine.

Everybody shoulders an equal load, relative to their income.

In 2016, there was approximately $15 trillion in personal income. That means the government would be given $1.5 trillion. We'll even continue the current corporate tax and capital gains. Then, we require the government to stay within that budget - with exceptions allowed for emergencies.

You pay your fair share - I pay mine.

Work for you?

They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
A rather concise summary !!
Brainwashed bumper sticker slogan to be concise... GOP Dupes... 35 years of middle class ruin and you dopes blame it on the victims...
Republicans are deficit/debt hypocrites - only outraged when Democrats are in power. Just imagine the deficit/debt when Trump leaves office.

The deficit is the annual difference between government spending and government revenue.

The debt is the total amount of money the U.S. government owes. It representsthe accumulation of past deficits, minus surpluses.

Debt vs. Deficits: What's the Difference?

We need the Gingrich Congress back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we really need is a Democratic president and Congress to fix the last 40 years of bought off GOP corruption and Pander to the rich taxes and policy.
why can't republicans see that in the last 30 or so years the wealthy have grown tremendously while the middle class stagnate?
Why do you suppose that is?
because the rich make the laws?
Oh? You say it - now prove it.

What laws do you propose (either to create, or to eliminate) that will get the runaway government spending under control?
Make you a deal .... you pay 10% of your income, and I'll pay 10% of mine.

Everybody shoulders an equal load, relative to their income.

In 2016, there was approximately $15 trillion in personal income. That means the government would be given $1.5 trillion. We'll even continue the current corporate tax and capital gains. Then, we require the government to stay within that budget - with exceptions allowed for emergencies.

You pay your fair share - I pay mine.

Work for you?

They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.
WTF are you talking about? Obviously tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and go back to spending money on the non Rich so they can get the good jobs going begging and we can have a healthy infrastructure to compete in the world. It's only what Democrats have been saying for 30 years... Change the goddamn Channel and open your eyes! Super dupe...
Make you a deal .... you pay 10% of your income, and I'll pay 10% of mine.

Everybody shoulders an equal load, relative to their income.

In 2016, there was approximately $15 trillion in personal income. That means the government would be given $1.5 trillion. We'll even continue the current corporate tax and capital gains. Then, we require the government to stay within that budget - with exceptions allowed for emergencies.

You pay your fair share - I pay mine.

Work for you?

They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.

It's just not what they do. If they ever talk specifics, their true intentions might be discovered, or they would have to actually show what knowledge they have (or lack thereof)

Not one Prog would explain what their perfect tax bracket structure would be....they just parrot Hillary. "THE RICH SHOULD PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!"

Well, who the fuck are "THE RICH" and what is their "FAIR SHARE"?

Seth RICH'S fair share was his life...maybe that's who Hillary was talking about.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.

If you’re going to blame the Repubs for the debt then please explain why BO added almost $8 trillion to the debt. Dubya added less than $6 trillion.

Why don’t we just agree that the only time one party is concerned about the debt is when the other party wants to spend money. No need to be a shill for the Dems,it just makes you look foolish. Just like being a shill for the Repubs.
He averted a full-blown GOP depression with bailouts just like w did, the rest is unemployment and Welfare for the victims that he had nothing to do with... Silly GOP voters brainwashed it's not their fault change the channel and read something
Yeah but Barry Hussein was president for the last eight years. Under Trump the DOW has gone up 20% in eight or nine months. The moral of the story is 1. lefties only whine about the deficit during republican administrations and 2. Obama showed us that lefties don't seem to mind at all when a democrat increases the deficit while the economy remains stagnant.
They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.

It's just not what they do. If they ever talk specifics, their true intentions might be discovered, or they would have to actually show what knowledge they have (or lack thereof)

Not one Prog would explain what their perfect tax bracket structure would be....they just parrot Hillary. "THE RICH SHOULD PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!"

Well, who the fuck are "THE RICH" and what is their "FAIR SHARE"?

Seth RICH'S fair share was his life...maybe that's who Hillary was talking about.
Jesus Christ how stupid and brainwashed can you get obviously they should pay more our Representatives can decide what that is probably like before Reagan went nuts. 50 or 60 over $250,000 it's not rocket science stupid a******... The GOP and Reagan just threw out numbers the Democrats can do the same. stupid non argument always the same goddamn thing...
Yeah but Barry Hussein was president for the last eight years. Under Trump the DOW has gone up 20% in eight or nine months. The moral of the story is 1. lefties only whine about the deficit during republican administrations and 2. Obama showed us that lefties don't seem to mind at all when a democrat increases the deficit while the economy remains stagnant.
The stock market was going up exactly the same under Obama silly Dupe...
Yeah but Barry Hussein was president for the last eight years. Under Trump the DOW has gone up 20% in eight or nine months. The moral of the story is 1. lefties only whine about the deficit during republican administrations and 2. Obama showed us that lefties don't seem to mind at all when a democrat increases the deficit while the economy remains stagnant.
The stock market was going up exactly the same under Obama silly Dupe...
as was employment trump didn't do shit , earnings and low interest rates did
Make you a deal .... you pay 10% of your income, and I'll pay 10% of mine.

Everybody shoulders an equal load, relative to their income.

In 2016, there was approximately $15 trillion in personal income. That means the government would be given $1.5 trillion. We'll even continue the current corporate tax and capital gains. Then, we require the government to stay within that budget - with exceptions allowed for emergencies.

You pay your fair share - I pay mine.

Work for you?

They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
A rather concise summary !!
Brainwashed bumper sticker slogan to be concise... GOP Dupes... 35 years of middle class ruin and you dopes blame it on the victims...
They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.
WTF are you talking about? Obviously tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and go back to spending money on the non Rich so they can get the good jobs going begging and we can have a healthy infrastructure to compete in the world. It's only what Democrats have been saying for 30 years... Change the goddamn Channel and open your eyes! Super dupe...

Hmmm ---- here's what we know.

If you were to tax the top 2% at a rate of 100% - everything they earn for one year - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 18 days ---- get that? Less than three weeks.

If you were to tax ALL corporations at a rate of 100% of all their profits - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 32 days.

So --- tell me ---- where are you going to get money for the other 315 days?

But, I'm sure you already knew that, didn't you?

So, since your approach is obviously untenable .... what's your next suggestion?

See? It's easy to spout generalities and bumper stickers ---- but actually doing something is a lot more difficult.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.

If you’re going to blame the Repubs for the debt then please explain why BO added almost $8 trillion to the debt. Dubya added less than $6 trillion.

Why don’t we just agree that the only time one party is concerned about the debt is when the other party wants to spend money. No need to be a shill for the Dems,it just makes you look foolish. Just like being a shill for the Repubs.
He averted a full-blown GOP depression with bailouts just like w did, the rest is unemployment and Welfare for the victims that he had nothing to do with... Silly GOP voters brainwashed it's not their fault change the channel and read something
Actually, that's not entirely true.

If you recall, most of the bail-out programs were developed and implemented in the last few weeks of the Bush administration.

What Obama did was create the Stimulus program, which was supposed to get us up and working again. Given the slow recovery from the recession, I think you'd have to agree that its effectiveness is questionable.

Never let a fact go to waste ....
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.

It's just not what they do. If they ever talk specifics, their true intentions might be discovered, or they would have to actually show what knowledge they have (or lack thereof)

Not one Prog would explain what their perfect tax bracket structure would be....they just parrot Hillary. "THE RICH SHOULD PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!"

Well, who the fuck are "THE RICH" and what is their "FAIR SHARE"?

Seth RICH'S fair share was his life...maybe that's who Hillary was talking about.
Jesus Christ how stupid and brainwashed can you get obviously they should pay more our Representatives can decide what that is probably like before Reagan went nuts. 50 or 60 over $250,000 it's not rocket science stupid a******... The GOP and Reagan just threw out numbers the Democrats can do the same. stupid non argument always the same goddamn thing...
Wipe the spittle off the screen.

This whole post makes absolutely no sense.
I second, "neither party cares about the debt."

Besides, Republicans aren't giving the middle-class a tax cut. The current Republican plan is to eliminate personal exemptions and to raise the tax rate of the bottom bracket by 20% to pay for whatever "tax cuts". And, the debt itself is a stealth inflation tax.
They like a PROGRESSIVE tax system in order to punish the productive.
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
A rather concise summary !!
Brainwashed bumper sticker slogan to be concise... GOP Dupes... 35 years of middle class ruin and you dopes blame it on the victims...
I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.
WTF are you talking about? Obviously tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and go back to spending money on the non Rich so they can get the good jobs going begging and we can have a healthy infrastructure to compete in the world. It's only what Democrats have been saying for 30 years... Change the goddamn Channel and open your eyes! Super dupe...

Hmmm ---- here's what we know.

If you were to tax the top 2% at a rate of 100% - everything they earn for one year - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 18 days ---- get that? Less than three weeks.

If you were to tax ALL corporations at a rate of 100% of all their profits - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 32 days.

So --- tell me ---- where are you going to get money for the other 315 days?

But, I'm sure you already knew that, didn't you?

So, since your approach is obviously untenable .... what's your next suggestion?

See? It's easy to spout generalities and bumper stickers ---- but actually doing something is a lot more difficult.
Bulshit, but thanks for the talking point. Tax them their fair share for 35 years and we will be a hell of a lot better off than we are now, screwing the non-rich and our infrastructure for 35 years. Nobody said it was going to happen overnight, Dupe.
Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.

It's just not what they do. If they ever talk specifics, their true intentions might be discovered, or they would have to actually show what knowledge they have (or lack thereof)

Not one Prog would explain what their perfect tax bracket structure would be....they just parrot Hillary. "THE RICH SHOULD PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!"

Well, who the fuck are "THE RICH" and what is their "FAIR SHARE"?

Seth RICH'S fair share was his life...maybe that's who Hillary was talking about.
Jesus Christ how stupid and brainwashed can you get obviously they should pay more our Representatives can decide what that is probably like before Reagan went nuts. 50 or 60 over $250,000 it's not rocket science stupid a******... The GOP and Reagan just threw out numbers the Democrats can do the same. stupid non argument always the same goddamn thing...
Wipe the spittle off the screen.

This whole post makes absolutely no sense.
Reagan and the Republicans said let's try 50% then in 89 they said oh how about 28%. So just raise it for crying out loud every time somebody says fair share the dupes say exactly what is the fair share. well it's higher duh.
I second, "neither party cares about the debt."

Besides, Republicans aren't giving the middle-class a tax cut. The current Republican plan is to eliminate personal exemptions and to raise the tax rate of the bottom bracket by 20% to pay for whatever "tax cuts". And, the debt itself is a stealth inflation tax.

I recognize that I have benefited more from the government spending than the average factory worker.

I strongly object to a tax system that creates leeches, hangers-on, and people dependent on the government. The very concept of not paying ANY taxes is anathema to the American ideal. By what convoluted logic would somebody think that they should be entitled to something they aren't even contributing to paying for?

I recognize that there are people who can't make a decent living - but that has nothing to do with their tax responsibility. If you make $5 per hour, and work 1,000 hours a year, you earn $5,000. To get that, you had to use public transportation, government-provided utilities, government subsidized energy sources, etc., etc., etc. In addition, they are on welfare and Medicaid and food stamps. In 2015, the national average "income" from welfare exceeded $40,000! (Do ‘welfare’ recipients get $35,000 in benefits a year? (family of two children, single parent)

Explain to me why someone would think they should get that all for free ... no, not for free. Paid for by somebody else. Asking them to contribute $500 so they can get $40,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. In fact, it seems like a damn good deal. Sign me up for 5 of those!!!

Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
A rather concise summary !!
Brainwashed bumper sticker slogan to be concise... GOP Dupes... 35 years of middle class ruin and you dopes blame it on the victims...
Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.
WTF are you talking about? Obviously tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and go back to spending money on the non Rich so they can get the good jobs going begging and we can have a healthy infrastructure to compete in the world. It's only what Democrats have been saying for 30 years... Change the goddamn Channel and open your eyes! Super dupe...

Hmmm ---- here's what we know.

If you were to tax the top 2% at a rate of 100% - everything they earn for one year - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 18 days ---- get that? Less than three weeks.

If you were to tax ALL corporations at a rate of 100% of all their profits - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 32 days.

So --- tell me ---- where are you going to get money for the other 315 days?

But, I'm sure you already knew that, didn't you?

So, since your approach is obviously untenable .... what's your next suggestion?

See? It's easy to spout generalities and bumper stickers ---- but actually doing something is a lot more difficult.
Bulshit, but thanks for the talking point. Tax them their fair share for 35 years and we will be a hell of a lot better off than we are now, screwing the non-rich and our infrastructure for 35 years. Nobody said it was going to happen overnight, Dupe.

Ok ---- finally, we get something concrete out of you.

What do you consider a "fair share" for the top 1%? We'll take that, and extrapolate it out 35 years, and see how we're doing?

What's a "fair share"?
Progs have obtained power by convincing the underclass they are victims who need free shit paid for by those who are productive.


Progs will never ask their electorate to be self sufficient. They need an ignorant and compliant electorate.
A rather concise summary !!
Brainwashed bumper sticker slogan to be concise... GOP Dupes... 35 years of middle class ruin and you dopes blame it on the victims...
On the other hand, Dupe, in reality under Democrats spending and debt goes down relative to what happens under the big spending hypocrite GOP... But thanks for cutting services at education at training for the middle class all to Pander to the rich brainwashing GOP, idiot.
You know --- you whine and bitch and moan ----

but you never offer alternative solutions.

What is your proposal to 1) eliminate the deficit, 2) decrease the debt, and 3) control government spending?

Time to put up or shut up.
WTF are you talking about? Obviously tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share and go back to spending money on the non Rich so they can get the good jobs going begging and we can have a healthy infrastructure to compete in the world. It's only what Democrats have been saying for 30 years... Change the goddamn Channel and open your eyes! Super dupe...

Hmmm ---- here's what we know.

If you were to tax the top 2% at a rate of 100% - everything they earn for one year - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 18 days ---- get that? Less than three weeks.

If you were to tax ALL corporations at a rate of 100% of all their profits - you will generate enough income for the federal government to operate for 32 days.

So --- tell me ---- where are you going to get money for the other 315 days?

But, I'm sure you already knew that, didn't you?

So, since your approach is obviously untenable .... what's your next suggestion?

See? It's easy to spout generalities and bumper stickers ---- but actually doing something is a lot more difficult.
Bulshit, but thanks for the talking point. Tax them their fair share for 35 years and we will be a hell of a lot better off than we are now, screwing the non-rich and our infrastructure for 35 years. Nobody said it was going to happen overnight, Dupe.

Ok ---- finally, we get something concrete out of you.

What do you consider a "fair share" for the top 1%? We'll take that, and extrapolate it out 35 years, and see how we're doing?

What's a "fair share"?
A fair share is higher, obviously. What the f*** is wrong with Dupes? that's as far as they can get ever, that stupid question. MORONS!

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