Republican's Tax Bill Will It Be Released In Time For It To Be Read!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
If the Republican leadership thinks they are going to ram their "ideological and overboard" tax reform bill down the America people's throats and strong arm it into law they have another thing coming! There is an army of Americans prepared to fight them "tooth and nail" to see they don't pass any legislation that significantly hurts the country in this area. It is extremely surprising and worrisome that the Republican leadership has not released the actual bill yet or at least a mark-up of the bill (the version the congressional committees will start with before they begin an amendment process). Wise Americans know what is critical is the provisions in the actual bill not frameworks, outlines and summaries. This lack of an actual bill is really surprising because this legislation initiative is the one of two major sweeping changes, the other being healthcare reform, that the Republican Party was going to bring to Washington to transform America and make it dramatically better for the American people and we're essentially nine months into the Republicans having the reins of federal gov't power and no actual bill. This is really hard to believe considering that Mr. Paul Ryan is the Speaker of the House because he is supposed to be on tax reform what Senator Ted Kennedy was on healthcare and Senator John McCain is on Defense, one of the nation's preeminent experts on the subject; Mr. Ryan painted himself as knowing this subject backward and forward, inside and out he is the American people's champion on this issue the American people have nothing to worry about because Mr. Ryan is on the job. And no bill Speaker Ryan and you plan to vote and pass the bill this year this is a mockery of Democracy! A fair evaluation of the early indications on this legislation effort is that a huge number of Americans even Republicans are not sold that the Republican plan is the right legislation for America. Prudence would call for the Republicans finishing writing this bill extremely quickly and releasing it immediately so that leaders in America can determine whether or not this bill has the support to pass and quite frankly most importantly whether this bill can be reworked and how so to make it good and make it so it can be passed into law. One really hopeful element of the Republican plan so far is that they have decided not to double down on trickle down economics where they cut taxes on the rich and go around spouting that this increase in income for the wealthy will filter down to the lower economic brackets. The essence of the Republican framework make the corporate tax rate internationally competitive make the small business tax rate in line with the corporate rate because small businesses create most of the jobs (do this in a manner that does not let small business owner duck paying taxes on a fair determination of their earned income) and cut taxes for the middle class is a really good essence it should garnish bipartisan support if the bill is written well. The Republican leadership may think that the fact that the reputation of the Republican Party is on the line will carry the day and turn their bill into law well they are in for a rude awakening because there are a lot of Americans who are not going to let America be saddled with a bad tax code just because the Republican Party wants to hold onto power we are preparing for a huge fight if need be! Messrs. Ryan and McConnell need to remember that they are not the legislative leaders for the legislatures of Russia or Iran where a few people in the country decide the contents of legislation and then it is rubber stamped into law this is America in America citizens have a fundamental right to have a say in the creation of laws that govern them and this means that bills especially major bills like this tax reform bill be published well in advance of them being voted on in the legislature this means you leaders need to light a fire under your committees and their staffs and complete this bill and reveal it to the American people in the very very near future!
First they need to get rid of the ACA subsidies, their little plan. Then the elites will get a huge tax cut.
If the Republican leadership thinks they are going to ram their "ideological and overboard" tax reform bill down the America people's throats and strong arm it into law they have another thing coming! There is an army of Americans prepared to fight them "tooth and nail" to see they don't pass any legislation that significantly hurts the country in this area.
Didn't we say this same thing when the commies were trying to ram Obamacare down our throats with 3000 pages of unread law?
Good fucking lord.

You have to pass the bill to see what's in it.

What the fuck is wrong with you progs? Follow your leaders!

Just shut up and pass the bill, Congress.

The libs are afraid that the tax bill will actually be good for the economy.

They want GOVERNMENT to decide who to spend your money....NOT YOU.
First they need to get rid of the ACA subsidies, their little plan. Then the elites will get a huge tax cut.
"On the individual side, the plan would collapse the tax brackets from seven to three, with tax rates of 12 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent, the president said. The current top rate is 39.6 percent and the lowest rate is 10 percent. The framework also gives Congress the option of creating a higher, fourth, rate above 35 percent in the tax plan to ensure that the wealthy are paying their fair share.

The plan aims to simplify and cut taxes for the middle class by doubling the standard deduction to $12,000 for individuals and to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That would allow people to avoid a complicated process of itemizing their taxes to claim various credits and deductions. It would increase the child tax credit from $1,000 to an unspecified amount, and create a new $500 tax credit for non-child dependents, such as the elderly." Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades

What "huge tax cut"? Looks more like an effective tax cut for many people across all tax brackets. Yes, some will pay more, many will pay less, especially the poor.

Note: I have bolded several passages to highlight what I think are the most important parts of the quoted segment of the linked article.
1. also gives Congress the option of creating a higher, fourth, rate above 35 percent in the tax plan to ensure that the wealthy are paying their fair share.
(this will never happen)
2.. no inheritance tax ,which is now at 5 million
3. unlimited HSA and able to be inherited tax free.
4. Most of us are just fine with our personal exemptions
5, the most imp. No AMT which will say the wealth lots of money.

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