Republicans: This food is terrible and the porions are too small!

Hussein obozo is such faggot. Putin' s been bitchslapping for eight years and obozo does this because he thinks it will help him save face....and of course liberals cheer lol
Obama's rating is 55% .. way better than Drumpf.
Hussein obozo is such faggot. Putin' s been bitchslapping for eight years and obozo does this because he thinks it will help him save face....and of course liberals cheer lol
Obama's rating is 55% .. way better than Drumpf.
I bet the criminal enterprise in the liberal media that predicted Clinton's victory could get Hussein's approval rating to 80% if they put their minds to it.
Remember when those Somalia pirates took that ship and as soon as the news broke Republicans screamed about how Obama wasn't doing anything....that is until Obama sent a squad overnight to take it back. THEN they complained they killed the poor PIRATES!!

Flip to today. Republicans were first complaining there was no evidence of hacking...until everyone confirmed it except Trump. Then they complained IF the hacking happened why didnt weak as Obama do something, PUSSY!

THEN Obama kicks these dick heads out to show Russia that shot ain't cool and Republicans now are saying NO!!! He shouldnt have done anything!! Or he shouldve done something...anything OTHER than what he did.

It's just no pleasing these folks.

There is zero evidence that Russia hacked the election. Are you sure you aren't talking about the DNC emails? Remember, hacking the election is "IMPOSSIBLE", given the machines are not even connected to internet! No way could Trump be taken by fraud!

I don't think it's the republican's responsibility to make sure that Podesta doesn't click Russian viagra links when operating his email. That's HIS responsibility. Why is operating email so damn difficult to these people? Just think what disasters would ensue if they got in control in the digital age.

Cracks me up is the same people who said Hillary's email couldn't have been hacked by Russia now say an entire election was.


The only person who says the entire election was hacked is you. Then you laugh at the the bullshit you just made up.
Hussein obozo is such faggot. Putin' s been bitchslapping for eight years and obozo does this because he thinks it will help him save face....and of course liberals cheer lol
Obama's rating is 55% .. way better than Drumpf.
I bet the criminal enterprise in the liberal media that predicted Clinton's victory could get Hussein's approval rating to 80% if they put their minds to it.

Everything is fake!! :banana::banana::banana:
Remember when those Somalia pirates took that ship and as soon as the news broke Republicans screamed about how Obama wasn't doing anything....that is until Obama sent a squad overnight to take it back. THEN they complained they killed the poor PIRATES!!

Flip to today. Republicans were first complaining there was no evidence of hacking...until everyone confirmed it except Trump. Then they complained IF the hacking happened why didnt weak as Obama do something, PUSSY!

THEN Obama kicks these dick heads out to show Russia that shot ain't cool and Republicans now are saying NO!!! He shouldnt have done anything!! Or he shouldve done something...anything OTHER than what he did.

It's just no pleasing these folks.
No one has confirmed any Russian hacking, loser.
Hussein obozo is such faggot. Putin' s been bitchslapping for eight years and obozo does this because he thinks it will help him save face....and of course liberals cheer lol
Obama's rating is 55% .. way better than Drumpf.
I bet the criminal enterprise in the liberal media that predicted Clinton's victory could get Hussein's approval rating to 80% if they put their minds to it.

Everything is fake!! :banana::banana::banana:
Everything leftwing douche bags claim is fake.
Remember when those Somalia pirates took that ship and as soon as the news broke Republicans screamed about how Obama wasn't doing anything....that is until Obama sent a squad overnight to take it back. THEN they complained they killed the poor PIRATES!!

Flip to today. Republicans were first complaining there was no evidence of hacking...until everyone confirmed it except Trump. Then they complained IF the hacking happened why didnt weak as Obama do something, PUSSY!

THEN Obama kicks these dick heads out to show Russia that shot ain't cool and Republicans now are saying NO!!! He shouldnt have done anything!! Or he shouldve done something...anything OTHER than what he did.

It's just no pleasing these folks.
we know why.
Hussein obozo is such faggot. Putin' s been bitchslapping for eight years and obozo does this because he thinks it will help him save face....and of course liberals cheer lol
Obama's rating is 55% .. way better than Drumpf.
I bet the criminal enterprise in the liberal media that predicted Clinton's victory could get Hussein's approval rating to 80% if they put their minds to it.

Everything is fake!! :banana::banana::banana:
Everything leftwing douche bags claim is fake.

Don't forget that includes all the Intel agencies and every republican that has or will agree Russia committed espionage!!
Actually the pirates had already left the ship in the lifeboat with the ships captian as hostage the navy seals were sent and their snipers took at the pirates in the lifeboat the pirate leader was on the ship thinking he was going to make a deal and after his comardes were killed he was taken into custody and is currently in jail I believe.
Is the post related to the movie Capt. Phillips? I don't recall republicans doing anything but cheering the skill and expertise of U.S. Navy Seals not to mention the courage of Capt. Phillips. Why does the left continue to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory?
The selective memory of the Right's perpetual dumb act!!!

April 14, 2009

RUSH: You know what we have learned about the Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers that were wiped out at the order of Barack Obama, you know what we learned about them? They were teenagers. The Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers who took a US merchant captain hostage for five days were inexperienced youths, the defense secretary, Roberts Gates, said yesterday, adding that the hijackers were between 17 and 19 years old. Now, just imagine the hue and cry had a Republican president ordered the shooting of black teenagers on the high seas. Greetings and welcome back, Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.

They were kids. The story is out, I don't know if it's true or not, but apparently the hijackers, these kids, the merchant marine organizers, Muslim kids, were upset, they wanted to just give the captain back and head home because they were running out of food, they were running out of fuel, they were surrounded by all these US Navy ships, big ships, and they just wanted out of there. That's the story, but then when one of them put a gun to the back of the captain, Mr. Phillips, then bam, bam, bam. There you have it, and three teenagers shot on the high seas at the order of President Obama.
Limbaugh didn't dwell on the motivation of the Somali pirates. Actually he applauded the mission of the U.S. Navy Seals and he merely illustrated the difference in the attitude of liberals vs conservatives.
He did no such thing. Post the quote!

Your MessiahRushie admits the Somali Pirates are DittoTards like you.

November 25, 2008

RUSH: AP, you have to love the headline: "Pirate Economy Thriving." (laughing) What, should we all join the Somali pirates? Somali pirates, by the way, hijacked another ship, folks, a Yemeni ship. They were mad that they were aced out in the Citibank bailout. They wanted to join Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, being investor in Citibank and they didn't get a chance. They've done everything they can to cooperate. They started out with a $10 million ransom on the $100 million dollars of oil they hijacked from the Saudis. Then they heard me make fun of them so they upped their ransom to $25 million
If Trump and his Trumpsters weren't riding Putin's penis, you can bet your ass republicans would have been the first ones yelling at Obama to do something about the Russians and he's weak for not doing anything.
Just last week they were asking why Obama didn't do anything and said it was weak. Now he takes action and they complain again.

It's like they were demanding evidence of the hacks until they want to release the facts to congress...then they say it should be kept in a secret committee. They fold like a cheese omelet. Their rule is demand what you don't have until they have it. Then complain about what you demanded even more
Remember when those Somalia pirates took that ship and as soon as the news broke Republicans screamed about how Obama wasn't doing anything....that is until Obama sent a squad overnight to take it back. THEN they complained they killed the poor PIRATES!!

Flip to today. Republicans were first complaining there was no evidence of hacking...until everyone confirmed it except Trump. Then they complained IF the hacking happened why didnt weak as Obama do something, PUSSY!

THEN Obama kicks these dick heads out to show Russia that shot ain't cool and Republicans now are saying NO!!! He shouldnt have done anything!! Or he shouldve done something...anything OTHER than what he did.

It's just no pleasing these folks.

There is zero evidence that Russia hacked the election. Are you sure you aren't talking about the DNC emails? Remember, hacking the election is "IMPOSSIBLE", given the machines are not even connected to internet! No way could Trump be taken by fraud!

I don't think it's the republican's responsibility to make sure that Podesta doesn't click Russian viagra links when operating his email. That's HIS responsibility. Why is operating email so damn difficult to these people? Just think what disasters would ensue if they got in control in the digital age.

Cracks me up is the same people who said Hillary's email couldn't have been hacked by Russia now say an entire election was.


The only person who says the entire election was hacked is you. Then you laugh at the the bullshit you just made up.

Um, no that's what Obama is saying. He just expelled 35 diplomats with no evidence.
Remember when those Somalia pirates took that ship and as soon as the news broke Republicans screamed about how Obama wasn't doing anything....that is until Obama sent a squad overnight to take it back. THEN they complained they killed the poor PIRATES!!

Flip to today. Republicans were first complaining there was no evidence of hacking...until everyone confirmed it except Trump. Then they complained IF the hacking happened why didnt weak as Obama do something, PUSSY!

THEN Obama kicks these dick heads out to show Russia that shot ain't cool and Republicans now are saying NO!!! He shouldnt have done anything!! Or he shouldve done something...anything OTHER than what he did.

It's just no pleasing these folks.

There is zero evidence that Russia hacked the election. Are you sure you aren't talking about the DNC emails? Remember, hacking the election is "IMPOSSIBLE", given the machines are not even connected to internet! No way could Trump be taken by fraud!

I don't think it's the republican's responsibility to make sure that Podesta doesn't click Russian viagra links when operating his email. That's HIS responsibility. Why is operating email so damn difficult to these people? Just think what disasters would ensue if they got in control in the digital age.

Cracks me up is the same people who said Hillary's email couldn't have been hacked by Russia now say an entire election was.


The only person who says the entire election was hacked is you. Then you laugh at the the bullshit you just made up.

Um, no that's what Obama is saying. He just expelled 35 diplomats with no evidence.

Just because you say someone said it doesn't make it true. And repeating "no evidence" doesn't change the reality that there is. The only person who denies it is you. Even Trump has stopped denying it.
Remember when those Somalia pirates took that ship and as soon as the news broke Republicans screamed about how Obama wasn't doing anything....that is until Obama sent a squad overnight to take it back. THEN they complained they killed the poor PIRATES!!

Flip to today. Republicans were first complaining there was no evidence of hacking...until everyone confirmed it except Trump. Then they complained IF the hacking happened why didnt weak as Obama do something, PUSSY!

THEN Obama kicks these dick heads out to show Russia that shot ain't cool and Republicans now are saying NO!!! He shouldnt have done anything!! Or he shouldve done something...anything OTHER than what he did.

It's just no pleasing these folks.

There is zero evidence that Russia hacked the election. Are you sure you aren't talking about the DNC emails? Remember, hacking the election is "IMPOSSIBLE", given the machines are not even connected to internet! No way could Trump be taken by fraud!

I don't think it's the republican's responsibility to make sure that Podesta doesn't click Russian viagra links when operating his email. That's HIS responsibility. Why is operating email so damn difficult to these people? Just think what disasters would ensue if they got in control in the digital age.

Cracks me up is the same people who said Hillary's email couldn't have been hacked by Russia now say an entire election was.


The only person who says the entire election was hacked is you. Then you laugh at the the bullshit you just made up.

Um, no that's what Obama is saying. He just expelled 35 diplomats with no evidence.

Just because you say someone said it doesn't make it true. And repeating "no evidence" doesn't change the reality that there is. The only person who denies it is you. Even Trump has stopped denying it.

I can say there is NO EVIDENCE because none of you can PRODUCE any evidence.

Just insist it exists sans the actual evidence.

All you can bring up is Obama appointees ALSO saying there is evidence.

Sorry but from the same gang that said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor (and a lot of other lies) I don't find that very convincing.
Claiming something doesn't exist because you haven't seen it is silly and childish.
Claiming something doesn't exist because you haven't seen it is silly and childish.


Did you think that was going to work????????????? Dude you just argued for the Emperor's New Clothes.

You can't see 'em, doesn't mean they aren't there! :lmao:

I'm sorry but the ONUS is on your side.

YOURS is the side that has to produce the evidence.

Look up logic dude.

I don't have to prove evidence YOUR SIDE WON'T PRODUCE!

All I have to do is point out your side has produced ZERO EVIDENCE.

And it hasn't.

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