Republicans- time to regain status as party of "Law and Order"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Republicans, if you take anything from this, it should be that it is time that you re-become the party of "Law and Order". Supporting and funding local and state law enforcement. Passing stricter sentencing. The rush to slash spending drifted you into the realm of seeming to be anti-law enforcement.

This terror attack shows the importance of a very strong, well trained and well funded law enforcement agency at the state and local level. The majority of this incident was done by the Boston PD, Mass. State Police, Watertown PD, MIT PD. The FBI will take credit, of course, but as the NYPD showed, fighting terror inside our borders is going to be mostly a street level policing event, done by local and state cops.

This is one small step the GOP can take to regain power. And either the GOP, or Dems, or BOTH need to take that step. Yes, we need to cut wasteful government spending. But like the Feds fund a military....the states and cities need to fund a police agency to fight crime and terror here at home.
Republicans, if you take anything from this, it should be that it is time that you re-become the party of "Law and Order". Supporting and funding local and state law enforcement. Passing stricter sentencing. The rush to slash spending drifted you into the realm of seeming to be anti-law enforcement.

This terror attack shows the importance of a very strong, well trained and well funded law enforcement agency at the state and local level. The majority of this incident was done by the Boston PD, Mass. State Police, Watertown PD, MIT PD. The FBI will take credit, of course, but as the NYPD showed, fighting terror inside our borders is going to be mostly a street level policing event, done by local and state cops.

This is one small step the GOP can take to regain power. And either the GOP, or Dems, or BOTH need to take that step. Yes, we need to cut wasteful government spending. But like the Feds fund a military....the states and cities need to fund a police agency to fight crime and terror here at home.
WTF are you talking about?

We already have more people locked up than any country in the history of the planet.
Law and Order? Only as a way to divide Americans. Whys is it the right never calls for Law and Order when a right wing nut shoots up abortion clinics, Olympic parks, Federal buildings with day schools in them..?
Republicans generally use the fear element to gain followers, and law and order was an effective slogan for one two elections but it never had the pulling power of say communism or socialism. Granted communism, Marxism, socialism are old, tired and perhaps overused, they are still the most effective, and have been the mainstay of the Republican party for almost 100 years now. The Muslim thing had potential but probably too complicated. Law and order, still not too bad.
Republicans, if you take anything from this, it should be that it is time that you re-become the party of "Law and Order". Supporting and funding local and state law enforcement. Passing stricter sentencing. The rush to slash spending drifted you into the realm of seeming to be anti-law enforcement.

Government hasn't cut funding on anything, let alone law enforcement, dipstick. Do liberals ever stop demanding more government spending?
This is one small step the GOP can take to regain power.

This is one small step ...

who's kidding who, as though Rs need coaching on how to divide and demoralize.

using partisan politics as a wedge issue is case in point what already ails the Republican Party and the very reason for its decline ...
Republicans, if you take anything from this, it should be that it is time that you re-become the party of "Law and Order". Supporting and funding local and state law enforcement. Passing stricter sentencing. The rush to slash spending drifted you into the realm of seeming to be anti-law enforcement.

This terror attack shows the importance of a very strong, well trained and well funded law enforcement agency at the state and local level. The majority of this incident was done by the Boston PD, Mass. State Police, Watertown PD, MIT PD. The FBI will take credit, of course, but as the NYPD showed, fighting terror inside our borders is going to be mostly a street level policing event, done by local and state cops.

This is one small step the GOP can take to regain power. And either the GOP, or Dems, or BOTH need to take that step. Yes, we need to cut wasteful government spending. But like the Feds fund a military....the states and cities need to fund a police agency to fight crime and terror here at home.

The law and order doctrine came out of the 1960s hell raising perpetrated by the left.
Republicans, if you take anything from this, it should be that it is time that you re-become the party of "Law and Order". Supporting and funding local and state law enforcement. Passing stricter sentencing. The rush to slash spending drifted you into the realm of seeming to be anti-law enforcement.

This terror attack shows the importance of a very strong, well trained and well funded law enforcement agency at the state and local level. The majority of this incident was done by the Boston PD, Mass. State Police, Watertown PD, MIT PD. The FBI will take credit, of course, but as the NYPD showed, fighting terror inside our borders is going to be mostly a street level policing event, done by local and state cops.

This is one small step the GOP can take to regain power. And either the GOP, or Dems, or BOTH need to take that step. Yes, we need to cut wasteful government spending. But like the Feds fund a military....the states and cities need to fund a police agency to fight crime and terror here at home.

Exactly. You nutballs need to get out in front of this great new "big idea".

Many of us don't believe the Ministry of Fear, the NSA, the FBI, the DEA, and the dozens of potgutted flatfeet divisions populating the law and order horizons of every state are enough. Another round of cuts and people like me will be afraid to leave our homes for fear foreigners will blow us up.

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The law and order doctrine came out of the 1960s hell raising perpetrated by the left.

You're talking the late 60s. In the early 60s the hell raising was done by the right. There was a "hell" of a lot going around and it wasn't confined to one particular ideology.
This attack demonstrates the inability of any government, no matter good or benign, to prevent these tragedies. Why would we trade them more liberty for no security at this point?
The law and order doctrine came out of the 1960s hell raising perpetrated by the left.

You're talking the late 60s. In the early 60s the hell raising was done by the right. There was a "hell" of a lot going around and it wasn't confined to one particular ideology.

Could you be a bit more specific.

Kind of selective in your historical knowledge, aren't you? You weren't very specific, why should I? Anyone that knows what you meant, should know what I meant.
Law and Order? Only as a way to divide Americans. Whys is it the right never calls for Law and Order when a right wing nut shoots up abortion clinics, Olympic parks, Federal buildings with day schools in them..?

Dante you're a dumbfuck, they do, quit projecting, I didnt hear a peep on the left about McVeigh getting the death penalty, noone on the right had an issue...but the left hates the death penalty, yet not a word on McVeigh.

Talk about hypocrisy, if you like regulation so much, how come abortion clinics have almost NO regulation????????And people die with that "operation"

And why do we always find out 90% of the time it's a LW nut doing this, I thought they abhored violence......yeah keep on playing Dante, you're my bitch!
Federal Funding of Law Enforcement is a great way to take the authority away from the local Governments and give it to Big Government.

I'm all for it.

We need to get rid of those Locally Elected Sheriffs too.
The right wing and Law and Order? The right only wants to divide Americans. Why is it the right never calls for Law and Order when a right wing nut shoots up abortion clinics, Olympic parks, Federal buildings with day schools in them..?
The right wing and Law and Order? The right only wants to divide Americans. Why is it the right never calls for Law and Order when a right wing nut shoots up abortion clinics, Olympic parks, Federal buildings with day schools in them..?

You mean some right-wingers advocated letting those perps go free?
The law and order doctrine came out of the 1960s hell raising perpetrated by the left.

You're talking the late 60s. In the early 60s the hell raising was done by the right. There was a "hell" of a lot going around and it wasn't confined to one particular ideology.

That's when liberal judges and politicians were letting criminals out of prison with a slap on the wrist. They're still doing it.
If anyone has a universal translator to help with britpat's posts...keep it. I have no interest in understanding what that freak is really saying

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