Republicans to Independent & Undecided voters in 2014

Ah, you wish me to stop posting? Can't stand someone posting the truth? Hurts to see your 'Conservative' lies exposed for what they are? LOL

Actually, no, keep posting. You prove your incessant stupidity with each word you type. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

I fail to see how you exposed my conservatism to be a lie of any kind. All you do is spout liberal lies in place of a cogent argument. That, my friend, is not proof at all. Nothing but a liar calling someone else a liar, who can only prove his lies with more lies.

Pathetic. I see through people such as you. Hollow, unimposing, feeble minded.
lol, Obama's approvals are in the 30's, the people took the house away from you in 2010 and again in 2012...
Unemployment over 7% the whole five years you people have been in power, gas at $3.50 a gallon the whole five years, and the wonderful life in ObamaNation just rolls on into the toilet with the people..I guess they have finally stopped BLAMING BUSH for everything....I know that must suck
but here is this for you all:eusa_boohoo:

President Obama
Approve 44.2
Disapprove 50.6
Spread -6.4

Teabagger Congress
Approve 18.5
Disapprove 74.2
Spread -55.7

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Well, Staph, seems you have your numbers wrong again.


Go read a dictionary. Better yet, go reeducate yourself on American politics in general. Congress can also mean "Houses of Congress" which would apply to both the House and Senate. In fact, formally speaking, they are referred to as "The Two Houses of Congress." Idiot. Looks like your foray into Political Science will end here.

It is a concept known as bicameralism, or having two legislative branches. Please, for pete's sake, step away from the keyboard.

Still trolling threads? Why do you get so butthurt over facts? :eusa_think:
The GOP senate leadership are telling the Teaps they are crazy and they will not go along with either defunding ACA or stopping government over the debt ceiling.

The national, regional, and state GOP campaign oversight committees are working over time to primary out the crazies.

And how's that working out for you?

Because, frankly, you guys haven't knocked off one Teabagger yet in a primary who was already in office.

In fact, the only place we've been able to knock off Teabaggers is in general elections, like Walsh and West.

Sorry, the thing is, the GOP Establishment is STILL pissing its pants over the Teabaggers.

To any voter wondering whether or not to vote repub in '14, theres your answer ^

U.S. debt hike emerges as main battleground over Obamacare


That’s pretty much it.

The House is controlled by partisan extremists who have no interest in sound, responsible governance.

The TPM’s perception of government is errant, ignorant, and infantile.

dont you love it when a PARTISAN extremist ...calls someone else a ...."partisan extremist"?.......
President Obama
Approve 44.2
Disapprove 50.6
Spread -6.4

Teabagger Congress
Approve 18.5
Disapprove 74.2
Spread -55.7

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Well, Staph, seems you have your numbers wrong again.


Go read a dictionary. Better yet, go reeducate yourself on American politics in general. Congress can also mean "Houses of Congress" which would apply to both the House and Senate. In fact, formally speaking, they are referred to as "The Two Houses of Congress." Idiot. Looks like your foray into Political Science will end here.

It is a concept known as bicameralism, or having two legislative branches. Please, for pete's sake, step away from the keyboard.

Still trolling threads? Why do you get so butthurt over facts? :eusa_think:

Funny, a troll accusing others of trolling. How cute. Seriously, do you ever say anything intelligent here?
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Well here we are. Stock market at an all time high. Employment slowly improving. On the verge of enabling the working poor to have health insurance.And the Teabaggers just cannot wait to put an end to all of that. They would rather destroy this nation than see President Obama succeed.

you know what Rocks?....maybe half this Country thinks Obama and Company are destroying this Country.....and the other half thinks the other side is....both parties are helping to do that with their fucking games.....i know you cant imagine Democrats doing wrong,only Republicans....but i can see both parties being.... for themselves.....and fuck everyone else....
You must be talking about the GOP. They have no policies beyond the failed policies of the Bush years and the only people you can get to vote for failed policies are ignorant the GOP.

lol, Obama's approvals are in the 30's, the people took the house away from you in 2010 and again in 2012...
Unemployment over 7% the whole five years you people have been in power, gas at $3.50 a gallon the whole five years, and the wonderful life in ObamaNation just rolls on into the toilet with the people..I guess they have finally stopped BLAMING BUSH for everything....I know that must suck
but here is this for you all:eusa_boohoo:

President Obama
Approve 44.2
Disapprove 50.6
Spread -6.4

Teabagger Congress
Approve 18.5
Disapprove 74.2
Spread -55.7

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Well, Staph, seems you have your numbers wrong again.

why did you not say Congress Rocks?....the Democrats in Congress are polling pretty shitty too.....dont just try to make it look like only the Republican side sucks.....your little buddies should be just as embarrassed by their numbers....and yet you fuckers will just keep on voting both sides in again when elections come up.....
that cartoon is spot-on. Give them (the teatards/reactionaries) everything they want or else.
I think in end the average Americans wants both sides to work together i imagine. Same for us in britain where not enough of our politicians work together to make things happen. Too much hatred and not enough togetherness if you ask me.
I think in end the average Americans wants both sides to work together i imagine. Same for us in britain where not enough of our politicians work together to make things happen. Too much hatred and not enough togetherness if you ask me.

not quite the same. You people have to have governing coalitions such as Cameron has to have to have a starting point. No coalition, no starting point. No coalition is needed here but, consequently, Republicans in this country simply sit on their hands for years on end when they lose elections which, seems to be occurring more frequently.
LOL. Buddy boy, you back off. Because your kind is rapidly becoming extinct. The new demographic isn't buying your lies anymore. 6Nov12 demostrated that in spades.

[MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION]

6Nov12 was hopeless, there were very little practical differences between Romney and Obama when there actual records were examined, Romneycare was the blueprint of Obamacare.

I voted Obama in 2012 again, simply because Obama wasn't a hawk (well, he wasn't a hawk then).
That is fair point but even though their is no two parties having to work together its just shame both can,t for your country.
Constitution Party people.

Then Constitutionally Correct Radio

Then look at Prison Planet and Infowars.

The Bilderberg Group runs both parties.

Don't be suckered yet again America.
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I hear ya. I hope the Repubs don't let the reactionaries take them off the deep end.


and we have a liberal once again defending our "republican" jakey


what you fail to understand, Yurt is it?, is that the Progressives need an opposition party that at least displays the APPEARANCE of being formidable for the Progressives (me) to be taken seriously. If your side keeps acting zany then outside spectators will believe that we are a one party gov't w/ the Repubs just being run against us for show/to give the appearance of legitimacy. Get it now? :eusa_eh:

your post doesn't even make sense.
The inane cartoon is proof that the democrat party is on it's last legs.

You mean the TeaTards are not trying to shut down the government over Obamacare?

their constituents voted them in, in part to repeal is doing what the constituents want...a bad thing? obama ignored everything else and focused all his energy on obamacare, and that is what you guys voted him in to do. i didn't like it, but that was what got him elected.

try not to be so hypocritical

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