republicans to miss the last dance

As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....

anglo is a cultural mark in the american

we're all anglos assuming we're native english speakers

It's all about perception. When it comes to the "white" american, there are striking distinctions between the 2 major groups, a large number of "whites" are what we call "red necks" or "trailer trash", their life is usually very sad with many social problems including very low education, incest, physical and emotional abuse, very large incidence of drug or alcohol abuse, poverty, and deplorable living conditions, with poor health and dental hygiene, possibly due to their hopeless situation they tend to gravitate into racism and hate groups, overwhelmingly voting for republicans, many even bother to post hate related comments in forums like this one. Then you have the other "whites"; well educated, good hygiene, nice houses, rational, do not display hate or intolerance, majority dem voters... (WE SEE YOU)

What does any of this have to do with improper use of anglo?

Your average Italian American is culturally an anglo, even if he's tan
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....

anglo is a cultural mark in the american

we're all anglos assuming we're native english speakers

It's all about perception. When it comes to the "white" american, there are striking distinctions between the 2 major groups, a large number of "whites" are what we call "red necks" or "trailer trash", their life is usually very sad with many social problems including very low education, incest, physical and emotional abuse, very large incidence of drug or alcohol abuse, poverty, and deplorable living conditions, with poor health and dental hygiene, possibly due to their hopeless situation they tend to gravitate into racism and hate groups, overwhelmingly voting for republicans, many even bother to post hate related comments in forums like this one. Then you have the other "whites"; well educated, good hygiene, nice houses, rational, do not display hate or intolerance, majority dem voters... (WE SEE YOU)

haha...Here's more facts and truth to get in the way of your false 'brown people are awesome theory'.
Who Participated in welfare?
The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month. The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
"Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children."
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....
You know, if this is true, then what do the left think is going to happen to this country in the next 20 years? You honestly think everything is going to magically become better? They will turn the entire nation into a Detroit-like shit-hole. White people will become a minority, have their rights taken away as every other identity group is given “special rights”. I bet you can’t wait.
What rights will be taken away ? Your right to carry an AK 47 into town?
The right to have a job for starters.

Just look at the NFL. They are now going to give draft pick incentives to teams that hire “diverse” head coaches and other staff, which means whites will get fired for being white.

“Diversity” quotas will be intensified and whites will have opportunities for education and jobs taken from them, no matter their skill level.
nfl is really doing that ? can't believe it

think that idea is bs and I'm a DEM
That’s only the beginning. Just wait until whites are a minority and they own every corner of government from local school boards to the White House and SCOTUS. Then the real fun will begin.
I believe people of ALL color want to work and do the best for their families. I think if and when whites are a minority you won't find much difference

To find the answer to that, all you need to do is move into the neighborhoods that they dominate now.

you will not see well heeled ethnic people in deplorable trailer trash communities, you wont see them in demolition derbies or spit distance contests...

View attachment 338491View attachment 338490View attachment 338492

And those people are still safer to live round.
Went to a HS years ago with 6000 students 4500 black NEVER in 4 years did I have a problem walking thru their neighborhoods or with any at school

My neighborhood used to be one of the best in the county until blacks moved in. We went from one murder ever ten or fifteen years to three a year. Many of our stores closed down. In fact, we have not one major store in our suburb, and that includes Walmart that had to close down because all of the theft.

Before I can mow my tree lawn, I have to take the leaf blower to blow all the garbage strewn across it every time I cut. I no longer snow blow my sidewalks in the winter because I never know what garbage is underneath.

My heating and AC place became a Manpower outlet. My doughnut shop a check cashing center. My movie theater into a Baptist church. All the convenient stores that couldn't survive because of shop lifting and armed robberies turned into daycare centers or cell phone stores. My local hardware store in a shopping center is now a Goodwill outlet.

I bought this place over 25 years ago, and because of the blacks, it's worth less today than when I bought it.
I can't argue with you I just feel bad you had to experience it all

Well.....everybody will once this country makes it's final fatal turn.
Here we go again...

As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....

anglo is a cultural mark in the american

we're all anglos assuming we're native english speakers

It's all about perception. When it comes to the "white" american, there are striking distinctions between the 2 major groups, a large number of "whites" are what we call "red necks" or "trailer trash", their life is usually very sad with many social problems including very low education, incest, physical and emotional abuse, very large incidence of drug or alcohol abuse, poverty, and deplorable living conditions, with poor health and dental hygiene, possibly due to their hopeless situation they tend to gravitate into racism and hate groups, overwhelmingly voting for republicans, many even bother to post hate related comments in forums like this one. Then you have the other "whites"; well educated, good hygiene, nice houses, rational, do not display hate or intolerance, majority dem voters... (WE SEE YOU)

What does any of this have to do with improper use of anglo?

Your average Italian American is culturally an anglo, even if he's tan
No, he's not.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....
You know, if this is true, then what do the left think is going to happen to this country in the next 20 years? You honestly think everything is going to magically become better? They will turn the entire nation into a Detroit-like shit-hole. White people will become a minority, have their rights taken away as every other identity group is given “special rights”. I bet you can’t wait.
What rights will be taken away ? Your right to carry an AK 47 into town?
The right to have a job for starters.

Just look at the NFL. They are now going to give draft pick incentives to teams that hire “diverse” head coaches and other staff, which means whites will get fired for being white.

“Diversity” quotas will be intensified and whites will have opportunities for education and jobs taken from them, no matter their skill level.
nfl is really doing that ? can't believe it

think that idea is bs and I'm a DEM
That’s only the beginning. Just wait until whites are a minority and they own every corner of government from local school boards to the White House and SCOTUS. Then the real fun will begin.
I believe people of ALL color want to work and do the best for their families. I think if and when whites are a minority you won't find much difference

To find the answer to that, all you need to do is move into the neighborhoods that they dominate now.

you will not see well heeled ethnic people in deplorable trailer trash communities, you wont see them in demolition derbies or spit distance contests...

View attachment 338491View attachment 338490View attachment 338492

And those people are still safer to live round.
Went to a HS years ago with 6000 students 4500 black NEVER in 4 years did I have a problem walking thru their neighborhoods or with any at school

My neighborhood used to be one of the best in the county until blacks moved in. We went from one murder ever ten or fifteen years to three a year. Many of our stores closed down. In fact, we have not one major store in our suburb, and that includes Walmart that had to close down because all of the theft.

Before I can mow my tree lawn, I have to take the leaf blower to blow all the garbage strewn across it every time I cut. I no longer snow blow my sidewalks in the winter because I never know what garbage is underneath.

My heating and AC place became a Manpower outlet. My doughnut shop a check cashing center. My movie theater into a Baptist church. All the convenient stores that couldn't survive because of shop lifting and armed robberies turned into daycare centers or cell phone stores. My local hardware store in a shopping center is now a Goodwill outlet.

I bought this place over 25 years ago, and because of the blacks, it's worth less today than when I bought it.
I can't argue with you I just feel bad you had to experience it all

Well.....everybody will once this country makes it's final fatal turn.
Here we go again...


"Again" with're dishonesty?
Stop being such a scared PC programmed bitch and admit that ALL the data proves that a browner America is a shittier America...Why do you champion for a shittier America?
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....
You know, if this is true, then what do the left think is going to happen to this country in the next 20 years? You honestly think everything is going to magically become better? They will turn the entire nation into a Detroit-like shit-hole. White people will become a minority, have their rights taken away as every other identity group is given “special rights”. I bet you can’t wait.
What rights will be taken away ? Your right to carry an AK 47 into town?
The right to have a job for starters.

Just look at the NFL. They are now going to give draft pick incentives to teams that hire “diverse” head coaches and other staff, which means whites will get fired for being white.

“Diversity” quotas will be intensified and whites will have opportunities for education and jobs taken from them, no matter their skill level.
nfl is really doing that ? can't believe it

think that idea is bs and I'm a DEM
That’s only the beginning. Just wait until whites are a minority and they own every corner of government from local school boards to the White House and SCOTUS. Then the real fun will begin.
I believe people of ALL color want to work and do the best for their families. I think if and when whites are a minority you won't find much difference

To find the answer to that, all you need to do is move into the neighborhoods that they dominate now.

you will not see well heeled ethnic people in deplorable trailer trash communities, you wont see them in demolition derbies or spit distance contests...

View attachment 338491View attachment 338490View attachment 338492

And those people are still safer to live round.
Went to a HS years ago with 6000 students 4500 black NEVER in 4 years did I have a problem walking thru their neighborhoods or with any at school

My neighborhood used to be one of the best in the county until blacks moved in. We went from one murder ever ten or fifteen years to three a year. Many of our stores closed down. In fact, we have not one major store in our suburb, and that includes Walmart that had to close down because all of the theft.

Before I can mow my tree lawn, I have to take the leaf blower to blow all the garbage strewn across it every time I cut. I no longer snow blow my sidewalks in the winter because I never know what garbage is underneath.

My heating and AC place became a Manpower outlet. My doughnut shop a check cashing center. My movie theater into a Baptist church. All the convenient stores that couldn't survive because of shop lifting and armed robberies turned into daycare centers or cell phone stores. My local hardware store in a shopping center is now a Goodwill outlet.

I bought this place over 25 years ago, and because of the blacks, it's worth less today than when I bought it.
I can't argue with you I just feel bad you had to experience it all

Well.....everybody will once this country makes it's final fatal turn.
Here we go again...


"Again" with're dishonesty?
Stop being such a scared PC programmed bitch and admit that ALL the data proves that a browner America is a shittier America...Why do you champion for a shittier America?

I think that all hinges on what kind of brown people we are talking about here. We don't have many Mexicans and people from adjoining countries up here. I understand they are a huge problem where you're at, and I've head that from more than one person. We do have a few sizable Puerto Rican areas, and they are not really much of a problem. I've worked with them, been in many of their homes, and they are generally clean hard working people. Like any other group, they have assholes too, but you don't read of many crimes from their communities.

Outside of the religious radicals, middle-eastern people are not too much of a problem either. They're not robbing banks or getting involved with drug trades, shooting up each other in the street. The real problem with those groups is they still vote a majority Democrat. That's going to be a problem down the road.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....
You know, if this is true, then what do the left think is going to happen to this country in the next 20 years? You honestly think everything is going to magically become better? They will turn the entire nation into a Detroit-like shit-hole. White people will become a minority, have their rights taken away as every other identity group is given “special rights”. I bet you can’t wait.
What rights will be taken away ? Your right to carry an AK 47 into town?
The right to have a job for starters.

Just look at the NFL. They are now going to give draft pick incentives to teams that hire “diverse” head coaches and other staff, which means whites will get fired for being white.

“Diversity” quotas will be intensified and whites will have opportunities for education and jobs taken from them, no matter their skill level.
nfl is really doing that ? can't believe it

think that idea is bs and I'm a DEM
That’s only the beginning. Just wait until whites are a minority and they own every corner of government from local school boards to the White House and SCOTUS. Then the real fun will begin.
I believe people of ALL color want to work and do the best for their families. I think if and when whites are a minority you won't find much difference

To find the answer to that, all you need to do is move into the neighborhoods that they dominate now.

you will not see well heeled ethnic people in deplorable trailer trash communities, you wont see them in demolition derbies or spit distance contests...

View attachment 338491View attachment 338490View attachment 338492

And those people are still safer to live round.
Went to a HS years ago with 6000 students 4500 black NEVER in 4 years did I have a problem walking thru their neighborhoods or with any at school

My neighborhood used to be one of the best in the county until blacks moved in. We went from one murder ever ten or fifteen years to three a year. Many of our stores closed down. In fact, we have not one major store in our suburb, and that includes Walmart that had to close down because all of the theft.

Before I can mow my tree lawn, I have to take the leaf blower to blow all the garbage strewn across it every time I cut. I no longer snow blow my sidewalks in the winter because I never know what garbage is underneath.

My heating and AC place became a Manpower outlet. My doughnut shop a check cashing center. My movie theater into a Baptist church. All the convenient stores that couldn't survive because of shop lifting and armed robberies turned into daycare centers or cell phone stores. My local hardware store in a shopping center is now a Goodwill outlet.

I bought this place over 25 years ago, and because of the blacks, it's worth less today than when I bought it.
I can't argue with you I just feel bad you had to experience it all

Well.....everybody will once this country makes it's final fatal turn.
Here we go again...


"Again" with're dishonesty?
Stop being such a scared PC programmed bitch and admit that ALL the data proves that a browner America is a shittier America...Why do you champion for a shittier America?
If you’re really desperate to be told what you are - again, open a thread in the badlands so it won’t violate forum rules.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....

anglo is a cultural mark in the american

we're all anglos assuming we're native english speakers

It's all about perception. When it comes to the "white" american, there are striking distinctions between the 2 major groups, a large number of "whites" are what we call "red necks" or "trailer trash", their life is usually very sad with many social problems including very low education, incest, physical and emotional abuse, very large incidence of drug or alcohol abuse, poverty, and deplorable living conditions, with poor health and dental hygiene, possibly due to their hopeless situation they tend to gravitate into racism and hate groups, overwhelmingly voting for republicans, many even bother to post hate related comments in forums like this one. Then you have the other "whites"; well educated, good hygiene, nice houses, rational, do not display hate or intolerance, majority dem voters... (WE SEE YOU)
lotta trailer trash here ,,,,speaking of which,,anyone see bri or lantern around?

Is it a coincidence that the tramp counties are the ones no one wants to go, in some states like the appalachian region whole states fit the bill, with very few oasis of decent and normal progressive neighborhoods, I've seen better living conditions in shithole countries than in trailer trash red counties in our country, they are shameful, I would export all those lazy, smelly trashy people to shithole countries in exchange for hard working decent illegals...

As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....

anglo is a cultural mark in the american

we're all anglos assuming we're native english speakers

It's all about perception. When it comes to the "white" american, there are striking distinctions between the 2 major groups, a large number of "whites" are what we call "red necks" or "trailer trash", their life is usually very sad with many social problems including very low education, incest, physical and emotional abuse, very large incidence of drug or alcohol abuse, poverty, and deplorable living conditions, with poor health and dental hygiene, possibly due to their hopeless situation they tend to gravitate into racism and hate groups, overwhelmingly voting for republicans, many even bother to post hate related comments in forums like this one. Then you have the other "whites"; well educated, good hygiene, nice houses, rational, do not display hate or intolerance, majority dem voters... (WE SEE YOU)
lotta trailer trash here ,,,,speaking of which,,anyone see bri or lantern around?

Is it a coincidence that the tramp counties are the ones no one wants to go, in some states like the appalachian region whole states fit the bill, with very few oasis of decent and normal progressive neighborhoods, I've seen better living conditions in shithole countries than in trailer trash red counties in our country, they are shameful, I would export all those lazy, smelly trashy people to shithole countries in exchange for hard working decent illegals...

It would be much simpler for YOU to just leave right now.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections, and there is certitude that will happen again in November, only thing this time Biden wins also electoral college bigly...

As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.

Electoral college will no longer be a screwed up technicality for republicans to get elected while getting a minority of the votes, demographics makes it nearly impossible, and a horrible subject like the pussygrabber make it a fact...



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As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.
Go back to school and learn how MY country's form of government decides elections. Then if you don't like it, please feel free to fuck off and move somewhere else.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.

Electoral college will no longer be ...
The exit is that-away...

As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.
Go back to school and learn how MY country's form of government decides elections. Then if you don't like it, please feel free to fuck off and move somewhere else.
you want to live in the days of G Washington? Go for it
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....

Election hasn't happened yet. Don't count those chickens before they hatch.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections, and there is certitude that will happen again in November, only thing this time Biden wins also electoral college bigly...

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Saying anybody won the "real vote" is like saying you had a great poker hand while playing Rummy. It doesn't count for anything.
As America rapidly becomes a minority-majority country, republicans are at the short end of the stick, over 70% of ethnic group members vote democrat in addition to educated anglos, and 50% of anglo females making it impossible for right wingers to secure a majority. 2020 was the last chance for the republicans to win, yet they fumbled the ball by sticking to an irrational, racist and delusional individual in tramp. Biden, although senile and a bit creepy will secure the WH in november, and after that, game is over for republicans, elections will become a coronation ritual for progressives....


2000 was the Reps last chance
2004 was the Reps last chance
2008 was the Reps last chance
2012 was the Reps last chance
2016 was the Reps last chance
2020 will be the Reps last chance
This asinine trope has been repeated for the last 20+ years. Hell, the dems were predicting the end of the republicans from demographics when Clinton was in office.

Here is a hint dems - demographics are not going to do the heavy lifting for you.

Fact is democrats won real vote in last 6 of 7 elections...
Fact is, our elections are REALLY decided by electoral college votes.
Go back to school and learn how MY country's form of government decides elections. Then if you don't like it, please feel free to fuck off and move somewhere else.
you want to live in the days of G Washington? Go for it

It’s the way MY country decides elections TODAY, dumbass.

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