Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

The family farms, some having been passed down for hundreds of years, are being decimated by death taxes. One farmer here figured he makes about 18 cents an hour caring for his dairy cows. All have jobs outside of the farms. They get up early to tend their land, go to work, then come home and finish the days farm work. It's exhausting, but they do it out of love. They are being forced to sell off half their land just to hold on to the rest because the death tax is so high. They aren't 1%ers, they aren't wealthy. They are the children of farmers who were the children of farmers...

This will be a God send to them and all middle class Americans who have worked a lifetime to give the fruits of their labor to their children. Thank you Republicans for allowing the American worker to pass his legacy on to his children instead of Uncle Sam who already takes more than his fair share.

Liberal tax policy is a lot like a drive by shooting. They don't care if they waste all the middle class innocent bystanders so long as they get that 1%er in the process.

I disagree...

At least in part. Bed wetter aristocracy like the Kennedy's, and lunatic hollywood pukes are above moonbat envy and hatred. There is no limit to how many middle class lives they would destroy to protect their own royalty.
Good job. They're doing the work the People elected em in a Landslide to do. The Inheritance Tax is an ugly Communist/Progressive punitive disgrace. So, nice job Republicans.

Now it's time to lower the Corporate Tax Rate and reverse this current President's Healthcare and Immigration nightmares. Just stay the course Republicans. Do what you were elected to do. Persevere.

Then get rid of No Child Gets Ahead, repeal the GCA of 1968 and 1986 while they're at it.

They got elected in a Landslide to stand for real Conservative values and reverse this current President's ugly debacles. If they stick to that, they'll be fine. They need to stay away from the cowardly waffling. The People are watching.
So only rich people die and leave assets ?
Tax once already,no moral reason to tax someone at thier death. Who would support this tax other than money grubbing libs ?

It helps to remember you're talking about people who do not even believe in morality, character, ethics or diety. For that matter some of them openly hold God in contempt.

How else could they be so slavishly devoted to such thouroughly corrupt criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths?
So only rich people die and leave assets ?
Tax once already,no moral reason to tax someone at thier death. Who would support this tax other than money grubbing libs ?

It helps to remember you're talking about people who do not even believe in morality, character, ethics or diety. For that matter some of them openly hold God in contempt.

How else could they be so slavishly devoted to such thouroughly corrupt criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths?

You just described God in one sentence, at least your God...
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.

Inheritance taxes effect everyone....Dumbass.
These tax dollars are needed for infrastructure , immigration reform, global warming initiatives, education, and social welfare programs.

What gives these families the right to believe that their earnings and assets belong to them and their families when there is such a collective need for their money ? Lol
How do those opposed to taxing wealth propose to alleviate the disproportionate part of the economy that becomes static with the concentration among the upper several percent? What is your response to Piketty's studies?
Another full o shit lie. The inheritance tax applies to all, you twit. I know ranchers who, after they died, lost their land because their family couldn't afford the Inheritance tax on the property.

What the hell are you, stupid? Or just ignorant?

You appear to be the ignorant one. There have been changes to the inheritance tax. It has been slowly whittled away to the point where it only applies to one fifth of one percent of deaths. It used to apply to six percent of deaths.
The amount an individual can leave to heirs without having to pay federal estate tax—will be $5.43 million in 2015, up from $5.34 million for 2014
IRS Announces 2015 Estate And Gift Tax Limits - Forbes
If it passes in the Senate I'm sure there is a veto pen waiting.
For no reason other than mindless, bigoted partisanship.

A swing and a miss.

As Teddy Roosevelt observed when he proposed taxing large inheritances a century ago, the "man of great wealth owes a peculiar obligation to the state," and an economic aristocracy is contrary to American values. Large tax-free inheritances undermine our nation's commitment to equality of opportunity for all.

No Double Hit
Opponents like to say the estate tax isn't fair because it's a "double" tax—hitting assets that have already been taxed before. Of course, we all pay double or even triple taxes: both income and payroll taxes on our wages, and sales taxes when we spend our earnings. But, for the wealthy, that's often simply not the case. Social Security taxes stop at just over $100,000 a year. And if you hold assets until your death, you don't pay capital-gains taxes on them.

The Estate Tax Is Fair and We Need the Revenue - WSJ

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