Republicans took control because of American stupidity

Calling the American people stupid seems to be a very popular theme with left lately the Republicans won because people are stupid and Obamacare according to one of it's creators was passed because of the stupidity of the American people. I hope everybody remembers how the left truly feels about them come 2016.
and cons are bad for saying blacks are dumb for staying on the plantation. Pot meet kettle.
as usual, when the left loses it was because they were not left enough. :) lol
Bingo! The reason Obamacare isnt more popular is because they didnt put in a public option. The reason the stimulus failed was because they didnt spend enough.
The solution to every failed government program is another government program.
and cons are bad for saying blacks are dumb for staying on the plantation. Pot meet kettle.
Please quote any conservative saying that. What we do say is that allegience to the Democrats for 40years hasnt exactly been the ticket to success for the black community.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.

American's are NOT happy with Ocare.
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.

Pig Fucker we took control because your side is stupid.

Obama has run his course,he is a lying piece of shit and the public has figured that out.
as usual, when the left loses it was because they were not left enough. :) lol
Bingo! The reason Obamacare isnt more popular is because they didnt put in a public option. The reason the stimulus failed was because they didnt spend enough.
The solution to every failed government program is another government program.
No, because of tidal waves of Pubcrappe, and Pub obstruction...ACA is working, the stimulus worked- Pub obstruction did NOT work.
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.
I was going to counter your stupid post with a reply and some facts but decided this is so fucking stupid I'm jut going to let your ignorance stand alone. You have left me absolutely unable to to make you look any dumber than your own posts could possibly accomplish on their own.
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.
I was going to counter your stupid post with a reply and some facts but decided this is so fucking stupid I'm jut going to let your ignorance stand alone. You have left me absolutely unable to to make you look any dumber than your own posts could possibly accomplish on their own.
You've never had a gd thing worth saying, hater dupe.
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.
I was going to counter your stupid post with a reply and some facts but decided this is so fucking stupid I'm jut going to let your ignorance stand alone. You have left me absolutely unable to to make you look any dumber than your own posts could possibly accomplish on their own.
You've never had a gd thing worth saying, hater dupe.


American's are NOT happy with Ocare.
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.

Pig Fucker we took control because your side is stupid.

Obama has run his course,he is a lying piece of shit and the public has figured that out.
Vulgar hater dupe, they don't want it repealed, and believe a lot of bs about it. Calling a side stupid is stupid. Brainwashed you are, or possibly bought off.
the majority of Americans did not want Ocare.
Only because 20% wanted single payer. You are brainwashed.


Seventy-seven percent of the uninsured told The Times that they disagree with the requirement to buy insurance, in the poll taken Dec. 5-8 of 1,000 adults and Dec. 4-15 of 702 of uninsured adults.

While a majority said they were likely to get insurance by the end of the open enrollment period on March 31, 35 percent said they would likely just opt to pay the fine. Getting the uninsured to enroll through one of the exchanges is considered key to making Obamacare financially viable.

However, only 37 percent of Americans and 33 percent of the uninsured in that poll believe the healthcare law should be repealed altogether, a number that has fallen since November before the front-end of was largely fixed.

In the Fox News poll, 60 percent said they don't believe enough people will enroll in health insurance, which would help the success of the law.

While 42 percent of the uninsured in The Times poll said they perused one of the government run health insurance exchanges, only 10 percent said they had actually applied.

Two-in-three voters in the Fox News poll said the Obama Administration knew that it wasn't true that Americans who liked their doctors would be able to keep their doctors. Ninety-five percent of those polled said being able to choose their own doctor is important.

Over 70 percent find the broken promises that individuals could keep their health insurance and/or doctors troubling.

The same poll also had 59 percent of voters saying they disapprove of Obama's job performance on healthcare.

Thirty percent of the uninsured in The Times poll predict that Obamacare will cause quality of care to worsen.

Robyn Logan of Bowie, Maryland is an uninsured Democrat who is skeptical of the affect Obamacare will have on the healthcare system and her ability to see a doctor.

"I need to see a doctor and my fear is that even if I get insurance, I won't be able to find one," she said. "I was on Medicaid at one point and couldn't find a doctor because no one would take me.

Read Latest Breaking News from Polls 77 Percent of Uninsured Don t Want Obamacare Majority of Voters Want Repeal
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?
No one in real media cares about your bs propaganda's obscure, out of context bs, Pub dupe.

Move to Cuba dickweed.

Get out of here.

You are so full of bs your eyes are brown.

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