Republicans took control because of American stupidity

Raising the minimum wage hurts younger workers, especially teens, who just need part-time work or summer work. Why not raise the earned income tax credit and made it a monthly prebate? That way, you help low-income workers who are working minimum wage jobs full-time, year-round, and especially those who are supporting families.

Why should we raise taxes on the wealthy? The vast majority of the lower- and middle-income workers work for wealthy people. Do you think raising your employer's taxes is going to help his employees?
Because 95% of wealth growth goes to richest lately, they're bloated, and there's no evidence lowering taxes on the wealthy helps jobs, except in their own Pub propaganda?And voodoo tax rates have ruined the non-rich and the country in the last 30 years. see sig pp1.

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 60 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg image
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez The White House
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA
4 =
4 = FRB Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--September 18 2014
5/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

Overview =

But thanks for the bs "common sense"...
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I told you dumb ass my policies were on the ballot

And that cost the democrats the mid term
So many are misinformed about it you mean, Pub dupe. ACTUAL prices going up 5.9% including red states run by scumbag Pubs. for example.

States suq- states rights is code for bigotry, and police messing with out-of-staters. Do away with state gov't would save how much?

Of course you had to play your pathetic RACE CARD.

What a tool.
There's all kinds of stupid bigotry. I'm shocked you made that jump...

And yet, I am not shocked that you play the Race Card when facts and logic back you into a corner.
You made it the race card, dingbat. Guilty conscience?
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
So many are misinformed about it you mean, Pub dupe. ACTUAL prices going up 5.9% including red states run by scumbag Pubs. for example.

States suq- states rights is code for bigotry, and police messing with out-of-staters. Do away with state gov't would save how much?

Of course you had to play your pathetic RACE CARD.

What a tool.
There's all kinds of stupid bigotry. I'm shocked you made that jump...

And yet, I am not shocked that you play the Race Card when facts and logic back you into a corner.
You made it the race card, dingbat. Guilty conscience?


Wanting the law enforced against people that commit crime isn't racism. Also, voting for policies you disagree with also isn't racism. Give it a fucking rest.
No, thinking another race is inferior and discriminating against them is. You people just love bring up racism lol...I DIDN"T.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
My question is, When will the Democrats stop spending us into bankruptcy? And don't tell me about how the deficit has gone down--because the deficit has only dropped because of the budget deals that the Democrats reluctantly agreed to pass. If the Democrats had had their way, we would have spent a whole lot more. Their answer to virtually everything is spend, spend, and spend.

We're $17 trillion in debt and counting. Yet the Democrats want to just keep raising the debt ceiling over and over again. We will never get out of debt until we stop going into debt. That's just cold, hard math.
Meanwhile, your boy Booosh doubled the debt (Reagan tripled it) and started ANOTHER corrupt World Depression. Only cost 4-5 trillion to avert the worst effects. Our whole deficit now is assistance for victims, STILL. A jobs act and training could have gotten us and the world out of this years ago. Of course, that would have been a victory for Obama. Can't have that.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
The debt as percentage of GDP IS going down. Your debt fetish is bs "common sense"...
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.

Who Let This Dog Out???
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
Oh my God, you really are this stupid aren't you?

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