Republicans took control because of American stupidity

With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.
You're right. The issue is the failed policies of Pres Obama and the Democrats. Every policy foreign and domestic has been a failure. They cannot point to a single success. Afghanistan, Obamacare, jobs, ebola, just failure as fat as the eye can see.
Dems were all a bunch of pussies this election, along with all media that just didn't dare to call the GOP liars, or what they say lies. MSNBC is a corporate drone of NBC, underfunded and their conversation is also dominated by Foxcrappe.
Do you prefer red or white whine with your butthurt?
You dingbats got anything else...Sound like the idiot Boosh administration: "Mission accomplish!, our way or the highway", trying to understand terrorists is to support them, all the usual stupid, arrogant, ugly American bs...looking forward to seeing the greedy idiot GOP kill themselves again the next 2 years...

the librul media died with the fairness doctrine, if not before...pathetic bought off cowards now. Fox etc doesn't even deserve the term news as far as national or political news goes. Everything you know is bs, functional moron. Stupid talking points and insults is all you've got. Keep voting for Reaganist/voodoo policies that are STILL ruining you and all your friends...
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Marginal issues that are overwhelmingly trumped by people's rational desires to have decent paying jobs and control of their own health care.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Marginal issues that are overwhelmingly trumped by people's rational desires to have decent paying jobs and control of their own health care.
That's why they're stupid, right? Why want those things when gov't can provide it for you? Free!
billy000 said:
Republicans took control because of American stupidity
Elite leftist dictators have had this as their core operating principle, since there have been elite leftist dictators. And that dates back before the time of Christ, who was one of their principal opponents.

More recent leftists have crystallized their philosophy with such statements as "How fortunate it is for leaders, that men do not think", referred to the masses they have such contempt for as "Useful Idiots", etc.

Indeed, leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Billy000 merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Marginal issues that are overwhelmingly trumped by people's rational desires to have decent paying jobs and control of their own health care.
Still falling for PUB bs eh, brainwashed dingbat? Not for a jobs act or training for tech jobs, but for cutting taxes- which turns out to be for the bloated greedy Pub megarich....Change the channel and find out your health choices just no longer include scams when you need them, or no competition gouging. What's wrong with transparent competition and guaranteed coverage again? You're a perfect chump of greedy idiot billionaires.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Is that the same stupidity that got Obamacare passed?
billy000 said:
Republicans took control because of American stupidity
Elite leftist dictators have had this as their core operating principle, since there have been elite leftist dictators. And that dates back before the time of Christ, who was one of their principal opponents.

More recent leftists have crystallized their philosophy with such statements as "How fortunate it is for leaders, that men do not think", referred to the masses they have such contempt for as "Useful Idiots", etc.

Indeed, leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Billy000 merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
The FFs were liberals who would adapt to the times. It's called intelligence.You're a perfect fool for greedy giant corporations and out of touch a-hole marketeers and pols. Big gov't my ass, it's gov't that helps the people, who've been totally screwed at least since the industrial revolution. Intelligent, fair regulation doesn't add to gov't- Pubs have lately. Just idiocy.
If all the negative democratic media that came out this week had come out prior to the election not a single democrat would have won
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Marginal issues that are overwhelmingly trumped by people's rational desires to have decent paying jobs and control of their own health care.
Government telling you what you what health coverage you must purchase is control how???

Everybody in North Dakota has a good job, and I don't think anybody would call them conservative. :oops-28:
billy000 said:
Republicans took control because of American stupidity
Elite leftist dictators have had this as their core operating principle, since there have been elite leftist dictators. And that dates back before the time of Christ, who was one of their principal opponents.

More recent leftists have crystallized their philosophy with such statements as "How fortunate it is for leaders, that men do not think", referred to the masses they have such contempt for as "Useful Idiots", etc.

Indeed, leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Billy000 merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
The FFs were liberals who would adapt to the times. It's called intelligence.You're a perfect fool for greedy giant corporations and out of touch a-hole marketeers and pols. Big gov't my ass, it's gov't that helps the people, who've been totally screwed at least since the industrial revolution. Intelligent, fair regulation doesn't add to gov't- Pubs have lately. Just idiocy.
ahhhh you sore loser!!!! Guess you have at minimum two years of bitching to do eh? Nothing like showing your real colors too!!!Simple minded simple have simple whines. Do you need any cheese and crackers for your whine?
Dems were all a bunch of pussies this election, along with all media that just didn't dare to call the GOP liars, or what they say lies. MSNBC is a corporate drone of NBC, underfunded and their conversation is also dominated by Foxcrappe.
Do you prefer red or white whine with your butthurt?
You dingbats got anything else...
Asks he who can only whine and cry about the election.
Your people failed. It's their fault.
Wipe the snot from your nose, the tears from your eyes and get on with your life.
If all the negative democratic media that came out this week had come out prior to the election not a single democrat would have won
What Dem media lol? What stuff? I'm guessing only on the Pub Propaganda machine lol...
billy000 said:
Republicans took control because of American stupidity
Elite leftist dictators have had this as their core operating principle, since there have been elite leftist dictators. And that dates back before the time of Christ, who was one of their principal opponents.

More recent leftists have crystallized their philosophy with such statements as "How fortunate it is for leaders, that men do not think", referred to the masses they have such contempt for as "Useful Idiots", etc.

Indeed, leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Billy000 merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
The FFs were liberals who would adapt to the times. It's called intelligence.You're a perfect fool for greedy giant corporations and out of touch a-hole marketeers and pols. Big gov't my ass, it's gov't that helps the people, who've been totally screwed at least since the industrial revolution. Intelligent, fair regulation doesn't add to gov't- Pubs have lately. Just idiocy.
ahhhh you sore loser!!!! Guess you have at minimum two years of bitching to do eh? Nothing like showing your real colors too!!!Simple minded simple have simple whines. Do you need any cheese and crackers for your whine?
billy000 said:
Republicans took control because of American stupidity
Elite leftist dictators have had this as their core operating principle, since there have been elite leftist dictators. And that dates back before the time of Christ, who was one of their principal opponents.

More recent leftists have crystallized their philosophy with such statements as "How fortunate it is for leaders, that men do not think", referred to the masses they have such contempt for as "Useful Idiots", etc.

Indeed, leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Billy000 merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
The FFs were liberals who would adapt to the times. It's called intelligence.You're a perfect fool for greedy giant corporations and out of touch a-hole marketeers and pols. Big gov't my ass, it's gov't that helps the people, who've been totally screwed at least since the industrial revolution. Intelligent, fair regulation doesn't add to gov't- Pubs have lately. Just idiocy.
ahhhh you sore loser!!!! Guess you have at minimum two years of bitching to do eh? Nothing like showing your real colors too!!!Simple minded simple have simple whines. Do you need any cheese and crackers for your whine?
I've been sick to death of the silent "majority" now loudmouth brainwashed "majority" for over 40 years now lol...but you're more ridiculous then ever. Ever heard of the catastrophe Boosh/Cheney?

You dingbats got anything else...Sound like the idiot Boosh administration: "Mission accomplish!, our way or the highway", trying to understand terrorists is to support them, all the usual stupid, arrogant, ugly American bs...looking forward to seeing the greedy idiot GOP kill themselves again the next 2 years...

the librul media died with the fairness doctrine, if not before...pathetic bought off cowards now. Fox etc doesn't even deserve the term news as far as national or political news goes.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Marginal issues that are overwhelmingly trumped by people's rational desires to have decent paying jobs and control of their own health care.
Still falling for PUB bs eh, brainwashed dingbat? Not for a jobs act or training for tech jobs, but for cutting taxes- which turns out to be for the bloated greedy Pub megarich....Change the channel and find out your health choices just no longer include scams when you need them, or no competition gouging. What's wrong with transparent competition and guaranteed coverage again? You're a perfect chump of greedy idiot billionaires.

Government telling you what you what health coverage you must purchase is control how???

Everybody in North Dakota has a good job, and I don't think anybody would call them conservative. :oops-28:

This is just TOO funny. Government TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO is somehow Not Control? As if.

And North Dakota is one of the most conservative states....that's why they allow Fracking which Creates Jobs.


Alabama North Dakota Wyoming Most Conservative States
Transparent competition online is control how? When fully implemented, of course, dingbat. When Pubs and insurer cronies stop obstructing in red states...

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