Republicans took control because of American stupidity

Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.

Transparent competition online is control how? When fully implemented, of course, dingbat. When Pubs and insurer cronies stop obstructing in red states...

Obstructing how?
Not cooperating, not joining the exchange, not having an exchange. You tell us, Mr Insurance man/scumbag lol...

That is not obstructing.

If people didn't like what the state governments did..they would have voted them out....

Guess what......they voted in more GOP at the state level than what has been there for almost 100 years.

The dems are sucking it.

So should you.
I'd like to see a link to back up this garbage.

I'd bet not one of these issues appear in a list of top ten concerns of the American people, according to any reputable pollster.

You're right. Exit polls showed that the economy, jobs and Obama's amnesty plans were what got them to the polls to change the course of things.
Nothing will change, just more disfunction, and now mostly the GOP against itself lol...
Transparent competition online is control how? When fully implemented, of course, dingbat. When Pubs and insurer cronies stop obstructing in red states...

Obstructing how?
Not cooperating, not joining the exchange, not having an exchange. You tell us, Mr Insurance man/scumbag lol...

That is not obstructing.

If people didn't like what the state governments did..they would have voted them out....

Guess what......they voted in more GOP at the state level than what has been there for almost 100 years.

The dems are sucking it.

So should you.
People are clueless if they vote GOP- like you. More bigoted, stupid states rights.
Transparent competition online is control how? When fully implemented, of course, dingbat. When Pubs and insurer cronies stop obstructing in red states...

Obstructing how?
Not cooperating, not joining the exchange, not having an exchange. You tell us, Mr Insurance man/scumbag lol...

That is not obstructing.

If people didn't like what the state governments did..they would have voted them out....

Guess what......they voted in more GOP at the state level than what has been there for almost 100 years.

The dems are sucking it.

So should you.
People are clueless if they vote GOP- like you. More bigoted, stupid states rights.
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.

Duh. That's why we used have to 500k+ bankruptcies/year, people losing everything due to health costs- WITH what they thought was good insurance. OVER. Thanks again to excellent media for not explaining a gd thing. Fox =total bs. Those dropped all got it back, dupe, Those without are people who should have gotten Medicaid in red states but were blocked by Pubs. You certainly are a functional moron...
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.

Duh. That's why we used have to 500k+ bankruptcies/year, people losing everything due to health costs- WITH what they thought was good insurance. OVER. Thanks again to excellent media for not explaining a gd thing. Fox =total bs. Those dropped all got it back, dupe, Those without are people who should have gotten Medicaid in red states but were blocked by Pubs. You certainly are a functional moron...

Oh, it's Veg, the A-V

OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.
A majority of Americans may favor those positions, although I doubt it, but they are far down the list of concerns. The primary concerns are the economy and Obamacare. The Dims sucked ass in both cases.
Yup, we just have the best economy in the world, and O-Care is a success, and becoming a great success. Many thanks to our cowardly, bought off media...
another lie
..and of course the Pub Propaganda machine, which keeps you funtionally as dumb as a post. So many people believe your cynical misinformation, "well informed GOP voter"?
You do realize the creators of obamacare called people like you stupid?
One stupid a-hole you've been brainwashed with, Pub dupe.
He's not just any asshole, he helped to create obamcare. thanks for admitting your stupid it will make life a little easier for you.
Take a piece of cardboard, and a piece of string, find someone who can write, have them write this for you,
"I supported obamacare, I am stupid" wear it as a necklace for the rest of your life.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
No they were elected because you lockstep CNN Leftytoons believed Americans cared about any of those issues. I said from the beginning it was not their election to win. It was yours to lose. I told you to keep your eye on the ball. You didn't and you lost. Get over it.
This President has made many Americans angry.
The young are not happy that they are forced to pay for health insurance.
The Blacks are not happy that he did nothing for them.
The Progressives are not happy because he is not progressive enough.
The elderly are not happy because their Medicare was robbed of 700 million
The middle class is angry because their wallets are getting smaller under this administration.
The number one reason is that there is not enough job or economy growth.

Yup and all the exit polls said that people aren't happy with the dirction the country is taking.

Barry and his band of idiots are at the wheel so that means folks aren't happy with him or those idiot Dems.

The same Dems who foisted that POS Obamacare around the taxpayers necks.
The butt hurt is strong in the Left.
You dingbats got anything else...Sound like the idiot Boosh administration: "Mission accomplish!, our way or the highway", trying to understand terrorists is to support them, all the usual stupid, arrogant, ugly American bs...looking forward to seeing the greedy idiot GOP kill themselves again the next 2 years...

the librul media died with the fairness doctrine, if not before...pathetic bought off cowards now. Fox etc doesn't even deserve the term news as far as national or political news goes.

God your an idiot.

Barry said mission accomplished when our troops left Iraq. Guess what idiot. He's now sending our men back to Iraq. Guess it wasn't mission accomplished after all.

As for Fox they are the only right wind news organization out there and they sure as shit don't care about Barry's image like the rest of the LSM.

You should watch it once in a while. Who knows. You just might learn something besides the bs that the LSM is putting out.
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.

Duh. That's why we used have to 500k+ bankruptcies/year, people losing everything due to health costs- WITH what they thought was good insurance. OVER. Thanks again to excellent media for not explaining a gd thing. Fox =total bs. Those dropped all got it back, dupe, Those without are people who should have gotten Medicaid in red states but were blocked by Pubs. You certainly are a functional moron...

It's funny to see you call anyone a moron when your posts are nothing but a DialyKos tattoo on your oversized ass.

You can stop with 500k+ bankruptcies meme. Look at the average....less than the cost of a good USED sedan. That means that people are declaring bankruptcy for next to nothing. No pride, no honor......tell it to someone who cares.

Fox = bs ? I won't argue that one. You'd be great on Fox. You are total bs.....too.

Many people had good insurance and it worked fine for them.

I know people on Obmacare who won't go to the doctor because....wait for it.....THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT.

Shove it Frankie...and move to Cuba.
OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.

Just RW idiocy....

OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.

Well franco we KNOW you are stupid.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Here in picture form it the answer to your question:

OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.

Just RW idiocy....

Low turnout from Dems, actually. Enjoy screwing up what little power you got. Just more disfunction.

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