Republicans: Trump is not prepared to deal with Mueller


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Anxiety is spiking among Congressional Republican allies, who complain that Trump and the White House have no real plan for dealing with the Russia crisis while confronting a host of other troubles at home and abroad, this as more and more of Trump's former staff plead guilty to multiple crimes, or are tried and sent to prison. The Trump White House is understaffed, stuck in a bunker mentality and largely resigned to a plan to wing it. Steve Bannon cast's the President’s inner circle as naively optimistic, unsophisticated and unprepared for what lies ahead in Mueller's investigation

The lack of communication about the probe has left the president’s top lieutenants on Capitol Hill fearful about the fallout, according to multiple congressional GOP sources. “We haven’t heard from the White House at all on this. You’d think there’d be more of an effort to have a coordinated response,” one senior Republican aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to damage the aide’s relationship with the White House, told me. “Members want to help, but can’t if they’re not getting any information.”

Throughout the 18-month special counsel investigation, Trump has single-handedly spun his own deceptive reality, seeking (unsuccessfully) to sully the reputations of Mueller’s operation and federal law enforcement in an attempt to preemptively discredit their eventual conclusions, this as Robert Mueller and his prosecutors win legal victory after legal victory against former Trump staffers,with much more to follow. To make matters worse, Robert Mueller's disciplined style leaves Trump's team with no idea which direction the next legal challenge with come from.

Dear Trump Supporters: Tweeting "Witch Hunt" repeatedly is not a successful legal strategy

Trump White House Has No Plan to Counter Mueller Report - The Atlantic

‘Siege warfare’: Republican anxiety spikes as Trump faces growing legal and political perils
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If I hear one more Pundit say “Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day” I’m going to scream
57000 sealed incitement’s say’s he is ready to deal with every crooked attorney in Washington.
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.
You think all his bankruptcies and settlement's have prepared him for somebody finally scrutinizing his main criminal enterprises?
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.

Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.

That's right kyzr....just keep telling yourself that! :abgg2q.jpg:
Anxiety is spiking among Congressional Republican allies, who complain that Trump and the White House have no real plan for dealing with the Russia crisis while confronting a host of other troubles at home and abroad, this as more and more of Trump's former staff plead guilty to multiple crimes, or are tried and sent to prison. The Trump White House is understaffed, stuck in a bunker mentality and largely resigned to a plan to wing it. Steve Bannon cast's the President’s inner circle as naively optimistic, unsophisticated and unprepared for what lies ahead in Mueller's investigation

The lack of communication about the probe has left the president’s top lieutenants on Capitol Hill fearful about the fallout, according to multiple congressional GOP sources. “We haven’t heard from the White House at all on this. You’d think there’d be more of an effort to have a coordinated response,” one senior Republican aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to damage the aide’s relationship with the White House, told me. “Members want to help, but can’t if they’re not getting any information.”

Throughout the 18-month special counsel investigation, Trump has single-handedly spun his own deceptive reality, seeking (unsuccessfully) to sully the reputations of Mueller’s operation and federal law enforcement in an attempt to preemptively discredit their eventual conclusions, this as Robert Mueller and his prosecutors win legal victory after legal victory against former Trump staffers,with much more to follow. To make matters worse, Robert Mueller's disciplined style leaves Trump's team with no idea which direction the next legal challenge with come from.

Dear Trump Supporters: Tweeting "Witch Hunt" repeatedly is not a successful legal strategy

Trump White House Has No Plan to Counter Mueller Report - The Atlantic

‘Siege warfare’: Republican anxiety spikes as Trump faces growing legal and political perils

Eh, just looks like more moronic left wing parasite reporting on Trump...

Oh YES we trustworthy, "Trump Haters" can read Trump's mind... :lol:
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.
How's he going to deal the the Southern District which has an indictment already charging Cohen with campaign finance law breeches AT THE BEHEST OF Trump?
Anxiety is spiking among Congressional Republican allies, who complain that Trump and the White House have no real plan for dealing with the Russia crisis while confronting a host of other troubles at home and abroad, this as more and more of Trump's former staff plead guilty to multiple crimes, or are tried and sent to prison. The Trump White House is understaffed, stuck in a bunker mentality and largely resigned to a plan to wing it. Steve Bannon cast's the President’s inner circle as naively optimistic, unsophisticated and unprepared for what lies ahead in Mueller's investigation

The lack of communication about the probe has left the president’s top lieutenants on Capitol Hill fearful about the fallout, according to multiple congressional GOP sources. “We haven’t heard from the White House at all on this. You’d think there’d be more of an effort to have a coordinated response,” one senior Republican aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to damage the aide’s relationship with the White House, told me. “Members want to help, but can’t if they’re not getting any information.”

Throughout the 18-month special counsel investigation, Trump has single-handedly spun his own deceptive reality, seeking (unsuccessfully) to sully the reputations of Mueller’s operation and federal law enforcement in an attempt to preemptively discredit their eventual conclusions, this as Robert Mueller and his prosecutors win legal victory after legal victory against former Trump staffers,with much more to follow. To make matters worse, Robert Mueller's disciplined style leaves Trump's team with no idea which direction the next legal challenge with come from.

Dear Trump Supporters: Tweeting "Witch Hunt" repeatedly is not a successful legal strategy

Trump White House Has No Plan to Counter Mueller Report - The Atlantic

‘Siege warfare’: Republican anxiety spikes as Trump faces growing legal and political perils
The Atlantic? ROFLMAO...mine as well just posted a link from Salon or some other lefties website....I don't give a rats ass what SPINELESS GUTLESS establishment whiners have to say. We sent them packing in November and hopefully even more in 2020. Even if it means them being temporarily replaced with an Anti American leftist at least we know where that person stands instead of having a weakling cuckservative in there.
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.

Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.

That's right kyzr....just keep telling yourself that! :abgg2q.jpg:
You don't seem to realize President Trump has been dealing with trash like Mueller for 50 years....same old shit different day. Just someone else trying to take the king off his throne.
Anxiety is spiking among Congressional Republican allies, who complain that Trump and the White House have no real plan for dealing with the Russia crisis while confronting a host of other troubles at home and abroad, this as more and more of Trump's former staff plead guilty to multiple crimes, or are tried and sent to prison. The Trump White House is understaffed, stuck in a bunker mentality and largely resigned to a plan to wing it. Steve Bannon cast's the President’s inner circle as naively optimistic, unsophisticated and unprepared for what lies ahead in Mueller's investigation

The lack of communication about the probe has left the president’s top lieutenants on Capitol Hill fearful about the fallout, according to multiple congressional GOP sources. “We haven’t heard from the White House at all on this. You’d think there’d be more of an effort to have a coordinated response,” one senior Republican aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to damage the aide’s relationship with the White House, told me. “Members want to help, but can’t if they’re not getting any information.”

Throughout the 18-month special counsel investigation, Trump has single-handedly spun his own deceptive reality, seeking (unsuccessfully) to sully the reputations of Mueller’s operation and federal law enforcement in an attempt to preemptively discredit their eventual conclusions, this as Robert Mueller and his prosecutors win legal victory after legal victory against former Trump staffers,with much more to follow. To make matters worse, Robert Mueller's disciplined style leaves Trump's team with no idea which direction the next legal challenge with come from.

Dear Trump Supporters: Tweeting "Witch Hunt" repeatedly is not a successful legal strategy

Trump White House Has No Plan to Counter Mueller Report - The Atlantic

‘Siege warfare’: Republican anxiety spikes as Trump faces growing legal and political perils
The Billionaire businessman doesn't know how to deal with lawyers ? You people aren't that bright are you ?
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.
You think all his bankruptcies and settlement's have prepared him for somebody finally scrutinizing his main criminal enterprises?

You think all his bankruptcies

all 6 of them?
6? Holy shit I thought it was 4. Christ, and he’s our President. Facepalm.
I think Trump will have no problems dealing with Mueller.
He has a very big brain and Mueller has low intelligence.
They should tell Trump to agree to sit down with Mueller to answer all and any questions.
He won't need any coaching advice, counsel or any other assistance because he went to Wharton and you have to be smart to go to Wharton.
Go for it that angry Democrat!
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.
How's he going to deal the the Southern District which has an indictment already charging Cohen with campaign finance law breeches AT THE BEHEST OF Trump?

Easy, the same way Obama did, pay the fine. Or, the same way that Edwards did, its not a crime. Or a new way, something like DOJ policy says you can't indict a sitting president. Then after the 2020 election the statute of limitations runs out on it.
Take your pick.
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.
You think all his bankruptcies and settlement's have prepared him for somebody finally scrutinizing his main criminal enterprises?

You think all his bankruptcies

all 6 of them?
6? Holy shit I thought it was 4. Christ, and he’s our President. Facepalm.


out of about 500 businesses his name was attached to.

(try hitting your face a little harder, you MIGHT wake up)
I wouldn't spike the ball until you get a reason to. Trump knows whats coming and how to deal with it.
You think all his bankruptcies and settlement's have prepared him for somebody finally scrutinizing his main criminal enterprises?

You think all his bankruptcies

all 6 of them?
6? Holy shit I thought it was 4. Christ, and he’s our President. Facepalm.
Well, why doesn't mueller just get on with it already. I'm ready to see the fireworks. This delay delay delay is making me lose interest in the whole thing.

Supposedly he has the investigation pretty much done and his report written....let's get on with it
Hillary Clinton, the entire Democrat Party, the entire Lame Stream Fake News Media, the Bush Family, they've all been trying to take down Donald J. Trump since he descended the escalator at his humble New York home in 2015.

Trump is still in office, still getting things done, and still having a good time doing it (much to his enemies' chagrin.

I expect Mueller to leave town under cover of darkness before spring breaks.

And I expect Trump to continue to rule America triumphantly until the 22nd Amendment kicks in during January 2025.

Trump has been underestimated every step of the way.
The daily continuation of "Orange Man Bad" saga.

Despite best president in centuries someones always going to whine... especially the ones getting programmed by those wanting the destruction of America.

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