Republicans Unbelievable $54B More On Defense All From Non-Defense!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Republicans announced yesterday that they plan to increase defense spending in next years budget by $54 billion and pay for it all by cutting non-defense discretionary spending in the budget. Where is there balance I don't necessarily condemn them for planning such an increase but not raising any revenue to pay for even part of that huge increase they completely turn people off in regards to liking their party. Why not raise part of this money by enacting into law a junior "Warren Buffet" policy, Mr. Buffet had proposed something like for individuals that have at least a million dollars of income they should at minimum pay at least a significant tax rate make it something like a twenty-eight percent rate! Republicans need to remember that the American people aren't fools we know there isn't a lot of "bridges to nowhere" and "dumb research projects" to cut in the Federal Budget to get to $54B the Republicans will be cutting really really important projects will be cut, truly great harm will result from this cutting!

The Republicans supposedly with their policy changes are supposed to super-charge the U.S. economy, why don't the Republicans wait until they have accomplished this and the accompanying tax revenue is flooding into the U.S. treasury before they go on their military procurement spending spree. The American people can go part of the way with the Republicans we know that the U.S. military is in a state of disrepair because of the budget cap deal called sequestration that has been in place in recent years which capped defense spending but raising defense spending $54 billion in one year how about considering $ 25 billion something reasonable something not extreme. Republicans aren't on the same page of most Americans when it comes to defense spending the majority of Americans don't want to hear the U.S government is going to spend big time to buy all these weapons system so any potential adversary will be terrified to challenge us, America is not that rich that we can take that approach. The majority of Americans want to hear a grounded and sensible approach to military spending yes America wants to be able to defeat any military challenge that is foreseeable but enough with all this macho over-the-top talk about the U.S. military strength will be so great no one would even consider taking us on!

The Republicans need to stop looking at defense spending from just a political standpoint where they act like the Republicans are the champions of the U.S. military and the Democrats want to destroy the U.S. military. The Republicans need to chart a new course and start acting like they are going to spend every defense dollar in a prudent manner which means they need to be prepared to cut some defense programs that prudence calls to cut, Republicans need to be open to having a big broad discussion on this whole subject. Why does America need eleven aircraft carrier groups if we had ten that still would be more than any other country could America change its focus have ten with a higher degree of operability. Is continuing with the F35 program optimally prudent, this plane seems to be so temperamental it becomes big news when the U.S. government deploys the plane in a combat zone its like the American people are supposed to have a parade and start popping the champagne when the American military decides to use the plane, maybe America should cut its losses and focus on a new fighter plane program where the plane is durable, not temperamental and a really good deployable plane. With respect to budgetary matters America is in tough times, tough times call for hard choices where America needs to save every dollar it can in that light many officers that leave the U.S. military go on to very high paying jobs and go on to having high incomes for the balance of their life do they and their families really need the free health care system of the Veterans Administration, absent significant military wounds couldn't access to the VA become income based for veterans, if veterans can readily afford to get health insurance and health care on their own why not require them to!
It's about time. It's all about priorities. Government was never meant to be our nanny.
We need to update the hardware technology, but we're strapped by retirements. The US military is probably the largest job provider in the US and it all comes from taxes so that plays a part in their budget as well - but it's a "good" part for the economics of the nation. I think folks would be far better served to see the military budget spoken of in regards to where the spending was actually going, instead of just some huge number.

The VA is kind of a separate issue, that just needs to be brought up to speed and the bad apples need to be culled out.
What does Trump care?

He doesn't pay taxes
He pays more in sales tax than you win in all forms for your entire life. That statement is a lie.
Also, if you want the rich to pay their income taxes, why don't you quit electing corporatists and focus on fixing the tax code instead of just raising them so they don't have to pay them?
Don't you get tired of all of your circle jerks of stupidity? Give your arms a break, man.
What does Trump care?

He doesn't pay taxes
He pays more in sales tax than you win in all forms for your entire life. That statement is a lie.
Also, if you want the rich to pay their income taxes, why don't you quit electing corporatists and focus on fixing the tax code instead of just raising them so they don't have to pay them?
Don't you get tired of all of your circle jerks of stupidity? Give your arms a break, man.

We just elected more corporatists, we would have either way. Goldman Sachs is always in the white house regardless of who is elected. That's just how your system works; that's why we bailed out Wall Street with socialism across both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations.
Trump will never do any of the things he has promised. As with the 'Muslim ban', the courts will shoot him down, because he won't take advice, and thinks the bully-boy tactics he uses in business will work in government.
Big difference is, he's subject to scrutiny now, and the threat of massive legal action is not enough to cow his victims.
Trump will never do any of the things he has promised. As with the 'Muslim ban', the courts will shoot him down, because he won't take advice, and thinks the bully-boy tactics he uses in business will work in government.
Big difference is, he's subject to scrutiny now, and the threat of massive legal action is not enough to cow his victims.
From what I can tell, his supporters are pretty happy with all the things he has done.
Liberal "logic"

Dems spent $1T with literally nothing to show for it = good

GOP proposes spending $54B to repair and replenish our military that is very depleted due to 10 years of constant wars = bad

You truly can't make up that level of stupidity.
What does Trump care?

He doesn't pay taxes
He pays more in sales tax than you win in all forms for your entire life. That statement is a lie.
Also, if you want the rich to pay their income taxes, why don't you quit electing corporatists and focus on fixing the tax code instead of just raising them so they don't have to pay them?
Don't you get tired of all of your circle jerks of stupidity? Give your arms a break, man.
Sales taxes don't support military sending

I pay more than Trump
The military doesn't need more money. They need their mission refocused.

Less on nation building, defending nations that don't need it or don't deserve it
What does Trump care?

He doesn't pay taxes
He pays more in sales tax than you win in all forms for your entire life. That statement is a lie.
Also, if you want the rich to pay their income taxes, why don't you quit electing corporatists and focus on fixing the tax code instead of just raising them so they don't have to pay them?
Don't you get tired of all of your circle jerks of stupidity? Give your arms a break, man.
Sales taxes don't support military sending

I pay more than Trump

You literally have zero idea how much income tax Trump pays except for a few years that have been made public without his consent

According the financial disclosure form he had to provide by law though his income for 2015 was at least $615M. Divide that by half and multiply it by how ever many year since the $1B loss and you can conservatively estimate that he has paid more in income taxes in the last decade than probably everyone on this board has earned in the same period combined.

True, because of deductions it is probably a small percentage of the overall, but to say Trump doesn't pay his taxes when you really mean "Trump may not pay what we think he should pay" is patently ridiculous.
What does Trump care?

He doesn't pay taxes
He pays more in sales tax than you win in all forms for your entire life. That statement is a lie.
Also, if you want the rich to pay their income taxes, why don't you quit electing corporatists and focus on fixing the tax code instead of just raising them so they don't have to pay them?
Don't you get tired of all of your circle jerks of stupidity? Give your arms a break, man.
Sales taxes don't support military sending

I pay more than Trump

You literally have zero idea how much income tax Trump pays except for a few years that have been made public without his consent

According the financial disclosure form he had to provide by law though his income for 2015 was at least $615M. Divide that by half and multiply it by how ever many year since the $1B loss and you can conservatively estimate that he has paid more in income taxes in the last decade than probably everyone on this board has earned in the same period combined.

True, because of deductions it is probably a small percentage of the overall, but to say Trump doesn't pay his taxes when you really mean "Trump may not pay what we think he should pay" is patently ridiculous.
Trump admitted to zero federal taxes in the debates

Makes him smart
The Republicans announced yesterday that they plan to increase defense spending in next years budget by $54 billion and pay for it all by cutting non-defense discretionary spending in the budget. Where is there balance I don't necessarily condemn them for planning such an increase but not raising any revenue to pay for even part of that huge increase they completely turn people off in regards to liking their party. Why not raise part of this money by enacting into law a junior "Warren Buffet" policy, Mr. Buffet had proposed something like for individuals that have at least a million dollars of income they should at minimum pay at least a significant tax rate make it something like a twenty-eight percent rate! Republicans need to remember that the American people aren't fools we know there isn't a lot of "bridges to nowhere" and "dumb research projects" to cut in the Federal Budget to get to $54B the Republicans will be cutting really really important projects will be cut, truly great harm will result from this cutting!

The Republicans supposedly with their policy changes are supposed to super-charge the U.S. economy, why don't the Republicans wait until they have accomplished this and the accompanying tax revenue is flooding into the U.S. treasury before they go on their military procurement spending spree. The American people can go part of the way with the Republicans we know that the U.S. military is in a state of disrepair because of the budget cap deal called sequestration that has been in place in recent years which capped defense spending but raising defense spending $54 billion in one year how about considering $ 25 billion something reasonable something not extreme. Republicans aren't on the same page of most Americans when it comes to defense spending the majority of Americans don't want to hear the U.S government is going to spend big time to buy all these weapons system so any potential adversary will be terrified to challenge us, America is not that rich that we can take that approach. The majority of Americans want to hear a grounded and sensible approach to military spending yes America wants to be able to defeat any military challenge that is foreseeable but enough with all this macho over-the-top talk about the U.S. military strength will be so great no one would even consider taking us on!

The Republicans need to stop looking at defense spending from just a political standpoint where they act like the Republicans are the champions of the U.S. military and the Democrats want to destroy the U.S. military. The Republicans need to chart a new course and start acting like they are going to spend every defense dollar in a prudent manner which means they need to be prepared to cut some defense programs that prudence calls to cut, Republicans need to be open to having a big broad discussion on this whole subject. Why does America need eleven aircraft carrier groups if we had ten that still would be more than any other country could America change its focus have ten with a higher degree of operability. Is continuing with the F35 program optimally prudent, this plane seems to be so temperamental it becomes big news when the U.S. government deploys the plane in a combat zone its like the American people are supposed to have a parade and start popping the champagne when the American military decides to use the plane, maybe America should cut its losses and focus on a new fighter plane program where the plane is durable, not temperamental and a really good deployable plane. With respect to budgetary matters America is in tough times, tough times call for hard choices where America needs to save every dollar it can in that light many officers that leave the U.S. military go on to very high paying jobs and go on to having high incomes for the balance of their life do they and their families really need the free health care system of the Veterans Administration, absent significant military wounds couldn't access to the VA become income based for veterans, if veterans can readily afford to get health insurance and health care on their own why not require them to!
Closing down HUD would bring in most if not all of that money.
You literally have zero idea how much income tax Trump pays except for a few years that have been made public without his consent

According the financial disclosure form he had to provide by law though his income for 2015 was at least $615M. Divide that by half and multiply it by how ever many year since the $1B loss and you can conservatively estimate that he has paid more in income taxes in the last decade than probably everyone on this board has earned in the same period combined.

True, because of deductions it is probably a small percentage of the overall, but to say Trump doesn't pay his taxes when you really mean "Trump may not pay what we think he should pay" is patently ridiculous.
This looks like it was a very fast ban.

This must have been a returning Nazi sock puppet.

For the record, DJT pays NO tax.

He has huge Federal and NYS loss carryforwards from his various bankruptcies. This much was illegally leaked by one of his former tax advisors.

What we do not know is how much personal debt is he carrying ?!

Probably quite a lot.
Trump will never do any of the things he has promised. As with the 'Muslim ban', the courts will shoot him down, because he won't take advice, and thinks the bully-boy tactics he uses in business will work in government.
Big difference is, he's subject to scrutiny now, and the threat of massive legal action is not enough to cow his victims.
Trump has already pulled the USA from the TPP and has started renegotiations on NAFTA.

Most of all, he has kept his promise to piss off every liberal in the country!

Trump will never do any of the things he has promised. As with the 'Muslim ban', the courts will shoot him down, because he won't take advice, and thinks the bully-boy tactics he uses in business will work in government.
Big difference is, he's subject to scrutiny now, and the threat of massive legal action is not enough to cow his victims.
Trump has already pulled the USA from the TPP and has started renegotiations on NAFTA.

Most of all, he has kept his promise to piss off every liberal in the country!

He has pissed off everyone with an IQ over
Liberal "logic"

Dems spent $1T with literally nothing to show for it = good

GOP proposes spending $54B to repair and replenish our military that is very depleted due to 10 years of constant wars = bad

You truly can't make up that level of stupidity.

You are right. You can't make up this level of stupidity. Take fraud and abuse, the Defense Department is practically bleeding money in Afghanistan. Waste and fraud are at historically high levels. You don't reward that type of behavior by providing more funding. Hell, it is fundamental business. If you have a department pissing money away you don't give that department more funding. You give that department more oversight.

And boy howdy but I would be shorting the market right now. There is not a worst prescription for the economy than increasing defense spending and funding that increase with cuts in other areas. Dollars spent on defense have the lowest multiplier of any dollar spent by the government.

I mean here is a thought. If you want to improve our national defense, PAY FOR IT. If it is important enough to do, it is important enough to PAY FOR. If not, then those on the right better not ever, EVER, open their mouth and start talking about the founders. And not by robbing Peter to pay Paul. By implementing a DEDICATED TAX for the purpose of national defense. That way, you, I, God, and everybody will know EXACTLY how much of OUR MONEY is going to fund this "machine".

As it is, this war shit is nothing but a damn game. The powers that be are playing us all for damn fools. And it ain't like it hasn't happen before. It happens over, and over, and over again. Even during the American Revolution. First, they make money on the war. Rather it is Halliburton, or military uniforms that fall apart in the rain, or the simple rations--like salt fish and rum. They collect the money. They profit on war, once.

But then, well they always make sure the money is BORROWED. Then, they take the money they made selling shit to the government at a gawd awful markup, and loan the money right back to the government, AT INTEREST. They profit on war, AGAIN. It's a twofer.

Come on people, it's the same scam as the whole tax cuts for the wealthy bullshit. The wealthy want their taxes cut so that, instead of paying taxes to the government, they can loan the government money and COLLECT INTEREST FROM IT. Wake the hell up. What's worse, they really need the government to borrow that money because--THEY AIN'T GOT NOTHING ELSE TO DO WITH IT. They don't want to invest it, they know there is no demand. They want to sit on their ass and collect INTEREST.

Hell, here it is in spades.

They sell the government more shit at a gawd awful markup.

They fund that by cutting other discretionary spending resulting in a contraction of the economy due to the lower multiplier effect of the defense spending.

The smaller economy yields lower tax revenues and,

VIOLA--the government has to BORROW MORE MONEY.

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