Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns

They may as well have titled it "Republicans vow to commit mass political suicide," since that will be the end result of their actions.

WTF are they smoking? And why aren't they sharing?

Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns | The State Column
It's the duty of everyone who is angered by Obama (conservatives, republicans, etc...)to do thier part to keep him from accomplishing anything good.

It's great election strategy.

But you wait....if Republicans take back the senate and the white house.....increasing taxes to create jobs will be a-okay again!!
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LOL, we got SUCKERED into his LAST 800million JOBS BILL/STIMULAS and the people put the Republicans in the HOUSE to stop this idiot.

So if I were them, I wouldn't be worried about any suicides, except from the left and their comrades in arms in Congress..:lol:

You mean they're actually DOING what we elected them to do? They're doing what they campaigned on????????

Oh the horrors!!!! Politicians doing exactly what we elected them to do!!!!!

Don't be jealous lefties that our guys are living up to what we sent them there to do........while your savior has betrayed you all.
So instead of doing what we elected them to do, which is fix the problem, they stop someone who is trying.

Why have they yet to submit their own plan?
I hope they do. Or at least rename it correctly to:
The spending Act

Or how bout this one....

The stick it to the rich double whammy tax hike bill that is made to look like a jobs bill ...Bill

The Bush tax cuts end and that's the kick in the nads and when the guys is bent over they get hit over the head with a 5% surcharge on top of that....

This is a get the rich to make the base happy bill... :razz:
Congressional Republicans on Tuesday vowed to block a series of bills aimed at reducing the nation’s rate of unemployment, saying they would oppose any attempt to increase revenue.

Even if it addresses the issue of unemployment.

Save us from the bane of rightist dogma.

Otherwise, if the right is going to oppose Obama’s efforts, it’s incumbent upon the House to develop and put forward a plan of its own, not just sabotage the president’s plan.
So instead of doing what we elected them to do, which is fix the problem, they stop someone who is trying.

Why have they yet to submit their own plan?

YEP, they were ELECTED in a HISTORIC midterm election TO STOP this idiot President. THAT IS THE PLAN.
It is the job of the opposition to oppose. Especially to oppose stupid.

The bill raises taxes and spends it on busy work that produces nothing, which means money is removed from productive uses to getting Obama re elected. A worse waste of money can't be found. Or if it can, the Democrats will find it.
They may as well have titled it "Republicans vow to commit mass political suicide," since that will be the end result of their actions.

WTF are they smoking? And why aren't they sharing?

Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns | The State Column

shit stupid, obie wan knew that bill was doa,, he's just using it for an excuse to take his shiny new taxpayer bought, made in Canada bus on a campaign tour, quit being so fucking stupid whydonchya?
So instead of doing what we elected them to do, which is fix the problem, they stop someone who is trying.

Why have they yet to submit their own plan?

Get this. I'm sure you need a good laugh, I know I do.

Responding on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said: “Let’s try a new idea for a change. Let’s try something that might actually work.”

Oh, yes. Let's do that.

What did you have in mind?

I'm sorry - you'll need to speak up. I can't hear you.

..... what? That's because you didn't say anything?


Do tell.

Why Republicans want to save parts of the Obama jobs bill -

He's SO full of shit. Like full of shit, squared.
A better name than "jobs bill" would be "President's walking around money for re election on the taxpayer's dime act"
There are several bills sitting on Reids desk that would help so stop with the where is your bill bullshit.

This mess will not change until after the elections plain and simple. Weather its Obama or Reid or both that are gone, then changes will begin to kick in. The left won't do what is necessary to fix the economy so until they're gone nothing will change.

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