Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns

So instead of doing what we elected them to do, which is fix the problem, they stop someone who is trying.

Why have they yet to submit their own plan?


Thankfully I'm one of those "innovators" they talk about so much so I actually understand what they mean by regulations.

They are fucking things up for me, so has Obama. It is this politically unstable atmosphere that has basically driven investors away from anything.

You can say whatever you want about their "plan" but all it has done is made things worse for people like me.
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It is the job of the opposition to oppose. Especially to oppose stupid.

The bill raises taxes and spends it on busy work that produces nothing, which means money is removed from productive uses to getting Obama re elected. A worse waste of money can't be found. Or if it can, the Democrats will find it.

All Obama thinks about is raising taxes The guy wants to tax the poor and middle class into the ground.
They may as well have titled it "Republicans vow to commit mass political suicide," since that will be the end result of their actions.

WTF are they smoking? And why aren't they sharing?

Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns | The State Column

How is supporting a plan that failed last time a good strategy?

Doing something over and over again, surely doesn't change the fact that it SUCKS. It just doesn't work.:eek:
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If the jobs bill was so great, democrats would have voted for it. obama may SAY that republicans are stopping it, but the truth is, it's democrats.
If the jobs bill was so great, democrats would have voted for it. obama may SAY that republicans are stopping it, but the truth is, it's democrats.

YEP, you notice how QUITE a few of the lamestream articles written about this, they LEFT that part OUT. Just like this article posted by the OP.

it's sickening how they are in cahoots with this administration.
So...basically they were elected to fuck things up more?


And ‘get rid’ of Obama.

The GOP theory is that the more miserable the American people are, the greater the likelihood Obama will fail to win re-election. For the right this is pure power politics, their blind obsession to regain what they perceive to be their ‘birthright’: the WH.

How is supporting a plan that failed last time a good strategy?

The same could be asked of those supporting failed republican policies that created the crisis to begin with.
So...basically they were elected to fuck things up more?


And ‘get rid’ of Obama.

The GOP theory is that the more miserable the American people are, the greater the likelihood Obama will fail to win re-election. For the right this is pure power politics, their blind obsession to regain what they perceive to be their ‘birthright’: the WH.

How is supporting a plan that failed last time a good strategy?

The same could be asked of those supporting failed republican policies that created the crisis to begin with.

oh brother, HOW DID that LAST 800 million Jobs bill Obama SWORE would get us out of our MISERY work out..?
really man. spare us dramatic sobbing.
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It's going to be a sad day when you get rid of Obama and the economy still sucks.

It won't be better till the next big bubble....and unfortunatly if an American comes up with "the next big thing"...he/she will have the Chinese manufacture it
1.3-1.5 trillion dollar deficits a year, which are 3 times that of Bush's and the worst unemployment since FDR. That is Obama.
So...basically they were elected to fuck things up more?


And ‘get rid’ of Obama.

The GOP theory is that the more miserable the American people are, the greater the likelihood Obama will fail to win re-election. For the right this is pure power politics, their blind obsession to regain what they perceive to be their ‘birthright’: the WH.

How is supporting a plan that failed last time a good strategy?

The same could be asked of those supporting failed republican policies that created the crisis to begin with.

Which ones are those again? Sarbanes-Oxley failed. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed. The entire concept of banks being "too big to fail" failed. Which of those are Republican policies?
They may as well have titled it "Republicans vow to commit mass political suicide," since that will be the end result of their actions.

WTF are they smoking? And why aren't they sharing?

Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns | The State Column
It's the duty of everyone who is angered by Obama (conservatives, republicans, etc...)to do thier part to keep him from accomplishing anything good.

It's great election strategy.

But you wait....if Republicans take back the senate and the white house.....increasing taxes to create jobs will be a-okay again!!
That's not gonna happen.
If the jobs bill was so great, democrats would have voted for it. obama may SAY that republicans are stopping it, but the truth is, it's democrats.
Obama talks a good game, but he ties his own hands while he is weaving that silken saying.

Even most spiders are too smart to do that.

You mean they're actually DOING what we elected them to do? They're doing what they campaigned on????????

Oh the horrors!!!! Politicians doing exactly what we elected them to do!!!!!

Don't be jealous lefties that our guys are living up to what we sent them there to do........while your savior has betrayed you all.
It's like Will Rogers said of President Grover Cleveland: "The Congress wanted nothin' done, and he done it."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Why is it the left lacks the integrity to be honest about the so called "American jobs act". It is not going to create jobs. It wasn't designed to create jobs. It was designed to be a campaign issue for Obama who is using it as just that.

Are you guys really so naive as to think that simply because the politicians called it a "Jobs act" That means it produces jobs? I presume you also believe that if you name a bill "Lower the sea level act" that it will actually do what the title is called?

If Obama proposed a "jobs act" that called for the murder of people with red hair, you'd still be criticizing Republicans for opposing your "jobs act".

Wake up people. If you dont take care of yourself, no one will. The President can promise to take care of you all you want, but he doesnt give a damn about you. He wants you to blindly give him power over your lives and you are more than happy to. Wake up and take your power back.
They may as well have titled it "Republicans vow to commit mass political suicide," since that will be the end result of their actions.

WTF are they smoking? And why aren't they sharing?

Republicans vow to kill American Jobs Act as Obama campaigns | The State Column

As is, sadly, so often the case, Bet T Bwoop confuses opposition to another Obama Porkulus Proposal with a GOP effort at mass suicide.

IF (but only if) the Obama American Jobs Act had merit in the first place would opposition to it be suicidal.

So, before anybody declares such opposition to be political suicide (given the spectacular job President Obama has done as President -- :lol: ) it should PROBABLY be established that his Jobs bill has merit.

The debate (pros and cons) is interesting.

Debate: American Jobs Act - Debatepedia

The bill is like 155 pages. I wonder if anyone in Congress has bothered to read it, this time?

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