Republicans want a safer more productive nation...why does that suck?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

Lol, that's easy, they need voters.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

Lol, that's easy, they need voters. and I both know there is zero logic in any other reason/motive.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?
Republicans want a safer more productive nation...why does that suck?
Because to have that happen, you have to round up every liberal in the nation and ship them to Cuba.......
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?
Republicans want a safer more productive nation...why does that suck?
Because to have that happen, you have to round up every liberal in the nation and ship them to Cuba.......
Leftists hate liberty, safety, and enlightened and godly society. And you will see evidence of that in the posts that follow, as they writhe through their keyboards at the very mention of *god* and *liberty*.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?
Republicans want a safer more productive nation...why does that suck?
Because to have that happen, you have to round up every liberal in the nation and ship them to Cuba.......
Leftists hate liberty, safety, and enlightened and godly society. And you will see evidence of that in the posts that follow, as they writhe through their keyboards at the very mention of *god* and *liberty*.
What I find particularly absurd and offensive, is so many so-called "Conservatives" who are so stuck on ideology that they cannot alter their view to embrace Trump. These are people who look at Ted Cruz as the only way a conservative or GOP should look.

There is not a perfect view fo what a GOP should look like, I would suggest the Establishment politicians right now are on the wrong side and the reason Congress ratings is so much lower than Trumps rating is that they see him as the better person to address their issues, not heavily lobbied politicians.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?
Republicans want a safer more productive nation...why does that suck?
Because to have that happen, you have to round up every liberal in the nation and ship them to Cuba.......
Leftists hate liberty, safety, and enlightened and godly society. And you will see evidence of that in the posts that follow, as they writhe through their keyboards at the very mention of *god* and *liberty*.

So true...almost nothing offends a LefTard more than a proud, white, American Chistian waving an American flag.
Show them an illegal with five anchor babies clutching a taxpayer funded EBT card, screaming “Viva Mehico” while waving a Mexican flag after a visit to Planned Parenthood and they get all giddy. So weird.
Democrats thrive on chaos and unrest and anger. That's the only way they get votes. The democrat party can't survive in a safe and productive era.
Democrats thrive on chaos and unrest and anger. That's the only way they get votes. The democrat party can't survive in a safe and productive era.

I agree...I wonder if Mexicrats realize they’re essentially voting in favor of a less productive, more dangerous unAmerican America.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.

We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.

We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.

I can see you take great pride in your self manipulated stupidity...I’ll leave you with this.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?
Remember, the Mexican President has in the past, stated, "where Mexicans go, there is Mexico." Mexico wants its former territories back.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.

We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.

I can see you take great pride in your self manipulated stupidity...I’ll leave you with this.

That doesn't even address the claim. Maybe you need to retake middle school.
If you look at the GOP’s policies on immigration alone versus the Mexicratic agenda aren’t things pretty clear?
The GOP seems committed to creating jobs, fiscally reviving the middle class, restoring/enforcing law and order and stopping foreigners from committing crime, taking jobs, oppressing wages and robbing taxpayers.
The Mexicratic agenda is 100% counterproductive to the aforementioned measures.
Mexicrats seem committed to expanding our lowest, most lawless class of ‘citizen’.
How does one make the decision to support the latter over the former?

We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.

We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.

I can see you take great pride in your self manipulated stupidity...I’ll leave you with this.

That doesn't even address the claim. Maybe you need to retake middle school.

Try to follow along bud...we’re on to your false claim now.
“We’ve never been safer”....remember?
I’ll spell it out for last post refutes that retarded claim. TA-DA!
We've never been safer. Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Your premise is flawed.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.

We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.

I can see you take great pride in your self manipulated stupidity...I’ll leave you with this.

That doesn't even address the claim. Maybe you need to retake middle school.

Try to follow along bud...we’re on to your false claim now.
“We’ve never been safer”....remember?
I’ll spell it out for last post refutes that retarded claim. TA-DA!

Nope. It doesn't come close. We have never been safer.
We’ve never been safer?
You must be super intelligent...Let be your friend...this will keep you from making an ass of yourself in public. Look up violent crime stats in all cities inhabited by back please.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes.”
You sure about that?
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
What about their anchor babies? They turn into domestic terrorists....let me know if you neeed me to post ethnicity demos such as violent crime, incarnation...etc. I’m always ready to enlighten fools.

We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.

I can see you take great pride in your self manipulated stupidity...I’ll leave you with this.

That doesn't even address the claim. Maybe you need to retake middle school.

Try to follow along bud...we’re on to your false claim now.
“We’ve never been safer”....remember?
I’ll spell it out for last post refutes that retarded claim. TA-DA!

Nope. It doesn't come close. We have never been safer.

You also have a pet said so, so you do.
Post a link to confirm your findings. Thanks in advance.
We've never been safer. Crime is down. Immigrants commit fewer crimes.

You are a dupe.

I can see you take great pride in your self manipulated stupidity...I’ll leave you with this.

That doesn't even address the claim. Maybe you need to retake middle school.

Try to follow along bud...we’re on to your false claim now.
“We’ve never been safer”....remember?
I’ll spell it out for last post refutes that retarded claim. TA-DA!

Nope. It doesn't come close. We have never been safer.

You also have a pet said so, so you do.
Post a link to confirm your findings. Thanks in advance.

Sure, dummy.

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