Republicans Waste 50 Million Taxpayer Dollars Trying To Repeal The Afforible Care Act

Do you support the GOP wasting 50 million of your dollars by not getting their way?

  • Yes, the GOP should keep pressing for repeal no matter how many taxpayer dollars it costs.

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • No, the GOP needs to grow up and stop acting like 3 year olds.

    Votes: 12 36.4%

  • Total voters


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report
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So if they voted on something ELSE we would have saved the money? This is one of the dumber posts I've seen in awhile.
So if they voted on something ELSE we would have saved the money? This is one of the dumber posts I've seen in awhile.

Yeah how about they vote on something they haven't considered yet?

The idea that the same Congress would pass a law and then attempt to repeal it 33 times is just retarded. It kinda looks dumb, actually. They should wait until the next Congress.
50 million that's peanuts its really worth at least another 50 million in the next year to repeal it. I think a lot of people couldn't put a figure on how retarded it is to give up your personal liberty. Maybe worth a lot more to the majority against it
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... an' it gonna save people billions o' dollars.
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

Kinda like the little girl fit the Dems pulled in Wisconsin?

The Bill is a turd,a large majority don't want this,face the facts.
What a bunch of cry baby's , it passed get over yourself already. These numbers should be put into a tv ad for all to see .
Cry baby's huh? Yeah you really understand the issue huh? :lol: its impossible to fund the states don't have to participate. And the only way you could be for this is you don't value life understanding this is designed to be total government control down the line. Eh its useless I just think libs are insane, dumb or just don't care. Again it will NEVER happen it's impossible to pay for - Duh.
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What a bunch of cry baby's , it passed get over yourself already. These numbers should be put into a tv ad for all to see .

TOO BAD, we "the people" are not getting over something that was passed against OUR WILL
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This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

I didn't hear you pissing and moaning when the Democrat controlled House spent 18 months spending 100's of millions of taxpayer dollars writing and voting on this job killing bill.
So if they voted on something ELSE we would have saved the money? This is one of the dumber posts I've seen in awhile.

Yeah how about they vote on something they haven't considered yet?

The idea that the same Congress would pass a law and then attempt to repeal it 33 times is just retarded. It kinda looks dumb, actually. They should wait until the next Congress.

It isn't the SAME Congress you ignorant pissant.
So if my cell phone is broken beyond repair would it make sense for me to keep paying 150 a month for it or should I cancel it and take the hit on the 100 dollar penalty?

We are talking 50 million versus an estimated 9 TRILLION
So if my cell phone is broken beyond repair would it make sense for me to keep paying 150 a month for it or should I cancel it and take the hit on the 100 dollar penalty?

We are talking 50 million versus an estimated 9 TRILLION

Hilarious! These made up numbers just keep getting bigger and bigger. Can it be long before we are using 50 trillion as the base point for the lie?

Give credit where credit is due. The GOP thinks big..........and lies bigger!
So if they voted on something ELSE we would have saved the money? This is one of the dumber posts I've seen in awhile.

Really? You don't think we would have been better of simply considering a jobs bill? Maybe agreeing on a transportation bill? Maybe working on a budget?

How dumb must the GOP think we are? Voting 33 time on a bill when they do not have a majority in the Senate and would be facing a presidential veto.

Money not spent pissing into the wind might be considered a savings, unless one is an utter fool.
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

What is that? A tenth of one percent of what democrats wasted.

Kiss my ass comes to mind.
50 million that's peanuts its really worth at least another 50 million in the next year to repeal it. I think a lot of people couldn't put a figure on how retarded it is to give up your personal liberty. Maybe worth a lot more to the majority against it

I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

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