Republicans Waste 50 Million Taxpayer Dollars Trying To Repeal The Afforible Care Act

Do you support the GOP wasting 50 million of your dollars by not getting their way?

  • Yes, the GOP should keep pressing for repeal no matter how many taxpayer dollars it costs.

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • No, the GOP needs to grow up and stop acting like 3 year olds.

    Votes: 12 36.4%

  • Total voters
50 million that's peanuts its really worth at least another 50 million in the next year to repeal it. I think a lot of people couldn't put a figure on how retarded it is to give up your personal liberty. Maybe worth a lot more to the majority against it

I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

I should have the personal freedom to not buy health insurance without the law punishing me for not doing so. If I choose to treat my cold with two aspirins and lots of liquids instead of going to the Doctor and be told, take two aspirin, drink lots of liquids and call me in the morning, give me $225, I will choose the former.
50 million that's peanuts its really worth at least another 50 million in the next year to repeal it. I think a lot of people couldn't put a figure on how retarded it is to give up your personal liberty. Maybe worth a lot more to the majority against it

I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

I should have the personal freedom to not buy health insurance without the law punishing me for not doing so. If I choose to treat my cold with two aspirins and lots of liquids instead of going to the Doctor and be told, take two aspirin, drink lots of liquids and call me in the morning, give me $225, I will choose the former.

That's what the ACA is all about. There are far too many right wing freeloaders that think they are some kind of tough guys by not buying insurance, then racking up huge bills and stiffing the people that actually have insurance with it.

That's not right for you to pay for someother deadbeat's bills, is it?
Time on the House Floor? Freaking time on the House floor? Is that what CBS bases their estimates of the cost of the Constitutional mandate of the separation of powers? Maybe you can blame the last half century of union based education system for their ignorance. It's a given that the pop-culture educated left wing fools would post the crap as if it was real.
50 million that's peanuts its really worth at least another 50 million in the next year to repeal it. I think a lot of people couldn't put a figure on how retarded it is to give up your personal liberty. Maybe worth a lot more to the majority against it

I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

I'm sure you've gotten the answer many times, you just refuse to accept it. How about this one:

You are no longer free to not have health insurance.

You mean you are no longer free to dump your health care expenses onto someone else?

"Personal responsibility" at it's finest.
A small price to pay to preserve our constitutional rights, repeal the tax, yep still a tax regardless of what bull shit the Big 0 claims, and a pittance compared to what he and your fuck heads have cost this country over the past 39 months.
Thanks for the depression, chumps.

Anything for the greedy rich/health care scammers...
I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

I'm sure you've gotten the answer many times, you just refuse to accept it. How about this one:

You are no longer free to not have health insurance.

You mean you are no longer free to dump your health care expenses onto someone else?

"Personal responsibility" at it's finest.

Got that right. The GOP trash are constantly attacking the poor, elderly, and other "freeloaders" but once they are forced to grow up and stop leeching off of others, they throw a pissy fit.
Bunch of hypocrites the GOP trash are,..
A small price to pay to preserve our constitutional rights, repeal the tax, yep still a tax regardless of what bull shit the Big 0 claims, and a pittance compared to what he and your fuck heads have cost this country over the past 39 months.

The bill was found to be constitutional. Though it's pretty telling that you GOP garbage are supposedly for controlled spending and balancing the budget, but when it's you throwing a tantrum when you don't get your way and pissing away taxpayer funds, well that's just A-OK.
I'm sure you've gotten the answer many times, you just refuse to accept it. How about this one:

You are no longer free to not have health insurance.

You mean you are no longer free to dump your health care expenses onto someone else?

"Personal responsibility" at it's finest.

Got that right. The GOP trash are constantly attacking the poor, elderly, and other "freeloaders" but once they are forced to grow up and stop leeching off of others, they throw a pissy fit.
Bunch of hypocrites the GOP trash are,..

When did we "attack" the elderly ?
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I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

I'm sure you've gotten the answer many times, you just refuse to accept it. How about this one:

You are no longer free to not have health insurance.

You mean you are no longer free to dump your health care expenses onto someone else?

"Personal responsibility" at it's finest.

hey there, you ever think the MAJORITY of people might PAY FOR THEIR OWN health care expenses?
I know that might be a foreign concept for some of you
A small price to pay to preserve our constitutional rights, repeal the tax, yep still a tax regardless of what bull shit the Big 0 claims, and a pittance compared to what he and your fuck heads have cost this country over the past 39 months.

The bill was found to be constitutional. Though it's pretty telling that you GOP garbage are supposedly for controlled spending and balancing the budget, but when it's you throwing a tantrum when you don't get your way and pissing away taxpayer funds, well that's just A-OK.

Only one thing wrong with your contention, Black...the GOP is simply doing what the MAJORITY of people in the US wanted done. It's the public that isn't happy with ObamaCare and they haven't been happy with it since Harry and Nancy cobbled the mess together. It's a badly written piece of legislation that doesn't lower the cost of health care and increases the deficit by leaps and bounds.

Pissing away taxpayer funds? You're REALLY complaining about that...but defending Obama?
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"

Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

When did liberal turds suddenly become concerned about wasting money? when the Republicans flush a $trillion down the toilet like Obama did with his so-called "stimulus" turkey, then maybe someone will have a reason to be concerned.
I have asked this question to a hundred conservatives and have never received an answer:

How does having health care detract from your personal freedom?

To be sure there have been many polls that say a majority of the public is against this bill however in almost every case when the follow up question as to just what it is about this bill that warrants their disapproval, the overwhelming answer is, IT DOESN'T GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!

I should have the personal freedom to not buy health insurance without the law punishing me for not doing so. If I choose to treat my cold with two aspirins and lots of liquids instead of going to the Doctor and be told, take two aspirin, drink lots of liquids and call me in the morning, give me $225, I will choose the former.

That's what the ACA is all about. There are far too many right wing freeloaders that think they are some kind of tough guys by not buying insurance, then racking up huge bills and stiffing the people that actually have insurance with it.

That's not right for you to pay for some other deadbeat's bills, is it?

Absurdity is your strong suit isn't it! Have you fact checked to see if it is right wing freeloaders that don't buy insurance?

The question was about personal freedom. If I don't buy insurance and I have to go to the Dr. I will pay the Dr. from the money I saved by not buying health insurance.

If I incur a debt and don't pay it, I will probably be sued in small claims court. That is the way it works, even for the ones you call deadbeats.
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

I didn't hear you pissing and moaning when the Democrat controlled House spent 18 months spending 100's of millions of taxpayer dollars writing and voting on this job killing bill.

They were trying to overcome GOP filibusters and in the end simply could not do it. They had the majority and were prevented from using by the spiteful GOP.

There is no filibuster in the House and the problem in the Senate was getting enough
Democrats to vote for it.
Faux Democrat outrage. Pretty funny stuff. Like they care about Government Spending. Who do they think they're fooling?
Faux Democrat outrage. Pretty funny stuff. Like they care about Government Spending. Who do they think they're fooling?

exactly, but they don't blink at the COST, the expansion of Government with this, the new taxes, the fines by the Federal Government on American citizens and now call people moochers and Freeloaders

the outrage is as phony as they are
I didn't hear you pissing and moaning when the Democrat controlled House spent 18 months spending 100's of millions of taxpayer dollars writing and voting on this job killing bill.

They were trying to overcome GOP filibusters and in the end simply could not do it. They had the majority and were prevented from using by the spiteful GOP.

Lay off the sauce.

You do realize that not even the Democrats voted for Obama's budget, right? Not a single one of them.

What filibuster are you looking at through the alcohol soaked haze filming your eyes?

The average mentality of the rank and file GOP is appalling! Start with this.

GOP Set to Triple Filibuster Record - The Daily Beast

Then for a more comprehensive reading google "GOP filibusters"

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