Republicans Waste 50 Million Taxpayer Dollars Trying To Repeal The Afforible Care Act

Do you support the GOP wasting 50 million of your dollars by not getting their way?

  • Yes, the GOP should keep pressing for repeal no matter how many taxpayer dollars it costs.

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • No, the GOP needs to grow up and stop acting like 3 year olds.

    Votes: 12 36.4%

  • Total voters
You don't even want to go there since it was OBAMA that cut a deal with the insurance companies in order to get them to back his ObamaTax bill. We know who is colluding with big insurance.

Quoted For TRuth. Obamacare GUARANTEES that people will either have to buy insurance from private insurance companies or pay increased taxes to the government

Can you explain how increasing the price of services makes it affordable, like the name of the act?

Unfortunately I can not as, since Obamacare passed, my insurance went from $350/month to $445/month and rising..........
Quoted For TRuth. Obamacare GUARANTEES that people will either have to buy insurance from private insurance companies or pay increased taxes to the government

Can you explain how increasing the price of services makes it affordable, like the name of the act?

Unfortunately I can not as, since Obamacare passed, my insurance went from $350/month to $445/month and rising..........

since passage the cost of an office visit has risen twice.

Now it is an affordable 225 dollars for one.
That money sure could have feed alot of hungry kids

So could their parents who are actually responsible for it.

Just imagine how many hungry kids could be fed by the interest on the borrowing for obama's debt spending alone, that far surpasses 50 million.

C'mon obama supporters, think before you speak and stop throwing stones from that glass house already.
That money sure could have feed alot of hungry kids

So could their parents who are actually responsible for it.

Just imagine how many hungry kids could be fed by the interest on the borrowing for obama's debt spending alone, that far surpasses 50 million.

C'mon obama supporters, think before you speak and stop throwing stones from that glass house already.

expected to exceed a half trillion this year.....................

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

Somehow I think Most Americans think it is money well spent. 50 Million is a drop in the Bucket compared to how much this bill is and will cost the US economy and Tax payer.
So if they voted on something ELSE we would have saved the money? This is one of the dumber posts I've seen in awhile.

They did Vote on something else lol. They have passed many Bills during the same Time, Reed over in the Senate wont even debate them.

If anyone is wasting the money, it's Reed.
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

I didn't hear you pissing and moaning when the Democrat controlled House spent 18 months spending 100's of millions of taxpayer dollars writing and voting on this job killing bill.

They were trying to overcome GOP filibusters and in the end simply could not do it. They had the majority and were prevented from using by the spiteful GOP.

Lay off the sauce.

You do realize that not even the Democrats voted for Obama's budget, right? Not a single one of them.

What filibuster are you looking at through the alcohol soaked haze filming your eyes?
So if they voted on something ELSE we would have saved the money? This is one of the dumber posts I've seen in awhile.

Yeah how about they vote on something they haven't considered yet?

The idea that the same Congress would pass a law and then attempt to repeal it 33 times is just retarded. It kinda looks dumb, actually. They should wait until the next Congress.

Ah, it's not the "same Congress", OohPoo. Let me guess, you got stoned and slept through the 2010 Mid-terms?

The present Congress is trying very hard to undo what the previous Congress did. That's something that happens with representative government. We the public don't like the agenda of those in power so we vote in new representatives to change that agenda.
The idea that the same Congress would pass a law and then attempt to repeal it 33 times is just retarded. It kinda looks dumb, actually. They should wait until the next Congress.

The Same Congress? Did you miss 2010 Entirely? Elections have Consequences.
This is just downright ridiculous that the GOP are throwing such a temper tantrum by not getting their way with the ACA, that they would rather waste 10's of millions of taxpayer dollars acting like spoiled brats, rather than actually keeping their campaign promises of "Job creation is #1!"


Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

Somehow I think Most Americans think it is money well spent. 50 Million is a drop in the Bucket compared to how much this bill is and will cost the US economy and Tax payer.

I don't know what american, besides maybe the right wing fools that think spending 50 million on throwing a temper tantrum is money well spent.
Wow 50 million vs state run medicine.....that's an easy decision
So why do you back all the crony money like to Solyndra? Way more then 50 million
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A worthy investment for the 2.4 trillion dollar boondogle! You dems are f'ING idiots to think that cost is going to be free or affordable.
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A worthy investment for the 2.4 trillion dollar boondogle! You dems are f'ING idiots to think that cost is going to be free or affordable.

Keep on believing and parroting the fox propaganda like a good sheep, they want you to. :up:
A worthy investment for the 2.4 trillion dollar boondogle! You dems are f'ING idiots to think that cost is going to be free or affordable.

it is not affordable now, so those that want it should have it. Business aren't going to look out for your benefit.

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