Republicans, what do you think of Trump's statement on health care?

When you accuse the President of saying he wants our health care to fail you have to explain what you mean if you want to be taken seriously. I guess most of these left wing posts aren't serious anyway.
I guess I admire the attempts I'm seeing to put a positive face on this for the GOP and to blame the Democrats - that's politics, sadly - but this is just partisan spin.

The party has ALL THE POWER and it can't lead or follow through on its promises. No amount of spin can change that.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

That is not our Presidents role to write any bills.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.

What is AHCA?
Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top.
That may make for great bumper stickers and message board talking points ,but the FACT is a President can not write, pass, or force legislation into law on his own. He can only do what Barry did several times - bypass Congress and do whatever he wants, if he is willing to violate the Constitution the way Barry did.

He can submit legislation himself?! Did you actually think that one through before you typed it? I don't think so.
- The Democrats would attack him before reading it.
- The media would crucify him for it and condemn it, even if it was the best thing they had ever read.
- The GOP Establishment who already hate him and who intentionally led this process to ruin already would make sure it never passed. (McConnell would not even let the House Bill be discussed on the floor / would not even entertain the idea of looking at it.) The Congress would hate Trump, 'thinking he could do a better job than we can'...)

A Trump-written health care plan would not make it a day in the media let alone in Congress.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

That is not our Presidents role to write any bills.
Trump prevented McConnell from bringing up a repeal and replace later bill. And it is his job to push legislation, and even the gop senators say he failed in that.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

That is not our Presidents role to write any bills.

The buck stops at the top ask any General.
Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top.
That may make for great bumper stickers and message board talking points ,but the FACT is a President can not write, pass, or force legislation into law on his own. He can only do what Barry did several times - bypass Congress and do whatever he wants, if he is willing to violate the Constitution the way Barry did.

He can submit legislation himself?! Did you actually think that one through before you typed it? I don't think so.
- The Democrats would attack him before reading it.
- The media would crucify him for it and condemn it, even if it was the best thing they had ever read.
- The GOP Establishment who already hate him and who intentionally led this process to ruin already would make sure it never passed. (McConnell would not even let the House Bill be discussed on the floor / would not even entertain the idea of looking at it.) The Congress would hate Trump, 'thinking he could do a better job than we can'...)

A Trump-written health care plan would not make it a day in the media let alone in Congress.

He has said it himself while campaigning.
The buck stops at the top ask any General.
Which is why snowflakes agreed that Hillary should be held responsible for her dismal State Department's failure in protecting the lives of Americans in Benghazi, right? Bwuhahahaha!
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

Get a refund on your high school education, 3 separate but equal branches of government duh!

I know you fucking idiot, he suggested nothing to them, not mine or anyone's kind of leader except for you alt right wingers. You apparently never ran a business.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

That is not our Presidents role to write any bills.
Trump prevented McConnell from bringing up a repeal and replace later bill. And it is his job to push legislation, and even the gop senators say he failed in that.
And the idiot gave me a funny. LOL
Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top.
That may make for great bumper stickers and message board talking points ,but the FACT is a President can not write, pass, or force legislation into law on his own. He can only do what Barry did several times - bypass Congress and do whatever he wants, if he is willing to violate the Constitution the way Barry did.

He can submit legislation himself?! Did you actually think that one through before you typed it? I don't think so.
- The Democrats would attack him before reading it.
- The media would crucify him for it and condemn it, even if it was the best thing they had ever read.
- The GOP Establishment who already hate him and who intentionally led this process to ruin already would make sure it never passed. (McConnell would not even let the House Bill be discussed on the floor / would not even entertain the idea of looking at it.) The Congress would hate Trump, 'thinking he could do a better job than we can'...)

A Trump-written health care plan would not make it a day in the media let alone in Congress.

So you apparently think a President has never gotten involved with what the legislature does?
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

I agree with Trump on OCare, it's failing miserably. The Democrats fucked up our healthcare and now demand that Republicans pull their ass out of the fire, and they want to control the "pulling". Do you really believe that they would help us us if we were the originators of an OCare-esque healthcare plan that was failing? If you do, you're delusional.

A point in fact is Democrats say that Republicans need to work with DEMOCRATS(!) to fix it, Meaning Republicans must find a way to give Democrats what they want.

I've got a better idea. Why don't Democrats work with REPUBLICANS(!) to come up with a workable solution to our healthcare issues?

Uh-huh, work with obstructionist that have publicly state that will block ANYTHING the opposition comes up with. Yeah, that'll work out well.
Uh, HELLOOOOO! Doing things in secret behind close doors. How does that invite the Democrats?

Short answer?

It doesn't.

Besides, the GOP controls the entire government. Just like they did under Bush. Democrats are unwelcome.

How in the hell did Democrats write the AHCA, or don't you remember? HINT: Behind closed doors! And don't give me any of that shit about "No! it went through committee!". Uh-huh, and Republicans fought it tooth and nail, and not a one voted for it.

Democrats own OCare lock, stock, and teapot. If Democrats want to fix it, THEY need to get off of their asses and work with REPUBLICANS to come up with measures acceptable for BOTH parties.

They name streets after the Democrats. ONE-WAY!!!
He has said it himself while campaigning.

I'm not even going to ask you again if you know the responsibilities and duties of the 3 branches of govt because you clearly DON'T!

I'm not even going to fuck around with a mf retard any longer. If you think the buck stops with congress you have your head so far up your head so far up your ass it's pathetic.

And whoever mentioned Hillary and Benghazi, no the buck stopped with Obama, he was in charge.
He has said it himself while campaigning.

I'm not even going to ask you again if you know the responsibilities and duties of the 3 branches of govt because you clearly DON'T!

I'm not even going to fuck around with a mf retard any longer. If you think the buck stops with congress you have your head so far up your head so far up your ass it's pathetic.

And whoever mentioned Hillary and Benghazi, no the buck stopped with Obama, he was in charge.

Or once I agree with the downer chick, especial since Barry went to bed right in the middle of the Benghazi bullshit.
So you apparently think a President has never gotten involved with what the legislature does?
'Gotten involved with'? Absolutely!
'Write'. 'Pass', 'Own'? Absolutely NOT!

Again, Obama's signature is on the ACA, thus it is OBAMAcare. Trying going onto a car dealership and driving away with a brand new car without having your signature on the sales paperwork, snowflake. It ain't yours until you sign for it.
I'm not even going to fuck around with a mf retard any longer. If you think the buck stops with congress you have your head so far up your head so far up your ass it's pathetic.

YOU ARE the RETARD, DD - you actually think the President of the United States - the Executive Branch - writes and passes Legislation. I suggest you get a copy of the Constitution and actually READ IT.

No legislation was written and passed. There was never any Trumpcare because Congress never wrote, agreed upon, and passed any legislation. Never happened. Congress did not do it's job.

I am sorry you hate Trump so much you want to blame him for everything. I am sorry you do not understand how our govt works. I am sorry you are so frustrated you have become irrationally 'triggered'.

Obamacare is OBAMAcare because HIS NAME IS ON THE LEGISLATION SIGNING IT INTO LAW. There is no such document, no such signature from Trump. This was congress' bill to write and pass. They have been working on this before Trump even ran for President.

Again, sweetheart, go down to your local car dealership, jump into a brand new car, and drive it off the lot without signing anything. Make sure you tell the cops who arrest your ass that the car is yours even though you had no part in building the car, delivering the car to the dealership, and you never signed any paperwork. Good luck with that, snowflake.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

Get a refund on your high school education, 3 separate but equal branches of government duh!

I know you fucking idiot, he suggested nothing to them, not mine or anyone's kind of leader except for you alt right wingers. You apparently never ran a business.

Calm yourself lib before you get a nose bleed. You hate Trump we get it, now try to put a rational argument together I doubt its possible but give it a go. You know president Trump does not have the power to dictate to congress, you pretend you don't know that so you can vent your rage at Trump.

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