Republicans, what do you think of Trump's statement on health care?

I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail.

1. So you are agreeing that the ACA will fail?

2. If you are riding on a train, not the conductor or the engineer, and you are about to hit another on-coming train, about the only thing you can do is say 'Oh shite' and brace for impact. As the ACA is 'law of the land' and the Executive Branch does not write / pass legislation, IMO Trump's comment, made out of frustration, was the equivalence of saying 'oh shite' and bracing for impact. I also believe that he is pissed with Establishment GOP and has mentally washed his hands of them, allowing them to meet their own fates in 2018.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to. The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
Well it does make one question why Trump wanted the job in the first place. Granted everyone who runs has a huge ego, but I don't think anyone else in either party or even the pot smoker doesn't sincerely want to make people's lives better. We can disagree on policy. and Trump ran on making everyone's HC better. LOL But for the 40% who support him, I don't think it matters at all.

I expect the senate will pass a bipartisan bill with 60 votes though. What happens in the House is ....?
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
Republicans don't care about the middle class or the poor. We know that for a fact.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.
I'm just pointing out something the President said. His own words.

If you're okay with that, great.

You said he wants the health care system to fail.
What he actually said was let Obama care fail.
Not the same thing.
Yeah, my guess is that we wouldn't see a total collapse, but man oh man, the optics of what he said.

But I don't think the GOP can get away with the notion that the Dems own this. They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.
Not a single republican voted for obamacare, so yes, the dems own it.

If you bought a car that the salesman told you was a real gem but turned out to be a lemon, even after I told you it's not a good car, it's not my fault you're stuck with a shitty car just because I could fix it. Same with obamacare. The dems wrote the law, they crammed it down the Americans throat even though the majority were against it, and whatever happens because of that is all on the dems.

But my opinion of the republicans isn't much better. The vast majority of these rat pricks were waltzing around in 2015 crowing about, "WE NEED A FULL REPEAL," and now that they have a chance to do just that, THEY DON'T. I hate a liar, and these sons a bitches are liars. I think big insurance money is in Washington right now, and buying politicians like apples off a cart, and have all but crippled the chance of doing anything decent for the American people. I hate these people with a passion, the lobbyists and any politician corrupt enough to line his pockets with their money to buy his/her vote. These people are disgusting beyond words.

So the Democrats own the now net favorable Obamacare,

and the Republicans own the 15% approved, now failed, Trumpcare, which presumably they'll try to run on resurrecting in 2018,

and you think that's GOOD for the GOP?


We don't care about what's good for either party.
The people are fed up with both.

Gee, that's quite a few decibels down from all the whoopin' and cheerin' and hollerin' that was being done by the Trumptards around here last November.

Trump is doing fine.
Why do you lump him with congresses actions?
Trump is doing fine.
Why do you lump him with congresses actions?
The Orange One is going down in flames as a FAILED President, leader and human being! He'll be gone before the end of 2018.

Your objectivity is grossly distorted owing to your innate biases and confused character. The Clown-in-Chief has lost any of his influence over Congress that he had on Jan 20th through his own laughable and impotent actions. It's his fault his failings lost the support of the Congress, fool!
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

I agree with Trump on OCare, it's failing miserably. The Democrats fucked up our healthcare and now demand that Republicans pull their ass out of the fire, and they want to control the "pulling". Do you really believe that they would help us us if we were the originators of an OCare-esque healthcare plan that was failing? If you do, you're delusional.

A point in fact is Democrats say that Republicans need to work with DEMOCRATS(!) to fix it, Meaning Republicans must find a way to give Democrats what they want.

I've got a better idea. Why don't Democrats work with REPUBLICANS(!) to come up with a workable solution to our healthcare issues?

Uh-huh, work with obstructionist that have publicly state that will block ANYTHING the opposition comes up with. Yeah, that'll work out well.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.

The AHCA is the GOP plan.

If it was they would have voted for it.

The House passed it, remember? And Trump threw a big party as if he'd actually accomplished something...
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
Republicans don't care about the middle class or the poor. We know that for a fact.

No, you don't. Imparting an emotional view onto another person is not a "fact"

The only fact around Rderp is that you are a fucking wanker.
What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.

It's already coming to the point that paying the fine makes more economic sense than paying the premiums and deductibles.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.
I'm just pointing out something the President said. His own words.

If you're okay with that, great.

You said he wants the health care system to fail.
What he actually said was let Obama care fail.
Not the same thing.

All that will fail, if anything, are the exchanges and in the very worst case scenario, 10 million Americans will lose their subsidized exchange coverage.

The expanded Medicaid, the <26 on parents' coverage, the pre-existing conditions coverage, etc., etc., etc., will all continue.
We don't care about what's good for either party. The people are fed up with both.
The problem you face, and it's playing out in real time, is that you need a party to be a conduit for your ideas. Like it or not, the system is in place, and you won't be able to change it enough in the short term.

You've chosen the GOP, and that's fine, but you can't leverage it and tell it to go to hell at the same time. The system, as it is, won't allow it.

Who said anything even close to that?
Huh? The party has been in-fighting for years. RINO. Drain the swamp. You just said you don't care what's good for it, and that you're fed up with it.

Come on.

What part of holding congress to the constitution are you not getting?
It doesn't matter which party if neither one keeps ignoring it.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.
They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.

Standard Democrat ploy. They fuck something up and then blame Republicans for it because we won't fix it.

The problem is that the low-brow knuckle-dragging Democrat base believes that crap.
Trumps words on leadership: When something happens you're responsible, when something doesn't happen you're responsible. Now he wants to blame the GOP congress. The buck stops at the top.
They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.

Standard Democrat ploy. They fuck something up and then blame Republicans for it because we won't fix it.

The problem is that the low-brow knuckle-dragging Democrat base believes that crap.

The Dems did it in order to not get the full tax reform that the R's wanted which is a typical playbook for them.
The economy won't do as well without both reforms.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

I agree with Trump on OCare, it's failing miserably. The Democrats fucked up our healthcare and now demand that Republicans pull their ass out of the fire, and they want to control the "pulling". Do you really believe that they would help us us if we were the originators of an OCare-esque healthcare plan that was failing? If you do, you're delusional.

A point in fact is Democrats say that Republicans need to work with DEMOCRATS(!) to fix it, Meaning Republicans must find a way to give Democrats what they want.

I've got a better idea. Why don't Democrats work with REPUBLICANS(!) to come up with a workable solution to our healthcare issues?

Uh-huh, work with obstructionist that have publicly state that will block ANYTHING the opposition comes up with. Yeah, that'll work out well.
Uh, HELLOOOOO! Doing things in secret behind close doors. How does that invite the Democrats?

Short answer?

It doesn't.

Besides, the GOP controls the entire government. Just like they did under Bush. Democrats are unwelcome.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.
They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.

Standard Democrat ploy. They fuck something up and then blame Republicans for it because we won't fix it.

The problem is that the low-brow knuckle-dragging Democrat base believes that crap.
the gop bill was a trillion dollar tax cut for the 1%. Nobody blamed the gop for refusing to fix it. They blamed them for not actually trying. But the adults in the Senate will achieve some bipartisan compromise now. The problem will come in the House. Bannon and Ryan literally hate each other. Trump's already tossed both the Freedom Caucus and the moderates under the bus. I'm not sure leadership in in position to get anything passed in the House.
A president who dares tell the swamp in congress the emperor has no clothes, that is precisely what needed to be said. President Trump is done playing pull my finger with McConnell.
I don't know if that pig of a law is going to fail, but the GOP had a chance to do something about it, and it chose not to.

Not true - they could not come to a consensus on what the bill should include - big difference.

The biggest problem I have with his comment is the "I'm not gonna own it", which is pure politics. Regardless of who is (most) to blame here, playing politics with people's health is unacceptable.
I agree it is playing politics...but it is also true. As the Executive branch does not write Legislation Trump is not responsible for the GOP Congress' failure. Obama owns the ACA because his signature is on the law. Trump's name is not on a piece of health care legislation because the GOP failed to pass one.

Trump is responsbile he is their leader, buck stops at the top. He may not vote on legislation but he certainly can submist a bill for them to consider.

Get a refund on your high school education, 3 separate but equal branches of government duh!

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