Republicans: What will you replace government assistance with?

I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
This time of year it’s common for progressives to view Republicans as a bunch of Scrooges. But when it comes to charity, this simply is not true. Republicans are more generous in their charity giving than either Democrats in the United States or Europeans at large.

As reports, “Red states – Republican-voting states – are more generous than blue states – Democratic-voting states.” Many conservatives are aware of this disparity and like to crow about it – as if they are the truly compassionate ones. The problem with this contention is that it assumes that all compassion is shown through charity. Many Democrats, who well may contribute less to charities than conservatives do, look at compassion as being more than charity. For most democrats, helping those in need is one of several fundamental roles of government. They contend that government should have primary responsibility for redistributing incomes (and isn’t that in essence is what charity is) should best be done by the federal government because it is the most efficient, effectively targeted, and fair way to help others.

Republicans donate to charity at a higher level than Democrats and the strength of that giving by the GOP propels the U.S. to much higher figures that European Nations. As Investor’s Business Daily reports:
Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans

So, it appears that Republicans give more to charities than Democrats. who believe it is the government that should shoulder the responsibilities to giving to the poor. So the D's are yelling "Give the poor everything, but not on my dime! How responsible.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
This time of year it’s common for progressives to view Republicans as a bunch of Scrooges. But when it comes to charity, this simply is not true. Republicans are more generous in their charity giving than either Democrats in the United States or Europeans at large.

As reports, “Red states – Republican-voting states – are more generous than blue states – Democratic-voting states.” Many conservatives are aware of this disparity and like to crow about it – as if they are the truly compassionate ones. The problem with this contention is that it assumes that all compassion is shown through charity. Many Democrats, who well may contribute less to charities than conservatives do, look at compassion as being more than charity. For most democrats, helping those in need is one of several fundamental roles of government. They contend that government should have primary responsibility for redistributing incomes (and isn’t that in essence is what charity is) should best be done by the federal government because it is the most efficient, effectively targeted, and fair way to help others.

Republicans donate to charity at a higher level than Democrats and the strength of that giving by the GOP propels the U.S. to much higher figures that European Nations. As Investor’s Business Daily reports:
Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans

So, it appears that Republicans give more to charities than Democrats. who believe it is the government that should shoulder the responsibilities to giving to the poor. So the D's are yelling "Give the poor everything, but not on my dime! How responsible.

Absolutely false, except you didn't read my thread on charities now did you. Instead you just quote that warmongering shill "IBD" and think you did your homework.

Catholic charities raise $4.5Billion USD in the US.
Evangelical churches raise $1.2Billion in the US.

Try again. Unless you're saying Catholicism is "republican" in its support? Or are Republicans so stupid they give money to a Church that supports the Democrat Party whole-heartedly?
the sky is falling.

Shouldnt you be asking Barry?
He's the cause of this clusterfuck.

How about we cut welfare to the bare bones and make it more difficult to be on gov assistance instead of handing them a credit card?

And then what? What happens to all the people earning minimum wage or there-abouts who suddenly lose government assistance?

Maybe they'll take their own survival into their own hands.
Maybe get a better job,or another one.

But again,Barry is the cause of all this shit whats he going to do about it?

What better jobs? You are the kind of person with their head so far up your ass that you think college educated young adults work at Starbucks because they are lazy.

Well I guess you'd best check with Barry then cause he says everything is just great!!
Before welfare there was something called apprenticeship.
Older, unskilled children with zero marketable skills would work for a company for several years at very low wages, many times for room and board alone.
The company benefited by getting production at a low cost and even more importantly grooming future full time employees.
The apprentice benefited greatly by learning marketable skills and on the job ethics.
or...we could keep giving them free shit for life...that has worked so well.
the sky is falling.

Shouldnt you be asking Barry?
He's the cause of this clusterfuck.

How about we cut welfare to the bare bones and make it more difficult to be on gov assistance instead of handing them a credit card?

And then what? What happens to all the people earning minimum wage or there-abouts who suddenly lose government assistance?

Do like I did. Work two part time jobs, go to night school and learn a trade.

If 90 million people did that YOUR TRADE would pay a minimum wage Walmart salary.

You are very naive about labor market elasticity.

So you think they're all going to take up the same trade?
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
This time of year it’s common for progressives to view Republicans as a bunch of Scrooges. But when it comes to charity, this simply is not true. Republicans are more generous in their charity giving than either Democrats in the United States or Europeans at large.

As reports, “Red states – Republican-voting states – are more generous than blue states – Democratic-voting states.” Many conservatives are aware of this disparity and like to crow about it – as if they are the truly compassionate ones. The problem with this contention is that it assumes that all compassion is shown through charity. Many Democrats, who well may contribute less to charities than conservatives do, look at compassion as being more than charity. For most democrats, helping those in need is one of several fundamental roles of government. They contend that government should have primary responsibility for redistributing incomes (and isn’t that in essence is what charity is) should best be done by the federal government because it is the most efficient, effectively targeted, and fair way to help others.

Republicans donate to charity at a higher level than Democrats and the strength of that giving by the GOP propels the U.S. to much higher figures that European Nations. As Investor’s Business Daily reports:
Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans

So, it appears that Republicans give more to charities than Democrats. who believe it is the government that should shoulder the responsibilities to giving to the poor. So the D's are yelling "Give the poor everything, but not on my dime! How responsible.

Absolutely false, except you didn't read my thread on charities now did you. Instead you just quote that warmongering shill "IBD" and think you did your homework.

Catholic charities raise $4.5Billion USD in the US.
Evangelical churches raise $1.2Billion in the US.

Try again. Unless you're saying Catholicism is "republican" in its support? Or are Republicans so stupid they give money to a Church that supports the Democrat Party whole-heartedly?
No. You are right. I did not read the OP. I didn't know you were qualifying giving to charities. When people give to charities, I really did not even think of them investigating the religious ties. Are Wounded Warriors, St. Judes and the ASPCA Democrat leanings? I must know now to alter my givings. How about the Church of Christ and Alzheimer Research?
the sky is falling.

Shouldnt you be asking Barry?
He's the cause of this clusterfuck.

How about we cut welfare to the bare bones and make it more difficult to be on gov assistance instead of handing them a credit card?

And then what? What happens to all the people earning minimum wage or there-abouts who suddenly lose government assistance?

Do like I did. Work two part time jobs, go to night school and learn a trade.

If 90 million people did that YOUR TRADE would pay a minimum wage Walmart salary.

You are very naive about labor market elasticity.

So you think they're all going to take up the same trade?

We are talking about a potential of 90 million people needing to find work to replace supplemental government assistance, how many trades do you think there are?

What is the equilibrium?

What if plumbers can only absorb another 30,000 workers nation wide or their price-floor drops to zero?

What if steel-workers can only absorb another 100,000 workers nation wide or their price-floor drops to near zero?

The people running the government aren't as stupid as you think, they are the 1% and they fear a French Revolution and Guillotines more than you might imagine. They aren't ivory tower idiots. They fear mass-unemployment leading to Hitler's Germany all over again.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
This time of year it’s common for progressives to view Republicans as a bunch of Scrooges. But when it comes to charity, this simply is not true. Republicans are more generous in their charity giving than either Democrats in the United States or Europeans at large.

As reports, “Red states – Republican-voting states – are more generous than blue states – Democratic-voting states.” Many conservatives are aware of this disparity and like to crow about it – as if they are the truly compassionate ones. The problem with this contention is that it assumes that all compassion is shown through charity. Many Democrats, who well may contribute less to charities than conservatives do, look at compassion as being more than charity. For most democrats, helping those in need is one of several fundamental roles of government. They contend that government should have primary responsibility for redistributing incomes (and isn’t that in essence is what charity is) should best be done by the federal government because it is the most efficient, effectively targeted, and fair way to help others.

Republicans donate to charity at a higher level than Democrats and the strength of that giving by the GOP propels the U.S. to much higher figures that European Nations. As Investor’s Business Daily reports:
Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans

So, it appears that Republicans give more to charities than Democrats. who believe it is the government that should shoulder the responsibilities to giving to the poor. So the D's are yelling "Give the poor everything, but not on my dime! How responsible.

Absolutely false, except you didn't read my thread on charities now did you. Instead you just quote that warmongering shill "IBD" and think you did your homework.

Catholic charities raise $4.5Billion USD in the US.
Evangelical churches raise $1.2Billion in the US.

Try again. Unless you're saying Catholicism is "republican" in its support? Or are Republicans so stupid they give money to a Church that supports the Democrat Party whole-heartedly?
No. You are right. I did not read the OP. I didn't know you were qualifying giving to charities. When people give to charities, I really did not even think of them investigating the religious ties. Are Wounded Warriors, St. Judes and the ASPCA Democrat leanings? I must know now to alter my givings. How about the Church of Christ and Alzheimer Research?

Wrong, in fact, the way you are wrong is what's amusing. Your sources are based on "polls", my sources are based on actual nominal statistics. Guess what, the Catholic Church is overwhelmingly democrat, and therefore its $4.5 billion it receives is overwhelmingly from Democrat sources.

But it's ok, we'll go with your Pew-Poll pretend numbers that suggest somehow $1.2 Billion Evangelical charity is GREATER than $4.5 billion Catholic Charity raising.
Before welfare there was something called apprenticeship.
Older, unskilled children with zero marketable skills would work for a company for several years at very low wages, many times for room and board alone.
The company benefited by getting production at a low cost and even more importantly grooming future full time employees.
The apprentice benefited greatly by learning marketable skills and on the job ethics.
or...we could keep giving them free shit for life...that has worked so well.

Doesn't matter, if you start giving 90 million people apprenticeships and then jobs, the labor MARKET cannot absorb them and you destroy the value of wages.
the sky is falling.

Shouldnt you be asking Barry?
He's the cause of this clusterfuck.

How about we cut welfare to the bare bones and make it more difficult to be on gov assistance instead of handing them a credit card?

And then what? What happens to all the people earning minimum wage or there-abouts who suddenly lose government assistance?

Do like I did. Work two part time jobs, go to night school and learn a trade.

If 90 million people did that YOUR TRADE would pay a minimum wage Walmart salary.

You are very naive about labor market elasticity.

You don't even know what my trade is dipshit. May I ask if 90 million people are looking for work, how can the UE rate be 5%? Any ideas
the sky is falling.

Shouldnt you be asking Barry?
He's the cause of this clusterfuck.

How about we cut welfare to the bare bones and make it more difficult to be on gov assistance instead of handing them a credit card?

And then what? What happens to all the people earning minimum wage or there-abouts who suddenly lose government assistance?

They. Don't. Care.

The sooner you grasp that, the better.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?

I would suggest improving the economy so that more people can work. I would deport ALL of the illegals who create a two tier wage system which allows the corporations to keep wages artificially low. I would eliminate as much Federal and State government as possible to remove that enormous drain on the economy. I would reduce the size of the military. I would adopt a more isolationist viewpoint and let the multi national corporations fight their own damned wars. There are many more programs I would implement but that's a start.

Naivety, you have No idea what the future is about to do.

We are staring at MASS UNEMPLOYMENT at 90% or higher in the next 20 years.

We are not looking at "creating more jobs".

No shit sherlock. You can thank a government that WANTS to have the mass of people dependent on it for their very existence. GOVERNMENT IS the problem. The government needs to shrink and it needs to leave people the hell alone.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.
Shouldnt you be asking Barry?
He's the cause of this clusterfuck.

How about we cut welfare to the bare bones and make it more difficult to be on gov assistance instead of handing them a credit card?

And then what? What happens to all the people earning minimum wage or there-abouts who suddenly lose government assistance?

Do like I did. Work two part time jobs, go to night school and learn a trade.

If 90 million people did that YOUR TRADE would pay a minimum wage Walmart salary.

You are very naive about labor market elasticity.

So you think they're all going to take up the same trade?

We are talking about a potential of 90 million people needing to find work to replace supplemental government assistance, how many trades do you think there are?

What is the equilibrium?

What if plumbers can only absorb another 30,000 workers nation wide or their price-floor drops to zero?

What if steel-workers can only absorb another 100,000 workers nation wide or their price-floor drops to near zero?

The people running the government aren't as stupid as you think, they are the 1% and they fear a French Revolution and Guillotines more than you might imagine. They aren't ivory tower idiots. They fear mass-unemployment leading to Hitler's Germany all over again.

Again since you refuse to address it.
Barry says things are just fine,so which is it,the job market sucks and the 5% is a lie or things are just dandy?
And if things suck so bad why add millions of welfare recipients in the form of wetbacks and potential terrorist?

Personally I have a hard time giving a rats ass about poor Barry voters who put themselves in a bad position by being lazy entitled shitheads.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

90% under Eisenhower. Most prosperous era the U.S. has ever known.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

But who will they tax when they bleed those dry? There lies the problem with leftist "economics"
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
This time of year it’s common for progressives to view Republicans as a bunch of Scrooges. But when it comes to charity, this simply is not true. Republicans are more generous in their charity giving than either Democrats in the United States or Europeans at large.

As reports, “Red states – Republican-voting states – are more generous than blue states – Democratic-voting states.” Many conservatives are aware of this disparity and like to crow about it – as if they are the truly compassionate ones. The problem with this contention is that it assumes that all compassion is shown through charity. Many Democrats, who well may contribute less to charities than conservatives do, look at compassion as being more than charity. For most democrats, helping those in need is one of several fundamental roles of government. They contend that government should have primary responsibility for redistributing incomes (and isn’t that in essence is what charity is) should best be done by the federal government because it is the most efficient, effectively targeted, and fair way to help others.

Republicans donate to charity at a higher level than Democrats and the strength of that giving by the GOP propels the U.S. to much higher figures that European Nations. As Investor’s Business Daily reports:
Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans

So, it appears that Republicans give more to charities than Democrats. who believe it is the government that should shoulder the responsibilities to giving to the poor. So the D's are yelling "Give the poor everything, but not on my dime! How responsible.

Absolutely false, except you didn't read my thread on charities now did you. Instead you just quote that warmongering shill "IBD" and think you did your homework.

Catholic charities raise $4.5Billion USD in the US.
Evangelical churches raise $1.2Billion in the US.

Try again. Unless you're saying Catholicism is "republican" in its support? Or are Republicans so stupid they give money to a Church that supports the Democrat Party whole-heartedly?
Please post your link to indicate the all or the majority of giving Catholics are Democrat.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

90% under Eisenhower. Most prosperous era the U.S. has ever known.

And tax breaks out the ass. NO ONE ever paid 90%. The actual rate they paid was less than 40%. JFK came in and lowered the overall tax rates and government tax revenue's skyrocketed! Read some history.
What will Republicans use to replace government assistance for the poor? If history is any indicator: snide comments and school yard bully tactics.

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