Republicans: What will you replace government assistance with?

I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

But who will they tax when they bleed those dry? There lies the problem with leftist "economics"
Tax the churches! Tax the tourists! Tax anything that moves!Tax the taxes!
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

But who will they tax when they bleed those dry? There lies the problem with leftist "economics"
Tax the churches! Tax the tourists! Tax anything that moves!Tax the taxes!

Sadly you were funny but also typed the truth favorite. GOVT revenue basically flat at 20% *GDP. Why? is it all the deductions, money moves, GDP drops, all of the above, people stop when reach upper threshold?
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?

I would suggest improving the economy so that more people can work. I would deport ALL of the illegals who create a two tier wage system which allows the corporations to keep wages artificially low. I would eliminate as much Federal and State government as possible to remove that enormous drain on the economy. I would reduce the size of the military. I would adopt a more isolationist viewpoint and let the multi national corporations fight their own damned wars. There are many more programs I would implement but that's a start.

Naivety, you have No idea what the future is about to do.

We are staring at MASS UNEMPLOYMENT at 90% or higher in the next 20 years.

We are not looking at "creating more jobs".

We could start by repealing this:

Immigration and Nationality Act - Wages under Foreign Certification[edit]
As per the rules under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. organizations are permitted to employ foreign workers either temporarily or permanently to fulfill certain types of job requirement. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) under the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is the body that usually provides certification to employers forcing them to hire foreign workers in order to bridge qualified and skilled labor gap in certain business areas. Workers willing to perform in a job in return of wages that either meet or exceed the present wage paid by the employers for the same occupation in the intended area of employment. However, some unique rules are applied to each category of visas. They are as follow:

  • H-1B and H-1B1 Specialty (Professional) Workers should have a pay, as per the prevailing wage - an average wage that is paid to a person employed in the same occupation in the area of employment; or that the employer pays its workers the actual wage having similar skills and qualifications.
  • H-2A Agricultural Workers should have the highest pay in accordance to the (a) Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR), (b) the present rate for a particular crop or area, or (c) the state or federal minimum wage. The law also stipulates requirements like employer-sponsored meals and transportation of the employees as well as restrictions on deducting from the workers’ wages.
  • H-2B Non-agricultural Workers should receive a pay that is in accordance to the prevailing wage (mean wage paid to a worker employed in a similar occupation in the concerned area of employment).
  • D-1 Crewmembers (longshore work) should be paid the current wage (mean wage paid to a person employed in a similar occupation in the respective area of employment).
  • Permanent Employment of Aliens should be employed after the employer has agreed to provide and pay as per the prevailing wage trends and that it should be decided on the basis of one of the many alternatives provisioned under the said Act. This rule has to be followed the moment the Alien has been granted with permanent residency or the Alien has been admitted in the United States so as to take the required position.[7]
What will Republicans use to replace government assistance for the poor? If history is any indicator: snide comments and school yard bully tactics.

You need to read about the fall of the Roman Empire because we are following it closely. The corrupt Senate gave the peasants bread and circuses to keep them quiet while they raped the Empire, then when they ran out of other peoples money they suffered a revolution and lo and behold a totalitarian dictator took over! Who knew!

So...who do you want the first US Fuhrer to be?
What will Republicans use to replace government assistance for the poor? If history is any indicator: snide comments and school yard bully tactics.

clean dem' rooms, pick dos' bean, sweep da' floor, den' come bak fo mo! Illegals go home. yeehaw!
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

But who will they tax when they bleed those dry? There lies the problem with leftist "economics"
Tax the churches! Tax the tourists! Tax anything that moves!Tax the taxes!

Hey I have an idea, we can cook up some phony baloney thing about weather and call it "climate change" then we can tax that too!!!!!!!!!!
Before welfare there was something called apprenticeship.
Older, unskilled children with zero marketable skills would work for a company for several years at very low wages, many times for room and board alone.
The company benefited by getting production at a low cost and even more importantly grooming future full time employees.
The apprentice benefited greatly by learning marketable skills and on the job ethics.
or...we could keep giving them free shit for life...that has worked so well.

Doesn't matter, if you start giving 90 million people apprenticeships and then jobs, the labor MARKET cannot absorb them and you destroy the value of wages.

I didn't say that was the only solution.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

But who will they tax when they bleed those dry? There lies the problem with leftist "economics"
Tax the churches! Tax the tourists! Tax anything that moves!Tax the taxes!

Hey I have an idea, we can cook up some phony baloney thing about weather and call it "climate change" then we can tax that too!!!!!!!!!!
Never thought of that. Someone should notify Al Gore.
I have a ragingly controversial thread about the Republican-Evangelicals who have NOTHING to replace the Welfare of the Government with once Republicans destroy the US Credit by refusing to raise taxes and revenues to pay for obligations, or by simply voting to cut welfare and assistance programs.

But in this thread, I'll let the Republicans speak for themselves.

What will YOU replace welfare, food stamps, federal education subsidies (scholarships), and health care subsidies with?

Only 155 million Americans have jobs so what is YOUR plan to support the other 90 million who are of working age?

Force their families alone to take care of them making more families poor?

Give to charity? We have already seen Republican-Evangelicals give only $1.2 Billion to charity a year.

So please...tell us your plan to create 90 million jobs that pay ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE?
:desk: Simple solution: Tax the rich! 99% tax rate is jes' fine.

But who will they tax when they bleed those dry? There lies the problem with leftist "economics"
Tax the churches! Tax the tourists! Tax anything that moves!Tax the taxes!

Hey I have an idea, we can cook up some phony baloney thing about weather and call it "climate change" then we can tax that too!!!!!!!!!!
Never thought of that. Someone should notify Al Gore.

Wait!!!! I have another one, let's get healthcare involved also, we can call it "healthcare or something...maybe Obamacare and tax people that way also. If they don't comply we'll penalize them!!!!!!! But don't worry, they can keep their doctor and it will cost less than the average cell phone bill.
WTF? Are we at the point in history when progressives think food stamps and welfare should be for ever and public assistance is all that democrats have to offer? What a pathetic bunch.
WTF? Are we at the point in history when progressives think food stamps and welfare should be for ever and public assistance is all that democrats have to offer? What a pathetic bunch.

I am not sure I have heard anyone say they were going to take "it" away?
"They" SCREAM TAX the RICH over and over, but with 100 years of history the revenue is proven not to increase past 20%*GDP?

The rich quit working at 90% threshold?
The GDP becomes damaged?
The Rich leave?
The Rich become lesser?
You almost gotta laugh at the idiotic low information left. They offer nothing but a freaking permanent handout and they pat themselves on the back.

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