Republicans Who Let Trump ‘Bully’ Party Will Seal Midterms Defeat, Senator Says

Because you moonbats are sooooo interested in republicans winning elections and holding political power. :uhoh3:

How 'bout you deal with your own insane clown car of cultural Marxists, that comprise your dumpster fire of a party?

You need to worry about the clown car of fascists, socialists and every other extremist you can think of.
Republicans are a party of radicals and they will pay for their radicalism at the polls.


The thing I wonder about is whether Democrats are prepared to fight. Republicans are bringing knives to the game. Democrats need to play hardball and expose Republicans for what they are. They need to call out Republicans for what they are trying to do. They are trying to take over this country and keep themselves in power just like any other dictatorship. Fascist right wingers will gain more power. Republicans are already threatening companies who comply with legal congressional subpoenas. If Republicans win the majorities in 2022, people will starve, be thrown out to the streets while corporations and the rich will get more powerful.
Your so-called majority of the people is a fabricated claim based on nothing more than the results of inaccurate polling. When push comes to shove only a few items matter in elections. Biden has failed to deliver on anything that Americans vote on.

Election integrity supercedes your claims of suppression. You expect a vaccine passport to work, which requires ID, yet claim voter ID is impossible. Nothing but hypocritical nonsense.

This is nothing but voter suppression and has nothing to do with election integrity. Banning in-person 24 hour voting has nothing to do with voter integrity but everything to do with voter suppression. The REPUBLICAN Lt Gov admits that this is voter suppression and has nothing to do with voter integrity.
1. No it doesn't matter, what matters are the election results in 2022 and 2024. Your smugness about "elite" democrat "smart people" when Xiden is always wrong, and creates on catastrophe after another makes me laugh. I'll take Trump's record of accomplishments over Xiden's record run of catastrophes any day.

2. LOL, democrats over-compensating for their low-IQs. Enjoy Xiden's term!
He's the best the democrats have, and he's a demented POS who can't even do real press conferences.

It is Republicans who rely on low education voters. Biden is not always wrong. Trump's so-called accomplishments are causing the problems. He was the one who got everything wrong as he tries to turn this country into a dictatorship.

The border is closed. But you keep screaming that Dems open the borders....cause the MAFA world is not too smart.

The border is closed? Maybe some borders but not the Mexican border. It’s wide open. You can thank the old fooL, Joe Biden, for that.
The Republicans can win if they put up a decent, intelligent candidate and back away from Trump and the extreme religious right.
Trump is extreme religious right?

You're more of a dingbat than I thought.
You need to factor in the entrenched "deep state", what we call "the swamp". These people are the Federal government's senior brain-trusts. A few examples:
1. Fau-Chi hiring the Chinese Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinjese general to develop gain-of-function research of bat viruses to make them more deadly to humans.
2. The state department egg-heads (Dr. Fiona Hill) told Obama not to give Ukraine real weapons to fend off the Russian invasion. Trump gave the Ukrainians Javelin anti-tank missiles. Major difference in policy.
3. The FBI was a cesspool of falsified evidence, perjury traps, bad FISA warrants, political bias, illegal spying on political opponents. So was the CIA, NSA, and many other government agencies. The Swamp still needs to be drained, before the democrats fuck up the military with "wokeness" and CRT.

Good idea looking at the official definition of populism. True, the opponents are the "elites" who think they are mentally superior, but as Reagan said, "but what the "elites" know just isn't so".

1. There is no evidence of gain-of-function research.
2. Trump also attempted to blackmail Ukraine into launching a fake investigation on a political rival.
3. There is no evidence of falsified evidence, perjury traps or political bias There was no spying on any political opponents.

Populism is another form of b ig government.,
The thing I wonder about is whether Democrats are prepared to fight. Republicans are bringing knives to the game. Democrats need to play hardball and expose Republicans for what they are. They need to call out Republicans for what they are trying to do. They are trying to take over this country and keep themselves in power just like any other dictatorship. Fascist right wingers will gain more power. Republicans are already threatening companies who comply with legal congressional subpoenas. If Republicans win the majorities in 2022, people will starve, be thrown out to the streets while corporations and the rich will get more powerful.
Being that the Establishment Democrats, which is practically all of them, are just Republican Light, there's no way in hell they'd fight, they rather see their own mothers die before they put up a valid fight against Republicans.

We have to internally clean house first before we can expect any legitimate push back against the Republicans.
You’re going to be very unhappy after the Republican wave in the mid terms. Your bullshit about abortion and voting restrictions is rejected by sane people. The economy, the botched withdrawals from Afghanistan, floods of unvaccinated illegals spreading Covid all over the country. You have ZERO to run on.

Republicans can run on a terrorist attack on our capitol and attempting to cover it up. Women are very concerned about abortion rights in this country. Any sane person should be concerned about the attack on our voting rights. The economy is being hurt by Republicans who refuse to get vaccinated just because they don't want Biden to get the credit. The coronavirus is not being spread by illegals. It is being spread because of Republican refusals to impose mask mandates. They are also trying to ban other governmental bodies from protecting their citizens.
Being that the Establishment Democrats, which is practically all of them, are just Republican Light, there's no way in hell they'd fight, they rather see their own mothers die before they put up a valid fight against Republicans.

We have to internally clean house first before we can expect any legitimate push back against the Republicans.

Unfortunately 2022 is it for America. If Republicans take the majority this country will be finished and we will go down the road of Nazi Germany.
It is Republicans who rely on low education voters. Biden is not always wrong. Trump's so-called accomplishments are causing the problems. He was the one who got everything wrong as he tries to turn this country into a dictatorship.
1. We know who the Low-IQ voters are don't we?
2. Biden is always wrong, just ask SecDef gates. He was wrong to overrule the generals about the catastrophic withdrawal from AFG, he was wrong about the open southern border disaster, he is wrong on woke training for the military, he is wrong on the $3.5T human-infrastructure bill, he was wrong to stop the KeystoneXL pipeline while approving Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline, he is so stupid he can't even do real press conferences. The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT, the Canucks despise him, and now France pulled their ambassador. Xiden is a miserable excuse for a president.
3. Trump's accomplishments were all positives for the US, if you think otherwise, post them specifically with your rationale' for opposition.
1. There is no evidence of gain-of-function research.
2. Trump also attempted to blackmail Ukraine into launching a fake investigation on a political rival.
3. There is no evidence of falsified evidence, perjury traps or political bias There was no spying on any political opponents.

Populism is another form of big government.,
1. Fau-Chi is a murderer who killed millions by funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab.

2. It was not a "fake" investigation into Burisma, it was real, just follow the money, $86,000 a month to Hunter Biden.

3. Wrong on all three claims:

Thanks for playing. You are always wrong just like Putin's Whore Xiden.
1. Liar. There is no "Germany First" in Hitler's platform. He was more about racial purity, duh.

2. Liar, read the link in #1 and learn what Hitler ran on.

3. FASCISM: "A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism."
Fascism is more like the democrats than Republicans with their "centralized (one party) Federal government and opposition to states' rights", as well as a "controlled economy", "violent suppression of the opposition" (see meme below), no "nationalism", but very heavy on "racism" like CRT. Just so you know which party are fascists, not even mentioning "antifa".
View attachment 541935

That describes the Republican Party. They are trying to establish a dictatorship to keep themselves in power with a minority of voters. We now see a judicial dictatorship forming as they interfere in foreign policy decisions and immigration policy. We now have states attempting to ban local governments and school boards from protecting their citizens. Standing up and telling your reps that they are not welcome or to oppose policies is not criminal. You are attacking free speech. Trump incited a riot in the capitol. The Republican war on CRT shows that CRT has validity. Republicans are banning teachers from teaching the truth about the KKK. They were and still are evil except they have moved from being Democrats to being Republicans. Teachers are being prevented from even talking about slavery. Texas has removed all references to minorities and women from their history books. That is racism.
That describes the Republican Party. They are trying to establish a dictatorship to keep themselves in power with a minority of voters. We now see a judicial dictatorship forming as they interfere in foreign policy decisions and immigration policy. We now have states attempting to ban local governments and school boards from protecting their citizens. Standing up and telling your reps that they are not welcome or to oppose policies is not criminal. You are attacking free speech. Trump incited a riot in the capitol. The Republican war on CRT shows that CRT has validity. Republicans are banning teachers from teaching the truth about the KKK. They were and still are evil except they have moved from being Democrats to being Republicans. Teachers are being prevented from even talking about slavery. Texas has removed all references to minorities and women from their history books. That is racism.
blah, blah, blah, blah, lies, lies, lies, and more lies.
Put up links to credible sites to prove your assertions, otherwise you are just lying your ass off.

I don't see one fact in your post that needs to be refuted.
1. We know who the Low-IQ voters are don't we?
2. Biden is always wrong, just ask SecDef gates. He was wrong to overrule the generals about the catastrophic withdrawal from AFG, he was wrong about the open southern border disaster, he is wrong on woke training for the military, he is wrong on the $3.5T human-infrastructure bill, he was wrong to stop the KeystoneXL pipeline while approving Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline, he is so stupid he can't even do real press conferences. The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT, the Canucks despise him, and now France pulled their ambassador. Xiden is a miserable excuse for a president.
3. Trump's accomplishments were all positives for the US, if you think otherwise, post them specifically with your rationale' for opposition.
"Third Grade"...fits MAGA perfectly

"Third Grade"...fits MAGA perfectly
Lindsey may be right that Rudy couldn't prove election fraud shortly after the election.
However, we have several audits still to be heard from.
So the election fraud issue is not disproven yet, but probably will be. That is a good thing, honest elections.
Yet, historically it can be proven. One instance is in Philadelphia where Mitt Romney got zero votes in (59) precincts, where there were registered Republicans. So voter fraud does/did exist:
1. We know who the Low-IQ voters are don't we?
2. Biden is always wrong, just ask SecDef gates. He was wrong to overrule the generals about the catastrophic withdrawal from AFG, he was wrong about the open southern border disaster, he is wrong on woke training for the military, he is wrong on the $3.5T human-infrastructure bill, he was wrong to stop the KeystoneXL pipeline while approving Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline, he is so stupid he can't even do real press conferences. The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT, the Canucks despise him, and now France pulled their ambassador. Xiden is a miserable excuse for a president.
3. Trump's accomplishments were all positives for the US, if you think otherwise, post them specifically with your rationale' for opposition.

1. They are Trump supporters.
2. You have it all wrong. Check with SecDef Esper and Gen McMaster. They admitted Trump screwed up and ignored Pentagon advice against withdrawing US troops too fast. Trump was wrong about the border. There is nothing wrong with troops understanding what it is as minorities make up a large proportion of the military. Some elements of the human infrastructure are right. Some people need help with things like childcare and making the child tax credit increase permanent. Republicans are only interested in helping big corporations and the rich get big tax cuts. The Keystone XL decision is neither right nor wrong. Just because you don't like it does not make it wrong. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is nearly completely finished and Germany wants it. The French are sore losers.

Trump was a miserable excuse for a President. Biden is a improvement.

3. Trump had no accomplishments. The economy was a continuation of what started under Biden. Trump's coronavirus policies were a disaster for the economy. His tax policies helped only the rich. He appointed radical judges.
The thing I wonder about is whether Democrats are prepared to fight. Republicans are bringing knives to the game. Democrats need to play hardball and expose Republicans for what they are. They need to call out Republicans for what they are trying to do. They are trying to take over this country and keep themselves in power just like any other dictatorship. Fascist right wingers will gain more power. Republicans are already threatening companies who comply with legal congressional subpoenas. If Republicans win the majorities in 2022, people will starve, be thrown out to the streets while corporations and the rich will get more powerful.
I keep looking for it and it is not to be seen. You type like we spend a pittance on social programs. That is not true. People leave higher tax areas for relief. And many are Progs who do not live by their so called convictions. Yelling and screaming and getting in peoples faces about what is unjust. And then leaving the areas to get out of paying for what they promote.

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