Republicans Who Let Trump ‘Bully’ Party Will Seal Midterms Defeat, Senator Says

Someone please point out the parts of those voting laws that take aways voting rights? I don't mean a link from some left wing commentary media site, I mean from the actual bill, the actual document.

I keep hearing the left say the right is trying to restrict voting rights, but the governers say their bills increase ballot boxes, and expand voting hours etc..

I just want someone to show me In the actual bills the parts that take away voting rights.
It’s mostly complaints that certain people can’t vote at the exact minute they want to. As if they don’t normally have to wait in line anyway. Apparently two months isn’t enough time to ask for an absentee ballot either. So it really boils down to Democrats being really bad at time management.
Republicans can run on a terrorist attack on our capitol and attempting to cover it up. Women are very concerned about abortion rights in this country. Any sane person should be concerned about the attack on our voting rights. The economy is being hurt by Republicans who refuse to get vaccinated just because they don't want Biden to get the credit. The coronavirus is not being spread by illegals. It is being spread because of Republican refusals to impose mask mandates. They are also trying to ban other governmental bodies from protecting their citizens.
January 6 is disappearing from sight thanks to Xiden’s screwups. Women don’t all walk in lockstep with you on abortion. MAYBE just under half. The economy is being hit hard thanks to Xiden and his record inflation. Illegals certainly are spreading Covid. Mask mandates are useless. Any other bullshit you want to throw?

The GOP could nominate my cat and she’d be better for our country then xiden and the dembot cult

I'm willing to bet that even your cat is smart enough not to vote for Republicans.

Democrats aren't a cult. They're not the ones who are driving out members of their own party via primarying them. I really endorse this from the Republicans. They should drive out every non-Trump Republican during the primary process, thereby guaranteeing losing in the general.
Oh I agree. Anyone who hires illegals should face the law. Problem is they have been getting away with it and neither party wants to handle that problem.

Doesn't negate the fact that Bidung has made a mess of our border.

A border Trump had handled quite nicely.

We now have another million illegals in our country and they cost we tax payers billions each year. I don't know about you but I hate spending our tax money on people who aren't Americans and shouldn't be here at all. Bidung is now talking about bringing underage South Americans to America. More people we will have to pay for. Mans a raving lunatic. And you voted for him. Congrats.

Right. Trump handled it nicely by separating young children from their parents.

There was no border traffic in 2020.
I'm willing to bet that even your cat is smart enough not to vote for Republicans.

Democrats aren't a cult. They're not the ones who are driving out members of their own party via primarying them. I really endorse this from the Republicans. They should drive out every non-Trump Republican during the primary process, thereby guaranteeing losing in the general.
sorry cats are pretty bright

they aren’t cult followers..xiden and the demaklan cult don’t stand a chance with the freedom loving cat vote
He is right.

He left out three very important factors

The virus.

If the Republican Party continues to be cowards and refuses to fight the virus thus allowing more people to die, republicans will keep losing elections.

Reproductive Freedom

No one likes abortion. No one is pro abortion. The majority of the people in the United States are pro choice. A very large majority, even if they are against abortion, believes there should be exceptions for rape, incest, the health and life of the woman. If the republican party keeps writing and passing laws that take away the right to choose, especially in the case of rape and incest, republicans will keep losing elections.

Voting Rights

Republican Party keeps writing and passing laws to take away voting rights or heavily restrict voting rights. People will find ways to vote and to vote republicans out of office. Even with the older restrictive voting laws, republicans lost in places they believe they should always win. They saw that their existing laws to prevent people from voting weren't working so they wrote even more restrictive laws. ID to vote, of course but someone giving someone water has nothing to do with ID. Closing voting places at 5pm when people get off work has nothing to do with ID. Along with most of the new voting laws, they have nothing to do with ID or preventing vote fraud. Fraud that doesn't exist on a level to have any effect on any election. If republicans keep writing laws to prevent people from voting, republicans will keep losing elections.

If republicans want to win elections they need to change. The people of our nation don't want or like their economic or social policies. Republicans should realize that freedom is for everyone. Not just those who agree with their views.

I'm PRO ABORTION and have stated such many times including on this forum.

This said, what the hell is up with the other crap that you posted? The dems are pro virus---Cuomo Whitmer and other dem pols put infected people in nursing homes to purposely spread the virus but you blame the republicans? Are you nuts? Trump, on the other hand, tried to keep from infected foreigners being allowed into the country to slow the initial spread, and pushed through the covid vaccines rightly or wrongly past FDA at record unheard of speed...but you still spin shit. On top of this, the republicans lead by DeSantis are using the antibody therapy to threat covid patients lives saving thousands of lives--even with dipshit Biden trying to antibody treatments from Florida---with DeSantis promptly arranging to have the state not the feds get the treatment.

And oh gawd....the myth that people can't get ID's or that the republicans are closing voting at 5 pm...where do you get this shit? The water that you speak was simply the dems trying to harass people in line as they are getting ready to vote---the dems don't care about the water, they just want access which is illegal. Even when I went to vote last election, despite it being illegal, off hiding in the BUSHES in the parking lot was a stupid dem, who just couldn't stop herself from harassing people while voting. As people would park in the far corner of the parking lot---up from the bushes would come the dem offering "to help" them pick their candidates. Why can't you idiots leave people alone and follow the law. People can and do bring their own water if they want it.....

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