Republicans will not debate.

In a real debate, the participants get the questions in advance. They each state their positions and the opponents get a chance to rebut. Usually the original speaker gets a short opportunity to rebut the rebuttal...then move along to the next question.

There is nothing wrong with allowing them to prepare answers in advance; they will have to defend their points anyway.

But it might not make good theater if the participants know what's coming.
There were 4. One was from Fox, Never Trumper Chris Wallace. One had a former Biden sycophant as moderator.
You're demented, bedwetter. There were only 2 presidential debates. Half by someone from rightwing Fox News...

Screenshot_20220116-174703_Samsung Internet.jpg
^^^ Another pussy who wants Republican candidates to cower away with their tail tucked firmly betwixt their hind legs.


If your cowards can't handle a debate, the presidency is not the job for them.
I have the feeling there well be 4 debates as scheduled by the CPD. If you were a republican...wouldn't you want to debate Biden?
You're demented, bedwetter. There were only 2 presidential debates. Half by someone from rightwing Fox News...

There were 4 scheduled. Three with leftist moderators, one with Never Trumper Wallace. Wallace argued with Trump a number of times, never with Veggie Joe.

Oh, and the commission put in a mute button to cut Trump off for the last one.

Like the RNC said, it is always stacked against Republicans.
I have the feeling there well be 4 debates as scheduled by the CPD. If you were a republican...wouldn't you want to debate Biden?
in 2020 creepy Joe would NOT debate until AFTER the so called and I use this term loosely early voting had begun.
There were 4 scheduled. Three with leftist moderators, one with Never Trumper Wallace. Wallace argued with Trump a number of times, never with Veggie Joe.

Oh, and the commission put in a mute button to cut Trump off for the last one.

Like the RNC said, it is always stacked against Republicans.

You're a flaming retard. What did I say that you challenged, bedwetter...?

There were two presidential debates in 2020, half of them by someone from rightwing Fox News.

And how many presidential debates were there in 2020...?


So you lied when you said there were four.
The Republicans should pull out of CPD debates and propose a panel and fornat comprise equally of Left and Right wing Media outlets. Let’s put Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity on the same panel. The CPD debates have become so slanted for Democrats and no matter how bad a Democrat performs or how good a Republican performs, they liberal dominated media always declares the Democrat the winner. In the first debate in 2012, Mit Romney obliterated Obama. The press declared Obama the victor but said he had a lot of improvement to do before the next debate.

It’s a joke.
The bedwetting right is literally afraid to death of debating this guy...


in 2020 creepy Joe would NOT debate until AFTER the so called and I use this term loosely early voting had begun

The dates for the debates were set by the committee....Biden didn't have a say on scheduling. When the blob backed out of the 2nd debate after his disastrous first debate performance...they had a 3rd debate
The Republicans should pull out of CPD debates and propose a panel and fornat comprise equally of Left and Right wing Media outlets. Let’s put Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity on the same panel. The CPD debates have become so slanted for Democrats and no matter how bad a Democrat performs or how good a Republican performs, they liberal dominated media always declares the Democrat the winner. In the first debate in 2012, Mit Romney obliterated Obama. The press declared Obama the victor but said he had a lot of improvement to do before the next debate.

It’s a joke.

I would prefer Bret Baier of Fox news...he actually is fair...

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