Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

That’s a lie

There are many different genders and I could go on and on for days talking about them.

Unfortunately there are right wing extremists living in LaLa Land and trying to convince children that there are only 2.
I'm sure you could go on and on for days, but reality is still reality. The children belong to the parents. Mind your own business.
I'm sure you could go on and on for days, but reality is still reality. The children belong to the parents. Mind your own business.
Actually children belong to the teachers in the classroom. Even the president of the United States says that.
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday said his administration may challenge a Supreme Court ruling that states must provide free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants.”

Further proof that the racist, bigoted, hateful authoritarian right will use overturning Roe as ‘justification’ to challenge other settled, accepted case law.
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday said his administration may challenge a Supreme Court ruling that states must provide free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants.”

Further proof that the racist, bigoted, hateful authoritarian right will use overturning Roe as ‘justification’ to challenge other settled, accepted case law.

They're gonna overturn all your bad laws.........
“Republican senators are giving us a glimpse of the culture war clashes to come. There are already warning signs — including the Texas directive that prohibits parents from legally providing gender-affirming treatment and therapies to their children, as well as various state officials’ questioning whether the Constitution sanctions contraceptive use. Indeed, some Republican senators have gestured toward these future conflicts. In his questions to Jackson, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) repeatedly sought her views of Obergefell v. Hodges, the court’s 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, pressing her as to whether the decision was properly decided. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) took her turn at the microphone to criticize Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that legalized contraception use. It’s not a stretch to imagine this revisionism extending to Loving v. Virginia, the ruling that legalized interracial marriage. A Republican senator recently said he was open to overturning that ruling. He later walked back his comments.

All this underscores that abortion was never the conservatives’ endgame. It is merely a way station on the path to rolling back a wide range of rights — the rights that scaffold the most intimate aspects of our lives and protect the liberty and equality of marginalized groups.”

Republicans’ assault on citizens’ rights and protected liberties has just begun.
You're an hysterical leftist lunatic.
All this underscores that abortion was never the conservatives’ endgame.

Who said it was? Link?
Biden said it a few days ago...

Truth is GOP is not about freedom but about appeasing its base... They have a huge group of so called Christians (I am a Christian and these fuckers read a different Bible) who all about fucking your freedoms...

You think they will be happy at Abortion or Gender rights, then there will be the gays, then the Muslims, then the pot smokers, then contraception, Porn, Provocative dress, ....

These guys did read 'Love thy Neighbour as yourself..."

This will be fuck your freedoms, by the time even the most right wing figure out the democracy will be fucked..
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday said his administration may challenge a Supreme Court ruling that states must provide free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants.”

Further proof that the racist, bigoted, hateful authoritarian right will use overturning Roe as ‘justification’ to challenge other settled, accepted case law.
Lol Force the govt to pick up the tab for ignoring our laws
Biden said it a few days ago...

Truth is GOP is not about freedom but about appeasing its base... They have a huge group of so called Christians (I am a Christian and these fuckers read a different Bible) who all about fucking your freedoms...

You think they will be happy at Abortion or Gender rights, then there will be the gays, then the Muslims, then the pot smokers, then contraception, Porn, Provocative dress, ....

These guys did read 'Love thy Neighbour as yourself..."

This will be fuck your freedoms, by the time even the most right wing figure out the democracy will be fucked..
Demscracy is gone when your side picks and choses the laws you will obey.

Demacracy is gone when you harvest votes and steal elections

Democracy is gone when your side Doxxes people and calls for violence. Like right now on Scotus.

Demacracy is gone when politicians decide what business they will support
For payment

Your side has no moral leg to stand on
Abortion is its own entity.
Many conservatives are for freedom therefore they are for the legalization of pot. They don't care about gay marriage. You can't paint with a broad brush.
Oh, look -- yet another male leftist who believes women are utterly helpless and need men making their decisions for them.

Damn, dude -- it's the 21st Century. Get with the program. Women are people, not livestock.
Yet regulated as livestock by men. Looks like you can’t stomach the idea of regulating male reproductive practices in order to preserve life.

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