
Clearly the ones here cannot.

But there are signs that the party in general actually is learning. The question will be if this is the normal fleeting licking of their wounds or if they genuinely are taking a look at how bad this is going to be in 2 years if they do not figure something, ANYTHING, out.
You can't be both a populist party and a globalist party.

Pick one
I will watch Prog families die in front of me. You evil scumbags


This. ^^^

This. vvv

I will watch Prog families die in front of me. You evil scumbags.

Those of you on the left probably think of terrorism in terms of hijackings and nail bombs and Allah-u Akbar.

But right wing terror isn't like that.

I know, I've seen it. Up close and personal. I was in Guatemala while Rios was in charge. You either know what I'm talking about or you don't.

You lefties better hope and pray this stuff doesn't escape from 22's mind. And the thousands of other minds that must be having the same very logical thoughts at the same time.

Right wing terror is nasty stuff, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Don't go there. Please, I implore you, don't go there.

You know, broken treaties, even smallpox filled blankets, none of that comes close to what we're talking about. Right wing terror isn't random, it's highly focused. Very fucking personal. Ugly stuff.

But leftards - this is the path you're on.

No one cares about a few votes give or take, but when you call everyone who dares ask the question a lunatic and a conspiracy theorist, and then abuse the law to silence the questions.... well... that's a whole different universe. That shit is serious, it's a can of worms.

I could get graphic. I could post pictures. Or you could do a little research into Rios Montt's regime and what was happening in the countryside while he was in charge. It all depended on who they defined as a leftie, right? Someone would say, "go make an example of a leftie", and then they'd have to go find someone they thought was a leftie. And then you know, let's go ask a few campesinos who voted for the leftard candidate, and then show the rest of them what happens to leftards. This part of it is easy enough to understand, yes?

Righties don't blow up villages, they don't do that. Randomness and chaos offends right wing sensibilities.
You can't be both a populist party and a globalist party.

Pick one

Globalism is inevitable. It's also a good thing. It provides us the best of goods from all over the world and reduces the chance of war.

This. ^^^

This. vvv

Those of you on the left probably think of terrorism in terms of hijackings and nail bombs and Allah-u Akbar.

But right wing terror isn't like that.

I know, I've seen it. Up close and personal. I was in Guatemala while Rios was in charge. You either know what I'm talking about or you don't.

You lefties better hope and pray this stuff doesn't escape from 22's mind. And the thousands of other minds that must be having the same very logical thoughts at the same time.

Right wing terror is nasty stuff, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Don't go there. Please, I implore you, don't go there.

You know, broken treaties, even smallpox filled blankets, none of that comes close to what we're talking about. Right wing terror isn't random, it's highly focused. Very fucking personal. Ugly stuff.

But leftards - this is the path you're on.

No one cares about a few votes give or take, but when you call everyone who dares ask the question a lunatic and a conspiracy theorist, and then abuse the law to silence the questions.... well... that's a whole different universe. That shit is serious, it's a can of worms.

I could get graphic. I could post pictures. Or you could do a little research into Rios Montt's regime and what was happening in the countryside while he was in charge. It all depended on who they defined as a leftie, right? Someone would say, "go make an example of a leftie", and then they'd have to go find someone they thought was a leftie. And then you know, let's go ask a few campesinos who voted for the leftard candidate, and then show the rest of them what happens to leftards. This part of it is easy enough to understand, yes?

Righties don't blow up villages, they don't do that. Randomness and chaos offends right wing sensibilities.

I honestly hope that you fools try this ^^^^ It will just hasten your demise.
You're on ignore Joe, I can't hear a word you're saying

Cause you're a stupid leftard who thinks this is all fun and games.

Hey - this talk of violence, it's a simple statement of human nature. Not a threat. (Although, if you cant discern the actual threat by now you're kinda dumb).

Human dynamics says this: when someone feels powerless they lash out. When lots of people feel powerless, and they're talking to each other, the people in charge are in big fuckin trouble

That's where we are right now. Lots of people who feel powerless, talking to each other. And the people in charge, are trying to shut down the discussion.

It's a pretty obvious dynamic. And I'll tell you another thing: there's not enough money, not enough F-35's to stop it once it gets started. Can't be controlled.

The people we elect to be in charge of this country, are supposed to PROTECT us from censorship. It says so right in the Constitution. And instead they're engaging in it.

Can't be good.
Crazy nut needs to be stopped before he hurts someone.

You're on ignore Joe, I can't hear a word you're saying
Good, that means I can mock you with impunity.

Hey - this talk of violence, it's a simple statement of human nature. Not a threat. (Although, if you cant discern the actual threat by now you're kinda dumb).

Human dynamics says this: when someone feels powerless they lash out. When lots of people feel powerless, and they're talking to each other, the people in charge are in big fuckin trouble

Gee, funny, you didn't have that attitude during the BLM riots. Those are people who lashed out because they felt powerless.

The reality is, 1) You are in the vast minority, your crazy wing of the GOP, and 2) The minute one of you does something violent, watch how fast EVERYONE Turns on you. Just ask Tim McVeigh... You guys all talked a lot of smack when Clinton was elected, and then McVeigh blew up all those kiddies... Suddenly, your whole movement looked kind of stupid.

That's where we are right now. Lots of people who feel powerless, talking to each other. And the people in charge, are trying to shut down the discussion.

It's a pretty obvious dynamic. And I'll tell you another thing: there's not enough money, not enough F-35's to stop it once it gets started. Can't be controlled.

The people we elect to be in charge of this country, are supposed to PROTECT us from censorship. It says so right in the Constitution. And instead they're engaging in it.

You aren't being censored. Heck, the mods probably aren't even going to delete your posts where you call for murdering people...although they should.

The minute you guys start committing violence, the vast majority will insist that someone do something about you.
Incitement to riot.
Formenting an insurrection....

Uh, yeah, Trump would be indicted if he wasn't president.
Why did they not prove this during his 2nd impeachment? How about the fact that no such thing happened? Think that could be why you continue pissing into the wind?

The correct word is "fomenting", dumbass!
Since Democrats will retain control of the Senate, more likely that awful bills will never reach his desk.
Yeah, all you have to do is have that God-less Reverend win his runoff election in Georgia. Good luck with that!

Also, what happens when Manchin get's tired of being screwed by the Democrats and switches parties? He a Democrat in a very red state. If he want's to keep his job, he will have to switch!
They learned jack and shit. Nothing. Trump is still their king. It's a fucking embarrassment they call themselves Republicans. I was a registered Republican from day one when I turned 18 and could vote, though I did not always vote straight party since I can think for myself. I went unaffiliated when Bush went into Iraq, but still leaned right and still do. Trump was the worst mistake the GOP ever made.

And his supporters? For most of them he was nothing but a punchline prior to coming down that escalator, announcing his decision to run, then spewing his xenophobic bullshit and the rest of his claptrap. How he fooled so many people boggles the mind. And they continue to be clueless about how bad he really is... Fuck, he could not beat the cognitively impaired Biden! The worst candidate since Hillary!

The more he vomits his bullshit and the more they brainlessly parrot it, the farther away they drive Republicans like me. I'll won't go over to the dark side, either one of them... I'll continue to vote my conscience and sleep well at night.

:itsok: It'll be alright there buddy....I too was not a fan of Trump's endless snipping at his detractors, but in the end even with seemingly the entirety of the swamp against him, he was able to achieve a remarkably conservative agenda during his term...Now, should he run again? At this point I'd say no....But we live in interesting times...
Why did they not prove this during his 2nd impeachment? How about the fact that no such thing happened? Think that could be why you continue pissing into the wind?

They did prove it during the Second Impeachment. The Republicans just refused to stand up to him.

He just wrecked their electoral chances. They aren't standing up to him now.
Yeah, all you have to do is have that God-less Reverend win his runoff election in Georgia. Good luck with that!

Actually, pretty easy... Without Kemp and other Republicans to buoy him, Brain Damaged Herschel isn't going to look that good.

Also, what happens when Manchin get's tired of being screwed by the Democrats and switches parties? He a Democrat in a very red state. If he want's to keep his job, he will have to switch!

Who says? He's been elected as a Democrat many times. Here's the dirty little secret about WV. They love them some government money. So they will keep electing Manchin.

The bigger problem your side has is that Murkowski and Collins might realize they have Vaginas and don't want to be reduced to breeding machines.
They did prove it during the Second Impeachment. The Republicans just refused to stand up to him.

He just wrecked their electoral chances. They aren't standing up to him now.
Why wasn't he prosecuted when he left office in that case, dumbass? It is because nothing happened!
Actually, pretty easy... Without Kemp and other Republicans to buoy him, Brain Damaged Herschel isn't going to look that good.

Who says? He's been elected as a Democrat many times. Here's the dirty little secret about WV. They love them some government money. So they will keep electing Manchin.

The bigger problem your side has is that Murkowski and Collins might realize they have Vaginas and don't want to be reduced to breeding machines.
When Manchin's contributors from the coal industry cut off his campaign funds what will happen?

Murkowski? The Senator that is currently LOSING?
Why wasn't he prosecuted when he left office in that case, dumbass? It is because nothing happened!

Inevitably, they will indict him. That is if they don't get him on the classified document fiasco, first. Or the fraud in New York.

When Manchin's contributors from the coal industry cut off his campaign funds what will happen?

Murkowski? The Senator that is currently LOSING?
Coal is going away no matter what they do, guy. All over the world, people are shuttering their coal plants.


Yes, but she won't be when Ranked Ballots are counted in the second round, and all those Democrats who picked her as their second choice chime in. That will be another Trump lacky going down in flames.
Inevitably, they will indict him. That is if they don't get him on the classified document fiasco, first. Or the fraud in New York.

Coal is going away no matter what they do, guy. All over the world, people are shuttering their coal plants.

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Yes, but she won't be when Ranked Ballots are counted in the second round, and all those Democrats who picked her as their second choice chime in. That will be another Trump lacky going down in flames.

It is a civil suit. There os no criminal complaint. STFU!

Coal is exported.
Only a matter of time before it turns into criminal charges... although he'll probably be in jail on the Classified Documents and January 6 raps before then.
Turns into a criminal charge? Leticia James has nothing, which is why there are no criminal charges! You really are clueless and uninformed!

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