
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
No they haven't, because Republicans will not fix anything! Nothing! They don't do jack shit in office! Ever! Thanks America! Thanks a lot!
Conscience? really? So Republican right? No one, who considers himself a conservative, could vote for the absolute garbage brought forth by the SJW left. Indoctrinating kids with the B.S they can change their God given sex. Telling kids that because two people couldn't keep it in their pants, that they should be able to kill the unborn in the womb. Fetterman is for legalizing HEROINE and setting up safe spaces to shoot up. The party that doesn't bel;eive at the end of a shift tha a police officer should be able to go home and see his family. The party that brought you record inflation, and 20% drop in your 401K, and want to force you to pay off someone else's college debt. trump tweeted mean stuff but biden called me a fascist, Hillary called me a deplorable, and Sonny Hostin called white women who vote republican roaches. Spare me your B.S by the way how was Trump xenophobic that is a line straight from the Democrat talking points during covid

Yeah, my conscience. Sorry you don't seem to know what one is. Other than having voted primarily Republican my whole life, I indicating no other voting pattern except that I didn't always vote strictly Republican on my ballots. So, judging by your reply, I'm guessing that you are too ignorant to recognize that there are other choices besides Republicans and Democrats. Yeah, I know, right? Shocking! Not to mention the fact that neither party is what they were 30 or even 20 years ago. Today, they are mere shadows of what they used to be...

You amuse me with the conclusions you've drawn about me, based on what? One? Two posts? You think you know me? Get fucking real, asshat. Keep your assumptions, stuff what you think you know, because you know nothing about me you Trumpian skidmark.

Fuck off.
You mean the church they tried to burn down?

Nope, they were peacefully demonstrating.

Actually, the Democrats raised the ante on the national debt from 3 trillion to 32 trillion. Please retire your idiot informant. Thank you.

Uh, the guy who put us on the road to debt was Reagan. the previous 39 presidents, with all the wars and such, only ran up a trillion dollars in debt. We paid our debts, and the rich paid their fair share.

Then Ronald Reagan quadrupled the debt by cutting taxes on the rich. Clinton almost got a handle on it but then Bush did the same damned thing.

Can you provide some examples in context? I already know the answer to this question. You were fooled and continued to be fooled by your dear leaders.

Nope. I saw the tape of the shit Trump actually says... but you guys always have an excuse.

Oz isn't just a TV doctor but an actual doctor. He also has an MBA from Wharton. Federman is horrible on all fronts. THere is no comparison. The bar is pretty low in Pennsylvania if all it takes is to be a resident.
Oz is a guy who sells fake cures on his TV show... He's a bigger scam artist than Trump.
Protecting the Capitol was Nancy's responsibility. Her policy of "no National Guard" led directly to the riot. Expect the GOP House to get to the TRUTH with their subpoena power for Sund who requested the NG, the WH staff who requested the NG, and the Capitol Police Board (Stenger) who denied their requests based on Nancy's policy..

Trumpster Logic...

"Nancy, you need to call out the National Guard for this ceremonial event that has gone off without a hitch for 250 years because I am calling an angry mob to try to intimidate you into not certifying the election."

"Um, couldn't you just admit you lost, and not call in the angry mob?"
Yeah, my conscience. Sorry you don't seem to know what one is. Other than having voted primarily Republican my whole life, I indicating no other voting pattern except that I didn't always vote strictly Republican on my ballots. So, judging by your reply, I'm guessing that you are too ignorant to recognize that there are other choices besides Republicans and Democrats. Yeah, I know, right? Shocking! Not to mention the fact that neither party is what they were 30 or even 20 years ago. Today, they are mere shadows of what they used to be...

You amuse me with the conclusions you've drawn about me, based on what? One? Two posts? You think you know me? Get fucking real, asshat. Keep your assumptions, stuff what you think you know, because you know nothing about me you Trumpian skidmark.

Fuck off.
Trumpian skidmark ? That makes you transparent.
Nope, they were peacefully demonstrating.

Uh, the guy who put us on the road to debt was Reagan. the previous 39 presidents, with all the wars and such, only ran up a trillion dollars in debt. We paid our debts, and the rich paid their fair share.

Then Ronald Reagan quadrupled the debt by cutting taxes on the rich. Clinton almost got a handle on it but then Bush did the same damned thing.

Nope. I saw the tape of the shit Trump actually says... but you guys always have an excuse.

Oz is a guy who sells fake cures on his TV show... He's a bigger scam artist than Trump.
The church was vandalized by those thugs.
Trumpster Logic...

"Nancy, you need to call out the National Guard for this ceremonial event that has gone off without a hitch for 250 years because I am calling an angry mob to try to intimidate you into not certifying the election."
"Um, couldn't you just admit you lost, and not call in the angry mob?"
Duh, Trump wanted the NG there to PROTECT the rally from the democrat's angry mob.
Sure that’s fine. I just don’t think they realized that their convictions are strongly opposed by many, many people. Hence the cost for pushing your convictions onto others.
You are likely correct there. The talking heads on the right like to focus like a laser on abortion until birth which is a wildly unpopular position. Then they ignore the fact that no abortion except in the case of rape or incest is also a wildly unpopular position.

The real kick in the ass is if you ask most people, including republicans, they generally agree with what Roe actually said, open access until a certain point and then regulated by the state. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot as this is where the law is going to settle at anyway.
Well, that explains why kids are so piss-ignorant about civics, and why only 37% of Americans can name their congressman.

Um, I think you are confused, buddy.

Right now, there are only three seats that haven't been called. The Democrats have 48, the Repukes have 49. Only Arizona (not Alaska), Nevada and Georgia haven't been called.

Arizona, Kelley is leading, and most of the uncounted votes are in Democratic Maricopa county. So that brings the Democrats to 49. Nevada, it looks like the Republican will win. So that leaves Georgia, where Warnock has an advantage going in, and Herschell has largely disqualified himself between his fake claims to be a law enforcement officer and the revelation that he paid for abortions.

So we are going to have a 50-50 senate again, with Harris casting deciding votes.

You are so fucking stupid you said I was confused, You are the fucktard who is confused.

Who won the Senate race in Alaska? They used ranked choice voting and HOPE to have the results within the next 2 weeks! The top two candidates are BOTH Republicans, so that is a guaranteed win.

Your opinion of Walker is a non-starter.

With 49 already in the bank, they can add Alaska, Nevada and Georgia for a total of 52.
It is an important point, but you lack the IQ to understand why.

Well, he might be worse but he is not better that is for sure. He is a carpetbagger TV doctor that has not lived in the state since 1986 and knows nothing of the needs of the state or its people.
Yu lie. He moved to PA in 2020. He is registered to vote, has a concealed carry permit and pays taxes in PA!
Protecting the Capitol was Nancy's responsibility. Her policy of "no National Guard" led directly to the riot. Expect the GOP House to get to the TRUTH with their subpoena power for Sund who requested the NG, the WH staff who requested the NG, and the Capitol Police Board (Stenger) who denied their requests based on Nancy's policy..

That said, Trump should NEVER have held that "sour grapes" rally.
It should NEVER have been "permitted" at the Capital.
Or if permitted, the NG should have been there.
Hey stupid! The rally was near the White House on the Ellipse. Catch a fucking clue, nimrod!
Conscience? really? So Republican right? No one, who considers himself a conservative, could vote for the absolute garbage brought forth by the SJW left. Indoctrinating kids with the B.S they can change their God given sex. Telling kids that because two people couldn't keep it in their pants, that they should be able to kill the unborn in the womb. Fetterman is for legalizing HEROINE and setting up safe spaces to shoot up. The party that doesn't bel;eive at the end of a shift tha a police officer should be able to go home and see his family. The party that brought you record inflation, and 20% drop in your 401K, and want to force you to pay off someone else's college debt. trump tweeted mean stuff but biden called me a fascist, Hillary called me a deplorable, and Sonny Hostin called white women who vote republican roaches. Spare me your B.S by the way how was Trump xenophobic that is a line straight from the Democrat talking points during covid

Why shouldn't female heroes be legal? :abgg2q.jpg:
Trumpster Logic...

"Nancy, you need to call out the National Guard for this ceremonial event that has gone off without a hitch for 250 years because I am calling an angry mob to try to intimidate you into not certifying the election."

"Um, couldn't you just admit you lost, and not call in the angry mob?"

Nancy has virtually nothing to do with the election other than being a member of the California delegation.
You are so fucking stupid you said I was confused, You are the fucktard who is confused.

Who won the Senate race in Alaska? They used ranked choice voting and HOPE to have the results within the next 2 weeks! The top two candidates are BOTH Republicans, so that is a guaranteed win.

Your opinion of Walker is a non-starter.

With 49 already in the bank, they can add Alaska, Nevada and Georgia for a total of 52.

Alaska is already being counted as part of the 49 seats the GOP has. They need to win Arizona (they won't) Nevada (they might) and Georgia (they still won't)

So we go back to the status quote we had before of a 50/50 senate.
Nancy has virtually nothing to do with the election other than being a member of the California delegation.
Try paying attention, dummy. The idiot was trying to claim that it was Nancy's fault the National Guard wasn't guarding the Capitol from the angry mob that Trump incited.

Which is pretty much like blaming a rape victim for not wearing modest enough clothing.

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