
You misunderstood, Fetterman was a terrible candidate, and he was running against an equally bad one.

Once again, people are stuck choosing between syphilis or gonorrhea and then people like you freak out when they pick the one you would not have.
Fetterman without his Lucifer Goatee.

Come to PA: Free Heroin, Crack, $0 Bail and we allow you to interbreed with your sister!
What could go wrong, Yous Guyz?
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J6 wouldn't have happened if Trump hadn't riled up a few thousand supporters to storm the capitol.
Sweet evil Jesus, man, you sound like one of those guys who blame rape victims for dressing provocatively.
Protecting the Capitol was Nancy's responsibility. Her policy of "no National Guard" led directly to the riot. Expect the GOP House to get to the TRUTH with their subpoena power for Sund who requested the NG, the WH staff who requested the NG, and the Capitol Police Board (Stenger) who denied their requests based on Nancy's policy..

That said, Trump should NEVER have held that "sour grapes" rally.
It should NEVER have been "permitted" at the Capital.
Or if permitted, the NG should have been there.
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They learned jack and shit. Nothing. Trump is still their king. It's a fucking embarrassment they call themselves Republicans. I was a registered Republican from day one when I turned 18 and could vote, though I did not always vote straight party since I can think for myself. I went unaffiliated when Bush went into Iraq, but still leaned right and still do. Trump was the worst mistake the GOP ever made.

And his supporters? For most of them he was nothing but a punchline prior to coming down that escalator, announcing his decision to run, then spewing his xenophobic bullshit and the rest of his claptrap. How he fooled so many people boggles the mind. And they continue to be clueless about how bad he really is... Fuck, he could not beat the cognitively impaired Biden! The worst candidate since Hillary!

The more he vomits his bullshit and the more they brainlessly parrot it, the farther away they drive Republicans like me. I'll won't go over to the dark side, either one of them... I'll continue to vote my conscience and sleep well at night.

Conscience? really? So Republican right? No one, who considers himself a conservative, could vote for the absolute garbage brought forth by the SJW left. Indoctrinating kids with the B.S they can change their God given sex. Telling kids that because two people couldn't keep it in their pants, that they should be able to kill the unborn in the womb. Fetterman is for legalizing HEROINE and setting up safe spaces to shoot up. The party that doesn't bel;eive at the end of a shift tha a police officer should be able to go home and see his family. The party that brought you record inflation, and 20% drop in your 401K, and want to force you to pay off someone else's college debt. trump tweeted mean stuff but biden called me a fascist, Hillary called me a deplorable, and Sonny Hostin called white women who vote republican roaches. Spare me your B.S by the way how was Trump xenophobic that is a line straight from the Democrat talking points during covid
I'm telling you what the Dem attack will be. Dems (with nothing else to run on) will make 2024 all about the right to choose. Also, my left pinky is more conservative than most conservatives on this site, make a note.
The DimTards should have been plural. Sorry.
All the Election Fraud Machinery from 2020 was still in place. America will rarely see fair elections again until enough people care to remove the bullshit Democrats put in place to try to turn America into a One Party Rule like California has established.

Fraud is a Democrat's Best Friend.

America is circling the drain.

It's amazing what can be accomplished when almost the entirety of the mainstream and social media works 24/4 for the globalist party in order to convince the American populace that freedom is slavery and ignorance strength.
Why do you think they are melting down because their exclusive left wing vice grip on Twitter was taken away from them? 😀
Maybe you "sane" folks should find a candidate that actually lives in the state and whose only claim to fame is being TV doctor.
Maybe you dipshit Libertarians should find candidates that can actually win when only running against a single democrat opponent,Instead of lecturing everyone else as to what they should be doing. Libertarians had two in NM and both LOST.

Maybe you dipshit Libertarians should find candidates that can actually win when only running against a single democrat opponent,Instead of lecturing everyone else as to what they should be doing. Libertarians had two in NM and both LOST.


The Top 3 priorities for the Libertarian candidate for Gov of NM.

Absolute protection of the 2nd Amendment
American Energy with Safety
Limit restrictions and taxation on the American Dream

I can see why you hate her so much, you do not support any of those things it seems.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
Cheating wins.
The Top 3 priorities for the Libertarian candidate for Gov of NM.

Absolute protection of the 2nd Amendment
American Energy with Safety
Limit restrictions and taxation on the American Dream

I can see why you hate her so much, you do not support any of those things it seems.
What does that have to do with anything I said? Your candidates can’t even win when their only other opponent is a DEMOCRAT. Think about that for a moment. Who the hell are you assholes appealing to? No one!

Yet …you want to lecture everyone else? You are idiots. Why should anyone listen to anything you say?
What does that have to do with anything I said? Your candidates can’t even win when their only other opponent is a DEMOCRAT. Think about that for a moment. Who the hell are you assholes appealing to? No one!

Yet …you want to lecture everyone else? You are idiots. Why should anyone listen to anything you say?

Is it our candidates fault that you all have sold your souls to a political party and refuse to vote for anyone not of that party?

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