
They also put up good candidates (e.g. Bolduc & Masters), that the "leadership" refused to support, in favor of throwing money at shit candidates who would be dutiful thralls to "leadership" if elected....Meanwhile, J.D. Vance won despite them.

So, yeah, we're both right, for slightly differing reasons....It's the "leadership" that sucks out loud.
At least that is a problem that should be fixing itself. I cannot see how there would not be a leadership shift after this mess.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
I see where you're going with this. You'd think, when observing the pathetic state of their opponents, the humiliation of losing to them would be too much to bear. You'd think it would give them pause to reconsider their course.

But this approach fails to reach them. Humiliation depends on dignity, self-awareness, a sense of shame. Trump has freed Republicans from such hindrances.
I see where you're going with this. You'd think, when observing the pathetic state of their opponents, the humiliation of losing to them would be too much to bear. You'd think it would give them pause to reconsider their course.

But this approach fails to reach them. Humiliation depends on dignity, self-awareness, a sense of shame. Trump has freed Republicans from such hindrances.

You know, upon reflection I think you nailed it.
Hey shit for brains! I taught "civics" in high school. It is my professional opinion as an educator you are a dumbass.

Well, that explains why kids are so piss-ignorant about civics, and why only 37% of Americans can name their congressman.

Republicans have 49 seats as of this moment and their candidates in Nevada, and Alaska are winning. The election in Georgia is not over until December 6th. If those three win, it will be 52-48 Republicans.

You obviously have blinders on.

Um, I think you are confused, buddy.

Right now, there are only three seats that haven't been called. The Democrats have 48, the Repukes have 49. Only Arizona (not Alaska), Nevada and Georgia haven't been called.

Arizona, Kelley is leading, and most of the uncounted votes are in Democratic Maricopa county. So that brings the Democrats to 49. Nevada, it looks like the Republican will win. So that leaves Georgia, where Warnock has an advantage going in, and Herschell has largely disqualified himself between his fake claims to be a law enforcement officer and the revelation that he paid for abortions.

So we are going to have a 50-50 senate again, with Harris casting deciding votes.
1. Manchin would get his pipeline, that's why.

2. Democrat lies have nothing to do with J6. Lies just keep the low info voters on the plantation.

3. True, the GOP 2024 primary will be a slugfest. So whoever wins will be battle tested. A 3rd party won't happen, that's just a waste of money.

1. Nope. Pipelines have nothing to do with who controls the Senate.
2. J6 was scary to most sane people.
3. Contested primaries are never a good thing. Someone always goes home mad. Just ask Hillary. All the Bernie Bros who stayed home in the general election doomed her. But a DeSatan/Hump contest would be so much worse. You think Trump will happily accept defeat? NOPE! He's still bitching about losing in 2020.

Trump would've stopped the violence, but you loons loved the violence. Summer of love, remember?

ACA is the only thing from his presidency, and it raised medical cost. In record numbers.

Trump would have only made things worse... and largely he did, like when he shot rubber bullets at protestors in front of a church so he could get a photo op. Cities rejected his help and rightfully so.
They also put up good candidates (e.g. Bolduc & Masters), that the "leadership" refused to support, in favor of throwing money at shit candidates who would be dutiful thralls to "leadership" if elected....Meanwhile, J.D. Vance won despite them.

So, yeah, we're both right, for slightly differing reasons....It's the "leadership" that sucks out loud.

You think Bolduc was a good candidate? The guy who believed the story about litter boxes for kids who identified as cats was true?
Why should us sane folks stoop to the level of those crazy enough to vote for someone like Fetterman?

Maybe you "sane" folks should find a candidate that actually lives in the state and whose only claim to fame is being TV doctor.
Well, that explains why kids are so piss-ignorant about civics, and why only 37% of Americans can name their congressman.

Um, I think you are confused, buddy.

Right now, there are only three seats that haven't been called. The Democrats have 48, the Repukes have 49. Only Arizona (not Alaska), Nevada and Georgia haven't been called.

Arizona, Kelley is leading, and most of the uncounted votes are in Democratic Maricopa county. So that brings the Democrats to 49. Nevada, it looks like the Republican will win. So that leaves Georgia, where Warnock has an advantage going in, and Herschell has largely disqualified himself between his fake claims to be a law enforcement officer and the revelation that he paid for abortions.

So we are going to have a 50-50 senate again, with Harris casting deciding votes.
I will watch Prog families die in front of me. You evil scumbags.
1. Nope. Pipelines have nothing to do with who controls the Senate.
2. J6 was scary to most sane people.
3. Contested primaries are never a good thing. Someone always goes home mad. Just ask Hillary. All the Bernie Bros who stayed home in the general election doomed her. But a DeSatan/Hump contest would be so much worse. You think Trump will happily accept defeat? NOPE! He's still bitching about losing in 2020.
Trump would have only made things worse... and largely he did, like when he shot rubber bullets at protestors in front of a church so he could get a photo op. Cities rejected his help and rightfully so.
1. Did you forget already that Manchin was promised a pipeline until Lucy pulled the football away? Joe needs to switch to the GOP to support his energy state, the reddest state.

2. J6 would never have happened if Nancy let the National Guard protect the capitol, as requested by the Capitol Police Chief and Trump. GOP hearings will investigate her rationale'.

3. Trump will be too old to give a shit if he loses. He won't go away mad, but he will go away.
Well, that explains why kids are so piss-ignorant about civics, and why only 37% of Americans can name their congressman.

Um, I think you are confused, buddy.

Right now, there are only three seats that haven't been called. The Democrats have 48, the Repukes have 49. Only Arizona (not Alaska), Nevada and Georgia haven't been called.

Arizona, Kelley is leading, and most of the uncounted votes are in Democratic Maricopa county. So that brings the Democrats to 49. Nevada, it looks like the Republican will win. So that leaves Georgia, where Warnock has an advantage going in, and Herschell has largely disqualified himself between his fake claims to be a law enforcement officer and the revelation that he paid for abortions.

So we are going to have a 50-50 senate again, with Harris casting deciding votes.
In real ways of living. You either represent or are the worst of Prog promoted patriotism or survival. Die mutha. Die mutha. Die mutha. Ken Counts must die.
2. J6 would never have happened if Nancy let the National Guard protect the capitol, as requested by the Capitol Police Chief and Trump. GOP hearings will investigate her rationale'.

J6 wouldn't have happened if Trump hadn't riled up a few thousand supporters to storm the capitol.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, you sound like one of those guys who blame rape victims for dressing provocatively.
1. Nope. Pipelines have nothing to do with who controls the Senate.
2. J6 was scary to most sane people.
3. Contested primaries are never a good thing. Someone always goes home mad. Just ask Hillary. All the Bernie Bros who stayed home in the general election doomed her. But a DeSatan/Hump contest would be so much worse. You think Trump will happily accept defeat? NOPE! He's still bitching about losing in 2020.

Trump would have only made things worse... and largely he did, like when he shot rubber bullets at protestors in front of a church so he could get a photo op. Cities rejected his help and rightfully so.
You mean the church they tried to burn down?
Really, when I was a kid, my parents said that Democrats bring us wars and Republicans bring us recessions. Which was a true observation in the 1970's.

Today, Republicans bring us recessions AND wars.
Actually, the Democrats raised the ante on the national debt from 3 trillion to 32 trillion. Please retire your idiot informant. Thank you.
The National Guard wasn't going to help the riots that only happened because of Trump's racism

Can you provide some examples in context? I already know the answer to this question. You were fooled and continued to be fooled by your dear leaders.
Maybe you "sane" folks should find a candidate that actually lives in the state and whose only claim to fame is being TV doctor.
Oz isn't just a TV doctor but an actual doctor. He also has an MBA from Wharton. Federman is horrible on all fronts. THere is no comparison. The bar is pretty low in Pennsylvania if all it takes is to be a resident.

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