
Uh, wow, did you fail civics in grammar school. Besides the fact there won't be a Republican Senate, and the house will be a very weak majority, the president has a lot of power on his own in the lack of action by Congress.

Did you guys learn nothing from the Teabaggers or the Contract on America?

Meh, one county? Big whup.
Hey shit for brains! I taught "civics" in high school. It is my professional opinion as an educator you are a dumbass.

There won't be a Republican Senate?

Republicans have 49 seats as of this moment and their candidates in Nevada, and Alaska are winning. The election in Georgia is not over until December 6th. If those three win, it will be 52-48 Republicans.

You obviously have blinders on.
Why would he? He frankly has more power as the 50th Democrat than the 51st Republican.

Uh, you guys helped create that image. You know, storming the capitol, threatening to change election laws in swing states so you win, etc. Oh, yeah, and overturning Roe v. Wade.

Assuming a very popular Biden doesn't run again, Pritzker or Newsom would make fine candidates.

The bigger problem you have is that a contest between Trump and DeSantis would wreck your party. Trump might even do what he threatened to do in 2012, run as a third party candidate if his ring isn't kissed.
He may be the 5oth powerful Democrat but he is about to be demoted to number 48 in a minority party in the Senate.
Republicans should have learned their message is divisive and devoid of ideas. Instead they learned they need to gerrymander and disenfranchise more. They are dumb creatures who think progress is evil magic.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.
It's amazing what can be accomplished when almost the entirety of the mainstream and social media works 24/4 for the globalist party in order to convince the American populace that freedom is slavery and ignorance strength.
Always an excuse always blame, Never we don't always pick the best people,, we make mistakes too. Just hate & blame.
Fucking Duh, there just isn't that much to cut.

Here, let me help you out.

View attachment 723373
National Defense, Social Security, Medicare, and interest on the debt make up 69% of the budget. None of those things can really be cut. Social programs include Medicaid, which can't be cut, either.
Eliminate all of that unconstitutional socialist bullshit and cut defense spending in at least half too.

Make the goddam rich pay their fair share.
They already pay way too much and a blatantly unfair (to them) share, retard.
The party also has a trio of "leaders" (McCarthy, McTurtle, & McDaniel) who refused to support and fund candidates in races that were winnable.

You really think that didn't play a significant part of the big red popcorn fart?
When did I say that did not play a role.

Holy shit, is the right unable to understand what a damn question is.

So your 'lesson' would be you need new leadership. Was that so fucking hard?

I would say that was only part of it though. There are some serious problems with the candidates themselves taking winnable races to easy D victories. Fetterman is not going to be drooling on a senate desk because Oz did not get funding.
It's amazing what can be accomplished when almost the entirety of the mainstream and social media works 24/4 for the globalist party in order to convince the American populace that freedom is slavery and ignorance strength.
And that ain't gona change in the next decade so continuing to bitch about it only ensure continued losing.
When did I say that did not play a role.
Didn't say you did or didn't....Ever hear of a "rhetorical question"?
Holy shit, is the right unable to understand what a damn question is.

So your 'lesson' would be you need new leadership. Was that so fucking hard?
Well, that's kinda what I was getting at.....Hence the rhetorical question.
I would say that was only part of it though. There are some serious problems with the candidates themselves taking winnable races to easy D victories. Fetterman is not going to be drooling on a senate desk because Oz did not get funding.
Oz was...

1) Unrelatable.....His little bit talking about inflation viz. "crudites" was cringe AF.


2) Incapable of swaying the republicans who didn't support him in the primary to join the effort.

Democrats will literally vote for a vegetable with a (D) by its name...The republican voters who could have showed up, but didn't, aren't so easy.
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Didn't say you did or didn't....Ever hear of a "rhetorical question"?

Well, that's kinda what I was getting at.....Hence the rhetorical question.

Oz was...

1) Unrelatable.....His little bit talking about inflation viz. "crudites" was cringe AF.


2) Incapable of swaying the republicans who didn't support him in the primary to join the effort.

Democrats will literally vote for a vegetable with a (D) by its name...The republican voters who could have showed up, but didn't, aren't so easy.
I thin that was a general problem across the races though. The republicans put up a lot of really shit candidates. Trump helped that quite a bit as well. Several even backed by democrat money, a rather dangerous play but it seems to have worked.
Why would he? He frankly has more power as the 50th Democrat than the 51st Republican.

Uh, you guys helped create that image. You know, storming the capitol, threatening to change election laws in swing states so you win, etc. Oh, yeah, and overturning Roe v. Wade.

Assuming a very popular Biden doesn't run again, Pritzker or Newsom would make fine candidates.
The bigger problem you have is that a contest between Trump and DeSantis would wreck your party. Trump might even do what he threatened to do in 2012, run as a third party candidate if his ring isn't kissed.
1. Manchin would get his pipeline, that's why.

2. Democrat lies have nothing to do with J6. Lies just keep the low info voters on the plantation.

3. True, the GOP 2024 primary will be a slugfest. So whoever wins will be battle tested. A 3rd party won't happen, that's just a waste of money.
I thin that was a general problem across the races though. The republicans put up a lot of really shit candidates. Trump helped that quite a bit as well. Several even backed by democrat money, a rather dangerous play but it seems to have worked.
They also put up good candidates (e.g. Bolduc & Masters), that the "leadership" refused to support, in favor of throwing money at shit candidates who would be dutiful thralls to "leadership" if elected....Meanwhile, J.D. Vance won despite them.

So, yeah, we're both right, for slightly differing reasons....It's the "leadership" that sucks out loud.
The National Guard wasn't going to help the riots that only happened because of Trump's racism.
They certainly wouldn't have helped the Plague and Recession that Trump brought.

Not really. Obama was easily re-elected and the ACA remained in force.
Trump would've stopped the violence, but you loons loved the violence. Summer of love, remember?

ACA is the only thing from his presidency, and it raised medical cost. In record numbers.

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